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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

On the other hand Russia signed an agreement along with Britain and the USA guaranteeing sovereignty in exchange fr nuclear weapons.
Never happened. And even if it did, US broke it by orchestrating a coup and invading.
If that happened you would be able to provide a shred of evidence for it. You tried, but you failed.

You believe in false things because it makes you feel good. You are just another brainwashed religious fanatic. Your imaginary god is your delusion of a persecuted Russia.
Russia to begin with violated by invading Crimea which was ceded to Ukraine.

Barbos is giving me despite all or current problems a much deeper appreciation for the USA and the other western democracies.

It is giving me hope we will get through our current troubles intact.
and has been a shithole and the pro Putin Russians are welcome to it.

Russia put up a wall to keep people in during the Cold War. We need a wall around Russia to keep them out.

The west is getting off Russian oil and gas.
If that happened you would be able to provide a shred of evidence for it. You tried, but you failed.
US orchestrated a coup and installed puppet nazi regime in Ukraine, then it armed it and used to attack Russia.
That is undeniable fact of history.
Barbos is giving me....
That memorandum was not ratified by anyone, not even by Ukraine. In reality Clinton told ukrainians "You will give up all these nukes or we will fuck you up". So russians did not really want these nukes that much. It was YOU who did not like the idea of having these imbeciles with nukes.
In any case, that memorandum was null and void once ukro-nazi got power in Ukraine and started terrorizing russians.
If that happened you would be able to provide a shred of evidence for it. You tried, but you failed.
US orchestrated a coup and installed puppet nazi regime in Ukraine, then it armed it and used to attack Russia.
That is undeniable fact of history.
It is easily deniable. Anyone who looks at the evidence denies it. It is also totally unsupportable, hence your total and complete lack of evidence or support.

You believe in a fantasy to make you feel better about the cruel and vicious dictatorship you live under.
Barbos is giving me....
That memorandum was not ratified by anyone, not even by Ukraine. In reality Clinton told ukrainians "You will give up all these nukes or we will fuck you up". So russians did not really want these nukes that much. It was YOU who did not like the idea of having these imbeciles with nukes.
In any case, that memorandum was null and void once ukro-nazi got power in Ukraine and started terrorizing russians.
Yesterday you did not know the meoramdum existed, today yiu clam it was not ratified. I bleve the signed document is online.

There is reporting the Putin is a homosexual and is secretly married to Yevgeny Prigozhin. The Wagner Group was going to attack Moscow because Putin was cheating on Prigozhin.

Unlike Russia the USA has no homosexuals.

Putin wants to make Ukraine homosexual. That is what the war is really about.

Our women are tougher than any Russin man.

This is all true. It is undeniable.
You believe in a fantasy to make you feel better about the cruel and vicious dictatorship you live under.
That’s not an unreasonable conclusion given the evidence. But who knows what kind of pressures come to bear upon a Russian who gets all vocal and blustery on American internet fora? Barbie might be very well intended, but constrained against certain factual acknowledgments.
If that happened you would be able to provide a shred of evidence for it. You tried, but you failed.
US orchestrated a coup and installed puppet nazi regime in Ukraine, then it armed it and used to attack Russia.
That is undeniable fact of history.
Repeating a lie won't make it true. Russia attacked Ukraine, not the other way around.

This is bleeding bloody obvious to literally everyone.

Reality is what it is, not what you wish it was.
Reality is what it is, not what you wish it was.
Babs has been channeling The Donald for a while now. Fingers in ears, shouting “lalalalala I can’t hear you!” while trying to establish his alternate reality through the power of mindless repetition.
Hey, it worked for Agent Orange… for a while.
I would call that a very nasty artifact.
At least it's explainable. And It's not related to the copier machine function itself. It's related to scanner.
Scanner scans a page, then It uses extreme compression which is not really a compression but OCR. and then saves it in the file.
It's not done when you simply copy page to paper. Moreover, characters do not disappear there, they get replaced.
You're smarter than this.

Of course it's in the compressor--video has compression, also. There's some very heavy compression that goes into a typical video file as uncompressed video is huge. Look at video files produced by systems that don't have a lot of processor power available--they're much bigger than typical files of the same resolution.

And this is not OCR, it's just the nature of characters means the compressors were selecting them as units. It was very apparent because they were tiny differences that were very important to humans. Most compression artifacts are nowhere near so obvious. That doesn't mean they can't delete things.
Ukraine in its south is through the first minefield and on the outskirts of Tokmak. This places them 30 miles north of Melitopol.
I doubt that many of you will read the article I'm going to "share" from Wapo, but it's an exclusive report about how Iran has been secretly making drones for Russia. And, since I haven't shared a single article this month, I thought this one was important enough to give to anyone interested enough in learning something new about what's going on between Iran, and Russia, which has been claiming it's not involved in Russia's war.


The engineers at a once-bustling industrial hub deep inside Russia were busy planning. The team had been secretly tasked with building a production line that would operate around-the-clock churning out self-detonating drones, weapons that President Vladimir Putin’s forces could use to bombard Ukrainian cities.
A retired official of Russia’s Federal Security Service was put in charge of security for the program. The passports of highly skilled employees were seized so they could not leave the country. In correspondence and other documents, engineers used coded language: Drones were “boats,” their explosives were “bumpers,” and Iran — the country covertly providing technical assistance — was “Ireland” or “Belarus.”

This was Russia’s billion-dollar weapons deal with Iran coming to life in November, 500 miles east of Moscow in the Tatarstan region. Its aim is to domestically build 6,000 drones by summer 2025 — enough to reverse the Russian army’s chronic shortages of unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, on the front line. If it succeeds, the sprawling new drone factory could help Russia preserve its dwindling supply of precision munitions, thwart Ukraine’s effort to retake occupied territory and dramatically advance Moscow’s position in the drone arms race that is remaking modern warfare.
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It's a long article with a lot more information. Hopefully, some of you will be interested enough to read at least parts of it.
Barbos is giving me....
That memorandum was not ratified by anyone, not even by Ukraine. In reality Clinton told ukrainians "You will give up all these nukes or we will fuck you up". So russians did not really want these nukes that much. It was YOU who did not like the idea of having these imbeciles with nukes.
In any case, that memorandum was null and void once ukro-nazi got power in Ukraine and started terrorizing russians.
I don't know about you but the sight of Putin makes me sexually aroused, my penis jumps to attention.

How about you?
The Netherlands and Denmark are committing F-16s to Ukraine as they replace them with F-35s. All (parts/maintenance facilities/crews) should be in place by the time training is complete. It's good to see European countries take the lead on this. Trump should be happy NATO countries are doing their fair share, though I don't know if he has made mention of it. Perhaps Fox doesn't have a war in Europe.

Ukraine is increasing their drone attacks on Russia. Hit or miss, it's reminding Russians of what their glorious leader has started and cannot finish.

And how can I not mention Luna-25. Yes Russia's lunar mission failed. That might be it for the Russian space agency, Roskosnomos. Will they continue to pump money into such extravagances as lunar missions?
And how can I not mention Luna-25. Yes Russia's lunar mission failed. That might be it for the Russian space agency, Roskosnomos. Will they continue to pump money into such extravagances as lunar missions?

This one has been worked on for decades--before Putin got a grip on the throat of his country. Their last moon mission was in 1976, and this Luna 25 mission was being done in coordination with NASA and ESA until 2022, when the West pulled out. So I think that the mission simply had the momentum to get off the ground despite the war. Too bad it failed, but India's mission may still manage to succeed where Russia failed. It's more egg on Putin's face, but there's already so much there that most people will hardly notice the addition.
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