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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I was wrong. I wrote:
"Video blogger Jake Broe announced a Birthday campaign 2 months ago. The goal was 100.00 USD - the campaign gave 1,18 miljon USD!
With that money the campaign bought 30 trucks (see picture below) + drones and other stuff that the soldiers need.
Now he has made a new campaign: "1000 Days of War". The goal is one million USD.
The first four days brought 593,654 USD!!"

On the fourth day, the sum was: $ 781,768.59


Dissecting Fakes & Disinformation​

The russian disinformation is really effective, because it produces repeating fakes that tend to circulate in society. Let’s gather everything we know and debunk or confirm it in today’s stream.

0:00 Intro
5:28 "Most corrupt country in Europe"
7:47 "Coup in Ukraine - CIA involved"
11:03 "Yanukovich - legitimate president"
13:11 "Odesa fire"
16:04 "Nazi in Ukraine"
23:43 "Ukraine Nazi regime"
27:57 "Ukraine running out of soldiers"
30:27 "Zelensky's yachts, Bugatti, castles..."
35:33 "Zelensky banned Christianity in Ukraine"
37:51 "No freedom of speech in Ukraine"
42:42 "Opposition repressed in Ukraine"
44:09 "Zelensky cancelled elections"
47:32 "Ukrainian citizens can't bear arms"
51:32 "American biolabs"
53:30 "Ukraine bombed Donbas for 8 years"
59:26 "Ukraine killed russian-speaking people"
1:02:28 "Zelensky commands far-right troops"
1:04:48 "Ukraine violated Minsk Agreements"
1:09:11 "NATO expansion"
1:13:59 "Ukraine sympathized Nazi Germany"
1:19:58 "Ukrainians and russians are the same"
1:24:39 "Ukraine is not a real country"
1:27:00 "Ukraine belongs to russia"
1:27:31 "russia can't be defeated"
1:30:47 "Ukrainians kill russian prisoners"
1:33:38 "Forceful mobilisation"
1:36:00 "Ukraine cops snatch people"
1:38:10 "Ukraine night clubs thriving"
1:40:50 "Helping Ukraine provokes WW3"
1:45:22 "West told Ukraine not to negotiate"
1:47:31 "US should not help Ukraine"
1:54:46 "Ukraine should capitulate for peace"
1:56:22 Q & A

I was wrong. I wrote:
"Video blogger Jake Broe announced a Birthday campaign 2 months ago. The goal was 100.00 USD - the campaign gave 1,18 miljon USD!
With that money the campaign bought 30 trucks (see picture below) + drones and other stuff that the soldiers need.
Now he has made a new campaign: "1000 Days of War". The goal is one million USD.
The first four days brought 593,654 USD!!"

On the fourth day, the sum was: $ 781,768.59

View attachment 47416

You find the campaign page here:

Russian CRUCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE Is Taken Out by Ukraine​

At the beginning of this video, Georgie says:

"This week Ukraine is just pounding Russia like crazy again and again and again.
Striking extremely valuable targets dealing actual significant damage that strikes Russia to the core.
And I feel that Ukraine is fully entering their payout phase of their investment in the last year that went by Ukrainians invested heavily into dedicating fighting against Russian early Warning Systems fighting against
Russian anti-air systems forcing Russians to relocate air systems to certain areas and move them from other areas exposing both the strength and weakness of Russia.
That it is big it is obviously, a strength Ukraine cannot just roll into Moscow and end this war but it also is a weakness as there is no chance that Russia with its limited capacity can defend everything at once and that is great news and I have only one message to say to Russians:

It is only going to get worse!"


Thames Radio:
Putin’s warlords and oligarchs threaten coup as Ruble craters

"The ruble is cratering and there are some very prominent Russians who are now speaking out against this war very unusually."


RUSSIAN Ruble Starts to Collapse​

"In this video I look at the recent performance of the Russian Ruble and what is happening to Inflation, Interest Rates & Producer Prices in Russia and discuss the implications on the Russian Economy. For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below."

0:00 Intro
2:36 RUBLE

"So what's the summary and conclusion today?
Well, I wanted to post this video because I think what's happening with the Russian ruble is really quite fascinating.
If you follow the channel you'll be fully aware that the Kremlin has severely restricted the amount of information that it's prepared to release to the West.
It doesn't really want anybody to know what's happening in the Russian economy and so even the information that it was publishing that I was doing a monthly video on has now been cut off.
So I can't get hold of that data so I haven't been posting those monthly updates, so the only way we can get a really good gauge as to what's going on the ground in Russia is by looking at what's going on with inflation, interest rates and the value of the currency and as we've seen from the data in today's video."

What serious western commentators are saying.
article said:
Now some are again questioning the centerpiece of Washington’s Ukraine strategy: a slow, calibrated supply of weapons to Ukraine to avoid escalating tensions with Russia that critics argue has dashed Kyiv’s chances of driving Russia out and resulted in a grinding war of attrition with massive casualties.

