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Harris Trump debate

“General Eisenhower, do you have a plan for the D-Day invasion of Europe?”

“No, but I have the concept of a plan!”
We're going to build a wall along the French coast, and have the Germans pay for it.
NO. DO NOT vote by mail. Mail-in votes are some of the ones the Republicans tried to get thrown out in the last two elections. If you value your vote, vote IN PERSON at your local poll.
My favorite coming out of the maga sphere is that Kamala's earrings were secret microphones where she was getting the answers! :ROFLMAO::rofl:
If I were in a debate, I'd want someone in my ear, fact checking me. And suggesting strategy.
Not only that but if only a handful of people possess most of the wealth, who will buy their products??
Their servants and employees.
The number of cities and venues (along with all the attendant security and operating costs) that have been stiffed by the Trump campaign is long.
Construction companies on Rump projects make the same complaints.
This is a democracy, anyone can speak their mind.
I don't think that is what 'democracy' means. But we get your point.
(will) the Party (move) toward the mainstream and out of fringe loony territory that has become their home?
I doubt it. I think the republicans will still push 'presidential crib sheet 2025', for the next election.
Just take the SCOTUS. Dems have not put any man on the high court since 1994, 30 years ago!
You are blind or a MAGAtard to blame the makeup of SCOUS on the Democrats.
I was unaware that degree of knowledge is a criterion for voting.
That should be a criteria for RUNNING for office.
Should there be an “information level” test?
There should be such a test for holding an office.
Or maybe we can assign for each state a group of educated land-owning white men to make the final electoral decision just in case the ignorant masses elect a morally deficient conman. I’m sure that will help solve all these problems.
Yeah, it didn't work out so well in 2016, did it.
I thought the moderators at least tried to limit his lies. Linsey Davis seemed more determined that David Muir to correct Trump's blatant lies.
But that also gave the distinct impression to anyone paying attention they were picking sides.
Only if you are unfamiliar with Rump's disregard for the truth. If you don't know how badly he needs to be fact checked every minute.
She's very nearly imitating his pattern of speech, there.
I'm not sure you and I were watching the same debate.
I'm not sure you were either.
Fucking bullshit. She's being more honest about her position
That alone is reason enough to vote for Harris rather than Rump. Honesty counts.
Trump MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home.
If you can trust what Rump says. The word for that is 'isolationist'. Isolationism never worked out for us. Never made us 'great'. Wars made us 'great'. "Make America Great Again" means we will have to go to war again. No matter what Rump says to get elected.
Trump MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home
Yes. They intend to avoid conflict by capitulating to, and aiding, dictators everywhere. All the apricot's friends; Xi, Kim, Vlad, Rodrigo, Bin Salmon; they'll get along most happily with him as long as he does what they want, which he will because he wishes he was them.
Trump never met a dictator he didn't think was "very smart, a great guy".

This global dic-sucking WILL bring peace of a sort while his "populous" (sp?) focus at home will bring us blessed authoritarianism, racism , death camps, mass deportations, the institution of a police State and a Trump dynastic dictatorship, along with a wrecked isolationist economy and a burgeoning poverty class, which will of course need to be put down with firm authority, Kim Jong Un-style, if they protest.
But at least the apricot won't end up in jail, and that's the ONLY important thing, right?
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MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home
Yes. They intend to avoid conflict by capitulating to, and aiding, dictators everywhere. All the apricot's friends; Xi, Kim, Vlad, Rodrigo, Bin Salmon; they'll get along most happily with him as long as he does what they want, which he will because he wishes he was them.
Trump never met a dictator he didn't think was "very smart, a great guy".

