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Harris will likely win

Misogyny was a factor.
A very minor factor. And more than compensated for by the "I am woman hear me roar" types who wanted to vote for a woman no matter what.
Mrs. Clinton had a lot of negatives.
That she did. The original sin was to make her a heiress apparent. "Planet Hillary" almost cleared her orbit, except for Red Dwarf Bernie, since not many dared oppose her candidacy. It was "her turn" after all.
DNC repeated the mistake with the Kamala coronation, even if they were partly forced into it because Biden stayed too long.
You are right - in a rational world this race would not be close. In a rational world, Mr. Trump would have lost to Mrs Clinton.
In a rational world, neither Hillary nor Trump would have been nominated by their respective parties.
In a rational world, there would have been no movement to dethrone Mr. Biden after a poor showing (that was still better than Mr. Trump's).
I think it's the opposite. If Biden was rational, he would have realized that he didn't have what it took to run in 2024, much less effectively govern until January 2029, at age 86. How well do you think Biden would be doing campaigning right about now?
In a rational world, Biden would have stepped down as a candidate by Summer 2023, giving the Dems more than enough time to conduct competitive primaries. Even if Kamala Harris had emerged out of that crucible the winner, she would have been a stronger candidate for it.
It was not that Hillary was bad, it was that she was the victim of years of demonization by the Republicans.
Hillary is not a good politician. She does not have the charisma of Bill, nor the self-awareness to recognize that.
She also has poor judgment, like with the server or the "deplorables" comment. Or her op-ed at CNN where she argued that women who commit crimes are not really responsible for their actions like men who commit crimes are, and should be automatically given lesser sentences.
I once heard Pennsylvania described as "Philadelphia at one end, Pittsburgh at the other, and a huge chunk of Alabama in the middle."
That middle part is called Pennsyltucky. Zipper is fast on the draw. James Carville gave it that name.
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This is an issue. The GOP have done a great job of convincing people that inflation was all Biden's fault. And the economy is doing good, just not awesome. Meanwhile Europe is struggling with inflation and their economies are weaker. Biden just can't win it seems.
It was partly his fault. He let the Pandemic era largess go on well after the economy had reopened. And he wanted to spend trillions more - only brave stand by Manchin and Sinema saved us from a two-digit inflation. You mention Europe, but it is not like European governments did /do not have their own problem with "drunken sailor" spending.
As a reminder, deficits under the GOP have been staggering. At least the Dems try to reinvest in our country. You really don't appreciate how badly the GOP has starved states and how municipalities often can't get anything built without federal funds.
They are also staggering under Biden. Except for the COVID spike, deficits under Biden are higher than under Trump. Or Obama.
fredgraph (3).png
The upshot is that we are now paying more on interest than on defense.
So was Biden. The annual SS surplus was a big player in that balancing act. We don't have that anymore. That accounting gimmick is dead. Clinton also signed Phil Gramm's "We gonna regret this in about 10 years" deregulation bill that was a big player in the global economic crash in 2008.
Biden ran as a moderate. But his spending plans were lifted from the Book of Bernie.
Lots of people are fed up with all the fake problems that aren't impacting their lives one wit. There is no "open border".
If people can get in just by saying the magic word "asylum" it is a de-facto open border.
There are no "hoards" of illegals.
But there definitely are hordes.

The big problem for Kamala is that she was appointed the Border Czarina while Veep.
Her other problem is that she was running in 2020, and during the Democratic debates in 2019, candidates were tripping over each other trying to appear more permissive on mass migration than the others. It was disgusting to behold!
took away Dobbs
No, he didn't.

He appointed the JUSTICES that did, knowing that they would do it, and he BRAGS about it!
Those JUSTICES decided Dobbs, they did not take it away.
They overturned Roe.
Yeah, and OVERTURNING ROE led roughly half the states in the country to ban or severely restrict abortion, as Trump KNEW would happen, and he BRAGS about it, moreover saying “everyone wanted it returned to the states,” which is another LIE. Your ridiculous hair-splitting is very embarrassing, for you.
If you're running against a psychopath clown rapist, a dead heat is terrible polling.
You're blaming Harris because there are ignoramuses voting for orange?
I'm not blaming her exclusively, but running against one of the worst presidential candidates in US history and struggling to break even should be a signal of trouble, yes.
A great many of them are refugees, not illegals. We have always taken in refugees.
Pro mass-migration/open-border types call them "refugees", but there are no wars in South America. They are economic migrants. Venezuelans fucked up by voting for Chavez and are now surprised Pikachu face that he and his minions destroyed the economy and that the bus driver does not want to cede power.
We must not become like Europe where millions show up with dubious claims and it is virtually impossible to deport them.

