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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I remember backyard bomb shelters in the 50s 60s. The threat of nuclear was real but there was a craziness to it.

Some people thought there was a commie behind every tree waiting to get them. The Macarhy communist witch hunt. The Mission Impossible show was in large part about USA vs communists.

The saying during VN War was fight them over there or fight them over here.

I get Barbos' paranoia. Putin has bred it into the culture. It is reported school books now teach Ukraine is part of Russia.

The question for Barbos is why on Earth would anyone want to invade Russia? China and the USA are the dominant economies along with the EU and I think India.

The Soviet Union collpsed ad with one or two exceptions former European client states went to NATO and the EU. They wanted nothing to do with Russia.

The only Russian power and glory is in Putin's head.
All their deaths are on US government. You Installed nazi regime, you then forbade Zelensky to negotiate with Russia and forced them to go to war instead.

Do you even know that agreement was agreed already and russian forces would have left eastern Ukraine if only Zelensky agreed to Minsk?
And he did agree to that. Then Boris came probably told him "You are dead man if you sign this"
All they had to do was to give eastern Ukraine autonomy and have neutral status like Austria has.
There was no reason for him to negotiate--Putin wouldn't honor any agreements anyway.
The Mission Impossible show was in large part about USA vs communists.
Sure, but so was Get Smart.
In fact Barbos reminds me of an agent from KAOS, so things haven’t changed too much since then.

HeeHee. Barbos makes a great straight man for us.

I have a Cold War TV and movie image of an inept Russian speaking bad English.

I read that the original Invasion Of The Body Snatchers movie was about fears of Russian subversion.
Yes Barbos, we got rid of Hussein mostly with good intentions.

He had previously invaded and sacked Kuwait saying it was historically part of Iraq. Like Putin claims of Ukraine. In his retreat from Kuwait he created an ecological disaster by blowing up oil wells.

In the first war there was a coalition including Arab states who Hussein was threatening to invade after Kuwait.

The second war was questionable in hind site. We got rid of Hussein and handed the people a free Iraq. In the end they started fighting with each other and us. After Hussein was gotten rid of we provided aid. Built schools and hospital. We dd not raise an Amercan flag or control the people. We did not try to make them American

Iraq is independent today., such as it is.

It is important to note that in the end the Iraq government said they wanted us to leave, and we left.
Adding the first Iraq war was about protecting the Arab oil supplies. Like Saudi Arabia.

No good deed goes unpunished.
You people are so good at it. You should try justify Vietnam war now, or bay of pigs invasion. Iraq invasion would be good too.
Do it.

Like I said before;

Putin is no better than George W Bush. Both invaded countries on a lie. You have been a member of this forum (allegedly) since 2005. You know the critiques that have been laid against W. It is you who is being ignorant not seeing the parallels between them. Once you realise Putin is no different than Bush, and that everyone here hates Bush, you might understand.

I suspect you are going to put on your pom poms and skirt instead though and keep on being a cheerleader for Putin, but hey - you could prove me wrong.

Both Putin and Bush lied about their reasons for invading. Both thought they would be welcomed as liberators. Both thought it would only take "3 days, 3 weeks. But not 3 years". Both plunged their respective nation's credibility into the toilet. Putin has more in common with Bush than you will ever be cognizant about. I'm actually quite amazed there are still people who think you are capable of self awareness, but it's not that hard being a nicer person than me.

Simply put, you are kinda like the Hannity to Putin's Iraq copycat invasion of Ukraine.
He did not invade anyone.
Somebody sent a military force across a border.

By your standards, Bush didn't invade Iraq.
He just helped some Iraqis...

Fuck, I'm laughing too hard to
You keep forgetting that Kieve regime had been murdering their own people in Donbass for 8 years and was for some reason amasing forces near the line.
Terrorists is a pretty accurate description of people who shoot down airliners.
Well, then US is sure as hell a terrorist state, not to mention Ukraine of 2001 I think when they shot airliner.
Funny thing is, CIA director came, told these assholes stop calling them separatist and use terrorists instead. So they did for a while then even they understood it was ridiculous and switched back to "separatists" Truth is, these people understood they themselves were terrorists and did not want to use that good name on anyone else.
The Robotyne breech is expanding and the drive toward Tokmak continues
Nope, ukronazis have not yet occupied Robotnoe.
View attachment 44157
Why can't Zelensky wear a suit like normal presidents?
And no, ukronazi, according to reliable sources have not took control of Rabotino. Not that it means anything one way or another.
What it seems that Ukronazi decided to go elsewhere, it could be sensible thing to do militarily I have no idea, but once again, ukronazi control only half that territory which was a village called Rabotino. And Yes, ukronazi lost Challenger 2 tank there.
According to british themselves it's a first ever Challenger 2 tank ever lost because of enemy fire.
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From Kiev.

