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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Are you okay?
Absolutely. Russia is not interested in invading any country but if it threatened with NATO then we will absolutely invade and beat the crap out of you if necessary. And No, Finland does not count. Same with Baltic States.
Ukraine in NATO is absolutely a threat, Kazakhastan too. Georgia, Armenia. In short, Former USSR republics out of NATO and that's final.

NATO is a criminal organization which should be disbanded with people going to prisons. But as long as they stay where they are, that can wait.
You have attacked every country you border. What's the common element???
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The Baltic states are all members of NATO. Russia trying to invade any of them triggers article 5. NATO vs. Russia. If Russia cannot beat Ukraine, taking on NATO would be a disaster for Russia.
Are you okay?
Absolutely. Russia is not interested in invading any country but if it threatened with NATO then we will absolutely invade and beat the crap out of you if necessary. And No, Finland does not count. Same with Baltic States.
Ukraine in NATO is absolutely a threat, Kazakhastan too. Georgia, Armenia. In short, Former USSR republics out of NATO and that's final.

NATO is a criminal organization which should be disbanded with people going to prisons. But as long as they stay where they are, that can wait.
You have attacked every country you border. What's the common element???
When did Russia attacked Kazakhstan, China, North Korea, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lituania, Finland, Norway, Belarus, Georgia ?
It's Nazi Ukraine who attacked Poland, Russia, Belarus, and even countries which they don't border like Bosnia i thjink it was?
The Baltic states are all members of NATO. Russia trying to invade any of them triggers article 5. NATO vs. Russia. If Russia cannot beat Ukraine, taking on NATO would be a disaster for Russia.
Baltic states are not defendable, NATO itself admitted that. Article 5 is a fiction. If we exclude nukes, Russia can roll into Baltic states tomorrow and NATO will do nothing. That's not me talking, that's your own military people talking.
Russia does not need any of that but in hypothetical situation, NATO will not defend Baltic states because that would be a suicide.
Baltic States purpose is to harass Russia, nothing more. They get instructions from Washington with what to say and when to say it.
They are totally dependent on EU financially and have to do they are told.
Article 5 again is a fiction, NATO is US, literally. Most NATO countries especially smallish Eastern Europe ones will not comply with it blindly. They will look at the situation and decide for themselves. NATO is not it was before expansion, politically and militarily.
New members were forced into it and their population is not as ignorant as older members, let alone US.

The whole Ukraine plan was to:
1. Provoke Russia into invading Ukraine
2. Use sanctions and oligarchs to regime change Putin.
actual war was not part of the plan A. Yes, you armed and trained these imbecile nazis. But not for actually defeating Russia. Merely for holding enough to take sanctions into effect. Plan was to suffocate Russia economically, and it failed miserably, hence Plan B, Plan C, Plan D, ......
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1. Russia cannot surprise NATO.
2. NATO quick reaction forces move.
3. NATO mobilizes.
4. NATO starts destroying Russian radar equipment.
5. NATO destroys Russian anti-aircraft defenses.
6. Russian air force get crippled.
7. Any Russian naval vessels in area are sunk.
8. Having achieved air superiority, Russian invaders are attacked relentlessly from the air.
9. Special attention is payed to Russian rocket and artillery systems.
10. NATO forces land in Baltics.
11. Russian infantry now having no air cover suffer grievous loses. Tanks destroyed.
12. Russian logistical systems are destroyed.
13. B-52s now facing no Russian fighters or AA, wipe out remaining Russian ground forces.
14. Continuing destruction of remaining Russian air forces.
15. NATO takes fight to Ukraine.
16. Surviving Russian mobiks revolt. Start surrendering en masse.
1. Russia cannot surprise NATO.
2. NATO quick reaction forces move.
3. NATO mobilizes.
4. NATO starts destroying Russian radar equipment.
5. NATO destroys Russian anti-aircraft defenses.
6. Russian air force get crippled.
7. Any Russian naval vessels in area are sunk.
8. Having achieved air superiority, Russian invaders are attacked relentlessly from the air.
9. Special attention is payed to Russian rocket and artillery systems.
10. NATO forces land in Baltics.
11. Russian infantry now having no air cover suffer grievous loses. Tanks destroyed.
12. Russian logistical systems are destroyed.
13. B-52s now facing no Russian fighters or AA, wipe out remaining Russian ground forces.
14. Continuing destruction of remaining Russian air forces.
15. NATO takes fight to Ukraine.
16. Surviving Russian mobiks revolt. Start surrendering en masse.
BS, every single statement here is BS. Baltic States are not defendable, period.
When it comes to Russia, All US has is ... nukes. Everything else is junk, literally junk.
Your AirForce is junk against russian Air Defence. Tanks are useless, aircraft carriers will be immediately destroyed, probably in US ports.

