• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Happy Birthday!! 4 dead, 20+ injured in ‘Bama.

Here we go again. A party full of teenagers, gunfire, 9 wounded.

Yet another party shooting. North Carolina. 1 dead, 4 wounded. This more guns for more people everywhere is working out pretty well.

Surely amongst the 50 states there is a democrat controlled state where the solution above or similar could be implemented?

Here's another reason non-Americans don't get what goes on here.

Now, there aren't really any states, there're just legislatures that use the term "state" when it's politically convenient and "America" when that's more convenient for their purposes. It's hard to explain.
Yes, it does seem hard to explain.
Here we go again. A party full of teenagers, gunfire, 9 wounded.

Yet another party shooting. North Carolina. 1 dead, 4 wounded. This more guns for more people everywhere is working out pretty well.

I don't get all this left-wing consternation about a few gun maimings. When I was a kid we listened to the radio and punched the bully on the shoulder. Today's kids listen to TikTok and carry AR-15s. Times move on. Get over it, baby boomers.

1 dead and 13 wounded? Pretty good odds. Thoughts and prayers for the 1's family of course, but the 13 will bear their scars as a tribute to America's Second Commandment. When they travel abroad they'll proudly display their gun wounds and won't even need to carry their Stars'n'Bars flag so that Socialist gun-envious Euros know they're American
Is the problem guns or American people? The scientific approach would be to compare American murders and extreme violence with that of a similar country. I nominate England -- my impression is that the English suffer from American pathologies like irrational anger, fear of immigrants, and pandering politicians. Do they also have mass shootings or major non-gun mayhem?

We both agree there is problem to be addressed the question is how. You want to blanket curtail freedoms for the whole population because of the deviant few. I would rather solve the root source of the issue, suicidal people who do not value their lives or others.
And your suggestion on how to do this is what?
In this order:

1) Strengthen unions where ever possible to increase wages of labor. Especially manual labor that men do.

Agreed. Income inequality has reduced when unions were strong, and increased when unions were weak. Income inequality is a root cause of many socioeconomic woes.

2) Strengthen the traditional family unit, make it possible and practical to raise middle class families again. Decrease the welfare state.

Unlike many on the "left," I support family values. But I don't see the relationship to the welfare state, at least if welfare programs are properly designed.
3) Tone down the white male bashing for a bit. Females are plenty empowered now, this is not the 1900's anymore.

White male bashing would be bad. But is this not a largely "made-up" problem? Americans do not see "white male bashing" in their lives; they just "learn" about it when listening to Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and other liars. (Yes, a tiny number of hard-core leftists poison the debate. That ilk needs to be booed down.)

4) Provide government assistance to science to determine toxicity of the environment in order to understand why men are losing fertility and more and more turning into girls. Pass more regulation against plastic bottles and pesticides. Figure out why sperm counts are now 50% lower than they were in 1960 and still in decline. The Romans killed themselves with lead pipes and we are killing ourselves with plastic bottles.

Are sperm counts down? I'd heard that testosterone levels were down; that would seem more important. I don't have a particularly pro-testosterone agenda, but I want to conserve the natural order. (Yes, one might argue that such changes are the "natural" result of our new society, but RAPID change is often for the worse.)

5) Make it politically acceptable to be able to talk about science as it relates to the 2 genders. How evolution gave us male and female and that other half sexes do not make the population more fit. We do not have to bash transsexuals but science can not prefer a half biological gender "it" for the population in general. We can not fix our environment unless we can admit there is a problem with increasingly more half genders that should not be the standard.

I do NOT see the problem. Are you worried about a lowered birth-rate due to same-sex partnerships? Or is this just more of the Hannity-Carlson ilk babbling bullshit about public restrooms?

There are far too many incels running around today and far too many young men who are involuntarily not getting layed. That is a recipe for extreme violence throughout the population, whether or not there is a 2nd amendment. In pre nuclear days a conventional war would resolve most of this. We do not have that option today. But what I do believe is that taking away the 2nd amendment and feminizing men is not the right solution either for the US or humanity. Because even with high testosterone most men were not violent in the 1960's because they were able to participate in a life worth living.

