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Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

Everytime I see the thread title immediately interpret it as Smellygate. Am I demented?
Yes. Smellygate is Trump constantly shitting his pants for years. He's also considered senile but a far worse candidate than Biden.
Look, I'm not one to...shit on...someone who loses control of their bodily functions on occasion. Earlier this year when I wound up in the ER, there was a woman across the way who - if my reading of what I heard was correct - was not able to do so. The nurse tried to keep up, but the lady caused quite a mess before she was hauled out of the ER and into a room. The nurse apologized profusely to the orderly when he showed up to clean the mess, and all I was thinking at the time was "at least I'm not in that situation."

Then again, that woman wasn't President of the United States.

Yeah, I've had to clean up after my Dad more than a couple times. But he doesn't think he's the best person to be in charge of a nuclear arsenal either. And he doesn't spend every waking moment planning on how to hurt the largest number of people just to make him feel better about himself either.
Well, Democrat media kinda called Biden (Brandon) senile. Don't know if they learned anything.
The New York Times and similar newspapers are not Democrat media. They have shown this year that they support Trump.
Also, actual professional media observers have all noted that up until a couple of weeks ago, most media have been mainly ignoring Trump's catalogue of insane comments, and only concentrating on any alleged (whether real or RW propaganda) Biden shortfalls (for example, the cropped video showing Biden wandering off, when he was actually walking towards and talking to two nearby landed skydivers).
Even now they do little reporting of Trump's lies and clearly demented comments.
CNN IS democrat media and kinda called Biden senile.
I don't care about Trump, so stop mentioning him in the topic about Biden and his dementia.
CNN is occasionally Democrat media but not consistently so. It is very relevant to mention Trump when discussing Biden's alleged dementia due to Trump's actual dementia, and because they are the two presidential candidates.
Sorry, Trump does not have dementia and you all started talking about it only after debates.
Biden has dementia, it's not debatable, that's just a fact. Trump certainly has narcissistic disorders and not very intelligent to begin with, but he absolutely does not have dementia.
No. People have been talking about Trump's dementia for YEARS now. All throughout his presidency.
Trump would probably eat your cat or sell it or murder it the way that MAGA woman shot her puppy.
Maybe. But Biden will forget to feed it.

How do you feel about Trump praising....Hannibal Lector, a fictional serial killer who ate his victims?

Or about opining that he'd rather be electrocuted on top of a battery in a boat that was sinking than eaten by sharks.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Delusions is not a symptom of dementia.
You googled for dementia+delusions and got results for 2024 (!!!) junk (in my expert opinion) paper to prove me wrong.
This recent junk paper is not recognized by any medical diagnostic manuals/prescriptions.
I listed standard list of symptoms. My relative fit them perfectly. Biden fits them very well.
Delusions can be a symptom of dementia as well as a number of mental illnesses. My mother died of dementia related causes and had spent several years in a nursing home when she became too much of a danger to herself to remain in her home. Most of the time, she did not suffer from delusions but occasionally, she did, including being certain she was seeing and talking to relatives who had been dead for years. At her worst, she sounded more coherent than Trump usually does.

We definitely do not need a POTUS who is delusional. Which means no Trump. Sorry Putin.
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You have to ask why Biden does not do press conferences?

Generally speaking, Presidents have their Press Secretaries do the press conferences, and media access (like one on one interviews) to the President has been "very tightly controlled" for decades. The only Trump press conference that comes to mind is the one he did when Covid was in full swing and his staff cringed at his suggestions of injecting disinfectants or plugging a light up a bunghole for a cure. When he was in the White House, he spoke almost exclusively to friendly outlets that would give him softball questions like "Mr. President, you are so patriotic and hard working for the American people. How do you do it?"
Well, no not really. They are expected to face the press themselves on a regular basis, as well as use their Press Secretaries. Biden most definitely has been rather evasive regarding Press Conferences:

Biden's media evasion

President Biden has engaged in fewer press conferences and media interviews than any of the last seven presidents at this point in their terms, according to an analysis from presidential scholar Martha Joynt Kumar.

For all his numerous faults, Trump did frequently engage the media (both friendly and hostile ("fake news" as he would call them). He often gave impromptu press conferences after disembarking from the Air Force One helicopter.
I believe that I've read that Biden has given multiple press conferences in the past 10 days whereas Trump, camera lover that he is, has not been seen in public during the same time period.
I believe that I've read that Biden has given multiple press conferences in the past 10 days whereas Trump, camera lover that he is, has not been seen in public during the same time period.

