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Harris Trump debate

Unfortunately a lot of Swift's fans are not old enough to vote.
Unfortunately a lot of Swift's fans are not old enough to vote.
But a lot of them are, and according to the Hollywood Reporter, more than 300,000 of them followed her link to Vote.gov, the government website that helps people find out how to register to vote in their state and local elections. The last election was decided by tens of thousands of voters in swing states. If she can get half of those 300k registered, and even half of that number are in critical swing states...
taking insult from an apt description.
You can't even call a Trumpsucker a Trumpsucker - they get too upset, like it's an inaccurate descriptor or something.
Even around here. (Used to be called freethought, not freespeech)
If someone takes umbrage at an apt description of the group to which they belong, it's deemed ad hominem, even though it's actually "ad congrego".

They're very sensitive snowflakes.
For a party that hates billionaires, you sure are obsessed with this one.

Which party would that be, that hates billionaires?

You haven't read that part of the Harris Walz platform? It clearly says:

Almost 3 million likes in 49 minutes!!!
Do you have many of those people that can do the same?
I wonder how many likes she has now?

P.S. I love the cat.

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I see that photo and all I can think is "Damn, that black shirt and long hair white cat." Swift knows how to sell millions of albums... and get cat hair off of clothes!
I just watched this:

"Fred Trump's own son William has a rare genetic disorder that causes severe developmental and intellectual disabilities.
He says Donald Trump once told him to abandon William, saying, "He doesn't recognize you. Let him die, and move down to Florida." After a meeting in the Oval Office about dedicating more resources to people with disabilities, Fred Trump says his uncle said, "Those people, the costs. They should just die."

How does that differ from the Nazi-program in the 1930ties?


Russian TV reacts to debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump​

Russian TV makes fun of the debate. They let the audience understand that there are two morons discussing, but the female is more foxy and will be the next president.
English subs.

Trump is doing a fantastic job of saving from extinction the nowadays very infrequently used word: "blithering".

It is a very useful word, when it comes to Donald Trump's behavior, but so is "idiot". They describe him perfectly: "blithering idiot".
I also love how Trump lied through his teeth about trying to “save” Obamacare, and then Harris brutally fact-checked him with the vote he instigated in Congress to wipe it out and how John McCain gave repeal the thumbs down, which she imitated.
Yes, that was a blatant lie.
Guess The Dumpster shouldn’t have insulted McCain during the 2016 campaign! Then later he insisted, as he did in 2016, then he would replace Obamacare with “something better.”
He tried. The problem is, that Obamacare is far from perfect, it is still a very significant improvement to the system that existed before.
When pressed for details last night on his replacement plan, he admitted he didn’t have a plan, but the “concept” of a plan. :rofl: I’m actually surprised, however, that this blithering moron even knows the meaning of the word “concept.”
LMAO. Is SNL on yet? They should have a lot of fun with lines like that one.
I'd say Taylor Swift isn't quite a daft celebrity like a Victoria Jackson. She is, from what I've heard, a very deft business person, like Trump, but you know... what is the word... successful.
So people like Bezos Musk are just lucky, but Swift is "deft"?
I don't particularly look to celebrities for political endorsements, though.
Good. I find this obsession Dems have had with Taylor Swift quite weird, to borrow a term.
And I'm not certain anyone on this web board could be considered obsessed with Taylor Swifts opinions on politics.
I have seen her name dropped far more often on PD than you'd expect a mediocre singer's name to be dropped.
If her endorsement helps move the needle on under 30s voting, I'm all for it, especially if it helps keep Trump from getting elected again and maybe start to drag the GOP away from this political horror show.
I think most of her fanbase is too young to vote.
1) We don’t hate billionaires; we hate billionaires who give zero fucks about anyone or anything besides their net worth and power.
Other than Taylor Swift and Oprah, this forum, and left-wing of the Democratic Party tends to be really anti-billionaire.

2) She’s very influential with a group that may be the largest untapped political demographic in the country.
Tween and teen girls?

3) She’s a self-made billionaire. Trump is neither.
Both her parents are of the Wall Street and helped her with connections in the music biz.
She is no more self-made than Musk (his father's emerald mine is mentioned a lot) or Gates (his mother had some connections with IBM).
But he has undying support from his tireless INCEL defenders.
I guess the question comes down to whether we have more INCELS or Swifties.
"Incel" has become nothing but a sexist insult against anybody a particular poster dislikes.
It's really a slur at this point.
It's hard to think of a more meaningful celebrity endorsement in the current climate.
Why? What's so special about her? I can't say I like one of her songs.
Besides, wasn't the endorsement pretty much a foregone conclusion?
Very few stars still physically move cities of young people like Swift does. Maybe Beyonce?
Another overrated singer. That ring song is like nails on chalkboard.
Point is, when Taylor says jump, her "Swifties" may do more than just vote, they are apt to take concrete action.
Sounds like a cult.
Volunteer for campaigns, register friends to vote, etc. My students talk about her kind of the ssme way they do Bernie. You know, the rare "old person worth listening to."
She is 34 ffs.
And what makes her "worth listening to"? What makes her opinions so special? It's just cult of personality.
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