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George Floyd murderer's trial

What Do You Think The Jury Will Do?

  • Murder in the 2nd Degree

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Manslaughter

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Not Guilty

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Hung Jury

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Murder in the 3rd Degree

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
We all saw what the girl from the Safeway recorded on her phone. The bystanders were pleading with the cop to let him up. Even one of the officers questioned Floyd's killer while he was doing so.
And we also saw that he was saying "I can't breath" when they were trying to seat him in the cop car. Point is, the jury verdict does not muzzle free debate.
No one said it does. It also does not muzzle those who willfully misrepresent the facts.
We all saw what the girl from the Safeway recorded on her phone. The bystanders were pleading with the cop to let him up. Even one of the officers questioned Floyd's killer while he was doing so.
And we also saw that he was saying "I can't breath" when they were trying to seat him in the cop car. Point is, the jury verdict does not muzzle free debate.
Maybe we should get back to basics.

Oleg, do you, you specifically, think George Floyd wad murdered? Why/Why not?

I think he was because a criminal said he was. I am also aware of what the initial police report was and I am aware of the original end of life report. I am also very much aware of the context of those original reports so that is why I am satisfied with my argument that George Floyd wad murdered.

So, Oleg, do you specifically think George Floyd was murdered?
Oh look, Oleg is already drowning in bullshit, it won't matter if I hold his head down so he can't come up for air right?
What bullshit? I gave you the link, FFS. But let's get your fentanyl blood level to 11 ng/ML and see how you do.
r/whoosh. "I'm not saying this killed him" FFS. Look Oleg, my comment went over your head, it's all good. What I mean to say is that the officer's actions (well inaction) was not a form of medical treatment. He kneeled on an unconscious man in need of medical attention "FFS". Kneeled on him for an unreasonable amount of time. Don't they, do that for someone resisting arrest? Well, he wasn't resisting for a significant amount of time.
Are you denying that Floyd's level of blood fentanyl is usually fatal?
That seems like a reasonable denial, if only on the basis that Floyd didn't usually die.
Like, I've been wrong before. Embarrassingly wrong. I admitted that I was embarrassingly wrong, when I was embarrassingly wrong.

Why is it so pathologically hard for some people to admit they were embarrassingly wrong?

I can only assume it is because their ego is like a single, fragile snowflake, ready to shatter should they subject it to such.
They are proudly wrong.
We all saw what the girl from the Safeway recorded on her phone. The bystanders were pleading with the cop to let him up. Even one of the officers questioned Floyd's killer while he was doing so.
And we also saw that he was saying "I can't breath" when they were trying to seat him in the cop car. Point is, the jury verdict does not muzzle free debate.
What I find odd is if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report? They tried to cuff him in the car, he resisted, then he died of a "medical incident" after being cuffed.
MPD said:
Two officers arrived and located the suspect, a male believed to be in his 40s, in his car. He was ordered to step from his car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance. He was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambulance where he died a short time later.

At no time were weapons of any type used by anyone involved in this incident. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension has been called in to investigate this incident at the request of the Minneapolis Police Department.
No word on physically restraining him, or knees to necks for several minutes. The above text would have been gospel had the killing not been caught on camera! So, if what they did was acceptable, why in the heck isn't all (any) of that acceptable action noted in detail in the report?
No word on physically restraining him, or knees to necks for several minutes.
*media snip*
You didn't remotely address my post, which asked "if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report?" The report doesn't say x number of officers were required to subdue the man... they just said they cuffed him and then they noticed he was exhibiting signs of medical distress (which in this case was, he was close to dead from asphyxiation).
No word on physically restraining him, or knees to necks for several minutes.
*media snip*
You didn't remotely address my post, which asked "if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report?" The report doesn't say x number of officers were required to subdue the man... they just said they cuffed him and then they noticed he was exhibiting signs of medical distress (which in this case was, he was close to dead from asphyxiation).
Uh, he didn’t have his knee on the neck.
No word on physically restraining him, or knees to necks for several minutes.

When do we get the video proving Sun revolves around the Earth?

Ah, in your alternate universe fentanyl doesn’t impede respiration. He was saying “I can’t breathe” before he was ever on the ground because…

So fucking what? Mr. Floyd was alive when he spoke. Your attempts to befog the obvious portrays a profound disrespect for the truth and people.

