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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I wonder if the Russian cowards will bomb the ports on the Danube or the ships making transit. If they do I hope Israel sends the Russian ship to the bottom. I certainly would.
British scum should had thought about that when they bombed Kerch Bridge.
So the short answer is yes, Russia will bomb any port which can support grain deal export.
The reason? because the West (US) did not honor their part of the agreement and used it to attack Kerch Bridge and smuggle weapons.
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How many tanks does Russia have left?
One tank, and it is more than enough.
Enough for what? Elongating an invasion that has seen tiny scraps of progress against a woefully underarmed and equipped military?

Also, one tank? This is Ukraine, not Grenada or Panama. If someone truly thinks one tank is enough to topple Ukraine... they haven't looked at a map. And also, it seems like a great idea for a comedy, I'm thinking Sasha Cohen, but he gets tiring, so many the Coen brothers.

Coming to theaters in 2027 (after the strike ends in Hollywood), One Tank in Ukraine.
Relax, I made a reference to a real video I just posted of one russian tank destroying nazi NATO column consisting of 2 tanks and 5 armored vehicles. Contrast it with "Ghost of Kiev"
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It is now proving that mines are the biggest problem for tanks. Both Russiand and Ukraine use mines. This is slowing Ukraine's advances, but means Russia cannot expect to prevail beyond their present positions. Meanwhile in Crimea, anti-Russian partisan activities are becoming common.
I wonder if the Russian cowards will bomb the ports on the Danube or the ships making transit. If they do I hope Israel sends the Russian ship to the bottom. I certainly would.
British scum should had thought about that before they bombed Kerch Bridge.
So the short answer is yes, Russia will bomb any port which can support grain deal export.
The reason? because the West (US) did not honor their part of the agreement and used it to attack Kerch Bridge and smuggle weapons.
Three ships just made it past your blockade:


But the blockade is another reason why Crimea should belong to Ukraine. Not a good idea to have Russian ships near shipping lanes. Not good for commerce.
Meanwhile in Crimea, anti-Russian partisan activities are becoming common.
No more common than in the rest of Russia. Ukro-nazi pay dumbfuck teenagers in Russia to burn shit, mainly on railroads.
Speaking of teenagers. Mexican cartels pay american teenagers to transport illegals, Why are not we talking about this?
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How many tanks does Russia have left?
One tank, and it is more than enough.
Enough for what? Elongating an invasion that has seen tiny scraps of progress against a woefully underarmed and equipped military?

Also, one tank? This is Ukraine, not Grenada or Panama. If someone truly thinks one tank is enough to topple Ukraine... they haven't looked at a map. And also, it seems like a great idea for a comedy, I'm thinking Sasha Cohen, but he gets tiring, so many the Coen brothers.

Coming to theaters in 2027 (after the strike ends in Hollywood), One Tank in Ukraine.
Relax, I made a reference to a real video I just posted of one russian tank destroying nazi NATO column consisting of 2 tanks and 5 armored vehicles. Contrast it with "Ghost of Kiev"
Yeah, no ghost, and Russia still making very little progress.
Yeah, no ghost, and Russia still making very little progress.
why go forward when the enemy goes to you? Seriously why?
The West is running out of ammo, sooner or later they will collapse. At a minimum Russia will be able to install puppet regime which sign all the necessary papers. At a maximum, full blown annexation, which I prefer. Ukraine failed to become a country, and it's all on them.
barbos’s posts update us on the lies told to the Russian public.

The notion that the West will run out if ammunition before Russia is ludicrous.
Yeah, it was utter bollocks when Nikita Khrushchev talked about it in 1956, and it remains bollocks today. Russian productivity has always been woeful, and they've always lied about it, to their enemies, to their allies, to their rulers, and most of all, to themselves.

That's not likely to change while Putin remains in charge.

