Tucker may actually believe the right wing nutterbutter nonsense he traffics in, but I have doubts. He's simply too literate and knows how to use the language. His father was director of Voice of America and president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Tucker got a degree in history from Trinity College (Connecticut.) Now, it's very believable that he's right of center, but to me, it's unlikely that he believes the drivel he pushed to become a Fox star. I think he made the cynical calculation that there was a fortune to be made catering to the lunacy, stupidity, and racial paranoia of the Moscow Marjorie voter. And he was correct. I love it that his private emails reveal that he sees Trump as I do. You're so right, Tuck. Trump is 'a demonic force, a destroyer', and 'there really isn't an upside' to the wretch. I, too, 'hate him passionately.' The difference is, I didn't have to subsequently make loud, slurpy kisses on Trump's rear end. Tucker's developed a taste for that.