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Henry Kissinger Dead

Because if he had died in 1963, he would not have had the opportunity to kill at least 3 million people, and that number is from his biographer, He was a miserable, evil bastard who should have been tried at the Hague.
He was controversial, sure. Still no reason to wish him dead at 40. The truth is, he was not even charged, much less convicted of the crimes alleged by some.
Note also that he was only one part of the governments that implemented those controversial policies. And yet Kissinger gets the lion's share of the vitriolic hatred. Why? Could it be because he was Jewish?
The Left, and especially far Left, has a huge problem with antisemitism in their ranks. That's why, for example, DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) promoted an anti-Israel rally the day after the islamofascist terror group Hamas massacred over 1000 Israelis and kidnapped over 200.
The Left, and especially far Left, has a huge problem with antisemitism in their ranks. That's why, for example, DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) promoted an anti-Israel rally the day after the islamofascist terror group Hamas massacred over 1000 Israelis and kidnapped over 200.
Can you provide an example of this Leftist "anti-semitism" that does not involve disapproval of the actions Israel has taken against Palestine?
Can you provide an example of this Leftist "anti-semitism" that does not involve disapproval of the actions Israel has taken against Palestine?
When they approve of Hamas slaughtering Jews the antisemitism is not even thinly veiled, Comrade.
Can you provide an example of this Leftist "anti-semitism" that does not involve disapproval of the actions Israel has taken against Palestine?
When they approve of Hamas slaughtering Jews the antisemitism is not even thinly veiled, Comrade.
Strange. On the announcement you posted above I don't see any mention of Hamas.
Strange. On the announcement you posted above I don't see any mention of Hamas.
The announcement was made on the same day that Hamas slaughtered Israelis en masse. They are talking about Palestinians "resisting" obviously referring to the massacre. The "75 years of occupation" is since the creation of Israel - so DSA considers all of Israel to be "occupied".

Btw, does everything have to be spelled out to you? DSA know who they are. Why do you refuse to acknowledge it?
It's kind of like the infamous glider post made by Black Lives Matter Chicago on 10/10. They do not need to explicitly mention Hamas by name for the message to be loud and clear.
Can someone explain what antisemitism among in “ the Left” has to do with Henry Kissinger? Or is this just another one of someone’s hobbyhorse derailing a topic?
Can someone explain what antisemitism among in “ the Left” has to do with Henry Kissinger? Or is this just another one of someone’s hobbyhorse derailing a topic?
I explained it in post #62. I think the vitriolic hatred the Left has for Kissinger has a lot to do with him being Jewish. You do not see that volume of bile being spewed about other members of Nixon and Ford administrations, including those involved in foreign and defense policies.
Can someone explain what antisemitism among in “ the Left” has to do with Henry Kissinger? Or is this just another one of someone’s hobbyhorse derailing a topic?
I explained it. I think the vitriolic hatred the Left has for Kissinger has a lot to do with him being Jewish. You do not see that level of bile spewed about other members of Nixon and Ford administrations, including those involved in foreign and defense policies.
Ah, it is a manufactured hobby horse. Kissinger is generally acknowledged as the architect behind US Cold War policy during those years which would explain the focus on him. Besides, I doubt many of his critics knew he was Jewish.
I didn’t know.
Can someone explain what antisemitism among in “ the Left” has to do with Henry Kissinger? Or is this just another one of someone’s hobbyhorse derailing a topic?
I explained it in post #62. I think the vitriolic hatred the Left has for Kissinger has a lot to do with him being Jewish. You do not see that volume of bile being spewed about other members of Nixon and Ford administrations, including those involved in foreign and defense policies.
And yet, you're the only one to remark on his ethnic identity. Are you the Left, Derec? Are you trying to confess something?
Can someone explain what antisemitism among in “ the Left” has to do with Henry Kissinger? Or is this just another one of someone’s hobbyhorse derailing a topic?
I explained it in post #62. I think the vitriolic hatred the Left has for Kissinger has a lot to do with him being Jewish. You do not see that volume of bile being spewed about other members of Nixon and Ford administrations, including those involved in foreign and defense policies.
Well that's complete horseshit. Everyone I know who despises Kissinger do so because of the war crimes he has committed, Most don't even know or care that he's Jewish. But seeing as you believe such crap tell me, who said this;

If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be anti-Semitic. Any people who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong

