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Harris Trump debate

I thought the moderators at least tried to limit his lies. Linsey Davis seemed more determined that David Muir to correct Trump's blatant lies.
But that also gave the distinct impression to anyone paying attention they were picking sides.
I thought the moderators at least tried to limit his lies. Linsey Davis seemed more determined that David Muir to correct Trump's blatant lies.
But that also gave the distinct impression to anyone paying attention they were picking sides.
Trump lied much more audaciously and often than Harris. He evaded more questions than Harris. Since the moderators let Trump get away with magnitudes more lies and evasion than Harris, should anyone paying attention think they picked his side?
I did watch it. Here's a summary.

If you missed the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this was pretty much the tone of it:

Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist.

Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me.

Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV.

Harris: Dick Cheney loves me too.

Trump: She won’t kill any Palestinians at all.

Harris: I’ll kill way more Palestinians than he’ll kill.

Trump: I will kill the most Palestinians. I’ll kill more Palestinians than anyone.

Harris: You couldn’t kill even one Palestinian. You are weak.

Trump: I am not weak I am strong. I am the strongest.

Harris: You’re a weak little girl and you’ll let China win.

Trump: She’s gonna start a nuclear war with Russia.

Harris: I will invade Russia myself and I’ll kill Putin with my bare hands. I am the strongest and you are the weakest.

Trump: It’s not true. It’s not true.

Harris: I will also do the most fracking and drill the most oil. Many Republicans have said I’m the strongest.

Trump: No. No. She’s weak on immigration.

Harris: I kick immigrants in the balls for fun.

[commercial break]

None of this, for the most part, was said or even hinted. I suppose you think you’re being witty.

You’re not witty.

But then, you’re a liberpublican, so …
... at least you are half way there.

The first Black male was appointed in 1967 and the first woman was appointed to SCOTUS in 1981. Yet someone complains that no white males have been recently appointment. Spare me the pity party. Why waste more time trying to explain this to someone who whines a lot. Women have put up with so much shit, but oh those poor white men have it so bad.

I don't know what your source is (and we prefer Probationary Enlightenment Pods or PEP), but since it's now in the open, I've been working with local Dems and Deep Staters on the curriculum we will implement.

For Unwoke Children -- Levels Pre-K through Gr. 5 -
My DEI Mommy (Parental Replacement Reader, Level 1)
My Dog Trotsky (Commie Reader, Levels K-1)
God's a Dope (Religious Issues Reader, Levels 1-2)
Kamala and the Gun Gobbler (2nd Amendment Reader, Level 2)
Pippi Longstocking's Voyage to Lesbos (Diversity Reader, Levels 3-5)
Martha/George, George/Martha: How the Founding Couple Swapped Genders, and How You Can, Too (American Studies Reader, Level 5)

Older Students/Adult Probationers -
Fabulous Dreamer: The Barbra Streisand Political Reader
Abortion for All: The Price Guide
(good at all WalMart Supercenters)
Vegan Reboot: Transitioning All 50 States to the Grass and Legume Diet
Cow Holocaust: The Case for Animal Reparations
Open Borders in the New America: How to Replace, Evict and Deport Angry Old White People
Viking Cruise Guide to All 72 Genders

This is just a sampler of the materials that have been vetted, but, as you can see, we are just as granular as the Project 2025 folks. I co-wrote God's a Dope with Ricky Gervais, so I have a certain parental pride in the book list.

I thought the moderators at least tried to limit his lies. Linsey Davis seemed more determined that David Muir to correct Trump's blatant lies.
But that also gave the distinct impression to anyone paying attention they were picking sides.

Except Harris didn’t tell any lies to fact-check, so there is that … Meanwhile you have an orange man-baby braying and babbling about Haitians eating pet dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio, which is absolutely false, and guess the fuck what? Haitian immigrants there are getting bomb threats! And just today, Feolonious Gunk doubled down on his lie, and promised to deport the Haitian immigrants to … Venezuela. All of this is all the more repulsive since these Haitians are here legally.
But that also gave the distinct impression to anyone paying attention they were picking sides.
Very unfortunate, that. From Harris’ expressions while Cheato was going off on his adderall-induced hyper-rants, she’d have preferred the moderators not interrupt him.
I agree. The moderators did Trumpo an inestimable favor by keeping him from going even further off the rails. None of his idiot followers was ever going to be convinced of the falsity of anything he said, anyhow.
What's a "libberpublican"? I looked in my dictionary and didn't find it.
Look in the mirror, maybe.

I did watch it. Here's a summary.

If you missed the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this was pretty much the tone of it:

Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist.

Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me.

Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV.

