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Harris Trump debate

If Dick Cheney has seen the light, maybe there is hope.

Dick Cheney's decision to endorse Harris instead of Trump shows Cheney thinks Harris would drop more bombs than Trump would. It's as simple as that.

If Dick Cheney endorsed someone I supported, it would make me lose support for that person. If I were running and Dick Cheney endorsed me, I would drop out of the race.
I know that he is or was a horrible man, but people can change, especially as they age and realize they've made terrible mistakes in the past, so regardless of his horrible past, I think it's positive that even someone like Cheney can realize that the current Republican candidate is a dire threat to the country.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if his kind, thoughtful daughter, who's policies I don't support, influenced her father to support Harris. I read the book that Liz wrote about how the two parties investigated Trump, and how considerate they were to each other, regardless of their different political views. That's the way it should be. We are all humans, which I consider to be the most flawed species on the planet, but when we work together and even find value in compromise, that's a good thing, imo.
Agree, and it's also true about Mitt Romney and (at least some of the time) George Will. And Mona Charen...Good God, she takes a four foot paddle to Trump's ass in every column. Contrast that with George W. Bush, who has abdicated any sense of leadership and duty to the nation, and wants only to chuckle as he recedes over the horizon.
Bush feels he did enough by giving us the 2008 banking crisis, which cost me my job. Fuck him.
Agree, and it's also true about Mitt Romney and (at least some of the time) George Will. And Mona Charen...Good God, she takes a four foot paddle to Trump's ass in every column. Contrast that with George W. Bush, who has abdicated any sense of leadership and duty to the nation, and wants only to chuckle as he recedes over the horizon.
Bush feels he did enough by giving us the 2008 banking crisis, which cost me my job. Fuck him.
The banking crisis was a team effort. Pres. Clinton signed the GOP wet dream and the Fed allowed it bake in the oven, and the ratings agencies were too busy getting stoned to care.
I've not advocated voting for Trump. But holding Harris above any criticism is taking things way the hell too far, and she has done nothing to deserve such loyalty.
Who is suggesting holding her above any criticism? What I think is let’s get her elected first, and then see what she does, as opposed to what she says, because the alternative is unthinkable.
Why the suspense? We know exactly what she will do. Both candidates have stated their plans for the country, such as they are, in clear terms. It's not some sort of divine mystery.
Historically, candidates make many more promises than they end up delivering on. Whatever the reasons for the failure to deliver, that is the case. It is almost always the case that elected candidates have to either compromise (i.e. mitigate) on their goals or abandon them.

Harris will need at least 50 Senators (probably 60) to accomplish anything without QOPAnon support -- But she won't have them. She may also need five SCOTUS judges: she only has three. Biden was able to make significant progress against odds that bad, and Harris may also. But it's a fantasy to imagine her passing a National Woman's Rights bill, or being able to curtail the on-going genocide in the Middle East, or even making significant progress against anti-immigrant hatreds. We will just have to make do with what we do get.

The alternative -- a 2nd Trump term and the Implementation of parts of "Project 2025" -- is too horrid to contemplate. Such a catastrophe might literally be the end of American democracy.
I've not advocated voting for Trump. But holding Harris above any criticism is taking things way the hell too far, and she has done nothing to deserve such loyalty.
Who is suggesting holding her above any criticism? What I think is let’s get her elected first, and then see what she does, as opposed to what she says, because the alternative is unthinkable.
Why the suspense? We know exactly what she will do. Both candidates have stated their plans for the country, such as they are, in clear terms. It's not some sort of divine mystery.
Historically, candidates make many more promises than they end up delivering on. Whatever the reasons for the failure to deliver, that is the case. It is almost always the case that elected candidates have to either compromise (i.e. mitigate) on their goals or abandon them.

Harris will need at least 50 Senators (probably 60) to accomplish anything without QOPAnon support -- But she won't have them.
Maybe. The Senate matters a lot for judicial nominations. I'd imagine the GOP will just give her the middle finger. But if the Dems hold Ohio (Brown is up 1 to 5 points, despite some of the worst campaign ads I've seen against him) and Montana (Tester appears to be a longer shot), they can hold the bare VP tying majority. Florida would require the referendum to sway the Senate race. Without the Senate, the Dems desperately need the House. But even with both, the majorities will be tiny and getting anything passed in the Senate will generally require budget relate appropriation exceptions, and that limits the scope of what can pass.
She may also need five SCOTUS judges: she only has three. Biden was able to make significant progress against odds that bad, and Harris may also. But it's a fantasy to imagine her passing a National Woman's Rights bill, or being able to curtail the on-going genocide in the Middle East, or even making significant progress against anti-immigrant hatreds. We will just have to make do with what we do get.
I'm less worried about SCOTUS and Harris legislation as I am with SCOTUS and legislation passed / former SCOTUS precedence in the last 40 years.
Here’s how they do debates in Brazil. :oops:

In the back of my mind was always that idea that Trump might physically attack Harris during their debate, given his well-known hatred of women and blacks, and also given his performance in 2016, when he stalked Hillary Clinton on the stage.
Perhaps we should choose our leaders the way they do in Wakanda, the most advanced nation on the planet.

