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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Yea, that bothers the shit out of me. It's old people that start wars for the most part. And yet they don't have to serve.
Your old POS started this war - Biden, Graham, Nuland, McCain and other old scum.
Fucking scum in current ukrainian regime are starting to admit that. The same way georgians admitted it earlier.

You yourself on this board are even saying it. Yes, I am talking about you Harry, and the rest of the usual suspects.
Though, you don't talk about it directly. But you do, maybe without realizing it but you do.
Every time when you ignore inconvenient facts I present here you silently agree with me.
Every time you trash US government about Iraq, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc you agree with me about Ukraine.
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No, babs is a grown up with access to the same information you have and can reach his own conclusions
Yes, I listen to Jeffrey Sachs, who by the way, routinely talks in UN.
And basically I agree with him. I certainly disagree with Lindsey Graham, with whom you seem to agree.
Speaking of UN. I am subscribed to a bunch of western youtubers. Most of them appear neutral with a slight anti-current-US-regime stance.
Anyway. I have been following the guy for a while and then suddenly see a video of him giving a speech at .... UN.
And he is pretty young guy. So governments around the world listen to the same people I do and invite them to talk to UN.
They don't invite Lindsey Graham, they don't invite CNN, let alone MSNBC cunts to UN.
Think about that. Nobody is buying your shit anymore, nobody, pretending and threats are no longer working. You need to change your behaviour.
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In other news. Putin started to give signs that he is planning to return Ukraine (minus Galicia) to Russia.
That's what I have been suggesting for some time.
I would demand renaming the nazi leftover of Ukraine to "Galicia" (their historical name).
"Ukraine" is a russian name given to Ukraine region of ...... Russia. In Russian it means "outskirts" or "borderland" (of Russia).
Tough luck for nazis in Galicia which are such nazis because of ..... Polish and Austrian rule.
Yea, that bothers the shit out of me. It's old people that start wars for the most part. And yet they don't have to serve.
Your old POS started this war - Biden, Graham, Nuland, McCain and other old scum.
Fucking scum in current ukrainian regime are starting to admit that. The same way georgians admitted it earlier.

You yourself on this board are even saying it. Yes, I am talking about you Harry, and the rest of the usual suspects.
Though, you don't talk about it directly. But you do, maybe without realizing it but you do.
Every time when you ignore inconvenient facts I present here you silently agree with me.
Every time you trash US government about Iraq, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc you agree with me about Ukraine.

No! Putin started this war of aggresion. This war of oppression. And nobody else. And it is going to end badly fot Russia. Russia will lose a generation of young men. The lose of economic power for decades. And the well deserved scorn of Europe and North America.
The lose of economic power for decades.
LOL, no, economy in Russia is booming. Thanks for the sanctions.

And the well deserved scorn of Europe and North America
Great, Australia with us now!!!!
What about the rest of the world? You thought I would not notice?
Russia will lose a generation of young men.
I did notice that you don't care about Ukrainian losses which are much higher at the much lower population.
OK. let's calculate. Russia is roughly 150 millions of people. A generation of men is 10% of total population.
Which is 15 million people. Are you honestly suggesting that russian losses are 15 millions?
Russian losses are less than 50K, in case you did not know. This is 0.3% of a generation.
And keep in mind that losses are disproportionately due to Wagner campaign of employing convicts. I know, life is a life, but still, not exactly the best people. Some of them were pretty horrible and I am glad practice of contracting convicts has since been reduced.

Russian losses in this war you started are comparable to car accident deaths. Relay that to Lindsey Graham.
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Russia has about 16K car accident deaths per year. This war US started has been going on almost 2 years with pro-US anti-russia Meduza counting russian losses as 35K. Graham must be mad.
Great, Australia with us now!!!!
Nah, we still reckon Putin is a cunt.

Sorry, not sorry.
I don't believe you. I heard a taxi driver saying australians are with Putin.

*deep breath*


Thank you, I needed that.
Yea, that bothers the shit out of me. It's old people that start wars for the most part. And yet they don't have to serve.
Your old POS started this war - Biden, Graham, Nuland, McCain and other old scum.
Fucking scum in current ukrainian regime are starting to admit that. The same way georgians admitted it earlier.

