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GOP Convention

I will be so glad when your circus (sorry, damn election) leaves town.
You have >320 million people. How did you manage to select 2 old codgers? What is wrong with your audition panels (the word audition was chosen deliberately)?
Biden is hardly in my first four picks, but making any statement about Biden adjacent with Trump is ridiculous. Trump doesn't belong with 100 miles of DC. Biden at least has the pedigree to be a President.
I will be so glad when your circus (sorry, damn election) leaves town.
You have >320 million people. How did you manage to select 2 old codgers? What is wrong with your audition panels (the word audition was chosen deliberately)?
Biden is hardly in my first four picks, but making any statement about Biden adjacent with Trump is ridiculous. Trump doesn't belong with 100 miles of DC. Biden at least has the pedigree to be a President.

Biden has never once spoken out against cannibals.

That's because the liberal elite meets in the stock room at Ping Pong Pizza at midnight to eat babies and enter fresh names in the Devil's Book. If you're there on the right night, you can watch Hillary dance the Watusi nude with Rachel Maddow.
So surprised Trump didn't go with Crazy Train for the convention theme.
I will be so glad when your circus (sorry, damn election) leaves town.
You have >320 million people. How did you manage to select 2 old codgers? What is wrong with your audition panels (the word audition was chosen deliberately)?

I'll look at the case of Trump first. Many US Presidents have run for re-election, and many of them have done so. I'll give the statistics:
  • Succeeded: G Washington, T Jefferson, J Madison, J Monroe, A Jackson || A Lincoln, US Grant, G Cleveland, W McKinley, T Roosevelt || W Wilson, C Coolidge, FD Roosevelt, H Truman, DD Eisenhower || LB Johnson, R Nixon, R Reagan, B Clinton, G Bush II || B Obama
  • Failed: J Adams, JQ Adams, M Van Buren, M Fillmore, B Harrison || WH Taft, H Hoover, G Ford, J Carter, G Bush I
  • Decided not to do so: J Tyler, JK Polk, F Pierce, J Buchanan, A Johnson || R Hayes, CA Arthur
  • Could not do so: WH Harrison, Z Taylor, J Garfield, W Harding, JF Kennedy
Sources:  List of presidents of the United States,  List of United States presidential candidates
  • Succeeded: 21
  • Failed: 10
  • Decided not to do so: 7
  • Could not do so: 5 (all from dying while in office)
Total: 43

So about 3/4 of the Presidents had sought re-election after their first complete or partial term in office, and of them, 2/3 of them had been re-elected, or 1/2 of all Presidents.

The last President who decided not to try to get re-elected is Chester A. Arthur, in office 1881 - 1885. His health was getting bad, and he died in 1886.

LBJ I am counting as successfully re-elected despite his not running in 1968. This is because he succeeded JFK in 1963, and he was already President when he was elected President in 1964.
Why no significant primary challenges to Trump? Many Republican politicians are very afraid of displeasing him. It's like he's Anthony Fremont, and he can send them out to the political cornfield by mobilizing his base of supporters against them.

As to Joe Biden, he was supported by a lot of the party leadership because he seemed "safe" and "electable". He was Obama's Vice President, and several VP's have run for President.

It is very suspicious that two ideologically similar candidates, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, dropped out a few days before the multiple primaries on "Super Tuesday". Meaning that the three wouldn't be splitting the centrist vote.
I will be so glad when your circus (sorry, damn election) leaves town.
You have >320 million people. How did you manage to select 2 old codgers? What is wrong with your audition panels (the word audition was chosen deliberately)?

Because our likable old codger was the best bet to beat their terrible old codger who beat the dreadful old hag that no one liked.
Try to keep up.
Andrea González-Ramírez on Twitter: ""Proud Latina" Kimberly Guilfoyle ..." / Twitter
"Proud Latina" Kimberly Guilfoyle should know that Puerto Ricans like her mother Mercedes have been U.S. citizens since 1917. Therefore, she was not an "immigrant."

There is a whole conversation to be had about Puerto Ricans in the diaspora whose lives are closer to the immigrant experience than other types of relocation. But that's.... not what she meant.

Here is Kimberly's full quote, for context: "My mother Mercedes was a special education teacher from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. My father, ALSO AN IMMIGRANT, came to this nation in pursue of the American dream." (Emphasis mine)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The woman the GOP picked as their “proud” Latina to tout “immigrant experience” didn’t seem to know that Puerto Rico is already part of the United States.
It’s quite on message, bc it reflects their belief that Latinos aren’t real citizens, even when we are Native descendants." / Twitter

AOC is a descendant of Puerto Ricans.

Ex-Staffer: Trump Wanted to Trade “Dirty” Puerto Rico for Greenland | Vanity Fair
Fact checking the GOP convention.


Here's a tiny fraction of items from night one. It just goes on and on. This topic might need its own thread. :rotfl:

  • Several speakers at the convention misleadingly portrayed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which President Donald Trump signed, as exclusively benefiting the middle class, while criticizing Biden’s tax plan as hurting “working families.” The Republican law largely benefited the wealthy, while the Biden proposed tax increases would fall mainly on the top 1% of taxpayers.
  • Trump claimed Democrats want to get rid of postal workers, when Democrats have repeatedly tried over Trump’s objections to get $25 billion in emergency funding for the U.S. Postal Service.
  • Trump wrongly claimed, “It used to take 17 years, 18 years, 20 years, 21 years … to get approval to build a highway,” but that under his administration, “we have it down to two years.” The latest statistics show the same or a bit longer median time in fiscal 2019 for projects to complete the environmental impact process than it took during the last five years of the Obama administration.
  • Donald Trump Jr. said his father “built the greatest economy our country has ever seen.” Not true. Economic growth and job growth have been faster under previous presidents.
  • A number of speakers falsely claimed that Biden supported defunding the police, part of a campaign to depict the Democratic nominee as soft on crime.
  • Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel claimed that Democrats support policies “like banning fossil fuels” and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley suggested that a Biden-Harris administration would “ban fracking.” While some Democrats back such proposals, Biden has only called for prohibiting new oil and gas leases on public lands and waters.
The GOP’s Fox News Convention | GEN - "The rhetoric on display Monday night showcased a party of Sean Hannity, not Mitt Romney"
“Trump is the bodyguard of Western civilization.”

