Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский этой ночью заявил, что лидеры европейских стран не готовы предоставлять конкретику в вопросе вступления республики в НАТО.
«Мы остаемся наедине в защите нашего государства (...) Кто готов дать Украине гарантию вступления в НАТО? Честно, все боятся», — заявил он.
Зеленский добавил, что «якобы Россия хочет говорить о нейтральном статусе Украины».
«Я говорю всем партнерам нашей страны — сейчас важный момент, решается судьба нашей страны. Я спрашиваю у них, с нами ли они? Они отвечают, что с нами, но нас с собой в альянс брать не готовы», — возмутился украинский президент.
Wow, what a clown, what a stupid stupid clown this so-called president of Ukraine.
Country is being invaded by a major Nuclear State and he hopes for "emergency" NATO membership. This guy is deluded.
While I disagree with most things you are saying Barbos. You do highlight something regarding the news we are given in the west. Putin today is the Devil/Hitler. It's the bogeyman we scare children with. Any attack on or mistreatment of ethnic Russians are ignored in western press. Unless Russia/Russians are the bad guys the western press isn't interested. This effect has of course only been amplified by the introduction of social media.
It's pretty obvious that there's so much to the story of the invasion of Ukraine westerners aren't aware of. That said, Russia is a dictatorship with state controlled media. If westerners aren't given the full story, that's nothing compared to the drip drip drip of truth Russians are getting.
Russians are in the dark because of their idiot dictator and Westerners are in the dark because of our willful ignorance. It makes discussing this on an open international forum, very difficult. I'm right now dating a Ukrainian woman. Speaking to her, she thinks anybody with any power in that part of the world are probably corrupt and evil. In a situation like that, it's hard to pick sides.
I still think, just because of world peace we need to curb stomp Putin ASAP and return all seized land to Ukraine (including Crimea). And do it fast. Before China grabs Taiwan, when they think nobody is watching.