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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

That's only a problem if you're bent on conquest.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone here know - what is the longest that Russia's borders have ever remained the same?
Seems to me, they just flow from one bellicose bastard of a leader to another. For centuries. Maybe millennia.
...and then said Chechnya would like to have a word.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Chechnya was/is part of Russia, Russian forces had full legal part to be there.
Invaded and conquered less than 200 years ago. It wasn't always part of Russia.
Have you returned Texas yet? Not to mention that unlike Texas it was not simple land grab. Russia was actually insistently invited ...... there.
Chechens and other remnantants of islamic expansionism were simply in the way.
And dude, do you ever learn anything new? Why do you always repeat the same thing which was has been refuted a million times already?
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Anyway, back to Ukraine.
NATO chief (I did not know Norway had imbeciles) started admitting that NATO war in Ukraine is not going great.
Regime in Washington is running out money for Ukraine. It's not really a problem, they will bribe republicans with something.
Problem is that Ukraine's collapse is unavoidable now, Biden regime's only task is to delay it after elections and then muddle through with blaming loss of Ukraine on someone else. And that someone it looks to be Zelensky. All kind of actions is going on in Ukraine. Cold war between Zelensky and Zaluzhny, Budanov's wife and bunch of his officers get poisoned.
Poroshenko talks to Akhemetov about new coup in Ukraine. Evil Clown is on his way out. Even his wife is planning her life in Miami.
Klitchko (mayor of Kiev) blaims Zelensky. Zelensky itself finally said that Ukraine is going on defence. Apparently bidenistas finally convinced that mini-napoleon that he does not have enough human cannon fodder to last required amount of time until US elections.

Think about it, bunch of ukrainians (and some russians) will die only to get that senile piece of shit (and his gang of sociopaths) elected again.
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Anyway, back to Ukraine.
NATO chief (I did not know Norway had imbeciles) started admitting that NATO war in Ukraine is not going great.
Regime in Washington is running out money for Ukraine. It's not really a problem, they will bribe republicans with something.
Problem is that Ukraine's collapse is unavoidable now, Biden regime's only task is to delay it after elections and then muddle through with blaming loss of Ukraine on someone else. And that someone it looks to be Zelensky. All kind of actions is going on in Ukraine. Cold war between Zelensky and Zaluzhny, Budanov's wife and bunch of his officers get poisoned.
Poroshenko talks to Akhemetov about new coup in Ukraine. Evil Clown is on his way out. Even his wife is planning her life in Miami.
Klitchko (mayor of Kiev) blaims Zelensky. Zelensky itself finally said that Ukraine is going on defence. Apparently bidenistas finally convinced that mini-napoleon that he does not have enough human cannon fodder to last required amount of time until US elections.

Think about it, bunch of ukrainians (and some russians) will die only to get that senile piece of shit (and his gang of sociopaths) elected again.
Lugo see Roman talk like shit. Lugo side with Spartacus instead.

Spartacus is Ukraine in this metaphor. Lugo is the rest of the world. Patooka speak such cause Patooka not sure who is barbos. Slut for putin, barbos could be. Propaganda mouthpiece, no reson Patooka has to accuse barbos of course

And yet...

It is very curious that when barbos is trying to push forth a certain narrative his english syntax immediately becomes lacking...
I see, my english is bad now. Anything but actually addressing the facts.
Facts there. You Wrong. Accepted by many English speaking nations.

And, yes. Your english does slip when you get what english people call emotional but what you call политический,
Anyway, back to Ukraine.
NATO chief (I did not know Norway had imbeciles) started admitting that NATO war in Ukraine is not going great.
Regime in Washington is running out money for Ukraine. It's not really a problem, they will bribe republicans with something.
Problem is that Ukraine's collapse is unavoidable now, Biden regime's only task is to delay it after elections and then muddle through with blaming loss of Ukraine on someone else. And that someone it looks to be Zelensky. All kind of actions is going on in Ukraine. Cold war between Zelensky and Zaluzhny, Budanov's wife and bunch of his officers get poisoned.
Poroshenko talks to Akhemetov about new coup in Ukraine. Evil Clown is on his way out. Even his wife is planning her life in Miami.
Klitchko (mayor of Kiev) blaims Zelensky. Zelensky itself finally said that Ukraine is going on defence. Apparently bidenistas finally convinced that mini-napoleon that he does not have enough human cannon fodder to last required amount of time until US elections.