What are the statistics on reduced testosterone? Which countries are most affected? What are the levels in incels? In gun nuts like Kyle Rittenhouse? Any stats on the testosterone levels of recent mass shooters?

Is low testosterone caused by pollution? Or by social changes? Are plastic bottles really part of this problem?
Today's kids listen to TikTok and carry AR-15s. Times move on. Get over it, baby boomers.
I doubt either the NC nor the TX shootings happened using an AR15. The AL shooting certainly did not.
So why do you keep harping about that particular gun?
You should have said Glock or something. Much more commonly used in homicides.

1 dead and 13 wounded? Pretty good odds.
Getting shot sucks, but it's better than being dead. The victims (and those that were not hit) should count themselves lucky that the shooters were lousy shots.

I hope they catch the bastards soon. Speaking of catching them, they arrested a 6th suspect in the Dadeville, AL shooting.
Alabama Sweet 16 shooting: 6th suspect, a 15-year-old, arrested
15 years old. Smh.
I hope they catch the bastards soon. Speaking of catching them, they arrested a 6th suspect in the Dadeville, AL shooting.
Alabama Sweet 16 shooting: 6th suspect, a 15-year-old, arrested
15 years old. Smh.

I don't try to keep track of the various shootings -- they're just too damned plentiful these days -- but I'll bet cash money Derec has linked to a photo of a black boy. What do I win?

You can have Tucker Carlson’s job. How’s that?
Seriously, it’s a FOX Nooz link provided by our “I’m not a conservative”. (Ya, sure ya betcha! :hysterical:)
So they might have put a pic up of a black kid even if the suspect was white.
I don’t think Tigers! understands how that works to maintain the minority stranglehold on the electorate, enabling them to suppress the vote and rack up “wins” even when they’re in the minority.

In truth, I don’t think he WANTS to understand it because it casts light on the utter corruption of our “conservatives”.

I don't think that's the problem.
Like many other IIDB members, @Tigers! and @DrZoidberg live in modern democratic republics. It's very difficult to wrap their heads around the issues of living in a country designed in the 18th century.

Another problem is explaining the level of desperation in the GOP. Their only hope of clinging to power as the party of the rich is increasingly voter suppression and disenfranchisement and deceit.

Things are so different in countries who's political systems and institutions are 20th century creations, rather than 18th century political technology, it's extremely difficult for them to understand.

Reform tends to come after economic crisis. As long as USA is the richest country on Earth, nothing is going to change. That's not based on any detailed knowledge of USA's internal politics. It's based on my grasp of general world history.
I don't try to keep track of the various shootings -- they're just too damned plentiful these days -- but I'll bet cash money Derec has linked to a photo of a black boy.
I linked to the news that the 6th suspect in the Dadeville shooting (from the OP) has been arrested. Since he is 15, his identity (or photo for that matter) has not been disclosed, but given that the other five suspects are all black teens/young men the chances are #6 is too. No points for guessing that.

What do I win?
Nothing. You leftists may wish that all mass shooters were white men with AR15s, but even you recognize that reality is different.
I liked to the news that the 6th suspect in the Dadeville shooting (from the OP) has been arrested…. You leftists may wish that all mass shooters were white men with AR15s, but even you recognize that reality is different.

The worst thing is how bad blacks people are at mass murdering.
Four deaths for six suspects?
I never heard of ANY mass murder by white people that racked up less than one kill per murderer.
You can’t even call that ‘murdering like a girl’.
The last white lady that went a little off, still managed six all by herself.

That’s like, nine times the damage per murderer for any of those six suspects, assuming they’re all guilty.