The count that I heard was that Biden has had 18 appearances (not press conferences) since the debate. Granted, his team is in "damage control" mode so they're gonna try to put him out there as much as possible to show he's "still in charge," but I do find it odd that Trump has gone more or less silent apart from his little social media site.
I believe that I've read that Biden has given multiple press conferences in the past 10 days whereas Trump, camera lover that he is, has not been seen in public during the same time period.

The count that I heard was that Biden has had 18 appearances (not press conferences) since the debate. Granted, his team is in "damage control" mode so they're gonna try to put him out there as much as possible to show he's "still in charge," but I do find it odd that Trump has gone more or less silent apart from his little social media site.
Trump has some rallies coming up. I imagine he's resting up and getting pumped full of meds to try to make him ready. But 10 days is a long time for him to be silent....
I believe that I've read that Biden has given multiple press conferences in the past 10 days whereas Trump, camera lover that he is, has not been seen in public during the same time period.

The count that I heard was that Biden has had 18 appearances (not press conferences) since the debate. Granted, his team is in "damage control" mode so they're gonna try to put him out there as much as possible to show he's "still in charge," but I do find it odd that Trump has gone more or less silent apart from his little social media site.
Trump has some rallies coming up. I imagine he's resting up and getting pumped full of meds to try to make him ready. But 10 days is a long time for him to be silent....
Ten days?! Jesus Christ that is almost Weekend at Bernie's time for dipshit!
And the easy way to tell is this. Which person would you trust to feed your pet cat if you went on vacation. Even Trump or a 10 year old would make sure the cat had food and water to stay alive. Biden would probably just forget about the cat.
I'm sure you've seen the other responses but I'll add a different one:

Trust him to figure out it's a pussy that can't be fucked?!
I believe that I've read that Biden has given multiple press conferences in the past 10 days whereas Trump, camera lover that he is, has not been seen in public during the same time period.

The count that I heard was that Biden has had 18 appearances (not press conferences) since the debate. Granted, his team is in "damage control" mode so they're gonna try to put him out there as much as possible to show he's "still in charge," but I do find it odd that Trump has gone more or less silent apart from his little social media site.
Trump always seems to go better when he keeps his mouth shut.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Delusions is not a symptom of dementia.
You googled for dementia+delusions and got results for 2024 (!!!) junk (in my expert opinion) paper to prove me wrong.
This recent junk paper is not recognized by any medical diagnostic manuals/prescriptions.
I listed standard list of symptoms. My relative fit them perfectly. Biden fits them very well.
Delusions can be a symptom of dementia as well as a number of mental illnesses. My mother died of dementia related causes and had spent several years in a nursing home when she became too much of a danger to herself to remain in her home. Most of the time, she did not suffer from delusions but occasionally, she did, including being certain she was seeing and talking to relatives who had been dead for years. At her worst, she sounded more coherent than Trump usually does.

We definitely do not need a POTUS who is delusional. Which means no Trump. Sorry Putin.
Thanks for bringing that up, although I doubt we will ever convince him. One of my dear female patients who suffered from dementia, had frequent delusions and hallucinations. Sometimes she thought she was riding on a bus, or on a plane or she was in a different city etc. She actually knew she had dementia. I guess it was drilled into her head by her family as she often would say to me, "I have dementia". I think she died of heart failure before the dementia reached its final stages. She still recognized her family members even if she did have severe delusions.

There are numerous symptoms of AD, the most common form of dementia and I've seen most of them while working as a nurse, but I've already mentioned many of the symptoms, and as Toni just mentioned, Trump has far more suspicious symptoms of cognitive decline compared to Biden.

One more thing....I've read numerous books about the brain, including one about the aging brain. Some neurologists have made the case that the reason that normal aging includes forgetting names, words etc. if because older adults have so much data in our brains, due to our years of life experience, that it sometimes takes us longer to recall things. That happens to me. Last week I forgot the name of someone who works at our senior center, but as a walked out the door, her name suddenly came to me. Hopefully, what those neurologists claim is correct and I'm simply sometimes forgetting names or words due to all the stuff in my brain. All of my older friends have the same problem, some more than others. The ones who I worry about are the ones who totally forget a conversation we had a few day ago, not the ones who forget names. But, our brains do shrink starting around age forty, so maybe we are all losing it, once we pass forty. :p
Well, Democrat media kinda called Biden (Brandon) senile. Don't know if they learned anything.
The New York Times and similar newspapers are not Democrat media. They have shown this year that they support Trump.
Also, actual professional media observers have all noted that up until a couple of weeks ago, most media have been mainly ignoring Trump's catalogue of insane comments, and only concentrating on any alleged (whether real or RW propaganda) Biden shortfalls (for example, the cropped video showing Biden wandering off, when he was actually walking towards and talking to two nearby landed skydivers).
Even now they do little reporting of Trump's lies and clearly demented comments.
The non-reporting of Trump's many insane gaffes is one of the biggest untold stories of this election cycle and has been a great assist to the Trump campaign. Their intention may not be to support Trump, but nonetheless it has done so, intentional or not.
Felon gaffes are not news because news is something new. The same thing over and over isn't news.

