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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Please. Putin is threatening Moldova and the Baltics now.
Of course he does. They are threatening Russia, Russia threatens them back.
No Baltics though, they've been quiet lately. So what's your problem with that?
How is Moldova threatening Russia? We are pretty engaged right now. But if the west agreed to send troopers from Lepard Lodge 462 from Milwaukie including their leader, the Grand Poobah, as peace keepers, would that help Russians sleep better at night?
Consensus among independent observers now, NATO can't do anything. That, by the way, explains why Baltic states shut their pie holes.
Is that the excuse?
What excuse? Ukrainian scum was not behaving well, So Russia had to remind them who is the boss.
Is not that how it works?
That hasn't been "how it works" since 1914; But even if it were, It seems odd to have wasted all those soldiers and tanks just to remind them (and everyone else) that Russia hasn't been boss of jack-shit since 1990.
Look dude. WP (CIA) are now changing their tune towards "Ukraine need to talk to Russia"
Other papers doing the same. The truth is, Russia is not interested in talking with Ukraine. Russia will talk with their masters - USA.
And expect giving huge concessions and reparations. You are obviously don't want to do that, I understand, you don't want to look weak in front of China. So..... complete occupation and REintegration of Ukraine into Mother Russia is coming.
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CIA) are now changing their tune towards "Ukraine need to talk to Russia"
You have no idea what tune “CIA” is humming. Republitards are trying to make points for Trump by sucking Putler’s dick for him. But they’re not running the Country.
Look dude. WP (CIA) are now changing their tune towards "Ukraine need to talk to Russia"
Other papers doing the same. The truth is, Russia is not interested in talking with Ukraine. Russia will talk with their masters - USA.
And expect giving huge concessions and reparations. You are obviously don't want to do that, I understand, you don't want to look weak in front of China. So..... complete occupation and integration of Ukraine into Mother Russia is coming.
Dude: have you had your medical checkup lately? I'm worried. You say several times that Russia has no interest in conquering Ukraine. That Russia has met every goal that it has intended. Then you admit several posts later, mere minutes later, that "complete occupation and integration of Ukraine into Mother Russia is coming". I agree with the later Barbos. I don't think that Russia has any intention of any long term peace in Europe. I think that the west needs to understand that the only thing that will stop Russian imperialism is more weapons, more defensive measures, more alliances, and great economic sanctions against Russia and all who would arm her. Anyone have an alternate theory?
Dude: have you had your medical checkup lately? I'm worried. You say several times that Russia has no interest in conquering Ukraine.
Dude, Arestovich said that, not me.
But things change. The more you misbehave the worse it will gets for you.
Eventually there will be no Ukraine left for you to have NATO expansion to.
I think that the west needs to understand that the only thing that will stop Russian imperialism is more weapons, more defensive measures, more alliances, and great economic sanctions against Russia and all who would arm her. Anyone have an alternate theory?
I don't get it. Do you even follow news? What reality are you living in?
In eastern europe, the only way to prevent Russian invasion is to join Nato. Moldova dosn't want to be invaded.
No, that is a sure way to get "invaded", just ask Ukraine.
***Ukraine Not Part Of NATO!!***

If they were part of NATO, we would have long since sent Putler’s thugs back to momma Russia with their mangy tails between their legs.
Are you okay?
Absolutely. Russia is not interested in invading any country but if it threatened with NATO then we will absolutely invade and beat the crap out of you if necessary. And No, Finland does not count. Same with Baltic States.
Ukraine in NATO is absolutely a threat, Kazakhastan too. Georgia, Armenia. In short, Former USSR republics out of NATO and that's final.

NATO is a criminal organization which should be disbanded with people going to prisons. But as long as they stay where they are, that can wait.
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Are you okay?
Absolutely. Russia is not interested in invading any country but if it threatened with NATO then we will absolutely invade and beat the crap out of you if necessary. And No, Finland does not count. Same with Baltic States.
Ukraine in NATO is absolutely a threat, Kazakhastan too. Georgia, Armenia. In short, Former USSR republics out of NATO and that's final.

NATO is a criminal organization which should be disbanded with people going to prisons. But as long as they stay where they are, that can wait.
Convenient edit is convenient.
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Look dude. WP (CIA) are now changing their tune towards "Ukraine need to talk to Russia"
Other papers doing the same. The truth is, Russia is not interested in talking with Ukraine. Russia will talk with their masters - USA.
And expect giving huge concessions and reparations.
Reparations for the damage to Ukraine?
You are obviously don't want to do that, I understand, you don't want to look weak in front of China. So..... complete occupation and REintegration of Ukraine into Mother Russia is coming.

Soon is a registered trademark of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. All rights limited.
...and then said Chechnya would like to have a word.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Chechnya was/is part of Russia, Russian forces had full legal part to be there.
Invaded and conquered less than 200 years ago. It wasn't always part of Russia.
Have you returned Texas yet? Not to mention that unlike Texas it was not simple land grab. Russia was actually insistently invited ...... there.
Chechens and other remnantants of islamic expansionism were simply in the way.
And dude, do you ever learn anything new? Why do you always repeat the same thing which was has been refuted a million times already?
And how could we provoke it??

What happened is you supported rebels, when the rebels got a little bit of land you stepped in and declared them the legitimate government.
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