We should reasonably be pleased if more black people got in the business and displaced some of those far more dangerous white mass murderers.
The worst thing is how bad blacks people are at mass murdering.
Urban gang members are poor shots in general. That, however, also means a bigger chance of innocent bystanders getting hit. Often children.
Four deaths for six suspects?
Could have to do with these gangstas tending to hold their guns sideways.
I never heard of ANY mass murder by white people that racked up less than one kill per murderer.
What are you, some kind of white supremacist?
You can’t even call that ‘murdering like a girl’.
The last white lady that went a little off, still managed six all by herself.
She still fired >150 rounds.
We should reasonably be pleased if more black people got in the business and displaced some of those far more dangerous white mass murderers.
LMAO. Of course, it does not work that way. The total number of mass shooters is not fixed - more black ones would not necessarily mean fewer white ones.
Of course, it does not work that way

The total number of mass shooters is not fixed

Of course it varies both with and as a percentage of a population. But it is finite. There are a finite number of potential victims, so the market is limited. If white murderers get past a certain tipping point, at their average rate of 6 to 8 victims per murderer, it will be only a matter of time before the only potential victims that are left, are the last three mass murderers. (If only 2 are left that’s the end of mass murdering, as the best either could do would be a murder/ suicide.)

But if black mass murderers prevail at only 0.66 victims per murderer, the species has a chance to survive, assuming we can reproduce like rabbits.

So who are YOU rooting for?
Wow! And she did all that with a Glock!
She did not have a Glock. She had three weapons - an AR15-style rifle (classified as a pistol though for obscure reasons), a Kel-Tec SUB2000 carbine (that shoots handgun ammo) and a Smith & Wesson M&P handgun. I do not think it has been revealed how many rounds she shot using each one. But a Glock or an M&P or any other similar pistol would be perfectly capable of firing 150ish rounds in a few minutes, even accounting for reloads.
(We're repeatedly told Glocks are just as good as AR15s for mass killing.)
Just as good? Maybe not. Both rifles and handguns have advantages and disadvantages, so depending on particulars of a shooting one might be better than the other. But certainly one can kill many people using just handguns. If you don't believe me, ask this guy:
Of course it varies both with and as a percentage of a population. But it is finite. There are a finite number of potential victims, so the market is limited.
I know (or at least I hope) that you are being facetious, but the number of actual victims is a tiny fraction of "possible" victims. As such, there is no significant substitution effect you are talking about.
If white murderers get past a certain tipping point,
A tipping point several 1000x higher than what we have now?
So who are YOU rooting for?
I am not rooting for any murderers, regardless of race, weapon or whether their shooting is a CNN-worthy mass shooting or not.

But what do you envision? Some sort of affirmative action program for black mass shooters because whites and Asians are better at not just Calculus and MCAT but also at shooting straight?
Wow! And she did all that with a Glock!
She did not have a Glock. She had three weapons - an AR15-style rifle (classified as a pistol though for obscure reasons), a Kel-Tec SUB2000 carbine (that shoots handgun ammo) and a Smith & Wesson M&P handgun. I do not think it has been revealed how many rounds she shot using each one. But a Glock or an M&P or any other similar pistol would be perfectly capable of firing 150ish rounds in a few minutes, even accounting for reloads.
(We're repeatedly told Glocks are just as good as AR15s for mass killing.)
Just as good? Maybe not. Both rifles and handguns have advantages and disadvantages, so depending on particulars of a shooting one might be better than the other. But certainly one can kill many people using just handguns. If you don't believe me, ask this guy:
So... are we back to the *hands in the air* 'nothing we can do?"

You seem to be making a decent argument for banning all guns. Except that isn't your position. So we can't ban certain guns, because other types of guns could be near as effective. We can't limit selling guns to people. I'm sure some shade will go to "dealing with mental health issues better", but that is a crock as selling guns to anyone makes that solution not work as well.

So in America, we are just supposed to accept mass murders as a way of our life and culture?
But what do you envision? Some sort of affirmative action program for black mass shooters because whites and Asians are better at not just Calculus and MCAT but also at shooting straight?

You might be on to something. If YBM's got better at shooting and actually went after more random people on purpose the NRA may start brainwashing their followers to be for better gun restrictions. That program may sound terrible, but it may actually be what's needed to move America in the right direction.
I mean, all this complaining about thugs, and we get these one-timer thugs out there, mowing down concert goers, dancers, children, teens, etc...

Someone does it for Islam, and it becomes terrorism and we need to stop that. But gun violence, shooting one person or threatening a person with a gun makes you a "thug" and the Justice Department should be on their asses, but the second the person shoots five people... then it becomes more of a "there is nothing we can do" sort of issue. I don't get that.
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