• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

How can you say that all environments are equal when they behave completely different?

But no if I really look at everyone in the republican field I am a Trump, Mike Johnson and Desantis all mixed together.
Totally random movie clip that has no relevance to this topic:


There there, you poor persecuted thing.

Do you need a shoulder to cry on? A safe room?

Lemme know. I care.

I'm gonna call bullshit on this whole convoluted story.

Sounds like mash-up of "Fame," "Stand And Deliver," and "West Side Story." I've half a mind to ask how many times the students broke out into a dance number and stabbed each other with blows choreographed to the soundtrack.
I don't think he's been honest with us from the start, which is why I've been trying to avoid this thread. But, since I ended up here this morning, my advice for Buzz is to get a real life and stop making shit that isn't believable. I doubt you are serious about running for office, but if you are, then you need to start doing constructive things instead of what you're doing here.
I wonder what you mean by treating two different situations/environments "equally". Does that mean funding only in the case of schools or does it mean that laws/policy are the same for all public schools (or all schools)?

I ask because it sounds to me as if you are confusing the behavior of people - which is subject to any relevant laws - with the atmosphere of the school.

Here is a pro-tip - referring to people as "ghetto" may raise unnecessary hackles. To many observers, it implies something racial. So unless you mean something racial, it is better to be more specific as to the type of behavior you wish to describe.
Not that my comment has much to do with the point of this thread, assuming there is a point to this thread. Prior to my retirement about 6 years ago, my younger coworkers informed me that the term ghetto has nothing to do with race anymore. They were bashing some poor white folks for reasons I don't remember. They referred to them as ghetto. I asked them if they didn't mean to use the negative term "white trash" and they told me no. Anyone who was a low life in their opinion, was now called ghetto. I have no idea if that is a young thing, a crazy thing or something related to where I live or worked, where there are lots of poor people and mixed race children, but it's possible that Buzz wasn't equating ghetto with race, since my young coworkers "enlightened" me in its contemporary usage. He might have been equating it with poor people who he didn't like, due to their social status.

Still, there are a lot of things that Buzz has said that don't make him sound like a person who wants to serve the people. So yeah. He does seem like a true Republican. I'll use the quote that a 85 year old coworker told me. "I'm a Democrat because my daddy told me that the Republican Party is the party of the wealthy and the Democratic Party is the party for the rest of us" She was still working so she could afford her Medicare supplement.

Of course, these days, there's more to it. The Republican Party is now the party of theocratic fascism. Why do you want to support a fascist party, Buzz? If you are being honest with us, which I am suspicious of, do you really understand how difficult it is to win an election, even a local election? It doesn't sound like it based on your posts.
I don't understand why you are suspicious of me being serious. I am joining the Republican Party in my city. I am going to local political meetings in my city. I have a platform and views I stand on. What more do you want to think I am serious about running?
Are you a Marjorie Taylor Greene type of Republican, or a Mitt Romney type? I don't care for the policies of either of them, but one at least tries to do something positive while the other is a stark raving lunatic, and an embarrassment to my adopted state. She's been hinting that she may run for president one day. Is she why you identify as a Republican? 😧
I am Mike Johnson type of Republican. This is the republican I would describe myself as.
Well, at least you admit it, although once again, I don't think you are believable. Who would admit they are like Mike Johnson, a nutty Bible thumping, Trump loving creationist who literally blamed violence on teaching evolution, aka science in schools and who has denied a fair election without any evidence, and who appears as if he's ready to shut down the government if he can't get his way. Seriously dude. I hope you're having fun with this charade. You're obviously getting lots of drama rewards from us, especially those of us who have too much time on our hands. ⌛:sad:
Like I said it is more than just one person I feel represents me in the party I was gonna say trump as well.

But yeah everyone I feel represents me is Trump, Johnson and Ron Desantis.