"Biden is old" isn't new either. Yeah been hearing that one since he started running.
I believe that I've read that Biden has given multiple press conferences in the past 10 days whereas Trump, camera lover that he is, has not been seen in public during the same time period.

The count that I heard was that Biden has had 18 appearances (not press conferences) since the debate. Granted, his team is in "damage control" mode so they're gonna try to put him out there as much as possible to show he's "still in charge," but I do find it odd that Trump has gone more or less silent apart from his little social media site.
Trump always seems to go better when he keeps his mouth shut.
You don't understand the base. Trump is Trump. It is his image and the garbage that he says that drive the base. The cult of Trump is irrational, like any other cult. It is born from the Southern Strategy (racism), AM Radio and cable propaganda, more racism (McCain's mixed race child), and now a generation who has been raised on this garbage.

This has been an escalating issue for the last 30 years. Trump is the embodiment of all the lies the AM Radio dial and Cable News has been spouting for a couple generations. He has officially normalized outrageous lying to an extent that out does our typical status quo run-of-the-mill political fibbing and exaggerating. And the base craves it.
Why in the everliving fuck are we discussing or even seeing calls for Biden to drop out of the race instead of the convicted felonious rapist with more pictures next to a child trafficking pedophile than next to his own kids, someone said convict has outright said "likes them young", and for which the pics he has next to his own kids include Ivanka on a bed making a pose while kissing him?

Why are we discussing the dropping-out of the person only a few years older than him, rather than the clear and glaring inappropriateness of a candidate whose only truthful statement across an entire debate was that Putin had been eyeing Ukraine for invasion for years, nor questioning why Trump knew that in the first place?!?

Why is this at all a discussion? How did we end up at a media that cares more for discussing Biden than a fucking clear-as-day pedophile?

The reality is that we should ALL sooner want to vote for a mummified corpse more than a lying pedophile rapist with designs on his own daughter.
Why in the everliving fuck are we discussing or even seeing calls for Biden to drop out of the race instead of the convicted felonious rapist with more pictures next to a child trafficking pedophile than next to his own kids, someone said convict has outright said "likes them young", and for which the pics he has next to his own kids include Ivanka on a bed making a pose while kissing him?

Why are we discussing the dropping-out of the person only a few years older than him, rather than the clear and glaring inappropriateness of a candidate whose only truthful statement across an entire debate was that Putin had been eyeing Ukraine for invasion for years, nor questioning why Trump knew that in the first place?!?

Why is this at all a discussion? How did we end up at a media that cares more for discussing Biden than a fucking clear-as-day pedophile?
Because Biden fucked up on the debate and 45% of the electorate is guaranteed to vote for Trump because half want a 1920s dystopian right-wing fan fiction vision of the future and the other half want to reduce regulations, oversight, and taxes to save money. The later half have proven they are very adept at holding their nose.

America can only win if people TURN OUT for Biden. They did in 2020. But the debate for Biden was detrimental.
Why in the everliving fuck are we discussing or even seeing calls for Biden to drop out of the race instead of the convicted felonious rapist with more pictures next to a child trafficking pedophile than next to his own kids, someone said convict has outright said "likes them young", and for which the pics he has next to his own kids include Ivanka on a bed making a pose while kissing him?

Why are we discussing the dropping-out of the person only a few years older than him, rather than the clear and glaring inappropriateness of a candidate whose only truthful statement across an entire debate was that Putin had been eyeing Ukraine for invasion for years, nor questioning why Trump knew that in the first place?!?

Why is this at all a discussion? How did we end up at a media that cares more for discussing Biden than a fucking clear-as-day pedophile?

The reality is that we should ALL sooner want to vote for a mummified corpse more than a lying pedophile rapist with designs on his own daughter.
Just to clarify, it was Bill Clinton who was reported to "like them young". Not Trump.
Why in the everliving fuck are we discussing or even seeing calls for Biden to drop out of the race instead of the convicted felonious rapist with more pictures next to a child trafficking pedophile than next to his own kids, someone said convict has outright said "likes them young", and for which the pics he has next to his own kids include Ivanka on a bed making a pose while kissing him?

