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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Yanko was legally impeached by the Ukranian legislature by a vote of 328 to 122. Over a period of time, the US send 45 billion of aid to India:
That Yanukovych had to be removed was a necessary NATO plan. It would not have been possible without NATO machinations. And that is what started what NATO wished to achieve, a Ukraine/Russia war.
Just exactly where do you dig up this bullshit, from Russian propaganda? Please demonstrate evidence for the above claim, rather than asserting int.
Necessary Nato Plan? Are you serious? You honestly think that nato planners thought all this in advance? Some kind of Q-nononNato or something? That is weird. One thing that I've learned over time is to always be suspicious of believing in conspiracies. Would you support an Indian leader who didn't follow laws enacted by it's congress; authorized snipers to kill Indian protestors; and looted and stole for Indian coffers?
Yes, I am serious. It was a NATO plan. The planners and think tanks have all sort of advance plans. And US is not the only nation that does it. All nations do it.
I am a rightist. To tell you frankly, I would like the leaders who have stolen and looted from Indian coffers to return the money which rightly belongs to people.
I would not mind if a few get killed.
Just exactly where do you dig up this bullshit, from Russian propaganda? Please demonstrate evidence for the above claim, rather than asserting int.
These thing do not leave evidence specially when the other party has been decimated. (It is a victors story like in Quran).
Barbos told that there has never been slaves in Russia...

About slavery in Russia:
"The term serf (Russian: крепостной крестьянин, romanized: krepostnoy krest'yanin, lit. 'bonded peasant'), in the sense of an unfree peasant of tsarist Russia, meant an unfree person who, unlike a slave, historically could be sold only together with the land to which they were "attached"."

Even my ancestors were sold as slaves (1717) to Russia. They were freed in 1721 as the peace came (Treaty of Nystad).
Barbos doesn't even seem to know his/her own history.
But he is eager to teach others world history (that he has invented all by himself). He beats even Rudolf Erich Raspe. ;)
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Just exactly where do you dig up this bullshit, from Russian propaganda? Please demonstrate evidence for the above claim, rather than asserting int.
These thing do not leave evidence specially when the other party has been decimated. (It is a victors story like in Quran).

Oh, I see, you have no evidence to share, but you know it’s true anyway. Very nice. You must be God!
For example, Pakistani authorities used to pay something like USD 7 (Rs. 500) to the stone-throwers to hinder the operations of Indian military and USD 14 (Rs 1000) to the group leader. Where did they get money from, from clandestine channels (termed here as Hawala). They knew nothing serious is going to happen because Indian supreme court had banned the use of pallet guns or rubber bullets. The most the soldiers could do was to fire tear-gas.
It is so COOL that NATO shares its plans with Aupy!
They do not share their plans with me but I am not foolish enough not to know how these things are done.
These things happen regularly in India. In any agitation in India, many a times the participants are paid. In a 'sit on the road and stop traffic' operation, the reward was a plate of 'Biryani' in the evening (Shahin Bag agitation). It continued for four months.
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Modi hugs Zelensky, arm on his shoulder. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/Indi...handshake-amid-russia-ukraine-war/ar-AA1pixoS
I hope some good will come out of the talks.

That's bad, that's very bad. Hugging Elensky is a curse.
Modi to Zelensky:

"The road to resolution can only be found through dialogue and diplomacy. And we should move in that direction without wasting any time. Both sides should sit together to find a way out of this crisis," Modi said.

"I want to assure you that India is ready to play an active role in any efforts towards peace. If I can play any role in this personally, I will do that I want to assure you as a friend," he said.
That's bad, that's very bad. Hugging Elensky is a curse.
Trying to end a war is bad? We do not think that way.
Yanko was legally impeached by the Ukranian legislature by a vote of 328 to 122.
Nope, he was not legally impeached. First: there was not enough votes, second: members of the parliament were beaten by a nazi mob.
It was legal according to their constitution
It was completely illegal.
He was impeached after he refused to follow laws passed by the Ukranian legislature
Utter BS, According to nazi, he was impeached becasue he left the country (he did not).

had about 100 of his own people killed while protesting him,
No, he had not, georgians nazis did.
Since his impeachment, two leaders have won the presidency by election. Is it really your position that a country that receives foreign aid is a puppet? Really?
These elections were not free, pro-russian parties were not allowed to participate, in fact, people were murdered by nazi regime you installed. In fact, Elensky himself was threatened with death in person on camera by the nazi when he said that he was elected promising to end conflict. The guy pretty much said "You are dead man if you try to stop this war"
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Modi to Zelensky:

"The road to resolution can only be found through dialogue and diplomacy. And we should move in that direction without wasting any time. Both sides should sit together to find a way out of this crisis," Modi said.

"I want to assure you that India is ready to play an active role in any efforts towards peace. If I can play any role in this personally, I will do that I want to assure you as a friend," he said.
That's bad, that's very bad. Hugging Elensky is a curse.
Trying to end a war is bad? We do not think that way.
Hugging Elensky is bad.
Modi to Zelensky:

"The road to resolution can only be found through dialogue and diplomacy. And we should move in that direction without wasting any time. Both sides should sit together to find a way out of this crisis," Modi said.

"I want to assure you that India is ready to play an active role in any efforts towards peace. If I can play any role in this personally, I will do that I want to assure you as a friend," he said.
That's bad, that's very bad. Hugging Elensky is a curse.
Trying to end a war is bad? We do not think that way.
The Indian take on China seizing 15% of Indian territory would be 'we'll do anything end this war, take what you like.'?
That Yanukovych had to be removed was a necessary NATO plan.
At the time of EU talks between EU and Ukraine, lithuanian President at the time was used a lot as an intermediary. Some former commie cunt she was. Anyway, at one time I remember Yanukovich said to her I am paraphrasing "I am gonna to lose next elections if I sign this shit you are offering" And she said "not our problem" implying that it is really their plan.
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Modi to Zelensky:

"The road to resolution can only be found through dialogue and diplomacy. And we should move in that direction without wasting any time. Both sides should sit together to find a way out of this crisis," Modi said.

"I want to assure you that India is ready to play an active role in any efforts towards peace. If I can play any role in this personally, I will do that I want to assure you as a friend," he said.
That's bad, that's very bad. Hugging Elensky is a curse.
Trying to end a war is bad? We do not think that way.
The Indian take on China seizing 15% of Indian territory would be 'we'll do anything end this war, take what you like.'?
Russia has not seized any of Ukraine yet. People voted to leave ukro-nazistan you created.
But I support seizing all of Ukraine, including Western Ukraine.
I am not foolish enough not to know how these things are done.
...but you think everyone else, including those who know more about it than you do, is exactly that foolish.
You, sir, are revealing yourself as the person you decry.
The Indian take on China seizing 15% of Indian territory would be 'we'll do anything end this war, take what you like.'?
Well, we signed an agreement which said that the differences will be settled by mutual consultation. But the two cases are different.
However, there is no other way to end the war except by peace talks. Sure, NATO can interfere and win back the Ukrainian territories from Russia.
...but you think everyone else, including those who know more about it than you do, is exactly that foolish.
You think these things, these conspiracies, do not happen in the world?
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