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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

However, there is no other way to end the war except by peace talks. Sure, NATO can interfere and win back the Ukrainian territories from Russia.
Indeed, the only path to peace is to end war. That said, Russia could technically leave all the territory they invaded, including Crimea and there would be Peace.

Granted, Putin would look like an idiot having spent that many lives and dollars and sacrifices, for nothing.
The Indian take on China seizing 15% of Indian territory would be 'we'll do anything end this war, take what you like.'?
Well, we signed an agreement which said that the differences will be settled by mutual consultation. But the two cases are different.
However, there is no other way to end the war except by peace talks. Sure, NATO can interfere and win back the Ukrainian territories from Russia.
...but you think everyone else, including those who know more about it than you do, is exactly that foolish.
You think these things, these conspiracies, do not happen in the world?
Of course conspiracies happen. However, to credibly charge a specific conspiracy, you need evidence — which you admit you do not have. Like Barbos, you merely spout unsupported, evidence-free nonsense.
With our aggressive free press in the west it is hard to keep a multi government conspiracy secret.

A plan by NATO meaning its member states such as Aup proposes would be hard to keep secret. It would end up in the media. The point of a free press.

It would mean the UK, Canada, Germany, France, the USA and the rest of the NATO countries would have to have a political debate and agree on a 'plan' in secret without anyone taking notice.

Would the NATO countries prefer Ukraine aligned with Europe and not aggressive Russia? Certainly, that is not a secret or a conspiracy. Ukraine was offered the possibility of joining NATO but it never happened. The negotiations ad actions were all public.

At the start of all of it Putin weaponized energy supplies to Ukraine.

The events that led up to Ukrainian decisions to go with Europe are traceable. It was something Putin could not live with. The first step was violating the agreement for Ukrainian sovereignty taking Crimea and having a sham election.

At the breakup Russia was granted a lease for a naval base in Crimea. They would eventually lose the base.
News of the last days:
Rostov - The oil tanks are still burning in Rostov. 22 tanks had burned on the fourth day, there are altogether 72 tanks. The firemen have given up, but the priests have begun to put off the fire.

Kerch - The last ferry between Russia and Krim was hit. It burned until it sank. That causes big trouble for Russia's logistic.



Volgograd (former Stalingrad) - Ukrainians have invented a new type of drone that gives about the same result as cluster bombs.
Multiple Su-34 and Su-24 Destroyed and Damaged at Marinovka Air Base by New Tungsten-Warhead Drone
"A new tungsten-ball bearing equipped drone was used by Ukraine to target Marinovka airbase in Volgograd, hitting a number of hangers and destroying at least three Su-34 and one Su-24 aircraft."


Marinovka air base before the attack.

Russia's aerial capabilities. Moreover, Ukrainians immediately leveraged this success to initiate the first attacks in their westward offensive, pushing their forces closer to a decisive breakthrough.

Firstly, Ukrainian officials stated that Russian forces had increased the number of glide bomb strikes on the Sumy region in Ukraine to approximately 40 to 50 strikes per day. Russians targeted various Ukrainian infrastructure in an attempt to undermine Ukrainian logistics and troop movements. Unfortunately for Russians, Ukrainians retaliated. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that they conducted a large-scale drone strike against Russian airfields in Kursk, Voronezh, Borisoglebsk, and Savasleyka.

The combined operation of the Ukrainian security service, military intelligence, and armed forces targeted Russian airbases that were actively used to conduct glide bomb strikes from. The Ukrainian general staff reported that the strikes targeted aircraft, repair facilities, fuel storage, and warehouses with ammunition, which likely indicates Russian glide bombs. Satellite footage of the Borisoglebsk airfield shows Ukrainians destroyed and damaged several hangars where aircraft were being repaired and maintained, along with one damaged and one destroyed Russian SU-35 fighter plane stationed out in the open. While no satellite footage of the other Ukrainian strikes has yet become available, local residents around the Savasleyka airfield reported hearing over ten distinct explosions. Additional geolocated footage indicates that Ukrainians destroyed a Mig-31 supersonic interceptor here, able to carry air-launched Kinzhal ballistic missiles, widely used to bomb Ukrainian cities.

