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GOP Convention

Ivanka Trump Wants to Brag About Results at the RNC? How About 180,000 People Dead of Coronavirus. - "Yes, she was polished. And she surely thinks this speech will lift her toward her own shot at the presidency. After all, she’s designed handbags."
"I recognize that my dad’s communication style is not to everyone’s taste. And I know his tweets can feel a bit unfiltered. But the results speak for themselves.” Perhaps not the best phrase to utter mid-pandemic, but Ivanka seemed not to be tethered to such terrestrial worries.

It was an ambitious speech filled with flourishes and corporate doublespeak. It was a fancy speech filled with words, and ideas! They were needless to say all lies, but they were polished lies: Heritage foundation-style lies, not tacky Gateway Pundit-style lies like Junior uses. Ivanka is a sophisticated, Wall Street Journal opinion page liar and not a tacky New York Post-level liar.
IT was born in 1981, and in 2024, she will be 43, over the age limit for the Presidency.
They forgot the swastikas:

Melania made the mistake of wearing a green screen colored dress and the internet ran with it. Here's an example.

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Melania's fashion choices always send a message <a href="https://t.co/FvriwnX0fR">pic.twitter.com/FvriwnX0fR</a></p>— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheDailyShow/status/1299177915028996096?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When you date Rudy Giuliani, you double as an armpiece and a gym towel. <a href="https://t.co/ZF4dq1aaZE">pic.twitter.com/ZF4dq1aaZE</a></p>— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) <a href="https://twitter.com/girlsreallyrule/status/1299252525233778688?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
Column: The RNC’s message: Biden’s America will look like Trump’s America, so ... don’t elect Biden? - Chicago Tribune
Let me help you out. Trump’s main campaign argument is this: “You see all this horrible stuff going on right now? If you elect Joe Biden, the horrible things happening in America right now will happen.”

Granted, people who grasp concepts like chronology and object permanence will struggle with the logic behind that argument. It sounds like Trump and his groupies are saying the country is a mess right now, but that mess isn’t Trump’s fault, it’s the fault of Biden if he wins the election three months from now.

There’s another part of Trump’s 2016 acceptance speech that attempts to paints Biden — who is not yet president but is to blame for all terrible things happening now — in a bad light: “The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.”
Longtime Conservative Stacy Washington in RNC's 'Democrats for Trump'
One of the Black women featured in the Republican National Convention’s Democrats for Trump clip, Stacy Washington, is a longtime conservative activist who supported Mitt Romney in 2012 and wrote a 2011 post for the far right site Breitbart in support of the Tea Party.

During a video package near the beginning of the fourth night of the convention, the RNC featuring several, unidentified people under the banner of “Democrats Now Voting for Trump.” Among them was Washington, who briefly appears twice and is currently the co-chair of the Black Voices for Trump, which was led by Herman Cain until his death from Covid-19 last month.
They forgot the swastikas:


Nitpick: The American bald bird is Haliaeetus leucocephalus in Subfamily Haliaeetinae (sea-eagles) while the heraldic bird of Western European Emperors was Aquila heliaca in Subfamily Aquilinae (true and booted eagles). Also, note that the Holy Emperor and Holy Whore were photographed butt-side, so the Nazi-like eagles are looking the wrong way. Only those privileged to stare at the Holinesses in the pie-hole position could see the hate vultures pointing as Fuhrer intended.

(BTW: Contrary to legend, Benjamin Franklin did not lobby to make Turkey the American national bird.)
You must have a lot of spare time to have noticed that.

Some people just have a good ability to derive data from what they see. I think you were a bit slow on the uptake is all. To be fair, I didn't notice the directional difference but some people are WW2 buffs and know a lot more about Nazi imagery; they have context.

But rather than attributing their observance to their abilities and experience, you attributed it to their idleness. Why is that, I might ask?
Because in my admittedly limited experience it is those who have little to do who find such arcane things that may or may not be significant.

I just do not have the time to peer so closely at images looking for possible obscure or obtuse connections.
Because in my admittedly limited experience it is those who have little to do who find such arcane things that may or may not be significant.

