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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Yet difficulties persist. Russia’s official inflation rate is an uncomfortable 7.8%, and the Russian research firm Romir reports that overall price levels for common consumer goods have nearly doubled since the 2022 invasion. Vegetables, as one example, have shot up in price because of sanctions on Western supplies of seeds, fertilizer, and other staples of agricultural production.

To plug some of the holes, Putin is planning tax hikes on businesses and the wealthy, but that could backfire. Foreign investment in Russia has plummeted, and most businesses can’t afford loans at double-digit interest rates. So the only source of investment is companies' own profits, which new taxes will take a bigger bite out of, discouraging investment. The whole cycle is a recipe for collapsing output, similar to what caused the dissolution of the USSR in the late 1980s.
And of course China being China.
“Russia is learning the hard way that China is not interested in being Russia’s donor,” the Milov report says. “China is only interested in Russia economically as a supplier of cheap raw materials with sizeable discounts, as a market for Chinese finished products sold at a premium, and not interested in investing in seeing Russia emerging as a competitor at international markets of manufactured goods.”
Gazprom plunges to first annual loss in 20 years
Very kind of Western nations to help with armaments for further destruction of the country
Uh, the destruction of THEIR country is being wrought by your buddy Putin. We are helping the DEFEND THEMSELVES against that destruction.
Still don't see the difference, eh?
That does not augur well for the sprawling mass of humanity loosely referred to as "India".
People tend to want to help their friends when they are in need. But you do you.
Well, then Russia should befriend some assholes in US.
What does that even mean???
That's American M.O. You should know that.
Considering Russian troll farms are working overtime to help Trump,
Why do you keep repeating this lie?
Why do you keep calling it a lie?
Again, you make this odd assumption that Ukrainians have the ability to stop the war. Do you think that they enjoy dying? Sending their young people to be killed?
Yes, Zelenski enjoys to see Ukrainians being killed, otherwise he would have talked to Putin through some intermediary. Does Zelenski think that he can bring down Russia to its knees? If not then why he is continuing to fight at the instigation of Western powers?
Don't talk of rapes, such things happen when uncivilized people engage in war. It does not happen with Indian army. Those who do that are severely punished.
People tend to want to help their friends when they are in need. But you do you.
Does the HELP which the Western powers are providing to Ukraine, helps Ukraine? Or it results in more deaths for Ukrainians?
Helps Ukraine. Do a quick google search about the type and size of mass graves that were discovered in regions liberated from Russian occupation. Kicking Putin's gang of rapists and murderers the fuck out of Ukraine saves lives.
You are extremely short sighted. Boycott Russia now. Tell Modi you’d gladly pay more for gas now for a stronger world economy in the future and peace.
Modi is not a fool. India would go by its policies. India does not support supply of armaments to Ukraine by Western powers. It will only increase the may-hem and may lead to a bigger war. The correct step is to bring Russia and Ukraine to the table to discuss things. I even see a possibility that Russia could be made to relinquish its possession of Ukrainians lands. Whether the terms may not be palatable or not to Western powers, is another question. They want the war to continue.
Uh, the destruction of THEIR country is being wrought by your buddy Putin. We are helping the DEFEND THEMSELVES against that destruction.
Still don't see the difference, eh?
That does not augur well for the sprawling mass of humanity loosely referred to as "India".
Putin is not my buddy. If their country is being destroyed, then why are they fighting? They should talk peace. Western powers are not helping Ukraine in any way. They are prolonging its agony and wasting the money of their own citizens.
Yes, it is not good for any one in the world, not just Indians. That is why peace is necessary, and for peace talks are necessary.
You are extremely short sighted. Boycott Russia now. Tell Modi you’d gladly pay more for gas now for a stronger world economy in the future and peace.
Modi is not a fool. India would go by its policies. India does not support supply of armaments to Ukraine by Western powers. It will only increase the may-hem and may lead to a bigger war. The correct step is to bring Russia and Ukraine to the table to discuss things. I even see a possibility that Russia could be made to relinquish its possession of Ukrainians lands. Whether the terms may not be palatable or not to Western powers, is another question. They want the war to continue.
Literally every sentence in this post is wrong.
Helps Ukraine. Do a quick google search about the type and size of mass graves that were discovered in regions liberated from Russian occupation. Kicking Putin's gang of rapists and murderers the fuck out of Ukraine saves lives.
Ah, Patooka, I note that you are safely ensconced in Sydney. War between Russia and Ukraine is great fun.
Helps Ukraine. Do a quick google search about the type and size of mass graves that were discovered in regions liberated from Russian occupation. Kicking Putin's gang of rapists and murderers the fuck out of Ukraine saves lives.
Ah, Patooka, I note that you are safely ensconced in Sydney. War between Russia and Ukraine is great fun.
Yeah, it's a fucking riot. It's not like I know anybody working for an NGO in that part of the world. It doesn't affect me at all so I'm just watching the news and pretending it's fucking sports.