Ukraine’s Kursk incursion “proved the Russians are bluffing,” said Oleksandr Danylyuk, a former Ukrainian intelligence and defense official, now an associate fellow with the Royal United Services Institute, a think tank in London. “It shuts down all of the voices of the pseudo experts … the anti-escalation guys.”

The attack was “risky,” he continued, “but it sent a very powerful signal and helped us change the narrative about Ukraine — that it is not able to win — and on the Russian red lines. Both narratives have been destroyed.”
The trouble I see here is that Ukraine can quit this incursion easily if Russia just leaves. Russia, or I should say Putin, can't. Russia has invested too much into this illegal effort to step back. I doubt Putin would survive a withdrawal. Kind of depressing thought that people are being sent to their deaths by Putin because he fears for his own life, after fucking up so badly on Ukraine.

Despite all of the talk by barbos, Russia remains in a near WWI stalemate against an inferior (or what we thought was inferior, overjudging Russia's capabilities), and now they are ceding actual Russian territory to Ukraine because they have no capacity to defend itself. If Russia fought this as a manner of 'self defense against NATO', Russia has brutally demonstrated they are incapable of defending themselves (a theme of the nation for hundreds of years when excluding their only reliable defense mechanisms, cold and mud).
However, there is no other way to end the war except by peace talks
We ended WW2 without peace talks, did not we?
NATO can interfere and win back the Ukrainian territories from Russia.
They can't. That would be violation of their rules and Russia would use nukes if they try to really "interfere"
There were no peace talks. It was unconditional surrender by Italy, Japan and Germany.

Truman managed tokeep Russia out of post war Japan avoiding a partition as in Europe. Russia occupied Japanese islands which is a source of contention today.

Japan and Russia have never come to an agreement over the ownership of the four southern Kuril Islands and therefore have never signed a peace treaty at the end of World War II. Russia currently occupies the islands, but Japan claims them as Japanese territory. The Soviet Union exerted firm control over the islands.

The same old Russian land grab.

Stalin declared war against Japan as he agreed to do and advanced into Manchuria after the atomic bomb b was used and the fall of Japan looked likely. It helped motivate Jap[n to surrender.

What is this 'we ended the war' stuff? The Allies fought Japan, Germany, and Italy. Russia only fought Germany and was supplied by Canada and America. Stalin acknowledged the importance post war and paid compensation for it to avoid any oblation to the west.

Ukraine's Women Warriors​

The call to fight for freedom is being answered, in a major way, by Ukrainian women. They are not conscripted to fight, or to risk their lives on the front lines — they are answering a call that comes from within themselves.
Reported from inside Ukraine by Jason Bellini. Features the 19-year-old "Demon," a mortarwoman seeking revenge for her boyfriend's death, Larysa Borysenko who-- with her dogs-- is leading the search for bodies, and "Unbreakable Rusya," helping war amputees in Ukraine.

Of course conspiracies happen. However, to credibly charge a specific conspiracy, you need evidence — which you admit you do not have. Like Barbos, you merely spout unsupported, evidence-free nonsense.
If conspiracies happen, then why did Ukraine boil after Yanukovych had done all that he could so that Ukraine could join EU. No. NATO was not satisfied with that. They had to remove Yanukovych to start a war with Russia. What happened to Ukraine was least of their concerns.

"Since 2012, Ukraine and the EU had been negotiating a free trade and association agreement. In 2013, the Ukrainian parliament overwhelmingly approved finalizing the agreement with the EU, and Yanukovych urged parliament to adopt laws so that Ukraine would meet the EU's criteria and be able to sign the agreement in November 2013."
I notice you left out this part:

The political provisions of the treaty were signed on 21 March 2014 after a series of events that had stalled its ratification culminated in a revolution in Ukraine and overthrow of the then incumbent President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. This ousting was sparked by Yanukovych's last-minute refusal to sign the agreement. Russia, Ukraine's second largest trading partner, instead presented an association with the existing Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan as an alternative. After 21 March 2014, matters relating to trade integration were temporarily set aside (awaiting the results of the 25 May 2014 Ukrainian presidential elections) until the European Union and the new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the economic part of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement on 27 June 2014, and described this as Ukraine's "first but most decisive step" towards EU membership.
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I notice you left out this part:
You too left out this:
"On Friday 21 February 2014, Yanukovych and the leaders of the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections. .. During the afternoon, police abandoned central Kyiv, allowing protesters to take control."
If such an agreement was signed, then the Ukranian parliament should have waited till that happened. But no, their bosses in NATO were saying 'remove Yanukovych. He is a impediment to our plans'.
Yes, Ukraine threw out Yanukovych, but freedom has its limitations. What they did was not wise, they overlooked how Russia will react to what they did. They were being led by NATO, EU and the Ulkrainian oligarch, Poroshenko.
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I notice you left out this part:
You too left out this:
"On Friday 21 February 2014, Yanukovych and the leaders of the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections. .. During the afternoon, police abandoned central Kyiv, allowing protesters to take control."
If such an agreement was signed, then the Ukranian parliament should have waited till that happened. But no, their bosses in NATO were saying 'remove Yanukovych. He is a impediment to our plans'. Freedom has its limitations, and Ukraine is suffering the effects of that desire for freedom.
You continue to make very specific accusations with specifically zero evidence to support them. Your faith based fantasies are as easily dismissed as any other wild conspiracy theory on the internet.

