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Harris Trump debate

I thought that Harris did everything that she needed to do--which was not to try to respond to everything Trump said. Instead, she got in some details about her own policies and then baited Trump on issues that he is known to be unhinged about. She really got under his skin, and he went for the bait every time. Most of the time, they showed a split screen where she watched him spouting lies and delusions. The moderators pushed back a few times on some of his more egregious lies. Harris was clearly trying not to get sucked into the whirlpool of addressing his grievances and rants. She was very effective when she did address things he said tonight or had said in the past, because she looked right at him when she did that. He never looked at her. His body language was hunched over and glowering, but he could not bring himself to engage her directly the way she addressed him, repeatedly calling him a disgrace. The tone was set at the very beginning, when he shambled in slowly, and she strode directly up to him to shake his hand. He was obviously not expecting to shake hers. It was clear which one of them was afraid of the other. It wasn't her.
Harris did a great job and I enjoyed the faces she made at Trump, as if to say, "What the fuck are you talking about? You have lost your mind". It was also amusing to see how he backed away from her when she politely walked up to shake his hand. He was enraged. He lied every time he opened his mouth. He looked scared, old and demented. Yet, this morning, he's claiming that was the best debate he ever had. :rofl: Let's hope people who have some common sense and decency get out and vote. If Dick Cheney has seen the light, maybe there is hope.
You can determine who won a debate without even watching. Just listen for which side complains more about the format, the questions, and the moderators.

By that measure, this was an epic beatdown.
Yes, Trump is the person we want to be President.

article said:
Doocy said Fox News proposed several more debate dates in October to Trump’s and Harris’s teams Tuesday night, to be moderated by the network’s Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.

Trump interrupted to say he would rather not have Baier and MacCallum and would prefer someone like “Sean, Jesse or Laura” — apparently referencing Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters and Laura Ingraham.

“I didn’t think Martha and Brett were good last night. … Jesse was fantastic last night, what he said,” Trump said. “Jesse really got it. Jesse said Trump won that debate.”
Sounds like an elementary school aged child.
I just can't watch this stuff. Debates are bad enough as they are, forget when Trump is in one and the Gish Galloping is at levels we've never seen before, at least that is what some people... no, all people are saying. VP Harris trolled Trump and Trump walked right into the bear traps. She told people to attend Trump's campaign rally, about their size and people leaving early. It was an unnecessary thing to say, added nothing to Harris's claims to be voted for... but Trump had to jump on it and defend himself.

Dude is so vain, he sued Carly Simon.
I am astounded that anyone would want to vote for Trump after he said this (paraphrase):

As President and Commander-in-chief of the armed forces it was not my responsibility to defend the Capitol of the United States of America from a violent mob attempting to invade it.
I can think of a least one person with Confederate flags on his truck who totally agrees with not defending the Capitol. But he's dead now so not sure if he counts.
Don't worry about Trump. Any momentum he's lost will be regained, and then some, with his new double-image NFTs ($99 @), designed to inspire his Christian base. I'm speaking of the Bible Heroes Then & Now series. You get:
LOT - Version 1.0: Lot's two daughters get him drunk, bump uglies, and bear his bastard children. / TRUMP LOT - Trump tells Howard Stern that Ivanka is so hot he would jump her, if she wasn't his child,
ONAN - Version 1.0: Onan evades impregnating his sister-in-law by jerking off on the ground. / TRUMP ONAN - Trump bear hugs the flag, nuzzles it, kisses it, engages in 5 seconds of foreplay, then rubs one out on it.
SAMSON - Version 1.0: Samson catches 300 foxes, ties their tails together, sets them on fire, and sends them into the Philistine wheat fields. / TRUMP SAMSON - Trump gets golden showers from two Russian foxes.
HOLY GHOST - Version 1.0: Holy Ghost gets country girl pregnant on first date. / HOLY GHOST TRUMP -Trump goes into Bergdorf Goodman; it gets complicated after that. $83 million changes hands.
ANANIAS - Version 1.0: Ananias sells land to benefit church but keeps some of the money; lies about it, is struck dead. / TRUMP ANANIAS - Trump commits bank fraud by claiming his 11,000 sq ft penthouse is actually 30,000 sq ft -- outcome pending.
ANTICHRIST - Version 1.0: In a time of economic turmoil and wars across the earth, charismatic pretender gains power by telling everyone he can solve all their problems; he is revealed to be a liar and blood-thirsty despot. / TRUMP ANTICHRIST - See 1.0.

Plus: Jezebel -- Goliath -- Judas -- and the Great Whore!! Collect them all!!
It was an unnecessary thing to say, added nothing to Harris's claims to be voted for... but Trump had to jump on it and defend himself.
^ which illustrated the MAIN REASON people should vote for her: he’s abysmally STUPID. And:

Dude is so vain, he sued Carly Simon.
Seen in a comment section: "She beat him like a rented drum kit."
I absolutely agree. She should have said "this moron believes tariffs are paid for by the country of origin."
And she needs to do this more often. She needs to state loud and clear that we can't elect a divisive, petulant, name-calling, nine-year-old to lead our country. These callouts will get her a lot of mileage if she simply starts dong it. Yes, call bullshit when it's spoken by the Orange Ass.
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