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You can see where the tungsten pellets have come through.
The planes are made of composite materials and they are not easy to repair.
If there are holes in the chassis, the plane can't fly.


This was not the only recent Ukrainian strike, as a post by a Russian journalist indicates that Ukrainians hit a Russian training base with HIMARS, as he complains that Russian forces still use training bases within Ukrainian striking distance. Additionally, Russian soldiers continue to be forced to gather in the open yard in the morning to wait to be addressed by their commander, making these Russian military bases an even more attractive target for Ukrainians. Russian sources published a video allegedly showing that they managed to track down and destroy a Ukrainian HIMARS system. However, Ukrainians have been using decoy inflatable mockups of high-value military equipment for years. A Ukrainian soldier shared a photo of such an inflatable HIMARS mockup, seemingly at the exact location of the Russian strike, meaning Russians likely hit a decoy again.


With all the bridges over the Seym River destroyed, Russian forces are now completely cut off from friendly reinforcements and logistics. While satellite footage shows that Russians have set up a pontoon bridge, even Russian military analysts note that this is pointless, as the new pontoon bridge remains well within Ukrainian artillery range, and expects it to be destroyed soon. [They are destroyed 23/8.]


Videoblogger Jake Broe announced a Birthday campaign 2 months ago. The goal was 100.00 USD - the campaign gace 1,18 miljon USD!
With that money the campaign bought 30 trucks (see picture below) + drones and other stuff tha the soldiers need.
Now he has made a new campaign: "1000 Days of War". The goal is one million USD. The first four days brought 593,654 USD!!




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After the confirmed destruction of three bridges over the Seym River, as analyzed in our previous report, several military analysts anticipate that Ukrainian forces will now shift their focus to the western flank of the incursion. In the coming days and weeks, their efforts are likely to concentrate on tightening control over the newly formed cauldron, where a significant number of Russian soldiers could find themselves encircled and cut off from retreat. This strategy aims to capitalize on the current momentum, potentially leading to further entrapment and surrender of Russian forces.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently announced that Ukrainian forces have successfully expanded their zone of control in Kursk, deepening it from 28 to 35 kilometers and now covering approximately 1,250 square kilometers, including 92 settlements. The potential capture of a bridgehead, bordered to the north by the Seym River, could further extend this area by additional 700 square kilometers, significantly bolstering the territory under Ukrainian control.

In recent days, military analysts have explored the strategic reasoning behind the staggered destruction of the three bridges over the Seym River. Instead of attacking all the bridges simultaneously, Ukrainian forces chose to destroy them over several days, when the first option would have increased the number of Russian forces cut off from their supply lines on the left bank of the river, creating an operational encirclement. Analysts conclude that this approach was likely intended to offer Russian troops a window to withdraw, thereby minimizing unnecessary Ukrainian losses in battles for these territories. By doing so, Ukrainian forces presented the Russian command with a difficult choice: either maintain their positions under increasingly untenable conditions, risking encirclement, or withdraw as many troops as possible before the situation deteriorates further.

With all three bridges now destroyed, isolating the cauldron has become a top priority for Ukrainian forces. Some Russian analysts have suggested that Russian troops might attempt to address the logistical challenges by deploying pontoon bridges, small barges, or inflatable boats. However, this area is already under close Ukrainian surveillance. The first Russian pontoon bridges, set up approximately three kilometers north of Glushkovo, were swiftly destroyed by Ukrainian forces. This was confirmed by satellite imagery and NASA FIRMS data, which detects thermal anomalies on the ground in real-time, typically used for forest fire monitoring. Geolocated images of FPV drone attacks later surfaced, corroborating these strikes on the pontoon bridges and military engineering units. These developments indicate that the pontoon bridge solution is unlikely to be a viable option for large-scale logistics, further complicating the situation for Russian forces. The original, uncensored combat footage of all Ukrainian attacks can be found on our Telegram channel through the link in the description.