Why are we discussing the dropping-out of the person only a few years older than him, rather than the clear and glaring inappropriateness of a candidate whose only truthful statement across an entire debate was that Putin had been eyeing Ukraine for invasion for years, nor questioning why Trump knew that in the first place?!?

Why is this at all a discussion? How did we end up at a media that cares more for discussing Biden than a fucking clear-as-day pedophile?

The reality is that we should ALL sooner want to vote for a mummified corpse more than a lying pedophile rapist with designs on his own daughter.
Just to clarify, it was Bill Clinton who was reported to "like them young". Not Trump.
No, it was Epstein.

The fact that Trump likes em "young" is exemplified by the fact that he made untoward comments about his own daughter and had a known reputation for busting in on little girls in their changing rooms during pageants, not to mention the ~70 pictures of Trump with Epstein, and the gross hotel photoshoot with Ivanka, and the outstanding claims of trafficking victims...
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Delusions is not a symptom of dementia.
You googled for dementia+delusions and got results for 2024 (!!!) junk (in my expert opinion) paper to prove me wrong.
This recent junk paper is not recognized by any medical diagnostic manuals/prescriptions.
I listed standard list of symptoms. My relative fit them perfectly. Biden fits them very well.
Delusions can be a symptom of dementia as well as a number of mental illnesses. My mother died of dementia related causes and had spent several years in a nursing home when she became too much of a danger to herself to remain in her home. Most of the time, she did not suffer from delusions but occasionally, she did, including being certain she was seeing and talking to relatives who had been dead for years. At her worst, she sounded more coherent than Trump usually does.

We definitely do not need a POTUS who is delusional. Which means no Trump. Sorry Putin.
Thanks for bringing that up, although I doubt we will ever convince him. One of my dear female patients who suffered from dementia, had frequent delusions and hallucinations. Sometimes she thought she was riding on a bus, or on a plane or she was in a different city etc. She actually knew she had dementia. I guess it was drilled into her head by her family as she often would say to me, "I have dementia". I think she died of heart failure before the dementia reached its final stages. She still recognized her family members even if she did have severe delusions.

There are numerous symptoms of AD, the most common form of dementia and I've seen most of them while working as a nurse, but I've already mentioned many of the symptoms, and as Toni just mentioned, Trump has far more suspicious symptoms of cognitive decline compared to Biden.

One more thing....I've read numerous books about the brain, including one about the aging brain. Some neurologists have made the case that the reason that normal aging includes forgetting names, words etc. if because older adults have so much data in our brains, due to our years of life experience, that it sometimes takes us longer to recall things. That happens to me. Last week I forgot the name of someone who works at our senior center, but as a walked out the door, her name suddenly came to me. Hopefully, what those neurologists claim is correct and I'm simply sometimes forgetting names or words due to all the stuff in my brain. All of my older friends have the same problem, some more than others. The ones who I worry about are the ones who totally forget a conversation we had a few day ago, not the ones who forget names. But, our brains do shrink starting around age forty, so maybe we are all losing it, once we pass forty. :p
Cheer up: I've never been great at name recall. Occasionally, when my kids were young, I'd go through the entire list before landing on the 'right' name. Even if it were just me and one kid in the house, they would just stand there looking at me until I hit the right name. Once or twice, the dog's name might have gotten slipped in. I blame it on being sleep deprived and tired. But I've also read that this is a trick our brain sometimes plays on us: we will sometimes use a different name for the same category of item, in the case of my kids (and dog): beloved person I take care of.
Why in the everliving fuck are we discussing or even seeing calls for Biden to drop out of the race instead of the convicted felonious rapist with more pictures next to a child trafficking pedophile than next to his own kids, someone said convict has outright said "likes them young", and for which the pics he has next to his own kids include Ivanka on a bed making a pose while kissing him?

Why are we discussing the dropping-out of the person only a few years older than him, rather than the clear and glaring inappropriateness of a candidate whose only truthful statement across an entire debate was that Putin had been eyeing Ukraine for invasion for years, nor questioning why Trump knew that in the first place?!?

Why is this at all a discussion? How did we end up at a media that cares more for discussing Biden than a fucking clear-as-day pedophile?

The reality is that we should ALL sooner want to vote for a mummified corpse more than a lying pedophile rapist with designs on his own daughter.
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