Harris: Dick Cheney loves me too.

Trump: She won’t kill any Palestinians at all.

Harris: I’ll kill way more Palestinians than he’ll kill.

Trump: I will kill the most Palestinians. I’ll kill more Palestinians than anyone.

Harris: You couldn’t kill even one Palestinian. You are weak.

Trump: I am not weak I am strong. I am the strongest.

Harris: You’re a weak little girl and you’ll let China win.

Trump: She’s gonna start a nuclear war with Russia.

Harris: I will invade Russia myself and I’ll kill Putin with my bare hands. I am the strongest and you are the weakest.

Trump: It’s not true. It’s not true.

Harris: I will also do the most fracking and drill the most oil. Many Republicans have said I’m the strongest.

Trump: No. No. She’s weak on immigration.

Harris: I kick immigrants in the balls for fun.

[commercial break]
That's about the size of it. And the "liberals" here say I'm a traitor to the nation for criticizing the White House's openly right wing politics, because don't I know that Trump would be worse? Yes, I do. But I'm still not a supporter of "centrist" policies that look identical to yesteryear's Republican policies, and I'm not going to pretend that I am just because there's an election coming up. There's always an election coming up.

Except she never said or implied almost any of this, especially the crap about invading Russia and killing Palestinians and kicking immigrants in the balls for fun. It’s just BS.
Harris has been at pains to maintain her "appeal" on the right, even when it means stabbing her left-leaning allies (and the victims of her right wing allies) in the back. I'm not sure you and I were watching the same debate. I was tuned into the one where she bragged about trying to pass a vicious immigration bill that would have further militarized the border and given vastly more control to DHS, and accused Trump of not going hard enough on immigrants.

From the transcript:
“The United States Congress came up with a border security bill, which I supported. You know what happened to that bill? Donald Trump called up some folks in Congress and said, ‘Kill the bill...

He’d prefer to run on a problem rather than fixing a problem."

She's very nearly imitating his pattern of speech, there.
I thought Ms. Harris carried herself well. I liked there were a few times we got to see her laughing at Trump. I wished she was a little more adroit with economics so she could quickly point out Trump's tariff plans are inane.
If tariffs are so wrong and bad, then why did the Biden/Harris administration put a 100% tariff on electric vehicals?

Although I happen to disagree with you but do agree with this Biden/Harris policy, what would have been nice if Harris was given an opportunity to share why or why not she would be in favor of this policy for the US. Because in the final analysis we as a nation will not progress unless we can calmly debate (respecting each other) these kind of relevant economic policies and issues

And Donald Trump calmly debates and respects his opponents?

:D :rofl:
What's a "libberpublican"? I looked in my dictionary and didn't find it.
Look in the mirror, maybe.

I did watch it. Here's a summary.

If you missed the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this was pretty much the tone of it:

Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist.

Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me.

Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV.

Harris: Dick Cheney loves me too.

Trump: She won’t kill any Palestinians at all.

Harris: I’ll kill way more Palestinians than he’ll kill.

Trump: I will kill the most Palestinians. I’ll kill more Palestinians than anyone.

Harris: You couldn’t kill even one Palestinian. You are weak.

Trump: I am not weak I am strong. I am the strongest.

Harris: You’re a weak little girl and you’ll let China win.

Trump: She’s gonna start a nuclear war with Russia.

Harris: I will invade Russia myself and I’ll kill Putin with my bare hands. I am the strongest and you are the weakest.

Trump: It’s not true. It’s not true.

Harris: I will also do the most fracking and drill the most oil. Many Republicans have said I’m the strongest.

Trump: No. No. She’s weak on immigration.

Harris: I kick immigrants in the balls for fun.

[commercial break]
That's about the size of it. And the "liberals" here say I'm a traitor to the nation for criticizing the White House's openly right wing politics, because don't I know that Trump would be worse? Yes, I do. But I'm still not a supporter of "centrist" policies that look identical to yesteryear's Republican policies, and I'm not going to pretend that I am just because there's an election coming up. There's always an election coming up.

Except she never said or implied almost any of this, especially the crap about invading Russia and killing Palestinians and kicking immigrants in the balls for fun. It’s just BS.
Harris has been at pains to maintain her "appeal" on the right, even when it means stabbing her left-leaning allies (and the victims of right wing allies) in the back. I'm not sure you and I were watching the same debate. I was tuned into the one where she bragged about trying to pass a vicious immigration bill, and accused Trump of not going hard enough on immigrants.

From the transcript:
“The United States Congress came up with a border security bill, which I supported. You know what happened to that bill? Donald Trump called up some folks in Congress and said, ‘Kill the bill...