Analyzing the northeastern section of the 700-square-kilometer area targeted by Ukrainian forces, it's clear they are intensifying efforts to secure control over Korenevo and its surrounding areas to the west and southwest, extending up to the Seym River. This strategy aligns with the goal of establishing the river as the natural boundary for the territory under Ukrainian control.

This area offers clear strategic advantages for Ukrainian forces, allowing them to launch attacks from multiple vectors while maintaining extensive fire control from within Ukrainian territory. Securing this bridgehead with minimal battle attrition would mark a significant achievement. However, pushing further north beyond the Seym River appears less practical. If we look at the topographic map we can see prominent elevated areas just north of the river, making them difficult for Ukrainian forces to capture and hold. Therefore, it makes strategic sense for Ukrainian forces to establish the Seym River as the natural boundary of their controlled territory. In contrast, advancing into this area from Ukrainian territory allows them to move from higher ground, providing them with a significant tactical advantage.

Recent developments in the Tiotkino sector suggest that Ukrainian forces are initiating...

That Yanukovych had to be removed was a necessary NATO plan.
At the time of EU talks between EU and Ukraine, lithuanian President at the time was used a lot as an intermediary. Some former commie cunt she was. Anyway, at one time I remember Yanukovich said to her I am paraphrasing "I am gonna to lose next elections if I sign this shit you are offering" And she said "not our problem" implying that it is really their plan.
Where do you come up with this shit???
The Indian take on China seizing 15% of Indian territory would be 'we'll do anything end this war, take what you like.'?
Well, we signed an agreement which said that the differences will be settled by mutual consultation. But the two cases are different.
However, there is no other way to end the war except by peace talks. Sure, NATO can interfere and win back the Ukrainian territories from Russia.
Russia signed an agreement with Ukraine to leave them alone. How'd that work out?

...but you think everyone else, including those who know more about it than you do, is exactly that foolish.
You think these things, these conspiracies, do not happen in the world?
People generally have better evidence than arsefacts.jpg.
You are making accusations that they are being successfully targeted and taking heavy losses. That would easily concede they are still there.
Of course they are there, Elensky keep sending them there to die and stay there dead.
Meanwhile, Utin keeps sending Russians into Ukraine to die.
And according to western Propaganda they die in millions!
So why do you care then? these are stupid evil orcs, slaves, russish shwines as that good guy in SS helmet say.

I care about any young person thrown into war by old fuckers looking to settle ancient scores. I'm against war. Countries should young people to foreign lands as tourists or athletes. Not as soldiers to kill, rape and loot. Russians should be in Russia. Ukrainians should be in Ukraine.
...and old men who want young men to fight wars for them should be in jail.
Just exactly where do you dig up this bullshit, from Russian propaganda? Please demonstrate evidence for the above claim, rather than asserting int.
These thing do not leave evidence specially when the other party has been decimated. (It is a victors story like in Quran).

Oh, I see, you have no evidence to share, but you know it’s true anyway. Very nice. You must be God!
He is an atheist Hindu, so presumably he must be several Gods, but not believe in himself. ;)

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances comprises three substantially identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary, on 5 December 1994, to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The three memoranda were originally signed by three nuclear powers: Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom.[1] China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[2]

The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[3] prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[4][5]

Putin said the agreement was not with the current Ukrainian government so the agreement no longer applies.

The Agreement between Ukraine and Russia on the Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine, widely referred to as the Kharkiv Pact (Ukrainian: Харківський пакт)[1][2] or Kharkov Accords (Russian: Харьковские соглашения),[3][4] was a treaty between Ukraine and Russia whereby the Russian lease on naval facilities in Crimea was extended beyond 2017 until 2042, with an additional five-year renewal option in exchange for a multiyear discounted contract to provide Ukraine with Russian natural gas.[5]

The agreement, signed on 21 April 2010 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and ratified by the parliaments of the two countries on 27 April 2010, aroused much controversy in Ukraine. The treaty was effectively a continuation of the lease provisions that were part of the 1997 Black Sea Fleet Partition Treaty between the two states. Shortly after the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in March 2014,[6] Russia unilaterally terminated the treaty on 31 March 2014.[7][8]

The Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet consists of three bilateral agreements[2] between Russia and Ukraine signed on 28 May 1997 whereby the two countries established two independent national fleets, divided armaments and bases between them,[3][4] and set forth conditions for basing of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. The treaty was supplemented by provisions in the Russian–Ukrainian Friendship Treaty, which was signed three days later. Russia unilaterally terminated the Partition Treaty in 2014 after it annexed Crimea.

