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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Again, you make this odd assumption that Ukrainians have the ability to stop the war.
Actually they still can, all they need is to overthrow current regime in Kiev.
Georgians did exactly that, and look at them now, economy is booming and Russia has not invaded them yet.
You must laugh at all these people who think that Putler just wants peace and that reasonable negotiation is possible! If the world stops sending weapons to Ukraine that the great benevolent Russia will leave them in peace!
TV and Credit Cards said: "There is only one individual responsible for all this death: Putin."

Some one else too. NATO and American imperialism.
Elixir said:
"So if someone walks into your house and starts wrecking things, killing your kids etc, you would just say “let’s all sit down with a nice cup of tea!”? Or would you try to get them to leave by any means possible?

Is this the famous Hindu pacifism we have heard rumored? Sounds very Jesusy. Ukraine may have run out of other cheeks to turn."

Aup.: I am not a pacifist. However, I would try to avoid doing things which will make someone to enter my house and start wrecking things.
Elixir said:
"So if someone walks into your house and starts wrecking things, killing your kids etc, you would just say “let’s all sit down with a nice cup of tea!”? Or would you try to get them to leave by any means possible?

Is this the famous Hindu pacifism we have heard rumored? Sounds very Jesusy. Ukraine may have run out of other cheeks to turn."

Aup.: I am not a pacifist. However, I would try to avoid doing things which will make someone to enter my house and start wrecking things.
Like … living there? And not giving the intruder everything they demanded, or else?
Yeah sure you would.
TV and Credit Cards said: "There is only one individual responsible for all this death: Putin."

Some one else too. NATO and American imperialism.
No. NATO was formed due to USSR's bad behavior. The U.S. did nothing in Ukraine that gave Pootie any cause to invade. This was entirely a case of Russian imperialism, Russian revanchism.
TV and Credit Cards said: "There is only one individual responsible for all this death: Putin."

Some one else too. NATO and American imperialism.
Amigo: how is it imperialism to voluntarily allow a country into your alliance so that it is protected against involuntary invasion? War will continue on our planet until we find a way to stop larger county from invading smaller ones. If you have any ideas, I’m all ears!
You realize Russia would by far fare the worst in WWIII?
Was that what Hitler said before invading USSR?
You realize you have little of importance beyond Tomahawk range? An invasion would neither be needed nor desirable.
Speak human language.
You seem to know enough military stuff that I didn't feel the need to identify the Tomahawk.

Again, you make this odd assumption that Ukrainians have the ability to stop the war. Do you think that they enjoy dying? Sending their young people to be killed?
Yes, Zelenski enjoys to see Ukrainians being killed, otherwise he would have talked to Putin through some intermediary. Does Zelenski think that he can bring down Russia to its knees? If not then why he is continuing to fight at the instigation of Western powers?
Don't talk of rapes, such things happen when uncivilized people engage in war. It does not happen with Indian army. Those who do that are severely punished.
You're accepting the Russian propaganda as the truth.

There's no point in talking through an intermediary as Zelensky knows that to capitulate is to accept genocide. Russia has already genocided Ukraine once before and has shown genocidal tendencies in the areas they occupy.
You are extremely short sighted. Boycott Russia now. Tell Modi you’d gladly pay more for gas now for a stronger world economy in the future and peace.
Modi is not a fool. India would go by its policies. India does not support supply of armaments to Ukraine by Western powers. It will only increase the may-hem and may lead to a bigger war. The correct step is to bring Russia and Ukraine to the table to discuss things. I even see a possibility that Russia could be made to relinquish its possession of Ukrainians lands. Whether the terms may not be palatable or not to Western powers, is another question. They want the war to continue.
You have an extremely unrealistic picture of the situation.
Elixir said:
"So if someone walks into your house and starts wrecking things, killing your kids etc, you would just say “let’s all sit down with a nice cup of tea!”? Or would you try to get them to leave by any means possible?

Is this the famous Hindu pacifism we have heard rumored? Sounds very Jesusy. Ukraine may have run out of other cheeks to turn."

Aup.: I am not a pacifist. However, I would try to avoid doing things which will make someone to enter my house and start wrecking things.
So you would just let them come in and rape your family?
Elixir said:
"So if someone walks into your house and starts wrecking things, killing your kids etc, you would just say “let’s all sit down with a nice cup of tea!”? Or would you try to get them to leave by any means possible?

Is this the famous Hindu pacifism we have heard rumored? Sounds very Jesusy. Ukraine may have run out of other cheeks to turn."

Aup.: I am not a pacifist. However, I would try to avoid doing things which will make someone to enter my house and start wrecking things.
Like … living there? And not giving the intruder everything they demanded, or else?
Yeah sure you would.
I would not finger him as Poroshenko and others did.
TV and Credit Cards said: "There is only one individual responsible for all this death: Putin."

Some one else too. NATO and American imperialism.
No. NATO was formed due to USSR's bad behavior. The U.S. did nothing in Ukraine that gave Pootie any cause to invade. This was entirely a case of Russian imperialism, Russian revanchism.
If your neighbor becomes a friend of your enemy, then perhaps you would react.
TV and Credit Cards said: "There is only one individual responsible for all this death: Putin."

Some one else too. NATO and American imperialism.
Amigo: how is it imperialism to voluntarily allow a country into your alliance so that it is protected against involuntary invasion? War will continue on our planet until we find a way to stop larger county from invading smaller ones. If you have any ideas, I’m all ears!
If the alliance is your enemy, then you would perhaps react.
Putin is not my buddy.
I'm calling bullshit. You are trying - and failing - to have it both ways.
Don't be surprised. India has good relations with West as well as Russia. India has good relations with Israel as well as all Muslim countries except Pakistan.
We are and have always been friends to Palestinians too.
Even our relations with Pakistan may show some improvement. They have accepted that the last war (Kargil) was against the Lahore agreement between the between the two nations (Nawaj Sharif - President, Peoples Party of Pakistan). People in Pakistan are asking the rulers to improve business relations with India.
It depends on the policy a country adopts, and the best policy is truth and not conspiracy.
Again, you make this odd assumption that Ukrainians have the ability to stop the war. Do you think that they enjoy dying? Sending their young people to be killed?
Yes, Zelenski enjoys to see Ukrainians being killed, otherwise he would have talked to Putin through some intermediary. Does Zelenski think that he can bring down Russia to its knees? If not then why he is continuing to fight at the instigation of Western powers?
Don't talk of rapes, such things happen when uncivilized people engage in war. It does not happen with Indian army. Those who do that are severely punished.
You're accepting the Russian propaganda as the truth.

There's no point in talking through an intermediary as Zelensky knows that to capitulate is to accept genocide. Russia has already genocided Ukraine once before and has shown genocidal tendencies in the areas they occupy.
Well, if the Ukrainians do not want peace, then they can have it their way. Does not really affect us.
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