Those three are who all represent me.
I am Mike Johnson type of Republican. This is the republican I would describe myself as.
Seeing as everyone else has pointed out the obvious fallacy that you identify with a someone who is so obscure his own party didn't know who he was a few weeks ago I'll let that go to the keeper. I would point out however that seeing this thread started with a discussion on education and schooling you might not want to model yourself around a guy whose track record on education is complete dogshit.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Before House Speaker Mike Johnson was elected to public office, he was the dean of a small Baptist law school that didn’t exist.
In early public remarks, Johnson predicted a bright future for the school, and college officials hoped it would someday rival the law school at Liberty University, the evangelical institution founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. “From a pure feasibility standpoint,” Johnson said, “I’m not sure how this can fail.” According to the Daily Town Talk, a newspaper in Alexandria, Louisiana, he added that it looked “like the perfect storm for our law school.”

Reality soon intruded.
Like I told everyone else I didn't fully explain all the people that represented me in the party.

I am a Trump, Johnson and Desantis Republican mixed together.

You get all of those people and that is who I am in the republican party.

I am retired and have time to waste, but if you had just been honest about who you are on the secular forum it would have saved a lot of time getting to the point.

But then diversion, pivoting, and never saying anything you can be pinned down on is stock and trade for politicians.

So you had a bad time in school, get over it. I went to an academically good Catholic school but had a bad time, family problems. In my 20s I decided to get over it and moved on.

Consider that those kids who have called you queer or fag were probably rep renting convergence religious families.

You can carry a grudge for life, people do. Or you can use your experience to gain empathy for those that deal with such abuse all the time, as some gays who live in fear even in progressive Seattle.

Consider the 1st Amendment protects freedom of religion, but the founders knew the toxic mix of religion and state. Hence the non establishment clause. Along with the no religious test for office clause.

Conservative Christian politicians who say they are constitutions literalists and say we should follow the founders' intent conveniently ignore the limits placed on relgion.

Politicians aer not supoosed to use elected office to play out religious bias. Like supressing gay rights and banning abortion.
Like I told everyone else I didn't fully explain all the people that represented me in the party.

I am a Trump, Johnson and Desantis Republican mixed together.

You get all of those people and that is who I am in the republican party.
Then you need a better set of role models. The ones you've listed don't really stand for anything except themselves. I'm confident any other names you provide also grift from the same cloth.
Well I was gonna say a Trump mixed with a Mike Johnson so that was my mistake.

But no if I really look at everyone in the republican field I am a Trump, Mike Johnson and Desantis all mixed together.

Which is why I wish you failure in your political career, should you ever actually have one.

Also, your writing is terrible. You have run-on sentences and make routine mistakes like writing “your” when you want “you’re.” OTOH, your hero Trump is a barely literate imbecile, in addition to being an evil douchebag, so perhaps your bare literacy won’t hurt you much with the clodhoppers you will be aiming your campaigns at.
Well I was gonna say a Trump mixed with a Mike Johnson so that was my mistake.

But no if I really look at everyone in the republican field I am a Trump, Mike Johnson and Desantis all mixed together.

Which is why I wish you failure in your political career, should you ever actually have one.

Also, your writing is terrible. You have run-on sentences and make routine mistakes like writing “your” when you want “you’re.” OTOH, your hero Trump is a barely literate imbecile, in addition to being an evil douchebag, so perhaps your bare literacy won’t hurt you much with the clodhoppers you will be aiming your campaigns at.
I mean to be fair, my writing is equally horrific, what with all my sentences whose complexity rivals that of a modern operating system.
But yeah everyone I feel represents me is Trump, Johnson and Ron Desantis.

Those three are who all represent me.

I find all three of those men to be bad human beings who harm others with a smile on their face.
They *are* the High School Bullies (tm)

I’m you were trying to decide what to say to move me from “this fellow doesn’t seem genuine” straight over to “I don’t have any space in my life for that kind of fellow,” you found it.

Have fun worshipping the bullies. Ironically, they wouldn’t give you the time of day, let alone the attention and advice this forum has given you. They are terrible human beings. But if that’s who you want to give your lunch money to, you should go open an account at the extremist social forum that Trump owns. I can’t imagine why you would want to hang around here or seek advice from us.
I am Mike Johnson type of Republican. This is the republican I would describe myself as.
Seeing as everyone else has pointed out the obvious fallacy that you identify with a someone who is so obscure his own party didn't know who he was a few weeks ago I'll let that go to the keeper. I would point out however that seeing this thread started with a discussion on education and schooling you might not want to model yourself around a guy whose track record on education is complete dogshit.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Before House Speaker Mike Johnson was elected to public office, he was the dean of a small Baptist law school that didn’t exist.
In early public remarks, Johnson predicted a bright future for the school, and college officials hoped it would someday rival the law school at Liberty University, the evangelical institution founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. “From a pure feasibility standpoint,” Johnson said, “I’m not sure how this can fail.” According to the Daily Town Talk, a newspaper in Alexandria, Louisiana, he added that it looked “like the perfect storm for our law school.”