Here’s how they do debates in Brazil. :oops:

In the back of my mind was always that idea that Trump might physically attack Harris during their debate, given his well-known hatred of women and blacks, and also given his performance in 2016, when he stalked Hillary Clinton on the stage.
I had thought of that also, and my main concern was seeing two sets of Secret Service agents facing off on national TV. Trump's security as POTUS was so loyal that they all destroyed their phones after 1/6.
For those who missed the debate, here are the highlights (though with the grim somnolent face replaced).

The "Haitians are eating the pets" thing has - IMO - overshadowed a claim that is highlighted here. Fragilego Mussolini would have you believe that he confronted Abdul, the leader of the Taliban. His name isn't Abdul, but whatever...Trump was riffing. Anyway, he would have you believe that he confronted the leader of an organization that has overthrown the government of Afghanistan twice, and held off both the Soviet Union and the US. A leader who has grown up fighting wars against far more powerful countries. A man who comes from generations of warriors. Trump wants you to believe that this man (who he never met) was shaking in his boots when confronted with a flabby 78 year old who can't get from one hole on his golf course to the next without riding in a cart.

Honestly, the leader of the Taliban would probably be far more freaked out having a woman stand up to him.
That'd be just another complete fabrication on Trump's part. Obviously the Taliban couldn't have been shaking too much in their boots and they were handed the country back.
That'd be just another complete fabrication on Trump's part. Obviously the Taliban couldn't have been shaking too much in their boots and they were handed the country back.
Perhaps the shaking in the boots was due to the giddiness of excitement?
Why is no one talking about his repeated ridiculous claim of 'abortions' after birth (ie: infanticide). It's absurd.
Why is no one talking about his repeated ridiculous claim of 'abortions' after birth (ie: infanticide). It's absurd.
I think we need to change Gish Gallop to...Donnie Dump? He throws out so many ridiculous claims that it would take a series of debates to debunk all of them.

Take the claim that kids are being given gender reassignment surgery at school.

Exactly a month ago, I was a couple days into recovering from a minor surgical procedure. I went into the hospital in the morning, was laid up for the next 24 hours, had to stay off my feet for the following 2 days, and was finally able to go back to work a couple more days later...with the aid of prescription strength painkillers. I just got the bill, and while I'm (thankfully) only responsible for a fraction of it, the surgery cost about as much as two brand new Honda Civics. Because I had to have an entire team of people and a hospital to get it done.

The village idiot thinks a kid can go to school in the morning, have sex change surgery between recess and lunch, and still catch the school bus home. Little Jimmy leaves for the bus stop in the morning, and comes home as Jenny, and it's no more complicated than the school nurse giving the kid a band-aid. He seriously thinks this is possible.

But between that, the "Haitians are eating cats," the "babies are being aborted after they've already enrolled in daycare" and whatever the fuck he thinks crypto is, it's hard to keep up with the bullshit.

Oh, and yes...he's getting involved in cryptocurrency, despite the fact that he thinks a Bitcoin is an actual coin you can carry in your pocket.
Why is no one talking about his repeated ridiculous claim of 'abortions' after birth (ie: infanticide). It's absurd.
I think we need to change Gish Gallop to...Donnie Dump? He throws out so many ridiculous claims that it would take a series of debates to debunk all of them.

Take the claim that kids are being given gender reassignment surgery at school.

Exactly a month ago, I was a couple days into recovering from a minor surgical procedure. I went into the hospital in the morning, was laid up for the next 24 hours, had to stay off my feet for the following 2 days, and was finally able to go back to work a couple more days later...with the aid of prescription strength painkillers. I just got the bill, and while I'm (thankfully) only responsible for a fraction of it, the surgery cost about as much as two brand new Honda Civics. Because I had to have an entire team of people and a hospital to get it done.

The village idiot thinks a kid can go to school in the morning, have sex change surgery between recess and lunch, and still catch the school bus home. Little Jimmy leaves for the bus stop in the morning, and comes home as Jenny, and it's no more complicated than the school nurse giving the kid a band-aid. He seriously thinks this is possible.

But between that, the "Haitians are eating cats," the "babies are being aborted after they've already enrolled in daycare" and whatever the fuck he thinks crypto is, it's hard to keep up with the bullshit.

Oh, and yes...he's getting involved in cryptocurrency, despite the fact that he thinks a Bitcoin is an actual coin you can carry in your pocket.

"Exactly a month ago, I was a couple days into recovering from a minor surgical procedure. I went into the hospital in the morning, was laid up for the next 24 hours, had to stay off my feet for the following 2 days, and was finally able to go back to work a couple more days later...with the aid of prescription strength painkillers. I just got the bill, and while I'm (thankfully) only responsible for a fraction of it, the surgery cost about as much as two brand new Honda Civics. Because I had to have an entire team of people and a hospital to get it done."

I often wonder why you do not come to Europe for your surgeries?
It would cost 10-20% of the US price. I think that your wallet and the insurance company would be very happy.
I can send you an example of a private hospital fixing my knees (with US-made parts) - just contact me.


My both knees operated - Next Gen (USA) 'spare parts'. ;)
Why is no one talking about his repeated ridiculous claim of 'abortions' after birth (ie: infanticide). It's absurd.
I think there is more harm in trying to combat it. The Pets line is about the only thing that will be remembered from the debate. Just let the Gallop go over the cliff.
Your generator would help (but note that you can't store gasoline very long) but I would definitely talk to somebody who knows about such things before attempting to make solar panels coexist with a generator.
Most if not all home standby generators run on natural gas or LP gas.
He said "gasoline".
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