I just do not have the time to peer so closely at images looking for possible obscure or obtuse connections.
In general, I'd agree about sometimes people looking too hard, but here is the deal, that pic of Putin and Trump? Both are staged. The photographer, the military, Trump... that isn't a moment of history captured on film. It is a staged image.

All you need is the Bible Incident, where Trump has civilians sprayed with gas so he can walk up to a church and hold a bible up. A book he likely has never opened. It was an image to capture a certain narrative. Trump loves god, and in any other universe, the bible burns up in his hands over the unbelievable stupidity of the moment.

The image above is part of the growing fascist (I don't use that term lightly, we are heading in that direction) flavor. His buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jong Un were warning signs that went unheeded by those that like Trump's style of fascism, like our libertarians here.

This stuff is new, we haven't done this in America before. Today, we have a leader who is supported by tens of millions because of his fascist cult status.
All you need is the Bible Incident, where Trump has civilians sprayed with gas so he can walk up to a church and hold a bible up. A book he likely has never opened. It was an image to capture a certain narrative. Trump loves god himself, and in any other universe, the bible burns up in his hands over the unbelievable stupidity of the moment.
Fixed a nitpick for you.
I could not believe that Trump did that ridiculous stunt with a Bible.
It is one of the few times in my life I have wished to see Numbers 16:31-34 happen before my eyes.

i will say it again - there are > 320 million people in the USA and you could only come up with 2 old codgers for presidential candidates?
i will say it again - there are > 320 million people in the USA and you could only come up with 2 old codgers for presidential candidates?

Look, Biden isn't exactly the most electrifying candidate, but let's be clear about the difference...

Biden was Vice President for 8 years. That means that at any moment between 2009 and 2017 he was fully prepared to step into the White House if anything had happened to Obama.

During the same period, Trump was fully prepared to host another season of the Celebrity Apprentice.

Biden received regular intelligence briefings on a wide range of issues. Hours of briefings. Trump had hours of "meetings" with C-list celebrities carefully edited to make it seem like he was in charge.

Biden was present in the situation room on any number of occasions over 8 years. Trump's "boardroom" was a TV set created by the show's producers in Trump Tower.

Biden is prepared to take over the duties in the Oval Office the moment he's sworn in. Trump is barely capable of hiring someone to redecorate the office without handing the job off to one of his kids' friends.

Is there someone better qualified out of the 300 plus million Americans? Without a doubt. Yet given the choice we're faced with, one of these "old codgers" is vastly superior to the other. There's not even a hint of doubt in my mind.
i will say it again - there are > 320 million people in the USA and you could only come up with 2 old codgers for presidential candidates?

Look, Biden isn't exactly the most electrifying candidate, but let's be clear about the difference...

Biden was Vice President for 8 years. That means that at any moment between 2009 and 2017 he was fully prepared to step into the White House if anything had happened to Obama.

During the same period, Trump was fully prepared to host another season of the Celebrity Apprentice.

Biden received regular intelligence briefings on a wide range of issues. Hours of briefings. Trump had hours of "meetings" with C-list celebrities carefully edited to make it seem like he was in charge.

Biden was present in the situation room on any number of occasions over 8 years. Trump's "boardroom" was a TV set created by the show's producers in Trump Tower.

Biden is prepared to take over the duties in the Oval Office the moment he's sworn in. Trump is barely capable of hiring someone to redecorate the office without handing the job off to one of his kids' friends.

Is there someone better qualified out of the 300 plus million Americans? Without a doubt. Yet given the choice we're faced with, one of these "old codgers" is vastly superior to the other. There's not even a hint of doubt in my mind.

And that's just in terms of experience, not even touching on categories morality, integrity, honesty, competence, and self awareness.
And that's just in terms of experience, not even touching on categories morality, integrity, honesty, competence, and self awareness.

For expediency, you could just search a list of positive and negative character traits, put Biden’s name at the top of one and Trump’s the other and be done with it. I say this with little exaggeration.
And that's just in terms of experience, not even touching on categories morality, integrity, honesty, competence, and self awareness.

For expediency, you could just search a list of positive and negative character traits, put Biden’s name at the top of one and Trump’s the other and be done with it. I say this with little exaggeration.

True, and Biden doesn't have to be anything like a saint, not even close, to still beat Trump by miles as a human being.
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