Think about it, bunch of ukrainians (and some russians) will die only to get that senile piece of shit (and his gang of sociopaths) elected again.
It must be great fun and vigor to cheer for war and bloodshed and misery when you don't have to serve.
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Anyway, back to Ukraine.
NATO chief (I did not know Norway had imbeciles) started admitting that NATO war in Ukraine is not going great.
Regime in Washington is running out money for Ukraine. It's not really a problem, they will bribe republicans with something.
Problem is that Ukraine's collapse is unavoidable now, Biden regime's only task is to delay it after elections and then muddle through with blaming loss of Ukraine on someone else. And that someone it looks to be Zelensky. All kind of actions is going on in Ukraine. Cold war between Zelensky and Zaluzhny, Budanov's wife and bunch of his officers get poisoned.
Poroshenko talks to Akhemetov about new coup in Ukraine. Evil Clown is on his way out. Even his wife is planning her life in Miami.
Klitchko (mayor of Kiev) blaims Zelensky. Zelensky itself finally said that Ukraine is going on defence. Apparently bidenistas finally convinced that mini-napoleon that he does not have enough human cannon fodder to last required amount of time until US elections.

Think about it, bunch of ukrainians (and some russians) will die only to get that senile piece of shit (and his gang of sociopaths) elected again.
It appears that Russians are starting to sour on the war:

A recent poll in Russia found that "the number of core war supporters, those who want the invasion to continue until it has achieved its goals, fell from 22 per cent in February 2023 to 12 per cent in October." Bring back the gulags.
It appears that Russians are starting to sour on the war:

A recent poll in Russia found that "the number of core war supporters, those who want the invasion to continue until it has achieved its goals, fell from 22 per cent in February 2023 to 12 per cent in October." Bring back the gulags.
Conscriptions will increase until polling improves.
Anything but actually addressing the facts.
This belongs in the “accusation=admission” thread.
Mr. “NATO invaded Ukraine” nails it again.
It is hard to find any post of babs’ that is NOT a description of his dictator’s own behavior. It’s just that he refers to his dictator as “Biden” and Russia becomes “NATO”.
Anyway, back to Ukraine.
NATO chief (I did not know Norway had imbeciles) started admitting that NATO war in Ukraine is not going great.
Regime in Washington is running out money for Ukraine. It's not really a problem, they will bribe republicans with something.
Problem is that Ukraine's collapse is unavoidable now, Biden regime's only task is to delay it after elections and then muddle through with blaming loss of Ukraine on someone else. And that someone it looks to be Zelensky. All kind of actions is going on in Ukraine. Cold war between Zelensky and Zaluzhny, Budanov's wife and bunch of his officers get poisoned.
Poroshenko talks to Akhemetov about new coup in Ukraine. Evil Clown is on his way out. Even his wife is planning her life in Miami.
Klitchko (mayor of Kiev) blaims Zelensky. Zelensky itself finally said that Ukraine is going on defence. Apparently bidenistas finally convinced that mini-napoleon that he does not have enough human cannon fodder to last required amount of time until US elections.