This global dic-sucking WILL bring peace of a sort while his "populous" (sp?) focus at home will bring us blessed authoritarianism, racism , death camps, mass deportations, the institution of a police State and a Trump dynastic dictatorship, along with a wrecked isolationist economy and a burgeoning poverty class, which will of course need to be put down with firm authority, Kim Jong Un-style, if they protest.
But at least the apricot won't end up in jail, and that's the ONLY important thing, right?
To be fair, autoritarianism, racism, death camps, mass incarceration, the institution or maintenance of a constant police state are features of all of those countries, and exactly what Trump admires: the ability to control everything and everyone.
If Dick Cheney has seen the light, maybe there is hope.
It would be nice to say Cheney is campaigning against Trump because he is too old, too dishonest, and/or a general piece of sh*t. But that's not what this is about at all. The neocons don't want anything to do with Trump because he is NOT a neocon which the Democrats have now become. Cheney, Bush jr. and the others want sport wars and violence everywhere but Trump MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home. Profit sporting wars (like Iraq) used to be a Republican position but it has now become a Democrat value. For example, Biden/Harris brought us the war in Ukraine and will keep us in some kind of sport war if they can.

Just one more example how the Republicans are becoming Democrats and the Democrats (excepting RFKjr and Bernie who don't matter) are rapidly becoming Republicans.
Cheney is voting for Trump. His endorsement of Harris is a lie aimed at the Truthers, Burthers, Antivaxxers, etc…
I thought Ms. Harris carried herself well. I liked there were a few times we got to see her laughing at Trump. I wished she was a little more adroit with economics so she could quickly point out Trump's tariff plans are inane.
If tariffs are so wrong and bad, then why did the Biden/Harris administration put a 100% tariff on electric vehicals?
I didn’t say tariffs are bad and wrong but Trump’s plan is inane. Imports are not sufficiently large that is planned tariffs could raise the revenues he claims. Moreover tariffs do raise the prices of the good on which they are levied contrary to Trump’s claims to the contrary.
Trump MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home
Yes. They intend to avoid conflict by capitulating to, and aiding, dictators everywhere.

Something I was thinking about as I was watching JD Guyliner lay out his plan for Ukraine to basically concede defeat, let Vlad have the territory he'd taken, and promise to never join NATO, becoming a "neutral" country that wouldn't fight back. Would we do that?

I mean...thought experiment...if Mexico managed to invade Texas - a territory which they'd held in the past - and by some miracle managed to hold onto most of it for a year or two, would Trump, JD, and the rest of the Putin Fan Club concede the Lone Star state in the name of "peace" with Mexico?

Of course not. But that's what they're asking Ukraine to do.
If Dick Cheney has seen the light, maybe there is hope.

Dick Cheney's decision to endorse Harris instead of Trump shows Cheney thinks Harris would drop more bombs than Trump would. It's as simple as that.

If Dick Cheney endorsed someone I supported, it would make me lose support for that person. If I were running and Dick Cheney endorsed me, I would drop out of the race.
Abortion and immigration are two issues that Republicans can reliably run on which is why they will never vote to actually make progress on either issue.
That's what we all used to say about Roe v Wade.

It's what my liberal "friends" say now about Trump's promise to outdo Operation Wetback for numbers his first year in office. Or the SCOTUS' clearly outlined plan to re-criminalize sodomy. Or anything Harris says about "working across the aisle" to create plans and bills the growing fascist wing will feel "comfortable" supporting.

I'm sorry, but it is neither right nor safe to pretend that the Center is the Left as the Trumpists drag that center steadily toward authoritarian nationalism. Nor is it right or safe to pretend I believe that Harris opposing Trump as a person and political opponent is the same thing as opposing his ideals and the policies those ideals led him to put into place. It isn't, she doesn't, they aren't, and most Americans are in considerable danger right now. Whether it is by the quick blade of the Fremen or the slow blade of the Atreides/Harkonnens, we cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency by the image alone of a tall energy woman putting Hollywood Hitler in his place. It was fun to watch for a night. I certainly don't want Trump to win. But I am not counting on a president to come save me from the neighbors, and certainly not either of these two.
Ok, so what is your actual plan? Let MAGA run the country? Are you spoiling for an armed revolution? A bunch of us are old enough to remember some pretty nasty times, including times people we might have agreed with on principal engaged in actual violent crimes. Those were not happy days.

I was all in on Elizabeth Warren. I’ve been surprised at how much Biden has accomplished under the circumstances. Sure, I’d love to see more progress on climate change, abortion rights codified, equal rights for all, including women, something that has not been passed despite being on deck for my entire adult life, marriage equality, and more. I’d love to see sane immigration laws, the end to racism, sexism and homophobia.