Putin's definition of peace is having all Ukrainians six feet under. That's not hyperbole, he has shown that numerous times.
Yeah, it's a fucking riot. It's not like I know anybody working for an NGO in that part of the world. It doesn't affect me at all so I'm just watching the news and pretending it's fucking sports.
Putin's definition of peace is having all Ukrainians six feet under. That's not hyperbole, he has shown that numerous times.
Yeah, we cannot do anything except to watch and wish that wisdom dawns on the direct and indirect contestants before things go worse.
I do not know Putin's definition of peace but definitions change all the time.
People tend to want to help their friends when they are in need. But you do you.
Does the HELP which the Western powers are providing to Ukraine, helps Ukraine? Or it results in more deaths for Ukrainians?
When Russian troops first invaded, the intent was to rid the land of this name, Ukraine. We all thought it was a foregone conclusion that Putin would succeed in doing just this. Then a strange thing happened on the way to Kiev, Ukrainians resisted. Funny thing that, when a neighbor is trying to wipe out your culture, folks tend to resist. Concerned about their head of state, the West offered sanctuary. His response, "I don't need a ride, I need more ammunition." And he stayed in Kyiv and is there to this day and the West will help him for as long as he asks for help. For as long as the Ukrainian people resist.
Ukrainians have not asked anyone else to shed blood for their country. They ask only for the means to resist and hopefully remove the aggressor. This is where we started and this is where we are today. Any attempts to portray Ukrainians as a tool of Western nations will be beaten back with an avalanche of evidence to the contrary. There is only one individual responsible for all this death: Putin. He is a bully and bullies deserve a punch in the nose. My country got this one right.

United Nations Charter Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.
People tend to want to help their friends when they are in need. But you do you.
Does the HELP which the Western powers are providing to Ukraine, helps Ukraine? Or it results in more deaths for Ukrainians?
When Russian troops first invaded, the intent was to rid the land of this name, Ukraine. We all thought it was a foregone conclusion that Putin would succeed in doing just this. Then a strange thing happened on the way to Kiev, Ukrainians resisted. Funny thing that, when a neighbor is trying to wipe out your culture, folks tend to resist. Concerned about their head of state, the West offered sanctuary. His response, "I don't need a ride, I need more ammunition." And he stayed in Kyiv and is there to this day and the West will help him for as long as he asks for help. For as long as the Ukrainian people resist.
Ukrainians have not asked anyone else to shed blood for their country. They ask only for the means to resist and hopefully remove the aggressor. This is where we started and this is where we are today. Any attempts to portray Ukrainians as a tool of Western nations will be beaten back with an avalanche of evidence to the contrary. There is only one individual responsible for all this death: Putin. He is a bully and bullies deserve a punch in the nose. My country got this one right.

I'm pretty sure Ukraine is asking for the stuff they thnk they might get. Obviously they want troops as well. But right now, nobody is willing to send troops. So there's no real point in asking for it.

And I think the main reason for a reluctance to send troops, is because Ukraine is a corrupt shit show of a nation. Much like Russia.

I think western nations need guarantees before sending troops, and Ukraine is so corrupt, they can't.

In the Iraq war the coalition could pick and chose the future government. Not so in Ukraine. In Ukraine most of the power lies with the oligarchs, (ie maffia). Do we really want to help them? Sending weapons has less of an emotional impact on a nation than sending troops. If Ukraine wins and goes down the toilet for other reasons, it's going to feel bad that we lost our soldiers fighting for it. 20 years of occuption and Afghanistan still hurts our feelings. As well as Vietnam

If their country is being destroyed, then why are they fighting?
So if someone walks into your house and starts wrecking things, killing your kids etc, you would just say “let’s all sit down with a nice cup of tea!”? Or would you try to get them to leave by any means possible?

Is this the famous Hindu pacifism we have heard rumored? Sounds very Jesusy. Ukraine may have run out of other cheeks to turn.
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My "business" is twofold. First off, I'm against imperialism. Including American imperialism.
then get the US out of Ukraine, Russia and the rest of the World.
Very Sorry! However, the US is a sovereign country. So is Ukraine. You don’t have the right to tell sovereign countries want to do. Russians tend to have difficulty understanding the word sovereignty…
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