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How can you say that all environments are equal when they behave completely different?

I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body.


What is the mechanism by which such a person changes the hormones in their body?

You seem to think that a teen or even pre-teen can just wake up one morning, decide "I want to be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender" and next thing you know, their hormones have realigned and that's who they are.

Wow. Can we all do that? How? I mean, if I had such instant control over the hormones in my body, I'd straight away (no pun intended) tell my hormones to stop eating so much, become a big fan of exercise, and ditch this lingering addiction to alcohol.

How - exactly - do you figure people just suddenly decide to switch hormones (or even DNA) on and off like a switch? Because I'd really like to know.
It's the chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay dontcha know?
To be fair, Buzz seems to think that one can change their hormones by simply desiring to be one of the letters...L, G, B, T, Q and even a mathematical symbol (+), but let's game this out and say that Alex Jones is right and it's the chemical in the water that makes frogs gay.
I unfortunately had the experience of going to an extremely high lgbtq school so yeah I saw people changing the hormones inside of them while I went to the school.
If scientists could isolate this chemical (which we're led to believe they already have since it's in the water down by the creek), then it follows that they could use it to engineer a "cure" of sorts. Right? I mean, I just got my flu shot the other day, which is essentially a nerfed version of the flu bug launched into my body so that it can learn to fight it off, so ergo...injecting a little bit of this gay frog water into a virile enough human would trigger a response by the totally straight human body and it would reject the "gay" right away. Sure, you'd have to have an "anti-gay" booster every year, but surely science would be able to synthesize an anti-gay vaccine in short order. Problem solved!

Now...if only Republicans believed in science...
Like I said homosexual people actively change the hormones inside of their body. I know because I literally went to an extremely high lgbtq high school. I don't believe that people that decide to change the natural hormones in their body should have the same rights as people who don't because they can negatively influence other people to do the same thing as well.
I saw people changing the hormones inside of them
What do hormones look like, and how did you see inside people?

Few schools, in my experience, have X-Ray equipment; Fewer yet have CAT scanners or MRI machines.

And in my previous experience as a Molecular Biologist, I never once met someone who could identify hormones in vitro with just the naked eye; Or anyone who could directly and non-invasively identify them in vivo at all.

The human endocrine system is eye wateringly complex; Endocrinology is one of the most obscure and difficult subjects in biology, as the number of feedback loops, positive and negative, is bewilderingly vast. Worse, different tissues respond differently to identical hormonal stimuli, so there's a constant balancing and rebalancing of hormones occurring at different rates in different organs and tissues.

Attempting to simplify the picture by concentrating only on a subset of hormones (those most directly involved with sex, sexuality, and reproduction, for example) is fraught with opportunities to go wildly wrong through a failure to include things that are vitally important, but far from obvious.

In short, what you are claiming is physically impossible. So what, I would like to know, did you actually observe, that has led you to make this extraordinary and frankly impossible claim?
I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body.


What is the mechanism by which such a person changes the hormones in their body?

You seem to think that a teen or even pre-teen can just wake up one morning, decide "I want to be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender" and next thing you know, their hormones have realigned and that's who they are.

Wow. Can we all do that? How? I mean, if I had such instant control over the hormones in my body, I'd straight away (no pun intended) tell my hormones to stop eating so much, become a big fan of exercise, and ditch this lingering addiction to alcohol.

How - exactly - do you figure people just suddenly decide to switch hormones (or even DNA) on and off like a switch? Because I'd really like to know.
It's the chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay dontcha know?
To be fair, Buzz seems to think that one can change their hormones by simply desiring to be one of the letters...L, G, B, T, Q and even a mathematical symbol (+), but let's game this out and say that Alex Jones is right and it's the chemical in the water that makes frogs gay.
I unfortunately had the experience of going to an extremely high lgbtq school so yeah I saw people changing the hormones inside of them while I went to the school.

You could see inside of people when you were in high school? Wow. Apart from X-Ray vision, what other superpowers do you have? It's obviously not super intelligence or language skills, but maybe something cool like you fly? We know you fly into a rage when called on your bullshit, but....
Holy shit. Like, I think we just got a new "eye lasers"...

Seriously, does this very fine person not understand that we had gay people long before we had HRT?

People change hormones because they are trans, and often trans people hang out with gay folks because gay folks treat them more like real people.

Sometimes this means it's going to be easier for a trans girl to be with a bi-curious guy. Sometimes it's easier for a trans man to be with a bi-curious girl. Oftentimes really.

And of course a number of very fine people will see this as people "becoming gay" because of what Buzz thinks equates to "they changed their hormones". No, they changed their hormones because they were already far from a typical human.

What I think is absolutely wild is people like Buzz who, even despite all the gender affirming medical interventions that have been mentioned in this thread that they are clearly not averse to, despite all of those folks with genitals that turn out all sorts of ways between and outside the normal, that he believes there are not less visible differences that are no less important causing variance though mechanisms they don't understand.
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment. Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
I saw people changing the hormones inside of them
What do hormones look like, and how did you see inside people?

Few schools, in my experience, have X-Ray equipment; Fewer yet have CAT scanners or MRI machines.

And in my previous experience as a Molecular Biologist, I never once met someone who could identify hormones in vitro with just the naked eye; Or anyone who could directly and non-invasively identify them in vivo at all.