I'll give you a hint. Point is,you've gotta fucking brain dead if you think the main reason people dislike Kissinger is because he's Jewish. That's more of a people who-share-lunch-with-Trump-sort-of-attitude
Well that's complete horseshit. Everyone I know who despises Kissinger do so because of the war crimes he has committed,
Again, he was not a one man government. He was a part of two large administrations, even if we limit it to those in foreign and defense policies on a senior level. And yet he gets almost all of the vitriol and bile from you guys.
Most don't even know or care that he's Jewish.
Some uninformed lot you are, allegedly. For the record, it is an important part of his life story, as that was the reason his family immigrated from Germany in the first place.

If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be anti-Semitic. Any people who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong

You can make a lot of things look bad out of context. This article suggests he might have been joking.

Or maybe the biographer misquoted him. It was not an authorized biography after all.

Point is,you've gotta fucking brain dead if you think the main reason people dislike Kissinger is because he's Jewish.
Given the antisemitism endemic on the Left, exemplified in the tacit and not so tacit support for the Hamas atrocities by leftist groups such as DSA, and the lack of similar vitriol for other high-ranking politicians involved in the same policies, yes, I think that is a reasonable conjecture. Not "brain dead" at all. If anything is braindead, it's denying the left-wing antisemitism and pretending that it is solely a right-wing phenomenon.
That's more of a people who-share-lunch-with-Trump-sort-of-attitude
Trump has a Jewish son-in-law and finally moved the US Embassy to the capital of Israel. Something Congress passed a law about in 1995 but every president until Trump declined to fulfill in order to appease the Palestinian terrorists.
Trump has many faults, but his policies re Israel were actually decent. His administration even brought Israel and some Arab states closer together.
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Nor was Joe Stalin...
And I am sure he has a lot of admirers among the lot who hate Kissinger.
I doubt it. Most people today recognise both men to have been cunts of the first order.

But as long as neither was charged, much less convicted of their crimes, I guess you are happy to continue admiring them.
Given the antisemitism endemic on the Left, exemplified in the tacit and not so tacit support for the Hamas atrocities by leftist groups such as DSA, and the lack of similar vitriol for other high-ranking politicians involved in the same policies, yes, I think that is a reasonable conjecture. Not "brain dead" at all. If anything is braindead, it's denying the left-wing antisemitism and pretending that it is solely a right-wing phenomenon.
A) not what I said. You've provided no proof that leftists disliked Kissinger because he's Jewish
b) for every left wing anti-semite (and I never denied that they exist) I guarantee there are about 50 right wing anti semites.
Trump has a Jewish son-in-law and finally moved the US Embassy to the capital of Israel. Something Congress passed a law about in 1995 but every president until Trump declined to fulfill in order to appease the Palestinian terrorists.
Trump has many faults, but his policies re Israel were actually decent. His administration even brought Israel and some Arab states closer together.
This also has fuck all to do with what I said. I'll spell it out for you - people who hate jews are more likely to vote for Trump than they would for Biden. Despite the fact they are very fine people.
Given the antisemitism endemic on the Left, exemplified in the tacit and not so tacit support for the Hamas atrocities by leftist groups such as DSA, and the lack of similar vitriol for other high-ranking politicians involved in the same policies, yes, I think that is a reasonable conjecture.
That's ridiculous.
Plenty of people have strong, even extremist, opinions about the violence going on there. That is not the same as an irrational bigotry towards Jews. That sort of bigotry is far more prevalent amongst right wing xenophobic people.

Similarly, I think people despise Kissinger for his behavior. Nothing to do with his ethnicity or religious beliefs. He became a symbol of ugly American behavior because he played such a big role in it. I'm not sure how many people even know that much about his personal life. Most of his most vicious critics saw him as all too American.
And yet, you're the only one to remark on his ethnic identity.
Because I think it has to do with the vitriol your side has for him.
Are you the Left, Derec?
Of course not. I do not have a hate priapism for the guy since the 1970s. Unlike some of you.

Maybe you should hate someone who was responsible for the deaths of three million people.

And to suggest that people despise Henry Kissinger because he was Jewish, and not because he was responsible for the deaths of three million people, is a vicious slur. It’s of a piece with labeling as “anti-semitic” those who object to the current Israeli government committing the war crime of indiscriminately slaughtering Palestinians in Gaza.
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