Reality soon intruded.
Like I told everyone else I didn't fully explain all the people that represented me in the party.

I am a Trump, Johnson and Desantis Republican mixed together.

You get all of those people and that is who I am in the republican party.
Wow, with that pedigree, you probably have pissed on Reagan's grave.
Like I told everyone else I didn't fully explain all the people that represented me in the party.

I am a Trump, Johnson and Desantis Republican mixed together.

You get all of those people and that is who I am in the republican party.
Wow, with that pedigree, you probably have pissed on Reagan's grave.

Don’t take this so lightly! I know there are millions of voters eagerly seeking a candidate who is stupid like Trump, religiously deluded like Johnson and deathly boring like Rhonda Santis.
Like I told everyone else I didn't fully explain all the people that represented me in the party.

I am a Trump, Johnson and Desantis Republican mixed together.

You get all of those people and that is who I am in the republican party.
Wow, with that pedigree, you probably have pissed on Reagan's grave.

Don’t take this so lightly! I know there are millions of voters eagerly seeking a candidate who is stupid like Trump, religiously deluded like Johnson and deathly boring like Rhonda Santis.
He's all three mixed together! So short, fat, and plain. Put a blue suit on him with a flag pin and send him to Iowa, stat!
Maybe Trump is the father figure Nighthawk never had. Someone to admire and emulate.

Let's see, Trumps admirable qualities.

1. Serial adulterer.
2. Chronic liar.
3. His charity shutdown in NY for siphoning contributions for personl use.
4. A record of business failures and he claims to be a business genius.
5. An unhappy person who takes it out on people around him with abuse.
6. Consumed with the material trappings of wealth.

A model for the modern moral and ethical Christian republican.

I wonder what Jesus would have said abut Trump.
I mean, anyone that can say Trump is their "Republican" can't possibly be into politics. Trump isn't a Republican. He isn't a politician. He has no positions other than "Trump!"

I doubt Nighthawk had ever heard of Rep. Johnson before he won the Speakership vote. I know I hadn't.
I am Mike Johnson type of Republican. This is the republican I wou

There there, you poor persecuted thing.

Do you need a shoulder to cry on? A safe room?

Lemme know. I care.

I'm gonna call bullshit on this whole convoluted story.

Sounds like mash-up of "Fame," "Stand And Deliver," and "West Side Story." I've half a mind to ask how many times the students broke out into a dance number and stabbed each other with blows choreographed to the soundtrack.
I don't think he's been honest with us from the start, which is why I've been trying to avoid this thread. But, since I ended up here this morning, my advice for Buzz is to get a real life and stop making shit that isn't believable. I doubt you are serious about running for office, but if you are, then you need to start doing constructive things instead of what you're doing here.
I wonder what you mean by treating two different situations/environments "equally". Does that mean funding only in the case of schools or does it mean that laws/policy are the same for all public schools (or all schools)?

I ask because it sounds to me as if you are confusing the behavior of people - which is subject to any relevant laws - with the atmosphere of the school.

Here is a pro-tip - referring to people as "ghetto" may raise unnecessary hackles. To many observers, it implies something racial. So unless you mean something racial, it is better to be more specific as to the type of behavior you wish to describe.
Not that my comment has much to do with the point of this thread, assuming there is a point to this thread. Prior to my retirement about 6 years ago, my younger coworkers informed me that the term ghetto has nothing to do with race anymore. They were bashing some poor white folks for reasons I don't remember. They referred to them as ghetto. I asked them if they didn't mean to use the negative term "white trash" and they told me no. Anyone who was a low life in their opinion, was now called ghetto. I have no idea if that is a young thing, a crazy thing or something related to where I live or worked, where there are lots of poor people and mixed race children, but it's possible that Buzz wasn't equating ghetto with race, since my young coworkers "enlightened" me in its contemporary usage. He might have been equating it with poor people who he didn't like, due to their social status.