Looks like gloom and doom is setting in in Kiev. Good, that means change for the better is possible.
State Department is geographically retarded. In their attempts to surround Russia they wandered into ..... Kazakhstan.
A country which land-locked between Russia and (!!!) China plus few others "stans". These imbeciles thought they had a chance to open second front there.
You have it backwards--Kazakhstan is taking advantage of how Russia has shown itself incompetent and mired in Ukraine and is trying to get out from under Putin's thumb.
What the fuck is going on in your head?
I am talking about State Department trying to invade Kazakhstan and failing for obvious reasons.
Anybody with toilet paper can probably get rich in Russia.
I lived in Georgia (USA) in the early 1980s. A lady in our parish made regular trips back to Russia. She always packed her suitcase with rolls of toilet paper because it was hard to get in the Soviet Union. Maybe she was a double agent and used the toilet paper for bribe money. :)
I don't like to admit it, but the early 1980s was forty years ago (that can't be right, someone check my arithmetic please).

A lot has changed since then.

In the former Warsaw Pact nations, pretty much everything has changed.

Trying to understand today's Russia, based on what we saw in the early 1980s, is as futile as trying to understand Russia in 1943, based on the way the Tsar was managing things in the build up to the Russo-Japanese War.

There's been a complete change of system since then, and almost nothing remains the same - it's not necessarily better, but it's certainly not the same.
Shut up! US must invade Russia in order to bring toilet paper to poor russians!
That's a human right issue which each President of USA must work tirelessly.
I get Barbos' paranoia. Putin has bred it into the culture. It is reported school books now teach Ukraine is part of Russia.
You have no fucking clue about anything, let alone Russia.
You have been fed constant diet of shit all your life. I know that for a fact, I have lived in USSR, US and in Russia.
You proudly admit that you take your information from ISW. A known outfit of MIC and collection of neocon scum who are on record being wrong 100% of time. For fuck's sake, get off of this shit. These are the same people who got you into Iraq,
Kuwait saying it was historically part of Iraq
By the way, Kuwait is historically part of Iraq. And Saddam had other legitimate reasons (oil fields shenanigans) for invasion.
Basically he was right, but the way he went about it was not particularly smart, he underestimated US/UK desire to keep oil to themselves.
Seriously, You lost in Afghanistan, You lost in Iraq, You lost in Syria, you are quickly losing Latin America (Brasil, Argentina,...)
What makes you think you can take on Russia in Ukraine? That is without nukes flying.
What's your plan now? What is it? It must be plan F or something, nothing worked.
You still think that Ukraine will be able to weaken Russia enough for popular revolt regime change?
That's not happening. You only make people to support Putin more.
These retarded drone attacks are only convincing people that Putin was right. Regime change is not gonna happen.
But Biden is going to lose elections. You're are gonna have 4 years of Trump again because of the lunacy you created.
Ukraine are running out of men, despite all their proclamations that their losses are no more than few thousands.
Your plan to coerce Poland into sending their men into Ukraine without NATO article 5 protection fizzled out, Poland has no interest in it now.

You have no men to fight Russia in Ukraine!
There was no reason for him to negotiate--Putin wouldn't honor any agreements anyway.

Do you realize that you just admitted that YOU STARTED this war?
Putin have never broke any agreements.
Loren started the war? Shane on him!

Loren, you will go right to bed, and no sex tonight young man. And no TV for 2 weeks.

Don't worry Barbos, Loren will not start any more wars. Russia is safe now.
But Biden is going to lose elections. You're are gonna have 4 years of Trump again because of the lunacy you created.
I think you're wildly overestimating the weight American voters put on any event that happens outside the USA.

In the unlikely event that Biden loses to Trump, it will have three eighths of fuck all to do with voter opinion about Russia, or Ukraine, neither of which the average American could find on a map.

Shit, most Americans couldn't find Afghanistan on a map, and their country actually sent soldiers there.

Russia will probably massively fund the Trump campaign, again, but I personally doubt that it will work again (it didn't last time, and Trump had the advantage of incumbency then).
I think you're wildly overestimating the weight American voters put on any event that happens outside the USA.
I've already answered this question. Biden (his team really) disagree with you.
They ARE worried about Ukraine Shit is being dragged on into elections and come up with ridiculos plans of freezing out conflict for duration of US elections. Russians are laughing at you. Biden team is trying to call Putin and he does not answer.
Why would Putin freeze it? why? Do you think he is an idiot?
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