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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Based on all the propaganda videos posted by barbos which talked down Ukraine's capabilities and talked up Russia's progress, wouldn't Russia have defeated Ukraine about a year ago?

Mobilizes 300,000 troops?! That is a much larger number than they want you to believe. I mean yes, they want you to believe that there are 300,000 troops, but to mobilize that number of troops? No, I'm not thinking so. And I like how they say it is a "counterattack".
There was no reason for him to negotiate--Putin wouldn't honor any agreements anyway.

Do you realize that you just admitted that YOU STARTED this war?
Putin have never broke any agreements.
… just signed a treaty GUARANTEEING Ukraine’s sovereignty, then invaded them to get their oil and grain, citing “Nazis!” As his lane excuse.
Sorry babs - your shit don’t flush.
Why would Putin freeze it? why?
Dunno. Don't care. Not really sure what the fuck you are even blathering on about.

Do you think he is an idiot?
This one, though. This I can answer.

Yes. Yes, I think Putin is a blithering idiot.

There's no other explanation for his exposure of the vaunted and even feared Russian military machine to ridicule, by putting them up against a bunch of Ukrainian hicks, who completely humiliated them.

He could easily have concealed their incompetence and impotence from the world, and continued to bluff his way to wealth and power. And instead he believed his own bullshit, and made a clown of himself.

Putin is an exemplar of idiocy. A 24 carat to the troy ounce, 100% pure, complete and total idiot.

He had it all, and he blew it completely. What a fool.
Back in the 70s my girlfriend was a ballet student. Nureyev gave a masters class at her school.
Back in the 70s you were lynching blacks. French wine my ass.
You clearly still live in the 60s and medically incapable to comprehend that Russia is not USSR and that toilet paper is no longer an issue in Russia.
That is true. I met a black guy a few years back from Louisiana who knew somebody who was lynched.

We do not hide it, we work to address it. Our culture evolves. Over here people have a voice and use it.

Putin is acting like it is the USSR. The 'people' have no voice. They serve Putin. Ug;y to us Americans.
Barbos reminds me of Bahgdad Bob, Hussen's commincations minister.

He was speaking live from a street in Baghdad saying it was the mother of all wars and troops would never enter Baghdad, as explosions were heard and smoke was riding in the background.
How far back in history do want to go?
50 years, I want to go back 50 years. GB stole Kuwait from Iraq and Kuwait was stealing Saddam's oil.
It was not about Saddam being a piece of shit dictator and democracy, it was about western desire to keep on stealing Iraqi oil.

US War on Russia is not really about democracy and all that nice stuff.
It's about US gas producers needing to sell their gas to Europe so they pay political scum class like Biden and Graham to lie about Russia
It's about US MIC to sell weapons to US and Europe, so they pay pay political scum class like Biden and Graham to lie about Russia.
It's about MSM who are being paid by the same entities to provide informational support for that scheme.
It's about some old geezers from CIA who dedicated all their lives to "fight" soviets and now want to feel important (and be paid of course) once again.
It's about psychopaths like Nuland.

But it is not about normal regular americans who are paying for all of this. And it is certainly not about ukrainians.
You are in good company. Lord Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose.
Russia's new "reserve army" in Ukraine is "unlikely to be combat effective" due to a "rushed deployment," according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

ISW, a U.S.-based think tank, said in a report published on Friday that trouble could be on the horizon for Russia's newly created and "low quality or understrength" 25th Combined Arms Army (CAA).

According to Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine's Military Intelligence Directorate, the unit has been partially deployed five months ahead of schedule to the largely Russian-occupied eastern region of Luhansk.

The reserve troops were reportedly sent to the Luhansk front line to relieve soldiers from the "relatively more effective" 41st CAA, who are are said to be needed to defend against the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive in southern Ukraine.
And stop pretending you care about young russian men, cause according to Lindsey Graham killing russians is the whole damn purpose of that.

This is such an interesting statement
- poster’s concern about young Russian men is false because
- of what Lindsay Graham (whom poster hates) says.

