^This is Holocaust Revisionist bullshit. It is a lie. It is a lie Netanyahu spread in a political maneuver, much like the lie Trump spread about Haitian immigrants in Springfield.
No, it is not. Bibi may have exaggerated the role of al-Husseini in the Final Solution,
May have???
Netanyahu said Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews and got the idea to kill them all from the Grand Mufti.
It was an egregious, outrageous
lie. From the linked article:
Husseini met Hitler in Berlin in November 1941, when he tried to persuade the Nazi leader to declare his support for the creation of an Arab state,
according to German press reports at the time, external.
But in a
speech at the World Zionist Congress, external in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Mr Netanyahu gave a different account.
"Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time - he wanted to expel the Jews," the Israeli prime minister said.
"And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said: 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.'
"'So what should I do with them?' he [Hitler] asked. He [Husseini] said: 'Burn them.'"
However, the chief historian of the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, Professor Dina Porat, said Mr Netanyahu's statement was factually incorrect.
"You cannot say that it was the mufti who gave Hitler the idea to kill or burn Jews," she
told the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, external. "It's not true. Their meeting occurred after a series of events that point to this.
lied about the Holocaust. Think about that for a moment. Holocaust deniers say Jews are lying when they talk about the Holocaust. They say Jews are lying about Nazis coming up with a plan to exterminate them, and carrying it out with heartless determination and efficiency. And here's one of the most prominent Jews in the world lending credibility to their claims by
lying about Hitler and the Final Solution.
but he did collaborate with the Nazis. He was even involved in organizing the all-Muslim Handschar Division of the Waffen-SS.
Yes, the Grand Mufti had a meeting with Hitler. I posted the Mufti's statement as reported by The Times of Israel in a previous discussion
<link> with you. I have also repeatedly posted David Ben Gurion's statement that the Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust and invited anyone who disagrees with Ben Gurion's assessment to post their rebuttal.
He did much more than just meet with Hitler.
Yes. He met with other prominent Jew haters who were in the process to wiping out the Jews of Europe. He did not lead them, inspire them, or anything like it.
Nazis did not take advice from non-Aryans, much less Semitic people, about how they should run the Third Reich.
I already know about your prejudice against Muslims in general and Palestinians in particular.
It's not prejudice, it's postjudice. I am originally from an area where the Handchar Division operated. They murdered people from my extended family. Spare me the apologetics about this piece of shit, ok.
Spare me the apologetics trying to get Hitler and the Nazi Party off the hook for coming up with the idea to slaughter Jews and other 'undesirables' so you can feel justified in hating Muslims.
The organized mass murders were already underway by the summer of 1941,
before al-Husseini had his meeting with Hitler.
I have been to the
Illinois Holocaust Museum in Chicago. The people who created it set it up as a walk through history. You follow a path through a series of rooms displaying artifacts, newspapers, journals, private letters, newsreels, etc. that show how anti-Semitism grew and metastasized in Germany, leading to the loss of rights for Jews, then to the forced expulsions, then to the concentration camps, then to the death camps, and finally to the liberation of the survivors. The curators wanted to preserve and present the truth of what happened so that people and nations won't forget. What Netanyahu did, and what you are doing now, is like smearing horseshit all over the walls in there.
It's so fucking dishonest. Do you think the people from your extended family who suffered and were murdered by the Nazis would actually approve of you, or Netanyahu, or anyone else, telling lies about who came up with the Final Solution?