What do you think the people in the videos YOU posted are saying?
I already answered that many times. It was met with crickets, each time.
humor me
These videos are saying what their titles say.
So you think that the shallow clickbait title is as deep as it goes. That is a very bad habit to be in.
Here is a title:
A One-Sided Narrative: U.S. Press Focuses on “Russian Aggression” While Ignoring U.S. Escalation
So... SOME U.S. Press is focusing on Russian aggression and ignoring U.S. Escalation.
Note that this doesn't actually tell us what is really happening in Ukraine, it's causes, or effects, it tells us about SOME U.S. Press. But let's look again: "Russian aggression" is in scare quotes, which might imply that the aggression is fake, or that the person who wrote the title thinks that a comma wouldn't have conveyed the object of the verb "focuses" as well as quotation marks. But even if the aggression is fake, then why is the word "escalation" used for what the U.S. is doing and not aggression, merely escalation? Here's one reason that might be the case: Because the U.S. isn't the aggressor, someone else is... Maybe Russia? They have already been half called the aggressor in the thread title, so it is probably them.
So we agree that Russia is the aggressor and what the US is guilty of is not being gutless appeasers trying to deescalate at all costs?
Or you could give us an indication of what you really think the video is saying....
But to take it back a step, even if the US Press is only reporting all the aggressive things Russia is doing, and ignoring the escalations the US is doing, that doesn't justify the aggressive things Russia is doing, and it doesn't invalidate the escalations the US is doing. This video title isn't telling you anything useful about the actual situation. You realize that, right? What the US press does or doesn't report, doesn't actually affect what happens in Ukraine or validate the moral or immoral actions of the US or Russia.