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Harris Trump debate

The Swifties and The Bey-hive

Don't F--- with them
They'll take you out.
Sounds pretty hostile.
I wonder. Were Trump to win on 11/5, are the Swifties and the B Hive Mind going to invade the Capital this time around? And if so, what excuses will this forum have for them?
I was unaware that Cheerful Charlie was a political party.
I did not mean just him.
Or that he (I'm guessing) is obsessed with anyone.
Dems in general seem to have caught the Swift-fever.
I hope that Swift inspires more people to register and vote.
I do not think it's healthy for people to base their politics on what a popular singer tells them to think.
Why? What's so special about her? I can't say I like one of her songs.
Not your demographic.

Sounds like a cult.

And what makes her "worth listening to"? What makes her opinions so special? It's just cult of personality.
Welcome to celebrity culture. Yes, it's stupid. No, it's not going away. The Republicans are running a reality TV clown as their actual candidate, and the Democrats tried to pull out Oprah like she was some sort of secret weapon at the DNC. Americans are too dumb to select a political candidate on anything more nuanced than name recognition.
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Ah, the sweet smell of fleeting victory:

You know it's bad when Fox is throwing in the towel. The funny thing is, Trump didn't actually change between the two debates, he just seems more unhinged when he has to share a stage with a comparatively normal person.

Alas, undecided voters find derangement "intriguing".
1) We don’t hate billionaires; we hate billionaires who give zero fucks about anyone or anything besides their net worth and power.
Other than Taylor Swift and Oprah, this forum, and left-wing of the Democratic Party tends to be really anti-billionaire.

2) She’s very influential with a group that may be the largest untapped political demographic in the country.
Tween and teen girls?

3) She’s a self-made billionaire. Trump is neither.
Both her parents are of the Wall Street and helped her with connections in the music biz.
She is no more self-made than Musk (his father's emerald mine is mentioned a lot) or Gates (his mother had some connections with IBM).
Soros (trigger alert)

As stated in another post, the vast majority of Swift's fans ARE of voting age. The "tween and teen girls" myth is just lazy; she's not the 1963 Beatles.

Millions of people get a start because of "connections". She wasn't born sitting on a pile of precious stones and government funding.
Which party would that be, that hates billionaires?
Democratic Party, at least its left wing. You know, the Bernie/AOC crowd.

Nope, this is no evidence that Bernie or the Democratic party “hates billionaires.” I’ll let you try to work out on your own what it does mean.
The Swifties and The Bey-hive

Don't F--- with them
They'll take you out.
Sounds pretty hostile.
I wonder. Were Trump to win on 11/5, are the Swifties and the B Hive Mind going to invade the Capital this time around? And if so, what excuses will this forum have for them?

Swifties? Violent? The crying tic-tok swifties? The Nashville memorial Swifties? The parking lot raider Swifties? The I sold my contact lenses on Ebay because I watched her show in them Swifties?

Ok you might be on to something here.
I was unaware that Cheerful Charlie was a political party.
I did not mean just him.
Or that he (I'm guessing) is obsessed with anyone.
Dems in general seem to have caught the Swift-fever.
Have they? I remember McCain mentioning Joe the Plumber more times in a debate than Harris mentioned Taylor Swift.
I hope that Swift inspires more people to register and vote.
I do not think it's healthy for people to base their politics on what a popular singer tells them to think.
It is less about telling them what to think, but convincing them that turning out to vote is in their interest. I remember in Government class in college, most of the students didn't think voting really impacted them. The under-30s have long been unreliable for turnout. Swift is saying they should vote. Clearly the GOP winning isn't in their own self-interests, especially when it comes to their reproductive health and ideas of being employed.
The problem with the "I'm with stupid" theorem is the stupidity is very superficial. A Trump supporter would never tolerate a spouse, child, coworker, or employee, who behaved like Trump. Lying, cheating, assaulting women, etc. They're not that stupid. This means their stupidity is a more subtle lie. It's a mask that lets them vote for Trump without having to explain to us the real reason they support him.
So true -- and consider the much deeper pathology of Ted Cruz. Can you imagine being so spineless that you pretend the man who called you Lyin' Ted, who disparaged your wife's looks, who said your father was complicit with JFK's assassins -- is a great American who you are proud to call your leader? There just aren't words. (Not to mention the run of the mill MAGA fans, who saw him attack a man's wife and still don't see what it says about Trump's essential cowardice and sadism.)
One thing that Republican elected officials do better than their Democratic counterparts is recognize an existential threat to their career. Once the GOP realized Trump could deliver votes in down ballot races, especially in primaries), it didn't matter what he said about one's father, mother, or wife.

It's a bizarre alchemy of the seven deadly sins, where pride and envy are transmuted into greed, so a Senator or Representative can keep getting their Federal paycheck, along with all the benefits. Fortunately for them, Trump's "What have you done for me lately?" mentality comes with a dry erase memory.

Whether GOP incumbents will be treated so gently by voters remains to be seen.
Which party would that be, that hates billionaires?
Democratic Party, at least its left wing. You know, the Bernie/AOC crowd.

That isn't hate. Emotion has nothing to do with it. The statement is in regards to what is the overall benefit of having billionaires for the national economy. We had similar discussions when it came to massive monopolies back in the late 19th century. At some point, there is a negative cost to allowing such an acquisition of wealth and power. When someone can become so wealthy it is nearly mathematically impossible to become poor, it probably isn't a bad idea to be a tad bit more aggressive on taking a portion of their income/revenue for ensuring a quality standard of living across the board. They'd still be fabulously wealthy, and things could be better as a baseline for everyone else.
Trump is neither.
But he has undying support from his tireless INCEL defenders.
I guess the question comes down to whether we have more INCELS or Swifties.
One critical difference between Swifties and INCELS is, INCELS can't reproduce, so they must recruit, while a Swiftie just looked at a man and thought, "He might not be Mr. Right, but he's Mr. Right Now."
But he has undying support from his tireless INCEL defenders.
I guess the question comes down to whether we have more INCELS or Swifties.
"Incel" has become nothing but a sexist insult against anybody a particular poster dislikes.
It's really a slur at this point.
Now that the term "Incel" has become politically incorrect, what does the community formerly self described as Incel, wish to be called?
On the topic of hating billionaires, you’d think widespread social unrest would be a top priority for them to actively prevent. After all, history offers plenty of warnings—the French, Russian, Chinese, and Cuban revolutions were all fueled by resentment toward the ruling elite. The fall of dictatorships in 20th-century Latin America also provides lessons in how concentrated wealth and power can trigger upheaval. Hatred toward the ultra-wealthy is often a cultural or emotional response to inequality. With so much control over the economy, if the ultra wealthy can't come together to prevent the very conditions that have historically led to their downfall, well, tough luck. They can't say the signs weren’t there.
But he has undying support from his tireless INCEL defenders.
I guess the question comes down to whether we have more INCELS or Swifties.
"Incel" has become nothing but a sexist insult against anybody a particular poster dislikes.
It's really a slur at this point.
Now that the term "Incel" has become politically incorrect, what does the community formerly self described as Incel, wish to be called?
Master debaters
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