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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

It's not just Xmas where some Ukrainians show which side they are on. It's also how to write their language. Some Ukrainians are considering is switching to the Roman / Latin alphabet. But that has not gotten very far.

Full Transcript of Zelensky’s Speech Before Congress - The New York Times - "The Ukrainian president delivered an emotional appeal for further American support, vowing that his country would prevail in its war with Russia."
video at
Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Joint Meeting of Congress | C-SPAN.org

Zelenskyy's address to Congress puts him in a category with Churchill, Netanyahu and Mandela - POLITICO - "Addresses by foreign leaders are not unprecedented, but they are relatively uncommon."
Churchill addressed the U.S. Congress twice during World War II and again in the 1950s. Netanyahu, South African President Nelson Mandela and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin are the only other people recorded by the House to have addressed Congress more than once.
For Zelensky, a Celebration of Resilience and a Sales Pitch for Support - The New York Times - "For all the talk of victory, President Volodymyr Zelensky’s remarks in Washington revealed hints about his worries for the year ahead."
President Volodymyr Zelensky’s carefully choreographed blitz of Washington was crafted as one part celebration of Russia’s failure to crush Ukraine, one part appreciation for the American taxpayers funding the battle, and one part sales pitch for keeping a fragile coalition together in the long, bloody and freezing winter ahead.

A Russian buildup of forces has many officials wondering if a humiliated President Vladimir V. Putin is plotting a new attack. And for the first time, there are hairline fractures — but not cracks — among some allies and partners, including a minority of Republicans who question whether America should be spending tens of billions for a nation that is not a treaty ally.

It was up to Mr. Zelensky to address all of that and make the case for more without actually reading out a shopping list. He did so in a speech that was carefully designed to appeal to many constituencies, one in which the Ukrainian president came off as grateful and yet gently demanding more. He wants Abrams tanks and F-16 fighters, layered air defenses and the Patriot missile system that President Biden announced would soon be on its way.

Not surprisingly, Mr. Zelensky, the performer turned politician turned media-savvy wartime leader, focused his appearance to highlight good news. Russia has been in retreat, America has provided ever-more-powerful weapons, there is plenty of money for more, and the Western alliance is still intact.

... From the start of the conflict, Mr. Zelensky seemed to intuit that he needed to be more than an inspiring leader — he needed to be an arms importer, coaxing out of the Biden administration longer-range weapons that could inflict on Russia the kind of damage it has wrought, with fiery efficiency, on Ukrainian civilian critical infrastructure. And by any measure he has been successful, gradually getting ever more powerful offensive and defensive weapons, even as Mr. Biden has withheld the F-16s and Abrams tanks.
Analysis: Biden, Zelenskyy try to keep Congress from balking | AP News

LIVE: Zelenskyy tells Congress that Ukraine will "never surrender" during a special joint meeting | NPR - "The administration announced nearly $2 billion in new security aid to Ukraine, including a Patriot surface-to-air missile battery."

LIVE: Zelenskyy tells Congress that Ukraine will "never surrender" during a special joint meeting | NPR
... In his address Wednesday, Zelenskyy compared Ukraine’s struggle to American troops' past conflicts.

“We heard mentions to the Battle of the Bulge and American efforts during that Christmas in 1944, the Battle of Saratoga — talking about things that Americans might relate to when it comes to American struggles for freedom and independence,” Mak said.

Something that may keep US military assistance going is all the business that that assistance makes for the US's military-industrial complex. The same is likely also true of Europe. A great market, complete with plenty of real-world testing, testing in actual combat duty. I recall from somewhere that that's why the US sends so much aid to Israel -- all the real-world testing that Israel does.
Orthodox church of Ukraine....
You need to understand the history. UkroNazi regime created this this thing in 2018 to separate itself from Russian Orthodox Church which is run from .... Moscow.
All religions are made up. But according to Wikipedia, the Ukrainian orthodox church was annexed by Moscow in the 17th century, so technically, now they're just returning to the traditional church. And in any case, it sounds like it was just some parishes who jumped over and it doesn't really matter to church-goers which bearded geezer they have at the top.

