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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Answer the question man from India. Should India give land claims and acquiesce to Pakisatan and China?
A yes or no question.
;) It is not a 'yes' or 'no' question. We have differences of views and have agreements with both the countries to solve the differences through mutual discussions. We stick to the agreements. :)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simla_Agreement, https://www.reuters.com/article/wor...-at-soothing-himalayan-tension-idUSBRE99M04L/
Why aren't you applying the same standard to Russia who made an agreement to leave Ukraine alone in exchange for their nukes?

As a matter of fact, Ukraine should now demand their nukes back.
Why aren't you applying the same standard to Russia who made an agreement to leave Ukraine alone in exchange for their nukes?
As a matter of fact, Ukraine should now demand their nukes back.
They are welcome to make the demand. Ukraine should not have elected foolish Presidents.
Why aren't you applying the same standard to Russia who made an agreement to leave Ukraine alone in exchange for their nukes?
That's not what happened. First, it was US who insisted on nukes being sent to Russia. Second, these nukes have never been ukrainian. These were Soviet Union nukes which just happened to be located close to the border with NATO which is Ukraine.
Newly created Ukraine could not use them nor maintain. They had no codes, no people, nothing.
Similar thing happened with Tu-160. Khohols got them but had no way to maintain these useless (for them) planes, tried to sell to Russia, Russia said we will take them for free, so they were eventually scrapped.
Russia should have simply took all that military hardware in 1991 and sent to Russia.
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JFC! There were no military ties in 2014.
Russia was afraid that they would come. Ukraine did not do enough to remove this conception from Putin. It talked of war to free Crimea.
CIA chief had a long term apartment lease in Kiev.
They were running the whole thing. NATO was coming to Ukraine officially, there was no question about that.
Unofficially they were there already.
Where do you come up with this crap?
Russia who made an agreement to leave Ukraine alone
There was no such agreement. US simply forced khohols to shut the fuck up about nukes they wanted to really sell to Russia, you know, the usual ukro-shit.

.JFC! There were no military ties in 2014.
Russia was afraid that they would come. Ukraine did not do enough to remove this conception from Putin. It talked of war to free Crimea.
CIA chief had a long term apartment lease in Kiev.
They were running the whole thing. NATO was coming to Ukraine officially, there was no question about that.
Unofficially they were there already.
Where do you come up with this crap?
That's not crap. That's pretty much what happened. They guy was living there and advising nazi forces on how to deal with russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine.
NATO is stockpiling small tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and secretly moving them close to Moscow. No warning, just KABOOM! End of the war.
Makes sense to me. What's a few artillery shells among friends, right?
Still the question regardless of any agreements why not just give Pakistan and China the Indian land they want?
If it is the right thing for Ukraine certainly it must be the right thing for India.
Yeah, it does not matter. It is practice, assessment of preparedness, etc. Chinese attackers in Galwan were not expecting Indian reinforcement so quickly in the last skirmish.
That is not the agreement. The agreement is to discuss and find what is acceptable to both sides.
Ukraine is not talking. It is trying to defeat Russia. Good luck to them.
China is extremely jingoistic. The hatred between Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus is legendary. Gandhi tried to build a bridhe but neither side wanted it.

When the Brits pulled out they tuned on each other.

India-China-Pakistan is the same cultural swamp conflicts as with Russia and Ukraine. Modern China is in the same old pre WWII state of mind as is Russia.

Militaristic acquisition of territory.

I think you ca make the same argument about India as Putin about Ukraine. Is India really a nation? It was a bunch of local war lords and kingdoms when the Brits arrived was it not? There was no 'India'. The state of India after Brits left is an artificial construction.
I think you ca make the same argument about India as Putin about Ukraine. Is India really a nation?
Gather round the holy nuke.
Absent that talisman, India would still be a bunch of feuding city-states. But now, Pootey has to respect their territorial integrity, at least until he owns adjacent territory. Then it becomes “part of Russia” if there’s anything worth stealing.
Back in the 80's, Alaska air command would intercept Soviet plans almost weekly.
Now, Russia is back at it!
And the Chinese!
NATO is stockpiling small tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and secretly moving them close to Moscow. No warning, just KABOOM! End of the war.
WTF is this shit?

No, they aren't.
Yea, Russians are the biggest bunch of scaredy cats on the planet. We don't want to add to their trauma! People in the west don't want to invade or "destroy" Russia. But we do want Russia to cease their imperialism.
I posed the nuke quip to see how long it take to end up in the news....or in Russian propaganda.

I expect conservative Christians would like to destroy Russia, Iran as well.


Imagine the government d India saying despite agreements Pakistan has always been part of India, so India will take it over and impose Hindu culture on the Muslims. Hindi to be thfe official language and taught in schoolsn, no Arabic.

What would you say to that? That is the cultural genocide part of the war in Ukraine. In Putin's own words, elimination of Ukrainian culture.
Problems for Russian forces.

Ukrainian forces attacked a ferry terminal at the Russian port of Kavkaz on Tuesday, killing one and injuring others, according to the region's governor. The Ukrainian Navy claimed responsibility for the attack and said that it caused "significant damage" to a rail ferry.

The service identified the vessel as the Slavyanin, a 500-foot freight ferry on the Kerch Strait crossing. The Slavyanin was the last railcar-capable cargo vessel in the region, and it was a key component of the Russian munitions supply chain for the occupied Crimean peninsula.

Problems for Russian forces.

Ukrainian forces attacked a ferry terminal at the Russian port of Kavkaz on Tuesday, killing one and injuring others, according to the region's governor. The Ukrainian Navy claimed responsibility for the attack and said that it caused "significant damage" to a rail ferry.

The service identified the vessel as the Slavyanin, a 500-foot freight ferry on the Kerch Strait crossing. The Slavyanin was the last railcar-capable cargo vessel in the region, and it was a key component of the Russian munitions supply chain for the occupied Crimean peninsula.

You must have contracted dementia from your Dear Leader, because Russia has a land bridge to Crimea, with rails and road and everything.
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Problems for Russian forces.

Ukrainian forces attacked a ferry terminal at the Russian port of Kavkaz on Tuesday, killing one and injuring others, according to the region's governor. The Ukrainian Navy claimed responsibility for the attack and said that it caused "significant damage" to a rail ferry.

The service identified the vessel as the Slavyanin, a 500-foot freight ferry on the Kerch Strait crossing. The Slavyanin was the last railcar-capable cargo vessel in the region, and it was a key component of the Russian munitions supply chain for the occupied Crimean peninsula.

You must have contracted dementia from your Dear Leader, because Russia has a land bridge to Crimea, with rails and road and everything.
Crossing the Kerch Strait with a bridge hardly constitutes a land bridge. Ukraine will eventuate destroy your precious 'land bridges'.
The hatred between Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus is legendary. Gandhi tried to build a bridge but neither side wanted it.
When the Brits pulled out they tuned on each other.
There was no 'India'. The state of India after Brits left is an artificial construction.
Now Pakistanis are rooting for Modi and Yogi, that only these two can put Pakistan right.

"For God's sake forget the enmity."

Hind and Hindu are as old as 2000 BCE (The river Indus, the land of Indus and the people of Indus). That is how Central Asian and Afghan Aryan tribes knew us. Aryans came to India as Afghan tribes. That is how we got these names.
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