Doesn’t that seem sort of comincal to you, Barbos? How could Lindsay Graham’s opinion have any bearing on what Cheerful Charlie believes? Why would you even think that, let alone say it out loud in public?
I don't like to admit it, but the early 1980s was forty years ago (that can't be right, someone check my arithmetic please).

A lot has changed since then.
Yes. Quite true. But the Russian Hitler is 70 years old, plenty of memories of those wonderful days when toilet paper was a prized commodity.

So all I'm saying is that if he wants to restore those august days of memory he might want to also hang onto a few corn cobs because he's going to need them.
50 years, I want to go back 50 years. GB stole Kuwait from Iraq and Kuwait was stealing Saddam's oil.
It was not about Saddam being a piece of shit dictator and democracy, it was about western desire to keep on stealing Iraqi oil.
I'm totally in agreement with you here.
Western powers, notably the USA have behaved abominably in the middle east. Propping up ugly dictators and overthrowing elected leaders, it's terrible.
Mainly in pursuit of the wealth and power derived from controlling the oil fields.

But it doesn't justify what Russia is doing right now.
I don't know what the proper course of action the West should take with respect to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

I do think the proper course of action the West should take with respect to the Russian invasion of reason and reality in this thread is to ignore it.
50 years, I want to go back 50 years. GB stole Kuwait from Iraq and Kuwait was stealing Saddam's oil.
It was not about Saddam being a piece of shit dictator and democracy, it was about western desire to keep on stealing Iraqi oil.
I'm totally in agreement with you here.
Western powers, notably the USA have behaved abominably in the middle east. Propping up ugly dictators and overthrowing elected leaders, it's terrible.
Mainly in pursuit of the wealth and power derived from controlling the oil fields.

But it doesn't justify what Russia is doing right now.
As I recall when the new Iraq government opened bidding for oil contracts the USA did not win any.

The original Saudi oil company was ARAMCO Arabaian American Oil Company. Eventualy the Saudis nationalized the oil.

We do not control oil outside of the USA. OPEC and Russia are the major controllers of oil supply and price. A major misconception is that when gasoline prices go up our presided et can do something about it.

What happens mow is we pathetically plead with the Saudis to increase producrion, which they usually do not.

The unwritten agreement was we protect oil shipping in the gulf and the Arab oil states and they keep oil flowing. Quid pro quo, but now they tell us to fuck off.

If we were like Russia our flag would be flying over Iraq and Kuwait.
One option would have been to let Putin take Ukraine and then rely on the NATO deterence to protect border states like Poland.

The problem with that is the history of post revolution Russian and Putin as a continuation is he would not stop there. First it was Crimea. Then a border region with Ukraine. Then invasion.

Stalin made a non aggression pact with Hitler in exchge for Finland and Poland, both of which he claimed were historically Russian.

Putin is a continuation of the Stalinist Soviet mind set. If he is not stopped now then it cud lead to a full scale war with NATO.

the treaty included the Secret Protocol, which defined the borders of Soviet and German spheres of influence across Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The secret protocol also recognised the interest of Lithuania in the Vilnius region, and Germany declared its complete uninterest in Bessarabia. The rumoured existence of the Secret Protocol was proven only when it was made public during the Nuremberg Trials.[8]
If he is not stopped now then it cud lead to a full scale war with NATO.
Yeah, and if he is stopped now it could lead to war with NATO. War between Russia and NATO appears inevitable. Good thing Russia has so little military capability at the moment. Hopefully it stays that way, and Kim sells Pootey lots of defective crap.
NATO and Russia go to war. China and NK join in. WW3 and all the economic and social post war gains go up in smoke.

What Russia does not seem to grasp in the end everybody loses. The global economic system crashes.

The Russian, Chinese, and NK leaders all seem to share a fanatical anti west view. I'm just an amateur analyst, I am sure the western state departments have profiles on the the leadership and likely responses. Probably what is guiding western responses to Ukraine.
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