Yanukovych's final flailings to try to save his presidency after the shit had already hit the fan didn't work. Not because of a NATO conspiracy, but because the mob of angry Ukranians outside parliament demanded (understandably) he be removed from office. Why? Probably (obviously) because he showed himself to be corrupt and blatantly compromised by Russia and also had just ordered live rounds and letal force to be used against his own citizens resulting in more than one hundred dead citizens. I am not at all surprised that the protesters were unimpressed and unsatisfied with the promise of new elections by the end of the year. Especially considering that they couldn't be sure that Yanukovych wouldn't be running in those elections too.

Nobody needs to invent a conspiracy to understand what happened. The fact that you keep insisting on doing this without any evidence tells me you either still remain greatly ignorant and overconfident in your broken knowledge of what happened or you have a false narrative you seem insistent on spreading.
Check this about Maidan:

Netflix: Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom

If any problems, write to me. (The country is 'Finland' on my VPN, and I do not have any problems).
We don't know who Aup and Barbos are, but they push the same false narrative and propaganda.

I expect anti West and anti American conspiracy theories are rampant in the non aligned countries. Russia and China are undoubtedly pushing false conspiracy theories in these countries.

India buys weapons from Russia and has trade agreements.

India and Russia are looking to raise bilateral trade to $100 billion by 2030, balance the lopsided trade, eliminate non-tariff trade barriers, and explore the possibility of a Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)-India Free Trade Area.
A joint statement issued after multiple rounds of talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday also announced that both nations plan to establish a bilateral settlement system using national currencies and introduce digital financial instruments into mutual settlements. Modi was conferred the ‘Order of St Andrew the Apostle’ award by Putin for his contribution to fostering bilateral ties between the two countries.

India's current defense arsenal is heavily stocked with Russian- supplied equipment. Since 2008, about 62% of India's defense imports (by value) have come from Russia; other top suppliers include France (11%), the United States (10%), and Israel (7%).May 30, 2024

There is a report Russia licences the manufacturing iof AK-47s in India.
Both Russia and China would like to get rid of the dollar and the current international banking system.

Aup as an Indian is just as understandable as Barbos.
I notice you left out this part:
You too left out this:
"On Friday 21 February 2014, Yanukovych and the leaders of the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections. .. During the afternoon, police abandoned central Kyiv, allowing protesters to take control."
If such an agreement was signed, then the Ukranian parliament should have waited till that happened. But no, their bosses in NATO were saying 'remove Yanukovych. He is a impediment to our plans'.
Yes, Ukraine threw out Yanukovych, but freedom has its limitations. What they did was not wise, they overlooked how Russia will react to what they did. They were being led by NATO, EU and the Ulkrainian oligarch, Poroshenko.
Repetition of your evidence- free theory simply supports the strength of your belief not its validity.

Who were these unidentified bosses in NATO and where is your evidence that they had pkans for Ukraine, and that these plans reeuired the removal of Yankovich?

And why do you discount the agency of the Ukrainian people to determine they didn’t want s corrupt Russian sycophant as a leader?
I notice you left out this part:
You too left out this:
"On Friday 21 February 2014, Yanukovych and the leaders of the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections. .. During the afternoon, police abandoned central Kyiv, allowing protesters to take control."
If such an agreement was signed, then the Ukranian parliament should have waited till that happened. But no, their bosses in NATO were saying 'remove Yanukovych. He is a impediment to our plans'.

Yes, Ukraine threw out Yanukovych, but freedom has its limitations. What they did was not wise, they overlooked how Russia will react to what they did. They were being led by NATO, EU and the Ulkrainian oligarch, Poroshenko.
Sure Russia reacted. The corrupt Russian puppet was removed. His allegiance was to Russia, not to Ukraine.
How to lose a town,,,

"On the southern flank of Korenevo, Russian defenses were as weak as on the northern flank due to the concentration of most troops within the town itself. Exploiting these vulnerabilities, Ukrainian forces captured..."

The video will explain everything:

"Here, in a decisive manoeuvre, Ukrainian forces initiated a series of flank attacks around Korenevo, forcing Russian troops to scatter and weaken their defences. Seizing the moment, they launched a sudden, powerful assault on Korenevo, catching the Russians off guard and breaking through into the town."
How to lose a town,,,

"On the southern flank of Korenevo, Russian defenses were as weak as on the northern flank due to the concentration of most troops within the town itself. Exploiting these vulnerabilities, Ukrainian forces captured..."

The video will explain everything:

"Here, in a decisive manoeuvre, Ukrainian forces initiated a series of flank attacks around Korenevo, forcing Russian troops to scatter and weaken their defences. Seizing the moment, they launched a sudden, powerful assault on Korenevo, catching the Russians off guard and breaking through into the town."

For Aup & Barb - please make a theory of running!

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