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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

The best source for Russian tank losses is Oryx. They only count tanks confirmed as destroyed by photographic evidence. So their count is conservative.

How many tanks does Russia have left?

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How many tanks does Russia have left?
One tank, and it is more than enough.

Short answer, Russia at start of the invasion had an observable stockpile of 6,000 tanks. Most old, many in bad shape. In Ukraine, the Russians have lost about 2,000 tanks. New tanks, like the Armata 14 now number about 40. The old stocks are slowly being sorted out, and repairable tanks repaired and updated. But not at a rate that makes up for losses. The 64 billion rubles alloted to build new tank plants to produce Armata 14 tanks was largely embezzled. It build some lovely mega-yachts. Hundreds of corrupt officials and contractors are now in prison over that but sending all these crooks to prison doesn't build any plants. Or tanks.
How many tanks does Russia have left?
One tank, and it is more than enough.

Short answer, Russia at start of the invasion had an observable stockpile of 6,000 tanks. Most old, many in bad shape. In Ukraine, the Russians have lost about 2,000 tanks. New tanks, like the Armata 14 now number about 40. The old stocks are slowly being sorted out, and repairable tanks repaired and updated. But not at a rate that makes up for losses. The 64 billion rubles alloted to build new tank plants to produce Armata 14 tanks was largely embezzled. It build some lovely mega-yachts. Hundreds of corrupt officials and contractors are now in prison over that but sending all these crooks to prison doesn't build any plants. Or tanks.
Keep telling that to yourself, it's working.
What’s NOT working:
Waiting for Trump to re-gain the Presidency in the hope that he will get the US to abandon NATO, embrace Putler’s fascism and enable a new Golden Age of Russian imperialism.
Not gonna happen, Barbos. You and your former Country are nothing but FUCKED.
What’s NOT working:
Waiting for Trump to re-gain the Presidency in the hope that he will get the US to abandon NATO, embrace Putler’s fascism and enable a new Golden Age of Russian imperialism.
Not gonna happen, Barbos. You and your former Country are nothing but FUCKED.
It appears to me that Putin is hoping that the will of the Ukrainian people and the support of its allies dies before he does. That is looking like less and less like a good gamble.

So far, all Putin had demonstrated is poor judgment and the low level of effectiveness of the Russian military.
So far, all Putin had demonstrated is poor judgment and the low level of effectiveness of the Russian military.
… and an undying faith in the ability of a washed-up criminal conman moron to re-capture the Whitehouse. If you ask me, that faith will cost him his crown, and probably his life.
Everything that Trump touches, dies.
Israeli, Greek and Turkish grain ships are telling Putin to go fuck himself by running to Ukrainian ports on the Danube.

Israeli vessel ignores Russia's "blockade" in Black Sea, followed by vessels from Greece and Türkiye

"Russian forces are clearly unwilling or unable to forcibly stop and search neutral ships bound for Ukraine via the Black Sea... Ship surveillance images released on 30 July show three civilian vessels declaring their destination in Ukraine via the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and sailing there without being stopped and searched by the Russian Black Sea Fleet," the article says.

I wonder if the Russian cowards will bomb the ports on the Danube or the ships making transit. If they do I hope Israel sends the Russian ship to the bottom. I certainly would.
How many tanks does Russia have left?
One tank, and it is more than enough.
Enough for what? Elongating an invasion that has seen tiny scraps of progress against a woefully underarmed and equipped military?

Also, one tank? This is Ukraine, not Grenada or Panama. If someone truly thinks one tank is enough to topple Ukraine... they haven't looked at a map. And also, it seems like a great idea for a comedy, I'm thinking Sasha Cohen, but he gets tiring, so many the Coen brothers.

Coming to theaters in 2027 (after the strike ends in Hollywood), One Tank in Ukraine.
How many tanks does Russia have left?
One tank, and it is more than enough.
You know, it’s been a year and half almost since you started this war. So why haven’t you completed this operation yet? If your military is so good, why are they not advancing, much less conquering the country? Putin argued that basically there is no Ukraine, it’s all part of Russia. But he can’t do anything with his military against a much weaker non-country.

Even if the Ukrainian offensive isn’t going well, it is pushing Russian forces back slowly. It may not be able to get a big breakthrough (although right now they appear to be accelerating their offensive), but what is fundamentally clear is that Russian forces are utterly incapable of defeating Ukraine. They are not the ones going on the offensive because they can’t.

Your only hope is a Trump victory and since he’s likely a Russian asset then you can use him to stop supplying Ukraine. But Europe will likely step up and continue their support, and your troops are just too worn out to advance. It will be two years before this happens. If it happens. How many tanks will you have then? Another 2,000 destroyed? Your military has to be concerned about other potential threats, including NATO, and even China. They could turn on you if they sense weakness. and your military is very weak. And getting weaker every day.
But he can’t do anything with his military against a much weaker non-country.
Oh, Pootie is much too kind as a leader to ever wage violence against one of his own provinces!
He's just trying to root out the Nazis who infested the area and comprised 99% of Ukraine's population.

Your only hope is a Trump victory...
It will be interesting indeed to see what Putler is up to on the day after Trump's
2025 insurrection attenpt fails.
Does he have any safe haven in another Country? China?
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A War of Attrition Assessing the Impact of Equipment Shortages on Russian Military Operations in Ukraine

Tanks: It's more than just a numbers game, even with the rosiest picture painted by Russian exaggerations. The vulnerability of fielding older thin skinned Soviet tanks of lesser fire power and the lack of access to the French made Thales thermal imager for targeting for newly made tanks also needs to be considered.

Artillery: Again, production rates cannot keep up with losses. And here is where sanctions come into play through the lack of advanced western machine tools and high quality gun steel. Worse still is production rates of ammunition. They cannot match what Russia expends. Evident in their going hat in hand to Iran and North Korea.

The operational impact is interesting to read. The most serious read to me is the lack of artillery ammunition as this is needed for defensive purposes to break up offensive groups. And in that Russia is largely restricted to dumb ammunition, they need to blanket large areas with large amounts of artillery fire to get the job done. Ammunition they can ill afford to expend.
On the Ukrainian side, the longer they wait to make a decisive offensive attack the more time Russia has to produce munitions.

It goes on into UAVs, Electronic Warfare platforms, and long range missiles.
If Russia is doing so great, why repeat footage from June in their propaganda?
It's not a repeat. It was just released.
And Ukraine repeats videos from last year, in case you did not know. In fact YOU repeat them here.
You keep talking about snake island and how Russia lost trillion tanks in last year spring.
You know, it’s been a year and half almost since you started this war. So why haven’t you completed this operation yet?
Becasue you keep sending them weapons. Truth is, Russia have destroyed ukrainian army 3 ttimes. You keep reconstituting them.
Well, looks like you ran out of things to send them..... And Ukraine is running out of men,...
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