You yourself on this board are even saying it. Yes, I am talking about you Harry, and the rest of the usual suspects.
Though, you don't talk about it directly. But you do, maybe without realizing it but you do.
Every time when you ignore inconvenient facts I present here you silently agree with me.
Every time you trash US government about Iraq, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc you agree with me about Ukraine.
The US was very mean to Russia. We should have embraced you more. But that is no excuse for your side to just start invading countries! You want to invade countries because another country was mean to you?!! That's crazy. The US is devious and mostly seeks to benefit the US. Russia is the same exact way. Your side is infamous for plotting to deestablish countries to your own benefit. Quit being so naive.

There in fact hasn't been a period in Russian history when she has not attacked a non-NATO country. The striking thing is that she has never dared attack a NATO country, which might explain why Ukraine is keen to join NATO just as soon as she is able to meet the entry requirements.
And note that it has attacked every neighbor it has.
Lean is cheap, but it's brittle. When it works, it saves a lot of money, but it is completely dependant on ultra-reliable supply chains, and on agile production by suppliers.
Exactly. My former employer tried to do it completely JIT--and found the incomplete rate was unacceptable. It wasn't even a supply chain thing, but that we were dealing with natural materials handled by humans. While unacceptable material should have always been removed at the very start of the process it was done by fallable humans. And since every item was made to order damage was always a possibility. (Beware: uninstalled cabinets are vulnerable to shear loads caused by handling.)

This makes it very poorly suited to any industry that is intended to work during times of crisis - particularly Healthcare, Emergency Management, and Defence.
Yup. People scream about the cost of ambulances but you're not actually paying for what the ambulance actually does for you. You are paying the cost of everything it can do for you. If the paramedics need X it better be there, JIT isn't an option. It's not quite so severe in the rest of the healthcare system but there are lots of things that are rarely used but had better be there now if they're needed.

It is ideally suited to industries where the final product is complex and expensive, but also a luxury item for which the end user is only mildly inconvenienced by any delays. It's no surprise that the Automotive industry was one of the earliest adopters; And given the tendency of managers to seize any opportunity for large cost savings, and to disregard the long term impact of those savings on the stability or resilience of their businesses, it's also no surprise that it has spread to encompass industries to which it is very poorly suited.
Seconded. That's why I feel that in systems were resilience is required that it be mandated to avoid the fact that the company that provides resilience will lose out to the one who doesn't until the shit hits the fan.

Defence is inherently and unavoidably wasteful. Deterence demands that you have a lot of very expensive kit, and the expensive trained personnel to use it, just sitting around "doing nothing".

If you have enough of that stuff, it never gets used. If you don't have enough, then it probably will get used, and when it does, you're going to rue the fact that you didn't have more.
Yup. The only thing more expensive than the best army is the second best army.
No! Putin started this war of aggresion.
Nope. Nuland is laughing at you.
You can't make such a claim without addressing facts of US "allies" saying that US started it.
We have been laughing at you for years now. Your facts are imaginary. You have no evidence for your ridiculous conspiracy theories. Your delusions rise to the level of "tin foil hat" paranoia. I would love to see you try to scramble to assemble your "evidence" again, but there is no point, is there?

You have been brainwashed by your cruel and twisted prejudices and an environment of propaganda you have been steeped in your entire life. It is actually kind of sad.

Humans are capable of so much self deception, but folks on an atheist board are a little better equipped to spot this kind of delusion than the average fool on the street. I wonder why you don't ply your delusions on a more gullible crowd? Surely you would attract more suckers eager to believe in fanciful fantasies.
When did Russia acquire Siberia?
Do you think it’s adequately defended?
Fixed it for you. How does it feel that Putin is using the same playbook Bush did?
Out of NATO it was no threat. With NATO it was absolute threat.
NATO is a criminal organization (controlled by US MIC) which was involved in countless illegal wars and regime changes all over the world.
NATO is a defensive alliance. It is not a threat to anyone--if Ukraine were to attack someone NATO wouldn't come to their aid. Membership in NATO simply means you can't attack them without big problems. That's only a problem if you're bent on conquest.
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