That simple assertion, offered up by Turning Point USA leader Charlie Kirk at the start of the evening, was the fundamental theme of the Republican National Convention on Monday night.

Viewers were presented with two and a half hours that would register as familiar to anyone who has watched Fox News’ primetime lineup, with rhetoric far more reminiscent of Sean Hannity than Sen. Mitt Romney. It was a convention where cancel culture was a bigger threat than the coronavirus and socialist revolutionaries were knocking at the gates. It was Trump and Trump alone who could fix these problems.
Pompeo address to Republicans at odds with instruction to his own diplomats

The cable, like all State Department cables, went out under the secretary of state’s name.

“Presidential and political appointees ... may not engage in any partisan political activity in concert with a partisan campaign, political party, or partisan political group, even on personal time and outside of the federal workplace,” said the cable, entitled, “2020 Hatch Act/Political Activities.”

The fish is rotting in the usual manner. Fucking hypocrites.

ETA - Former (R) Rep.Trey Gowdy talking about his new book on the PBS NewsHour. First he blames the Republican vetting process for all the indictments but then concerning Pompeo he says "I'm biased towards him and I'd have a hard time being objective about it until I had more facts."
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The GOP’s Fox News Convention | GEN - "The rhetoric on display Monday night showcased a party of Sean Hannity, not Mitt Romney"
“Trump is the bodyguard of Western civilization.”

That simple assertion, offered up by Turning Point USA leader Charlie Kirk at the start of the evening, was the fundamental theme of the Republican National Convention on Monday night.

Viewers were presented with two and a half hours that would register as familiar to anyone who has watched Fox News’ primetime lineup, with rhetoric far more reminiscent of Sean Hannity than Sen. Mitt Romney. It was a convention where cancel culture was a bigger threat than the coronavirus and socialist revolutionaries were knocking at the gates. It was Trump and Trump alone who could fix these problems.

I'm consistently amazed at how ostensibly Christian persons can be so blind as to see someone as Christlike when they are, well, the antithesis: greedy, lazy, claims they do things they didn't, brags about how wealthy they are, etc..

Like, it's RIDICULOUS. If I were writing a book for the Christian community, and just changed the names, I would be laughed off the shelves for making my antagonist too obvious as the antichrist, and that incompetent at the same time: no way does someone that dumb succeed as the antichrist!
RNC seems to have a higher production value than the DNC. Dems haven’t recovered from the loss of Harvey Weinstein.
A large number of GOP candidates are supporters of QAnon; will Q have a voice at the convention? I know little about QAnon except that they are a group of people who rally behind Trump as their champion to fight pedophilia! If this seems ... odd, Q thinking has much in common with "Black is White, Ignorance is Strength, War is Peace, etc."

Recently Q outed himself: Bill Maher is Q!
A large number of GOP candidates are supporters of QAnon; will Q have a voice at the convention? I know little about QAnon except that they are a group of people who rally behind Trump as their champion to fight pedophilia!

Stop spouting bullshit. Q is JFK jnr


I don't watch GOP conventions anymore, but NyMag.Com provides a summary:
On the convention’s opening night, the GOP informed America that teachers unions are bad — not because they oppose “school choice” or donate to Democratic campaigns — but rather because they are hell-bent on “subverting our republic” by deliberately undermining “educational excellence, morality, law and order” in our classrooms. Florida congressman Matt Gaetz proceeded to warn that Democrats want to “disarm you, empty the prisons, lock you in your home, and invite MS-13 to live next door.” Trump campaign adviser Kimberly Guilfoyle clarified that Democrats don’t just want to endanger your family but rather “to destroy this country and everything that we have fought for and hold dear.” The president, for his part, told conventiongoers that the opposing party was “trying to steal the election from Republicans, just like they did it last time, with spying.”

On night two, we learned that Joe Biden will force all Christians to choose between “being obedient to God and obedient to Caesar — because the radical left’s god is government power,” and that Planned Parenthood is actually a racist, eugenicist organization whose “abortion facilities are strategically located in minority neighborhoods.” Florida lieutenant governor Jeanette Marie Núñez then revealed that Joe Biden is actually a crypto-communist who serves a radical left that “systematically chisels away at the freedoms we cherish,” as its members “normalize socialism to dismantle our Constitution.” Eric Trump declared that “Democrats want an America where your thoughts and opinions are censored,” while his stepsister Tiffany warned that even now, liberals have made it impossible for Americans to trust their own minds, as “our thoughts, our opinions … are being manipulated and coerced by the media and tech giants.”
Wheewww! With those sorts of problems to fight one almost wonders why the GOP has settled on a lazy and subliterate pedophile/charlatan as their champion.
That's because the liberal elite meets in the stock room at Ping Pong Pizza at midnight to eat babies and enter fresh names in the Devil's Book. If you're there on the right night, you can watch Hillary dance the Watusi nude with Rachel Maddow.

Why did I pick that night to go to the footy?
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