Nukes, only nukes.
The Baltic states are all members of NATO. Russia trying to invade any of them triggers article 5. NATO vs. Russia. If Russia cannot beat Ukraine, taking on NATO would be a disaster for Russia.
The important step you left out was that the attacked nation has to invoke article 5. I'm not pointing this out to be pedantic. I'm pointing this out to highlight how completely full of shit barbos' claims are that NATO desperately wants to go to war with Russia. Because if that was the case, Poland could have used that excuse last year when they were hit with S-300 missiles. in November It was a golden opportunity if NATO actually wanted a war. But it has been established that reality and barbo's' claims have a...tenuous relationship at best.
Poland could have used that excuse last year when they were hit with S-300 missiles
I wish Poland invoked Article 5. And NATO beat the crap out of Ukraine for attacking a NATO member :)
Boy, what if Germany invoked Article 5 for Ukraine's attack on their gas pipeline? :)
For some strange reasons they did not.
I'm not pointing this out to be pedantic. I'm pointing this out to highlight how completely full of shit barbos' claims are that NATO desperately wants to go to war with Russia. B
I never said that. I said NATO (US) wants Russia gone.
So it is you who is full of shit.
Poland could have used that excuse last year when they were hit with S-300 missiles
I wish Poland invoked Article 5. And NATO beat the crap out of Ukraine for attacking NATO member :)
You really do just throw shit up against a wall to see what sticks don't you? Five minutes ago you were shouting from the rooftops Ukraine isn't real as a country. Now you are saying it is and it attacked NATO whilst being a part of NATO whilst attacking Russia whilst being a part of Russia.

If you ever achieve some vague semblance of self awareness and wonder why people think you lack credibility, this is why.
You really do just throw shit up against a wall to see what sticks don't you?
No, I use western media narratives against you.

Five minutes ago you were shouting from the rooftops Ukraine isn't real as a country. Now you are saying it is and it attacked NATO whilst being a part of NATO whilst attacking Russia whilst being a part of Russia.
It does not matter what I think. What matters is what you think. You think Ukraine is a Country and Article 5 means something.
Well, Ukraine attacked both, Germany and Poland, so.....?
I don't count Urkaine Attack on former Yougoslavia something.
I'm not pointing this out to be pedantic. I'm pointing this out to highlight how completely full of shit barbos' claims are that NATO desperately wants to go to war with Russia. B
I never said that. I said NATO (US) wants Russia gone.
So it is you who is full of shit.
This took me all of 5 seconds
Absolutely 100%. Russian people think that they are fighting NATO, which attacked Russia.
In fact, "ukrainians" think that. Even NATO thinks that.

Puh-leeze, "ukrainians" had a choice between staying away from NATO/stopping terrorizing Russian regions and being pain in the ass by joining NATO and terrorizing Russian regions. They choose the later, because Nuland told them to.

You blew Nord Streams, and you call Putin reckless?
You overthrew democratically elected government of Yanukovych and call Putin reckless?
You support ukrainian terrorism in Russia.
Now US uses NATO countries air space to launch drones against military irrelevant targets in Russia, basically terrorism.

Well, NATO occupied Ukraine, then Russia "invaded" and moved NATO slightly. Since then vaunted NATO summer counteroffensive have been one giant fiasco.
I'm not pointing this out to be pedantic. I'm pointing this out to highlight how completely full of shit barbos' claims are that NATO desperately wants to go to war with Russia. B
I never said that. I said NATO (US) wants Russia gone.
So it is you who is full of shit.
This took me all of 5 seconds
Absolutely 100%. Russian people think that they are fighting NATO, which attacked Russia.
In fact, "ukrainians" think that. Even NATO thinks that.
Yes, NATO used Ukraine to attack Russia. What's your problem?
It's called proxy war.
I'm not pointing this out to be pedantic. I'm pointing this out to highlight how completely full of shit barbos' claims are that NATO desperately wants to go to war with Russia. B
I never said that. I said NATO (US) wants Russia gone.
So it is you who is full of shit.
This took me all of 5 seconds
Absolutely 100%. Russian people think that they are fighting NATO, which attacked Russia.
In fact, "ukrainians" think that. Even NATO thinks that.

Puh-leeze, "ukrainians" had a choice between staying away from NATO/stopping terrorizing Russian regions and being pain in the ass by joining NATO and terrorizing Russian regions. They choose the later, because Nuland told them to.

You blew Nord Streams, and you call Putin reckless?
You overthrew democratically elected government of Yanukovych and call Putin reckless?
You support ukrainian terrorism in Russia.
Now US uses NATO countries air space to launch drones against military irrelevant targets in Russia, basically terrorism.

Well, NATO occupied Ukraine, then Russia "invaded" and moved NATO slightly. Since then vaunted NATO summer counteroffensive have been one giant fiasco.
Yes, all I wrote is true, factual and does not contradict with anything I have ever said.
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