I do not want to see armed conflict. Not here, not anywhere.
It would be nice to say Cheney is campaigning against Trump because he is too old, too dishonest, and/or a general piece of sh*t. But that's not what this is about at all. The neocons don't want anything to do with Trump because he is NOT a neocon which the Democrats have now become. Cheney, Bush jr. and the others want sport wars and violence everywhere but Trump MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home. Profit sporting wars (like Iraq) used to be a Republican position but it has now become a Democrat value. For example, Biden/Harris brought us the war in Ukraine and will keep us in some kind of sport war if they can.

Just one more example how the Republicans are becoming Democrats and the Democrats (excepting RFKjr and Bernie who don't matter) are rapidly becoming Republicans.

Wow. The entire post resembles English, but I think the dictionary has been scrambled by Mr. Dumpty.

I did NOT waive consecutive translation.
Yes I use it sometimes - then I do not need to Google so much. How so?

"Define "profitable"."
It goes like this:
- I pay now xx €uros per month for electricity.
- I buy a solar power system for XXXX €uros and as I do not have any costs for electricity - and if I will have "the investment" paid in not so many years, then the investment has been profitable.

That aside: The real reason I will invest in solar panels is that I think there is a two-digit % chance that we have a bigger war here in Europe within the next 10-20 years. I do not trust that the community can always distribute electricity for "a normal" price in some bigger crisis. I will also have a gasoline-driven generator.
Except that's not how it works.

You pay XXXX Euros for a system that sometimes gives you too much power and sometimes gives you too little. If the community can't provide you power your solar panels won't, either. Your generator would help (but note that you can't store gasoline very long) but I would definitely talk to somebody who knows about such things before attempting to make solar panels coexist with a generator.

For safety reasons standard solar setups will shut themselves down if the line power goes out. It is utterly forbidden to allow a system to backfeed into the grid when the power is out, that's failsafed by using the grid to drive the inverter. To actually have power when the grid goes down you need a separate setup with batteries and a far more complex connection that provides the same isolation. I suspect the solar inverter would attempt to cooperate with the generator--but if the solar panels were producing too much they would backfeed the generator--probably with far more power than it was designed to handle. Note, also, that if you're going to have a generator and panels you need to install a transfer switch.

This isn't bureaucrats being picky. The standard expression is that safety codes are written in blood, although in this case the threat is electrocution rather than bleeding. Wires must only be energized from their supply--if that supply is verified to be off the electrician or lineman will think the wires aren't hot. Solar is only tolerated because of the failsafe of the inverters being designed to take their lead from the grid.
If you are going to rely on your personal experience to convince me you can't find a woman who will have sex with, unless you pay, I can rely on my experience for to dispute it. It just so happens that tomorrow, September 14th marks my 53rd year of sexual activity. I've been active in the "market" (casual and non casual) for a long time. Economic theory defines a market as any system which reduces transaction costs. In other words, something that brings seller and buyer together to exchange a good or service. Sex is a strange market, as both seller and buyer are the service. Weird, huh? I've known quite a few men who were far from magazine cover attractive. Very far. Yet, they were able to find a willing partner. In other words, I've seen it done. As I said at the beginning, if good advice could solve all problems, the world would be a perfect place.
The people who find it easy do not understand that for some it's very hard. Note there's a large overlap between incel and autism spectrum. The incels think it's looks--they're wrong. That doesn't mean the problem isn't real.
Ok, so what is your actual plan? Let MAGA run the country? Are you spoiling for an armed revolution?

Are you really so far gone that you think any criticism at all of your preferred candidate is the equivalent of armed rebellion against the state? Fuck, man. You should not be so quick to give up your rights as a citizen. But I have never advocated for any form of armed conflict, nor ever will, and I take considerable offense at the suggestion that I might.
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Ok, so what is your actual plan? Let MAGA run the country? Are you spoiling for an armed revolution?

Are you really so far gone that you think any criticism at all of your preferred candidate is the equivalent of armed rebellion against the state? Fuck, man. You should not be so quick to give up your rights as a citizen. But I have never advocated for any form of armed conflict, nor ever will, and I take considerable offense at the suggestion that I might.
No, I’m just not sure of the plan of those who, when confronted with the absolute reality of our next POTUS being Harris or Trump complain about..,,Harris.