So they have 2 Orthodox churches in Ukraine now. One is traditional (Rulled from ... Moscow) and new one rulled by ukronazis (from Kiev)
Moscow's KGB patriarch is on record on blaming the war on Jews and gays. Who are the nazis again? :rolleyes:
Moscow's KGB patriarch is on record on blaming the war on Jews and gays. Who are the nazis again? :rolleyes:
How has he blamed the war on the Jews? He's done so for the gays: Blaming the Ukraine Invasion on ... the Gays? - The Bulwark

I don't know if he has or not.
Nor do I care.

But I clearly remember the day after the 9/11/2001 attack. Jerry Falwell went on Fox News explaining that the attack was God smiting America for our abortions and homosexuals.

Yeah, it's a religious thing.
Moscow's KGB patriarch is on record on blaming the war on Jews and gays. Who are the nazis again? :rolleyes:
How has he blamed the war on the Jews? He's done so for the gays: Blaming the Ukraine Invasion on ... the Gays? - The Bulwark
Kirrill was accused of anti-semitism following a Februry speech in which he credited the corruption of Ukraine to "evil forces that have always fought against the unity of Russia and the Russian Church", which many took to be a subversive reference to the Jewish people.

I do not personally feel that this interpretation is credible, as Kirrill has otherwise made mostly friendly gestures toward Russia's Jewish population and has been an enthusiastic participant in the Russian Interfaith Council. He has many faults, but that does not appear to be among them, unless some new evidence surfaces to indicate the contrary.
Kirrill was accused of anti-semitism following a Februry speech in which he credited the corruption of Ukraine to "evil forces that have always fought against the unity of Russia and the Russian Church", which many took to be a subversive reference to the Jewish people.
Sort of like "globalists", whoever they are supposed to be.
Orthodox church of Ukraine....
You need to understand the history. UkroNazi regime created this this thing in 2018 to separate itself from Russian Orthodox Church which is run from .... Moscow.
So they have 2 Orthodox churches in Ukraine now. One is traditional (Rulled from ... Moscow) and new one rulled by ukronazis (from Kiev)
It's understandable but it is what it is. Once Ukraine is fully occupied and integrated into Russia, this thing will cease to be the issue.
2018? I think the history must go back a bit further than that. I grew up in a community of Ukrainian orthodox churches. St, Vlads, St. Jo's (of John Demjanjuk fame), St. John's. Back in the 70's, you could throw a rock in Parma without hitting a gold dome.
So, Putin has to spin a yarn that he's all for negotiating, but NATO and Ukraine are refusing. Putin doesn't have to suck up to public opinion of course, as Russia isn't a democracy, but he seems very sensitive to keeping up appearances and making sure that he is seen as a benevolent Tsar who listens to his subjects' concerns.
Dude, Putin made out of his way to avoid this conflict. But NATO and Boris from London refused.
That's nonsense. Putin's demands included not only "neutrality" for Ukraine, which was already the status quo, but withdrawal of all international NATO troops from Eastern Europe members. This was obviously not going to be accepted.

Just before the operation Putin was asking for pretty much mere neutrality. And even after "invasion" it was still on the table. Elensky agreed, but his handlers in London and Washington had different plans.
This is also bullshit. Zelensky agreed to staying out of NATO in exchange for Russia withdrawing, and it was Putin who rejected the offer. "London and Washington" have nothing to do with it, Ukraine has been making its own choices since the beginning. If it was up to Washington, Zelensky would have been evacuated in the first day of the war.