Back in the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US genuinely believed that the Soviets had comparable military capabilities; It turns out that the "missile gap" was entirely one-sided in favour of the USA up until the 1980s, when the Soviets finally achieved the capability to genuinely threaten mutually assured destruction - just in time for their nation to unilaterally implode.
Corrupt piece of shit Biden admitted that US had run out out ammo, that's why he sends cluster ammo to nazis.
It was recorded on video.
Criminal regime in Washington claims that they see evidence that Russians are interested in ..... resuming grain deal.
Translations: criminal regime in Washington realized that they did a boo-boo, and their plan to put in on Russia is not working, africans are firmly with Russia. So criminal regime in Washington wants to go back. Well, well well. I say Russia says, "OK, lets resume it in 6 months, while russian part od the deal resumes immediately, that would be fair, casue russian part have never been working"

So go and tell your nazis to repair ammonium pipe they blew, then restore Russia in SWIFT and then, in 6 months Russia will think about resuming ukrainian grain export. And Russia will be inspecting every damn ship going to and from Black Sea and Odessa. Yes, I am looking at you, Türkiye.
Criminal regime in Washington claims that they see evidence that Russians are interested in ..... resuming grain deal.
Translations: criminal regime in Washington realized that they did a boo-boo, and their plan to put in on Russia is not working, africans are firmly with Russia. So criminal regime in Washington wants to go back. Well, well well. I say Russia says, "OK, lets resume it in 6 months, while russian part od the deal resumes immediately, that would be fair, casue russian part have never been working"

So go and tell your nazis to repair ammonium pipe they blew, then restore Russia in SWIFT and then, in 6 months Russia will think about resuming ukrainian grain export. And Russia will be inspecting every damn ship going to and from Black Sea and Odessa. Yes, I am looking at you, Türkiye.
More likely is Putin knows that the world figured out his "blockade" was a bluff and he can't enforce it. So now he'll start "letting" the ships through. Just more impotence and lies.
If Russia is doing so great, why repeat footage from June in their propaganda?
It's not a repeat. It was just released.
And Ukraine repeats videos from last year, in case you did not know.
The video was recently released, but it's just a new angle on a battle that happened in June at the beginning of the "counter-offensive", which is generally considered a complete fuck-up by Ukraine. The only saving grace is that they stopped the attack and stuck to slower grind.

The point is not that Ukraine sometimes also releases old footage. The point is that if you have juicy new videos, you'll release them, and if you don't, you dig up something from the archives and try to make it look like it's new. Russia hasn't had a similar success since, so they're just rehashing old material.

In fact YOU repeat them here.
You keep talking about snake island and how Russia lost trillion tanks in last year spring.
I don't think I've been boasting out how many tanks Russia lost, on the contrary I've been stressing that Russia still has a shitload of them.

And I only bring up Snake Island as an example how Russia lies. Prior to them withdrawing, Russian propaganda and people who regurgitate it were saying that all of Ukraine's attacks against the Island failed, all rockets were intercepted and all drones and helicopters shot down. The reality turned out to be completely opposite. So now, when Putin claims 10-to-1 casualty ratios, or they float these "1 tank destroys an armored column" videos as proof that Ukraine is losing, they probably lying through their teeth again.
I wonder if the Russian cowards will bomb the ports on the Danube or the ships making transit. If they do I hope Israel sends the Russian ship to the bottom. I certainly would.
British scum should had thought about that when they bombed Kerch Bridge.
So the short answer is yes, Russia will bomb any port which can support grain deal export.
The reason? because the West (US) did not honor their part of the agreement and used it to attack Kerch Bridge and smuggle weapons.
No, the reason is that Russia wants to deny Ukraine any economic activity and punish civilians. There's no proof whatsoever that any of the ships from these ports were smuggling weapons, and it would be impossible anyway because in the grain deal agreement Russia had the right to inspect all of them (which Russia just used as a delaying tactic to keep the ships from moving).

The grain deal wasn't really between Russia and Ukraine or the West, it was between Russia and Turkey.
The video was newly release, but it's just a new angle on a battle that happened in June at the beginning of the "counter-offensive"
As I said, It was just released.
The point is not that Ukraine sometimes also releases old footage. The point is that if you have juicy new videos, you'll release them, and if you don't, you dig up something from the archives and try to make it look like it's new. Russia hasn't had a similar success since, so they're just rehashing old material.
I never do what you claim I do, I posted new video which was talked about in Russia/ The end.
You (meaning people here) asre still talking about things which happened more than a year ago.
And I only bring up Snake Island as an example how Russia lies. Prior to them withdrawing, Russian propaganda and people who regurgitate it were saying that all of Ukraine's attacks against the Island failed,
That's a complete and utter bullshit. It was Ukrainian proaganda saying that. Then they said all ukrainiand defenders died when Russia captured. That turned out to be a lie. In reality they all surrendered. Then Russia left it, because it made no sense top stay there because
plans changed.
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