The human endocrine system is eye wateringly complex; Endocrinology is one of the most obscure and difficult subjects in biology, as the number of feedback loops, positive and negative, is bewilderingly vast. Worse, different tissues respond differently to identical hormonal stimuli, so there's a constant balancing and rebalancing of hormones occurring at different rates in different organs and tissues.

Attempting to simplify the picture by concentrating only on a subset of hormones (those most directly involved with sex, sexuality, and reproduction, for example) is fraught with opportunities to go wildly wrong through a failure to include things that are vitally important, but far from obvious.

In short, what you are claiming is physically impossible. So what, I would like to know, did you actually observe, that has led you to make this extraordinary and frankly impossible claim?
Yeah, but you live in Queensland so fuck you.
Imagine if Nighthawkbuzz figures out that he has been talking to some foreigners. 'Cause I seriously think he's not aware of that.
Like I said homosexual people actively change the hormones inside of their body. I know because I literally went to an extremely high lgbtq high school. I don't believe that people that decide to change the natural hormones in their body should have the same rights as people who don't because they can negatively influence other people to do the same thing as well.
And the thread has officially jumped the shark.
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment.
I was there a while ago. So I want to take credit for that. ;) Honestly, I'm with the later portion of my hypothesis and this keeps expanding into the ridiculous, that it seems unlikely to be Turing. But can people really be that bored?
Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
Yeah, that's on you folk. :D
I am saying that all homosexuality is people changing the hormones inside their body.


What is the mechanism by which such a person changes the hormones in their body?

You seem to think that a teen or even pre-teen can just wake up one morning, decide "I want to be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender" and next thing you know, their hormones have realigned and that's who they are.

Wow. Can we all do that? How? I mean, if I had such instant control over the hormones in my body, I'd straight away (no pun intended) tell my hormones to stop eating so much, become a big fan of exercise, and ditch this lingering addiction to alcohol.

How - exactly - do you figure people just suddenly decide to switch hormones (or even DNA) on and off like a switch? Because I'd really like to know.
Imagine the diseases that could be eradicated if this was possible.
Like I said homosexual people actively change the hormones inside of their body. I know because I literally went to an extremely high lgbtq high school. I don't believe that people that decide to change the natural hormones in their body should have the same rights as people who don't because they can negatively influence other people to do the same thing as well.
I thought you went to a "ghetto" school where being gay was an excuse to attack people. ???
It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this.
There is zero possibility of that. Sorry if this deflates your raison d’être, but that falls under the category of “irrational fear”. There is a FAR greater chance of everyone being forced into a wacko Christian Taliban cult such as Trumpism.
Your wrong I am right whether you like it or not. There are three steps to lgbtq acceptance and the final step is participation for everyone. It won't be enough just to accept it now you HAVE to participate in it somehow someway.

It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.

The final step in all of this is participation whether your wanna deny it or not I'm right.
Well, now you know how atheists feel when Christianity is forced down their throats.
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment. Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
Excuse me but did you experience growing up in a high lgbtq school?

Do you have a friend whose whole undergrad major was to study how the human body works when they were in college?

If not then I know I’m talking about regardless if you think it’s true. I know I’m right so it doesn’t matter.

I don’t care if you believe me I know what I’m taking about and know I’m right.
The thing is such ignorance appears in congress. He may fit right in.
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment. Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
Yes, there is scant evidence that Buzz is a human. It’s really funny when its operator pushes the “angry” button. It suddenly flies totally off the handle, then instantly reverts to impassive stupidity. Not much like any (sane) human I ever encountered.
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment. Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
Yes, there is scant evidence that Buzz is a human. It’s really funny when its operator pushes the “angry” button. It suddenly flies totally off the handle, then instantly reverts to impassive stupidity. Not much like any (sane) human I ever encountered.
It’s not stupidity the truth is the truth whether you like it or not.

I don’t care if you believe me I know I’m right regardless so it doesn’t matter
This is Buzz talking about his revenge fantasy because some kids were mean to him in school, started fights and accused him of being gay. His answer is to become a powerful politician and get these mean ghetto kids the death penalty. Ir cut funds to these schools, exactly where funds would be needed the most to support these communities and provide a path for future generations to break out of the cycle of poverty and hopelessness that spurs the behavior of the children he is talking about. He appears to be totally clueless about how government works and the separation of powers, and he seems to lack basic characteristics like empathy and kindness that are so important to being a good public servant. Perhaps he should run for city dog catcher.
If you grew up in bad schools like that you wouldn't like them nor want to help them either though.

You probably haven't been in bad schools like that so you don't know what they are like.
And punishing the schools is going to somehow fix the problem?
It’s not stupidity the truth is the truth whether you like it or not.

I don’t care if you believe me I know I’m right regardless so it doesn’t matter
If I knew how to contact your programmers I’d advise them against that level of meaningless repetition.
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment. Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
Yes, there is scant evidence that Buzz is a human. It’s really funny when its operator pushes the “angry” button. It suddenly flies totally off the handle, then instantly reverts to impassive stupidity. Not much like any (sane) human I ever encountered.
It’s not stupidity the truth is the truth whether you like it or not.

I don’t care if you believe me I know I’m right regardless so it doesn’t matter
Hey, Buzzy, do you also think people alter their own genes to make themselves black? Or is that “ghetto”? :ROFLMAO:
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