Apparently in your miasma, restricting the respiratory function of someone who is respiratory distress cannot cause any additional harm.
So fucking what? Mr. Floyd was alive when he spoke.
Hello? He was saying he couldn’t breathe. That’s why they had to take him out of the cop car. That he could speak before the fentanyl finally did him is a surprise to you, why? Lots of addicts on the verge of death able to speak before the narcan.
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No word on physically restraining him, or knees to necks for several minutes.
*media snip*
You didn't remotely address my post, which asked "if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report?" The report doesn't say x number of officers were required to subdue the man... they just said they cuffed him and then they noticed he was exhibiting signs of medical distress (which in this case was, he was close to dead from asphyxiation).
Uh, he didn’t have his knee on the neck.
So, are you just going to not answer the question? "if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report?"
No word on physically restraining him, or knees to necks for several minutes.
*media snip*
You didn't remotely address my post, which asked "if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report?" The report doesn't say x number of officers were required to subdue the man... they just said they cuffed him and then they noticed he was exhibiting signs of medical distress (which in this case was, he was close to dead from asphyxiation).
Uh, he didn’t have his knee on the neck.
So, are you just going to not answer the question? "if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report?"
I don’t know why you find this significant. Cops don’t like writing reports, so they keep them brief. Nothing in the police report was false. (Do you really imagine that police do minute to minute detail in reports?). And we have all these videos and the toxicology report; so the police report is irrelevant. You’re simply ad hoc imposing greater obligation for detail because this later became a national story.
So, are you just going to not answer the question? "if what the police did was above board and legitimate, why did they mention almost nothing about the events of the arrest in their report?"
I don’t know why you find this significant.
You don't know why it is significant if a report regarding the death of someone taken into custody glosses over, almost the entire incident... and speaks to a medical issue as if it just occurred spontaneously?
Cops don’t like writing reports, so they keep them brief. Nothing in the police report was false.
Nothing would also be a good word to describe the actual details presented in the report.
(Do you really imagine that police do minute to minute detail in reports?). And we have all these videos and the toxicology report; so the police report is irrelevant. You’re simply ad hoc imposing greater obligation for detail because this later became a national story.
I'm not expecting a screenplay. But if several officers are required to subdue a suspect, that'd take a sentence. That it took over 10 minutes to subdue him, also very relevant, take just a sentence. The omission that their physical altercation having a substantially and likely impact on his cause of death... they'd want to spin it, but that might take a paragraph.
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It is doubtful that Ollie has ever worked for or with LE, especially American LE. He has a distinctive TV image of what it’s like.
So fucking what? Mr. Floyd was alive when he spoke.
Hello? He was saying he couldn’t breathe.
Which means he was alive. Duh.
That’s why they had to take him out of the cop car. That he could speak before the fentanyl finally did him is a surprise to you,
What is a surprise to me is that you continue to ignore the restriction of Mr. Floyd's respiratory function via Mr. Chauvin's brutal actions. For some reason, you think that 8 + minutes played no role in Mr. Floyd's death. R

So fucking what? Mr. Floyd was alive when he spoke.
Hello? He was saying he couldn’t breathe. That’s why they had to take him out of the cop car. That he could speak before the fentanyl finally did him is a surprise to you, why? Lots of addicts on the verge of death able to speak before the narcan.

Your nonsense has been addressed in detail in a previous post. One that you never responded to. No surprise there, since you not willing to engage on the content, as the content, the facts uncovered at trial, contradict your position. Floyd died because of a felony assault perpetrated on him by the police. There is no doubt in this matter. I have highlighted the important bit since you obviously don't have the desire and/or the ability to read anything longer than a sentence or two.
This is such an incredibly stupid thing to say. Its like saying that the deceased victim of a gunshot wound to the chest had clogged coronary arteries, while ignoring the 2-inch hole in his heart that had been caused by the passage of a 9mm hollow point projectile through it.

Here are some facts of the case as revealed through testimony at Chauvin's murder trial:

1. There is video evidence and testimony that Mr Floyd was walking about and interacting normally with people just prior to his arrest. He was apparently NOT undergoing any sort of a life-threatening medical crisis.
2. The police committed felony assault on Mr Floyd. He was restrained and nonviolent, but the police decided to take him out of the police vehicle and lay him on the ground so they could inflict pain on him. It is doubtful that the police had even conducted an investigation into his alleged crime (passing a counterfeit bill) sufficient to establish probable cause for the arrest, and the seizure may not even have been legal.
3. The assault by the police rendered Mr Floyd unable to breathe for about 9 minutes. We have video where Mr Floyd repeatedly tells his assailants that he could not breathe, and the testimony of medical experts and experts in the use of force telling us the same thing.
4. We know Mr Floyd stopped breathing somewhere along the 9 minute assault. We know that one of the officers involved in the assault commented that Mr Floyd had stopped breathing, and suggested to the others that they turn Mr Floyd on his side to allow him to be resuscitated. We know that this suggestion was ignored for at least 3 minutes, 3 minutes where the police could have tried to render first aid and save Mr Floyd's life. We know that the assault on Mr Floyd continued until a paramedic reached the scene and asked Chauvin to stop assaulting Mr Floyd so he could render aid.
5. The medical experts testified that Mr Floyd's death was likely caused by the illegal assault and asphyxiation for about 9 minutes.

But one doesn't really need to be an expert forensic pathologist to understand how and why Mr Floyd died, one only has to watch the video footage recorded by bystanders and the officers' body cameras. The fentanyl may have been a contributing factor, but it certainly wasn't the reason why Mr Floyd did not survive the assault. Death is an easily predicted outcome of asphyxiating someone for 9 minutes. The whole world watched these videos, of a helpless black man being killed on the street like an animal, and millions came out to protest. But some people still try to find excuses to rationalize this criminal behavior by the police and mitigate the heinousness of their actions. Fucking loathsome.
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