Putin can not be trusted, the only lasting solution ifs f0r Ukraine to join NATO.
He is an atheist Hindu, so presumably he must be several Gods, but not believe in himself
Confidence is key to the success of a god. A decent one can't go around sounding ambivalent about stuff.
(See the OT - THAT god was The Man! No lack of self belief, no confidence crisis whatsoever!)
- At least three SU-34s Destroyed, 1190 Russian casualties,
- one of two lines at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant damaged,
- Rostov Oil depot was damaged again,
- Ukraine destroyed the last ferry in Kerch with Neptune missile,
- Prison hostage situation in Volgograd,
- Kremlin plays down the Kursk incursion,
- General Lapin (Rus) permitted the Kursk incursion by weakening defences before the attack

Of course conspiracies happen. However, to credibly charge a specific conspiracy, you need evidence — which you admit you do not have. Like Barbos, you merely spout unsupported, evidence-free nonsense.
If conspiracies happen, then why did Ukraine boil after Yanukovych had done all that he could so that Ukraine could join EU. No. NATO was not satisfied with that. They had to remove Yanukovych to start a war with Russia. What happened to Ukraine was least of their concerns.

"Since 2012, Ukraine and the EU had been negotiating a free trade and association agreement. In 2013, the Ukrainian parliament overwhelmingly approved finalizing the agreement with the EU, and Yanukovych urged parliament to adopt laws so that Ukraine would meet the EU's criteria and be able to sign the agreement in November 2013."
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Russia signed an agreement with Ukraine to leave them alone. How'd that work out?
Russia signed an agreement with Ukraine but that did not envisage installment of an blatantly anti-Russian government in Ukraine and a membership of NATO.
He is an atheist Hindu, so presumably he must be several Gods, but not believe in himself. ;)
;) If I am an atheist, why would I believe even in the possibility of existence of any God or Goddess?
To tell you the truth, according to the philosophy I follow, Advaita Hinduism (non-duality), I do not even believe in my own existence. It is just an illusion.
Maya, a very temporary non-substantial existence. Buddhist term it as 'anatta' and 'anicca'.

"Brahma Satyam, Jagan-mithya .." (Brahman alone is the truth, the observed is false ..)
"Sarvam khavidam Brahma" (All things here are Brahman). No exceptions. Humans, animals, vegetation, non-living things.
"Aham Brahmasmi" (I am Brahman), "Tat twam asi" (That is what you are).
Zelenskyy is Brahman and so is Putin, none other. Kamala is Brahman and so is Trump. None other.
Hope you get what I mean by being a strong atheist and a Hindu. Form changes, the substance is the same.
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Russian army looting shops and homes in the evacuated areas on the Russian side!
Ukraine closes the trap. A new Step in Kursk operation​

- Russia destabilizing Russia - Russia opening the borders
- Adam Kadirov, the son of Raman Kadirov, shooting with two golden machine guns simultaneously. :)


Aup and Barbos!
Do you know why I post mostly videos?
Because it is the easiest way to give a source.

Why do you not comment on the videos at all?
I know the answer: Because you want to keep up your pseudo-talk. The talk about which "facts" you make up yourselves and are thus not able to give any sources.

Why do you do that?

Is it because it is a way to derail the discussions? I just ask, you do not need to answer.

OK, I leave now your sandbox. I publish more facts, don't let that disturb you. And please do not be offended when I only sometimes answer your questions, correct your imaginary "facts". I have better things to do.
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