Think about it, bunch of ukrainians (and some russians) will die only to get that senile piece of shit (and his gang of sociopaths) elected again.
It must be great fun and vigor to cheer for war and bloodshed and misery when you don't have to serve.
Russia keeps raising the age limit to serve. I wouldn't be surprised to see folks with useful skills quietly scooped up to serve in one capacity or another. Especially if one lives not in St. Pete or Moscow.
Looks like Zaluzhnyj did indeed asked for ..... 400....billions of dollars and 17 million shells.
And the idea, some speculate, is to get american side to refuse and get this stupid war over with.
And the whole summer-winter-spring-summer counteroffensive was actually the same thing. Zaluzhnyj asked for a lot of weapons expecting americans to refuse so that he can safely say "well, I don't have weapons for counter-offensive so there will not be one"
But despite all his expectation americans gave him all these weapons. If only he had asked way more than that.

Zaluzhnyj knew all along that Ukraine had no chance.
And american idiot-generals actually believed that Ukraine had a chance, mainly because they thought russians are incompetent buffoons.
Hitler thought the same thing.

This theory explains zaluzhny disappearance before and during this failed counter-offensive.

In other news, lying western governments are starting to realize that they need to reconcile inflated numbers for russian losses they were proclaiming with reality. Basically we have half a million they proclaimed and 38K MediaZone counted (half are Wagners)
So what do you do with that? Lets add wounded and call it casualties. So they now have ~300K casualties. Most of which are .... lightly wounded who returned back.
Fuck you! you promised millions dead russians.
Well, if Mr. Credibility himself is saying "some speculate", you know where this is being pulled from.

Since WWII, how many times has the US fought a war/major battle without air cover? But we've expected Ukraine to do just this against a well entrenched adversary.
To make matters worse, we ensure a war of attrition by not providing adequate means of destroying manufacturing/supply line for this adversary.
And now Ukraine searches for a way to proceed. With stagnation along the front line and its male population aging out, it's desperate for effective operations to execute.
Did the great minds at the Pentagon foresee this? I'm sure they did but they'll not speak truth to power. They will cover their asses and try and put the blame on Ukraine using whatever shortcoming they can possible exploit.
I'll use the word I've used a handful of times in the past in this thread: timidity. Timidity on Biden's part. This is where the buck stops.

This is still very winnable. Russia's Achilles heal is oil/gas. Provide Ukraine the means to attack Russia's oil/gas and defense infrastructure. This is what we've should have been doing from the start instead of watching hundreds of thousands of people die.
Looks like Zaluzhnyj did indeed asked for ..... 400....billions of dollars and 17 million shells.
And the idea, some speculate, is to get american side to refuse and get this stupid war over with.
And the whole summer-winter-spring-summer counteroffensive was actually the same thing. Zaluzhnyj asked for a lot of weapons expecting americans to refuse so that he can safely say "well, I don't have weapons for counter-offensive so there will not be one"
But despite all his expectation americans gave him all these weapons. If only he had asked way more than that.

Zaluzhnyj knew all along that Ukraine had no chance.
And american idiot-generals actually believed that Ukraine had a chance, mainly because they thought russians are incompetent buffoons.
Hitler thought the same thing.

This theory explains zaluzhny disappearance before and during this failed counter-offensive.

In other news, lying western governments are starting to realize that they need to reconcile inflated numbers for russian losses they were proclaiming with reality. Basically we have half a million they proclaimed and 38K MediaZone counted (half are Wagners)
So what do you do with that? Lets add wounded and call it casualties. So they now have ~300K casualties. Most of which are .... lightly wounded who returned back.
Fuck you! you promised millions dead russians.
Ukraine has stood up to an imperialist power many times its size and knocked you on your ass. As long as Ukraine remains sovereign, your side is losing. Your side hasn't conquered it. You want to beat your proud chest and brag how you've taken part of Ukraine. Fine. Congratulations. Dosn't change the fact that Kyiv remains free.
More good news coming from the Black Sea area:

Ukraine just shot down one of Russia's vaunted bombers over the Black Sea. I'll bet that my young friend Barbos secretly appreciates the fact that sinking the Russian navy and destroying Russian aircraft in the Black Sea is better for the world. It means that commerce can more safely transport their goods. This helps the world economy. Including Russia. It's great news for all!
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