He’d prefer to run on a problem rather than fixing a problem."

She's very nearly imitating his pattern of speech, there.

She was making the point that Trump and his Rethuglicans MAGGOTS are hypocrites. That they CLAIM they want a solution to the supposed border “crisis,” but actually they want an ISSUE. She did exactly right thing, IMO.

Now, if she becomes president, THEN we will see what she does or doesn’t do about this alleged crisis, and that will be the time to judge her.
Harris has been at pains to maintain her "appeal" on the right, even when it means stabbing her left-leaning allies
How old are you? I was sure you’d been through presidential election cycles before.
But apparently you never noticed the ritual race to the center. It’s mandatory participation for anyone hoping to get elected. Most of her left-leaning allies understand that. You’ll be able to thank Trump’s non-participation for his loss when he loses. Experienced left-leanin supporters of Harris generally know it. And they know it’s just venous bleeding, not the arterial flood that Trump promises.
I thought the moderators at least tried to limit his lies. Linsey Davis seemed more determined that David Muir to correct Trump's blatant lies.
But that also gave the distinct impression to anyone paying attention they were picking sides.
I was paying very close attention and I did NOT think they were picking sides. Instead they seemed to be attempting to curtail the most egregious liberties taken with the truth. And by egregious, I mean dangerous. Trump's declaration that immigrants are eating people's pets has resulted in some very very serious actions taken against legal immigrants in Ohio and elsewhere.
Now, if she becomes president, THEN we will see what she does or doesn’t do about this alleged crisis, and that will be the time to judge her.
Fucking bullshit. She's being more honest about her position - which she is not ashamed of - than you are. She publically and openly supported that bill and fully intends to continue to use her office to persecute and prosecute refugees and other immigrants as did Obama, Biden, Bush, Trump, and indeed most of her predecessors. Every single one of them has ramped up the violence, and she has promised to do the same, including throughout this debate.
She publically and openly supported that bill and fully intends to continue to use her office to persecute and prosecute refugees and other immigrants as did Obama, Biden, Bush, Trump, and indeed most of her predecessors. Every single one of them has ramped up the violence, and she has promised to do the same, including throughout this debate.
So then “both sides” eh?
Hokay komrade.

(You KNOW better than that!)
What's a "libberpublican"? I looked in my dictionary and didn't find it.
Look in the mirror, maybe.

I did watch it. Here's a summary.

If you missed the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this was pretty much the tone of it:

Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist.

Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me.

Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV.

Harris: Dick Cheney loves me too.

Trump: She won’t kill any Palestinians at all.

Harris: I’ll kill way more Palestinians than he’ll kill.

Trump: I will kill the most Palestinians. I’ll kill more Palestinians than anyone.

Harris: You couldn’t kill even one Palestinian. You are weak.

Trump: I am not weak I am strong. I am the strongest.

Harris: You’re a weak little girl and you’ll let China win.

Trump: She’s gonna start a nuclear war with Russia.

Harris: I will invade Russia myself and I’ll kill Putin with my bare hands. I am the strongest and you are the weakest.

Trump: It’s not true. It’s not true.

Harris: I will also do the most fracking and drill the most oil. Many Republicans have said I’m the strongest.

Trump: No. No. She’s weak on immigration.

Harris: I kick immigrants in the balls for fun.

[commercial break]
That's about the size of it. And the "liberals" here say I'm a traitor to the nation for criticizing the White House's openly right wing politics, because don't I know that Trump would be worse? Yes, I do. But I'm still not a supporter of "centrist" policies that look identical to yesteryear's Republican policies, and I'm not going to pretend that I am just because there's an election coming up. There's always an election coming up.

Except she never said or implied almost any of this, especially the crap about invading Russia and killing Palestinians and kicking immigrants in the balls for fun. It’s just BS.
Harris has been at pains to maintain her "appeal" on the right, even when it means stabbing her left-leaning allies (and the victims of her right wing allies) in the back. I'm not sure you and I were watching the same debate. I was tuned into the one where she bragged about trying to pass a vicious immigration bill that would have further militarized the border and given vastly more control to DHS, and accused Trump of not going hard enough on immigrants.

From the transcript:
“The United States Congress came up with a border security bill, which I supported. You know what happened to that bill? Donald Trump called up some folks in Congress and said, ‘Kill the bill...

He’d prefer to run on a problem rather than fixing a problem."

She's very nearly imitating his pattern of speech, there.
Not exactly: She was calling Trump out for killing the bill so that it would be an issue he could run on. Which is exactly what he did and why he did it. Abortion and immigration are two issues that Republicans can reliably run on which is why they will never vote to actually make progress on either issue. Very few, if any, actually believe the lies they spew about post birth abortion, abortion in the 9th month, etc. But it sure does get people hyped up.