Still, there are a lot of things that Buzz has said that don't make him sound like a person who wants to serve the people. So yeah. He does seem like a true Republican. I'll use the quote that a 85 year old coworker told me. "I'm a Democrat because my daddy told me that the Republican Party is the party of the wealthy and the Democratic Party is the party for the rest of us" She was still working so she could afford her Medicare supplement.

Of course, these days, there's more to it. The Republican Party is now the party of theocratic fascism. Why do you want to support a fascist party, Buzz? If you are being honest with us, which I am suspicious of, do you really understand how difficult it is to win an election, even a local election? It doesn't sound like it based on your posts.
I don't understand why you are suspicious of me being serious. I am joining the Republican Party in my city. I am going to local political meetings in my city. I have a platform and views I stand on. What more do you want to think I am serious about running?
Are you a Marjorie Taylor Greene type of Republican, or a Mitt Romney type? I don't care for the policies of either of them, but one at least tries to do something positive while the other is a stark raving lunatic, and an embarrassment to my adopted state. She's been hinting that she may run for president one day. Is she why you identify as a Republican? 😧
I am Mike Johnson type of Republican. This is the republican I would describe myself as.
Well, at least you admit it, although once again, I don't think you are believable. Who would admit they are like Mike Johnson, a nutty Bible thumping, Trump loving creationist who literally blamed violence on teaching evolution, aka science in schools and who has denied a fair election without any evidence, and who appears as if he's ready to shut down the government if he can't get his way. Seriously dude. I hope you're having fun with this charade. You're obviously getting lots of drama rewards from us, especially those of us who have too much time on our hands. ⌛:sad:
Like I said it is more than just one person I feel represents me in the party I was gonna say trump as well.

But yeah everyone I feel represents me is Trump, Johnson and Ron Desantis.

Those three are who all represent me.
What is it about each of those men that leads you to say they "represent you"? I ask, because I have a brother who voted for Mr. Trump in order to stick it to the elites/liberals but who did not think Mr. Trump represented him.

Frankly, all 3 of those particular examples make me, a white male US citizen, ashamed to be a US white male citizen.
I am Mike Johnson type of Republican. This is the republican I wou

There there, you poor persecuted thing.

Do you need a shoulder to cry on? A safe room?

Lemme know. I care.

I'm gonna call bullshit on this whole convoluted story.

Sounds like mash-up of "Fame," "Stand And Deliver," and "West Side Story." I've half a mind to ask how many times the students broke out into a dance number and stabbed each other with blows choreographed to the soundtrack.
I don't think he's been honest with us from the start, which is why I've been trying to avoid this thread. But, since I ended up here this morning, my advice for Buzz is to get a real life and stop making shit that isn't believable. I doubt you are serious about running for office, but if you are, then you need to start doing constructive things instead of what you're doing here.
I wonder what you mean by treating two different situations/environments "equally". Does that mean funding only in the case of schools or does it mean that laws/policy are the same for all public schools (or all schools)?

I ask because it sounds to me as if you are confusing the behavior of people - which is subject to any relevant laws - with the atmosphere of the school.

Here is a pro-tip - referring to people as "ghetto" may raise unnecessary hackles. To many observers, it implies something racial. So unless you mean something racial, it is better to be more specific as to the type of behavior you wish to describe.
Not that my comment has much to do with the point of this thread, assuming there is a point to this thread. Prior to my retirement about 6 years ago, my younger coworkers informed me that the term ghetto has nothing to do with race anymore. They were bashing some poor white folks for reasons I don't remember. They referred to them as ghetto. I asked them if they didn't mean to use the negative term "white trash" and they told me no. Anyone who was a low life in their opinion, was now called ghetto. I have no idea if that is a young thing, a crazy thing or something related to where I live or worked, where there are lots of poor people and mixed race children, but it's possible that Buzz wasn't equating ghetto with race, since my young coworkers "enlightened" me in its contemporary usage. He might have been equating it with poor people who he didn't like, due to their social status.