I get being disappointed, angry—bitterly so! that none of the choices are acceptable to you. That’s been multiple election cycles for me. And I learned a bitter truth: voting third party hands the victory to the worst of the major party candidates. Never mind that my one little vote alone didn’t mean we ended up with Bush ( either), for example:: but I’ve lived long enough to know I’m not close to unique. If I think a certain way, there anre others who do as well. Also that I don’t control anyone’s actions except my own so really typing this out is just pissing in the wind. But I feel it is my absolute duty to ma

I thought there was no way that Trump could win in 2016. Every time he opened his mouth I was more convinced that Hillary could take him with one arm tied behind her back. I had extremely mixed feelings about Hillary, period but also as POTUS. But given the choice: Hillary it had to be. And wasn’t because a lot of people thought they could safely vote third party —and Hillary would still win and they could make their point, too. A la mode and with extra frosting,

I see the stakes as so very incredibly high that it literally gives me massive anxiety when I talk with ( read posts by) intelligent, informed thinking people who…just may not vote for Harris. And a very small part of me thinks that at least some people are more critical of Harris because she’s a woman.

I apologize if my anxieties over the future get in the way of simply accepting your criticism of the only sane choice.
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Abortion and immigration are two issues that Republicans can reliably run on which is why they will never vote to actually make progress on either issue.
That's what we all used to say about Roe v Wade.

It's what my liberal "friends" say now about Trump's promise to outdo Operation Wetback for numbers his first year in office. Or the SCOTUS' clearly outlined plan to re-criminalize sodomy. Or anything Harris says about "working across the aisle" to create plans and bills the growing fascist wing will feel "comfortable" supporting.

I'm sorry, but it is neither right nor safe to pretend that the Center is the Left as the Trumpists drag that center steadily toward authoritarian nationalism. Nor is it right or safe to pretend I believe that Harris opposing Trump as a person and political opponent is the same thing as opposing his ideals and the policies those ideals led him to put into place. It isn't, she doesn't, they aren't, and most Americans are in considerable danger right now. Whether it is by the quick blade of the Fremen or the slow blade of the Atreides/Harkonnens, we cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency by the image alone of a tall energy woman putting Hollywood Hitler in his place. It was fun to watch for a night. I certainly don't want Trump to win. But I am not counting on a president to come save me from the neighbors, and certainly not either of these two.
Ok, so what is your actual plan? Let MAGA run the country? Are you spoiling for an armed revolution? A bunch of us are old enough to remember some pretty nasty times, including times people we might have agreed with on principal engaged in actual violent crimes. Those were not happy days.

I was all in on Elizabeth Warren. I’ve been surprised at how much Biden has accomplished under the circumstances. Sure, I’d love to see more progress on climate change, abortion rights codified, equal rights for all, including women, something that has not been passed despite being on deck for my entire adult life, marriage equality, and more. I’d love to see sane immigration laws, the end to racism, sexism and homophobia.

I do not want to see armed conflict. Not here, not anywhere.
You could almost copy and paste conversations with Pyramidhead here. I would say most here want what you want. Want what Politesse wants. But with age comes pragmatism. We learn that all or nothing begets nothing. For example, we took the watered-down ACA because it was the best we could get at the time. It survives today. It has cut the number of uninsured in half. It is estimated it has saved tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives to date. It is pretty well rooted now.
There is a place for hard left voices. They remind us of our ultimate goals, the idealism of youth. Some hang onto it well into adulthood. That's okay.
If Dick Cheney has seen the light, maybe there is hope.

Dick Cheney's decision to endorse Harris instead of Trump shows Cheney thinks Harris would drop more bombs than Trump would. It's as simple as that.

If Dick Cheney endorsed someone I supported, it would make me lose support for that person. If I were running and Dick Cheney endorsed me, I would drop out of the race.
Cheney’s endorsement it a lie just like when the Koch’s fake endorsed Hillary and for the same reasons. Strengthen the narrative that Trump is anti establishment while knowing that all Republicans will vote Trump. Have to keep the RFK type people on side so that the Heritage Foundation and Heartland Institute can continue with their plans.
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