Even for legitimate refugees there should be rules. There should be limits on numbers. The guiding principle is that refugees should primarily be resettled in the region of the conflict. They can't all be taken up by US, Canada, Europe and Australia! The world is too big for that.
They should also be vetted for criminal records and extremism. It was a mistake to take so many Somalis and Afghans. It would be a colossal mistake to start taking in Gazans, since most of them are Islamists. We have more than enough problems with Arabs/Muslims already here.
The border is not open.
If somebody is apprehended at the border, and is allowed in just by claiming asylum, it is a de-facto open border.
Another problem are sanctuary cities/states that actively aid and abet illegal migration by shielding illegals from ICE.
Democrats and Republicans came up with a bi-partisan approach to policing the border months ago. Trump ordered Republicans to block it, so that he could have a campaign issue, and they did, with even those who initially supported the measure reversing their position.
That bill was an ok compromise. I am not for Trump either. But I reject the Dem stance on mass migration as well.
Remember 2019? The Dem debates? The candidates were one-uping each other about which of them would open up the border more.
If you're running against a psychopath clown rapist, a dead heat is terrible polling.
You're blaming Harris because there are ignoramuses voting for orange?
I'm not blaming her exclusively, but running against one of the worst presidential candidates in US history and struggling to break even should be a signal of trouble, yes.
A “signal of trouble” is not the same thing as a “bad candidate.” The “signal of trouble” here is that roughly half the country consists of brain-dead, lemming-like Orange Cultists. And that IS real trouble.
Homeless illegals? I'm in Florida. The only illegals I see are mowing lawns, installing roofs, and picking crops.
I have seen some Venezuelan "happy ending" masseuses lately. Probably illegal. Not complaining, a nice variety from the usual Chinese, but they do not speak a lick of English, y mi español no es bueno.
If you're running against a psychopath clown rapist, a dead heat is terrible polling.
You're blaming Harris because there are ignoramuses voting for orange?
I'm not blaming her exclusively, but running against one of the worst presidential candidates in US history and struggling to break even should be a signal of trouble, yes.
A “signal of trouble” is not the same thing as a “bad candidate.” The “signal of trouble” here is that roughly half the country consists of brain-dead, lemming-like Orange Cultists. And that IS real trouble.
Both can be true.
Another point is this.
If you want to prevent undocumented workers from getting jobs, start prosecuting the employers who hire them!
It should be a multipronged approach:
  • Control the borders
  • Enforce employment laws (whatever happened to I9?)
  • Do not give illegals government benefits
  • Make it impossible for cities and states to act as sanctuaries for illegals
If you just don't like brown people, then fuck right off.
It's not about them being "brown" but that you cannot have a country without controlling who immigrates. We cannot reasonably take in even a small fraction of all the people who would like to come to the US. Same with Europe, although they are getting even more inundated by mass migrants flooding in from Asia and Africa. And not just from warzones, but primarily economic migrants from places like Bangladesh or Nigeria.
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I think Harris is a good candidate, despite what some of you think. She is smart, experienced
Yes, I think she is a bad candidate. She may be smart and experienced, but she also lacks judgment, as she showed in 2019.
In 2024, she relied on "memes and vibes" for way too long. Hell, she picked Walz because he said "weird"!
and will try to do what's best for the all Americans.
And yet her plans were for some Americans only. More money for those with children. Loans for black men and unspecified "others" to start businesses. Things like that.
Of course, she won't be able to get much done since it's unlikely, the Dems will control the Congress.
Dems will most likely get the House back, and it is at least possible that the Senate will be 50/50. Will there be a Dem willing to stand up to her like Manchin and Sinema stood up to Biden, or like how McCain stood up to Trump?
Btw, the orange menace is campaigning in a small town near my little city today. The schools are closed there and most everything is locked down. It's on the edge of exurban Georgia. He is then going to a more urban part of Gwinnett County that is usually blue, and very diverse with a large immigrant population. I guess he's going to try and get the people he hates to support him. I hope they are smarter than that.
That he is in Georgia this late in the game shows that his people do not think our state is a lock. That's a good sign.
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