Still, there are a lot of things that Buzz has said that don't make him sound like a person who wants to serve the people. So yeah. He does seem like a true Republican. I'll use the quote that a 85 year old coworker told me. "I'm a Democrat because my daddy told me that the Republican Party is the party of the wealthy and the Democratic Party is the party for the rest of us" She was still working so she could afford her Medicare supplement.

Of course, these days, there's more to it. The Republican Party is now the party of theocratic fascism. Why do you want to support a fascist party, Buzz? If you are being honest with us, which I am suspicious of, do you really understand how difficult it is to win an election, even a local election? It doesn't sound like it based on your posts.
I don't understand why you are suspicious of me being serious. I am joining the Republican Party in my city. I am going to local political meetings in my city. I have a platform and views I stand on. What more do you want to think I am serious about running?
Are you a Marjorie Taylor Greene type of Republican, or a Mitt Romney type? I don't care for the policies of either of them, but one at least tries to do something positive while the other is a stark raving lunatic, and an embarrassment to my adopted state. She's been hinting that she may run for president one day. Is she why you identify as a Republican? 😧
I am Mike Johnson type of Republican. This is the republican I would describe myself as.
Well, at least you admit it, although once again, I don't think you are believable. Who would admit they are like Mike Johnson, a nutty Bible thumping, Trump loving creationist who literally blamed violence on teaching evolution, aka science in schools and who has denied a fair election without any evidence, and who appears as if he's ready to shut down the government if he can't get his way. Seriously dude. I hope you're having fun with this charade. You're obviously getting lots of drama rewards from us, especially those of us who have too much time on our hands. ⌛:sad:
Like I said it is more than just one person I feel represents me in the party I was gonna say trump as well.

But yeah everyone I feel represents me is Trump, Johnson and Ron Desantis.

Those three are who all represent me.
What is it about each of those men that leads you to say they "represent you"? I ask, because I have a brother who voted for Mr. Trump in order to stick it to the elites/liberals but who did not think Mr. Trump represented him.

Frankly, all 3 of those particular examples make me, a white male US citizen, ashamed to be a US white male citizen.
They represent me because of what they stand for. Liberals want to allow trans rights at a full level. Liberals want to allow for open borders and allow illegal immigrants to come into this country at a high rate. These three men don't stand for any of these things and more this is why they represent me.
But yeah everyone I feel represents me is Trump, Johnson and Ron Desantis.

Those three are who all represent me.

I find all three of those men to be bad human beings who harm others with a smile on their face.
They *are* the High School Bullies (tm)

I’m you were trying to decide what to say to move me from “this fellow doesn’t seem genuine” straight over to “I don’t have any space in my life for that kind of fellow,” you found it.

Have fun worshipping the bullies. Ironically, they wouldn’t give you the time of day, let alone the attention and advice this forum has given you. They are terrible human beings. But if that’s who you want to give your lunch money to, you should go open an account at the extremist social forum that Trump owns. I can’t imagine why you would want to hang around here or seek advice from us.
But remember the things they stand for are good things. Liberals want to allow for full trans rights and lgbtq rigths. Liberals want to allow there to be a different gender besides male and female. Biden is responsible for allowing so many migrants to be here. Liberals want to allow so many illegals to be here as well as having almost open borders.

There laws are good because liberals are trying to trying to change this country in a very dangerous way.
I mean, anyone that can say Trump is their "Republican" can't possibly be into politics. Trump isn't a Republican. He isn't a politician. He has no positions other than "Trump!"

I doubt Nighthawk had ever heard of Rep. Johnson before he won the Speakership vote. I know I hadn't.
Your right I didn't know him before he got elected however I choose him as one of my three though because of where he stands on issues and how he received a unanimous vote to be elected speaker. I still choose Trump and Ron Desantis as well though.
Like I told everyone else I didn't fully explain all the people that represented me in the party.

I am a Trump, Johnson and Desantis Republican mixed together.

You get all of those people and that is who I am in the republican party.
Wow, with that pedigree, you probably have pissed on Reagan's grave.

Don’t take this so lightly! I know there are millions of voters eagerly seeking a candidate who is stupid like Trump, religiously deluded like Johnson and deathly boring like Rhonda Santis.
Your right there is a crowd for it. Remember this in many polls Trump is polling better than Biden so there is a good chance he might win so there is a huge crowd for MAGA.
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