I fully understand your issues with Harris as POTUS. I share at least some of them, if not all of them. It is unfortunately true that female candidates are up against the assumption that they are weaker and less likely to be tough on criminals than a male candidate, something that Trump kept trying to hype up. I don't like it at all but I understand it. AND I am encouraged by her selection of Tim Walz who seems made to order to fit in well with Harris and to soften some of her rough edges while providing the safe all American white dad energy so that those queasy about a woman in charge can feel a bit more reassured that there is a reliable male close by to supervise. At least on camera, they seem to compliment one another very well and she is able to be more human, more womanly.

Despite Trump's accusations, she's at best a centrist but that is where politics in the US are today and increasingly, throughout the world. I'd be happier with a more progressive choice but the choices we have are: Harris or Trump. Electing Trump is likely an end to democracy. Not voting for Harris helps Trump win, whether one votes for Trump, a third party candidate or declines to vote. I see it as a non-starter for anyone who cares about keeping our democracy.
If Dick Cheney has seen the light, maybe there is hope.
It would be nice to say Cheney is campaigning against Trump because he is too old, too dishonest, and/or a general piece of sh*t. But that's not what this is about at all. The neocons don't want anything to do with Trump because he is NOT a neocon which the Democrats have now become. Cheney, Bush jr. and the others want sport wars and violence everywhere but Trump MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home. Profit sporting wars (like Iraq) used to be a Republican position but it has now become a Democrat value. For example, Biden/Harris brought us the war in Ukraine and will keep us in some kind of sport war if they can.

Just one more example how the Republicans are becoming Democrats and the Democrats (excepting RFKjr and Bernie who don't matter) are rapidly becoming Republicans.
Abortion and immigration are two issues that Republicans can reliably run on which is why they will never vote to actually make progress on either issue.
That's what we all used to say about Roe v Wade.

It's what my liberal "friends" say now about Trump's promise to outdo Operation Wetback for numbers his first year in office. Or the SCOTUS' clearly outlined plan to re-criminalize sodomy. Or anything Harris says about "working across the aisle" to create plans and bills the growing fascist wing will feel "comfortable" supporting.

I'm sorry, but it is neither right nor safe to pretend that the Center is the Left as the Trumpists drag that center steadily toward authoritarian nationalism. Nor is it right or safe to pretend I believe that Harris opposing Trump as a person and political opponent is the same thing as opposing his ideals and the policies those ideals led him to put into place. It isn't, she doesn't, they aren't, and most Americans are in considerable danger right now. Whether it is by the quick blade of the Fremen or the slow blade of the Atreides/Harkonnens, we cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency by the image alone of a tall energy woman putting Hollywood Hitler in his place. It was fun to watch for a night. I certainly don't want Trump to win. But I am not counting on a president to come save me from the neighbors, and certainly not either of these two.
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For example, Biden/Harris brought us the war in Ukraine …

Could you please support this claim with evidence and arguments? Thanks in advance for what I know you won’t be able to supply.
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If Dick Cheney has seen the light, maybe there is hope.
It would be nice to say Cheney is campaigning against Trump because he is too old, too dishonest, and/or a general piece of sh*t. But that's not what this is about at all. The neocons don't want anything to do with Trump because he is NOT a neocon which the Democrats have now become. Cheney, Bush jr. and the others want sport wars and violence everywhere but Trump MAGA is for staying out of war with the populous focus at home. Profit sporting wars (like Iraq) used to be a Republican position but it has now become a Democrat value. For example, Biden/Harris brought us the war in Ukraine and will keep us in some kind of sport war if they can.

Just one more example how the Republicans are becoming Democrats and the Democrats (excepting RFKjr and Bernie who don't matter) are rapidly becoming Republicans.
No offense intended but that's a pretty fucked up way of seeing things. PUTIN brought us the war in Ukraine, not Biden or Harris. If anything, Russia's invasion of Ukraine was emboldened by the blatant praise and cooperation Putin received from Trump and the absolute certainty that if Putin could manage to re-elect Trump, Russian would be given a green light for whatever expansionist invasions they felt like.

Trump's version of staying out of war was to acquiesce to whatever his best buddy Putin wants. That is hardly a case for peace.

It's pretty interesting to see you decry the Demcrat move towards the right since that's the position you agree with. I also decry it but I see it as the reality of where we are right now.

In fact, Biden has been probably the most progressive POTUS we've ever had. It's just that compared with the neo-Nazi leanings of the GOP, he seems pretty darn center/center right.
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