From the studio that brought you 27 Dresses and The Devil Wears Prada:
Rumor was spreading that the first test screening went badly and FOX was scrambling to reshoot. Either FOX managed to spin it the other way, or the original rumor was exaggerated.
According to FOX, the "disastrous" test screening still scored above 90%, but the reshoots happened because everyone asked for more Cable and more Domino, which I take as a very good sign. If the test audience demands more of your straight man, your comedy is doing something right.
I have one minor complaint. I don't mind that they race-flipped Domino at all, but because they used a light-skinned African-American woman, they probably should have stuck with the black face makeup. The white makeup would have worked better with a darker-skinned actress. My gripe is largely irrelevant, and a minor quibble though. If test audiences demanded more of that character, they clearly got something right.