Now, public opinion in Russia which does affect Putin a great deal wants Ukraine 100% occupied. There is no other way. Western regimes are a bunch of liars.
You have any polls to support that claim? Of course not. :rolleyes:

Both Levada polls and the leaked internal poll from Russian government are saying that the opinion is shifting due to the unpopular mobilization. Most people want negotiations, not war.
Dude, Putin made out of his way to avoid this conflict. But NATO and Boris from London refused.
Just before the operation Putin was asking for pretty much mere neutrality. And even after "invasion" it was still on the table. Elensky agreed, but his handlers in London and Washington had different plans.
Now, public opinion in Russia which does affect Putin a great deal wants Ukraine 100% occupied. There is no other way. Western regimes are a bunch of liars.
What the fuck does any of that have to do with the Nazi zombies you are fighting? Are we going to see killer robots any time soon? Gundam suits?
Well, I merely reported what captured ukro-soldier said.
When tortured, or threatened with torture, people tend to say whatever their captors want to hear.

From past experience we know that Russian propaganda often blames its enemies for what Russia is doing.

There is a famous story about finnish soldier during WW2 who by mistake ate all the pills which were given for the whole squadron or something. He walked 500 km or something like that after that.
True story. But he didn't walk, he had skis. And according to his own words, it was 100km before he first regained his senses, and then started skiing to the west to get back with his patrol. So probably another 100km that way.
With the traitorous Republican Party gaining more powerful in the sitting government, the threat of internal sedition grows. Putin knows the price of an American House Representative better than anyone, and is happy to make the investment.
For a veteran kleptocrat like Putin, the price of a Republican rep is chump change. It probably costs 2-3x to get the cash laundered delivered and everyone paid, but still a helluva bargain, historically speaking.
Back in the day, the traitors were ideological enemies, not today’s greedy lowlife assholes.
Putin wanted to bring back the Soviet, and it looks like he has. Appointing crooked, incompetent sycophants.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed former President Dmitry Medvedev to a new position—that of first deputy chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission, according to the decree published by the government.

Putin says He's ready to negotiate a fair settlement. Ukraine says WTF? You are killing our children. You invaded us.
Maybe Putin will threaten to hold his breath until Ukraine surrenders.

My guess is reality is catching up. I would be surprised if he is not being kept up with drugs. Constant stress and emotion like his is debilitating and fatiguing.

Hitler had a Doctor Feelgood.
Orthodox church of Ukraine....
You need to understand the history. UkroNazi regime created this this thing in 2018 to separate itself from Russian Orthodox Church which is run from .... Moscow.
So they have 2 Orthodox churches in Ukraine now. One is traditional (Rulled from ... Moscow) and new one rulled by ukronazis (from Kiev)
It's understandable but it is what it is. Once Ukraine is fully occupied and integrated into Russia, this thing will cease to be the issue.
So it’s a religious war? Against the infidels? That does explain a lot.

BTW, you didn’t answer my question: if Zelensky is a clown, how does it feel to get your ass kicked by a clown?

I’d be ashamed if I were a Russian. Your military sucks.
Orthodox church of Ukraine....
You need to understand the history. UkroNazi regime created this this thing in 2018 to separate itself from Russian Orthodox Church which is run from .... Moscow.
So they have 2 Orthodox churches in Ukraine now. One is traditional (Rulled from ... Moscow) and new one rulled by ukronazis (from Kiev)
It's understandable but it is what it is. Once Ukraine is fully occupied and integrated into Russia, this thing will cease to be the issue.
So it’s a religious war? Against the infidels? That does explain a lot.

BTW, you didn’t answer my question: if Zelensky is a clown, how does it feel to get your ass kicked by a clown?

I’d be ashamed if I were a Russian. Your military sucks.
Funny. Yes Zelensky with a fraction of the troops is kicking Russia’s ass! Lavrov is sticking with the demand that Ukraine demilitarize and de nazisify! Crazy. No border country will trust Russia for generations to demilitarize. All the Russia border countries are going the absolute opposite direction. If Putler dosn’t like it, then stop fucking killing people in other countries. If you want friendly allies on your border then start being friendly with border countries! Dumbass!
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