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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I bought off-road -tyres for Ukrainian soldiers for the fall.


I buy them every month something - according to what they ask our group to buy - as they fight for us and the rest of the world.
We are a group of Finns, mostly pensioners. Our group has given them so far 28 four-wheel drive -cars.
In September I will get more money. :) And buy more tyres as the mud season begins soon.


Jake Broe is teaming up with the NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade for his 2nd campaign to mark the sad reality that we will soon reach 1000 days of the Ukraine War.

In six days they have already collected 882.000 USD! I think there is still some 85 days left, so I think that the campaign will get about 2 million+. And that means that UA gets more than 60 cars plus a lot of drones!

It has taken us 2,5 years to get those 28 cars! But that is very good as we work with scrap metal, recycled bottles and what not. ;)

Fuel Supplies To Russian Troops, Crimea Strangled By Destruction Of Ship
The War Zone paints this as rather significant so I thought I'd post it up.
With recent stories of Russia struggling to keep the trains operational, possible routes from Belarus disrupted by the Kursk intrusion, and now this last fuel transport Crimea seems to desperately need with Russia being unable to use the rail portion of the Kerch bridge, I'm wondering to what degree Russian logistics are being disrupted. How significant are these issues? I'll be looking for more. I suppose transport of fuel to Crimea will have to take the long route along the Sea of Azov now.

On another note, for the history buffs:
Baltic Way
The trouble I see here is that Ukraine can quit this incursion easily if Russia just leaves. Russia, or I should say Putin, can't. Russia has invested too much into this illegal effort to step back
West invested way more than Russia. Your scum politico-media complex has talked about weak Russia and great Ukraine so much that they can't just accept defeat, that would simply expose them as fucking liars among their own public. Plus US Deep State regime has elections.
Despite shit you consume in the West, Russia has no reason to leave "Ukraine"
Russia is winning, Ukraine is losing badly. And this whole Kursk adventure is a testament to that. Clown "Hitler" felt that he had to do some crazy shit because he was losing everywhere. Real Hitler did the same at the end of the WW2.

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which started in 2014.
How any t6eras ago was that???

Hitler at the end keept blustering, posturing, and proclaiming victory. Even as troops entered Berlin.

As Hitler all Putin can do is continue to make bluster, not for us but for the Russia people. Like Hitler he would rather go down in flames taking Russia with him as Hitler did to Germany.

If he can not crush Ukraine he is done as the head of Russia, and he knows it. He could ed up with a knife in the back.

I lsend to a Russian dissident on BBC radio last night who was let go to the US as the part of the prsoner swap.

He said there is a democracy movement in Russia. Young Chinese are becoming satisfied with authoritarian rule. Increasing numbers of North Korean elite are defecting to South Korea.

Soviet and Chinese communists never understood that you can not suppress the human sense indefinitely. If you try you end up with harsh rigid systems like Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Any opposition is harshly suppressed.

We see it in Thailand as the monarchy fights to keep power in the face of a democracy movement.

We see it here in Donald Trump. A would be Putin if he could get away with it.

Theer only states that 'respect' Putin are the ones whose loaders are authoritarian.

Ukraine 's people decided to choose European freedoms over Russian authoritarianism.

China is out for China and will use Putin as long as he has political value for them. They are nobody;s friend.
One of the ukrainian prisoners taken in Kursk. Second tier military (obviously)
Says nobody knew where they were going and a lot of people immediately left and surrendered after crossing the border. He too ran away and surrendered. Lots of NATO mercenaries.
He himself was kidnapped into the ukro-army in 2022.
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Drone war (English subs)

00:00-00:19 Intro
00:20-01:14 An enemy infantryman pretended to be dead
01:15-01:55 What is the pilot's priority target with an FPV drone?
01:56-02:33 Why is a tank actually a difficult target?
02:34-05:02 How did a civilian profession help?
05:03-07:19 How to stop an assault using only drones?
07:20-09:12 Who can master FPV better?
09:13-12:27 Hunting for the most valuable target
12:28-14:07 How FPV units learn from each other
14:08-15:51 On the motivation to continue fighting

Henry, thanks for adding this. Can you please do it for all of your videos?
None of us has time to watch an hour of your videos every day, so please add your synopsis to your posts so we can see what is in it for discussion.

Goal is that posts should include enough specific content that people can participate in discussion without having to leave the site.
Ukraine 's people decided to choose European freedoms over Russian authoritarianism.
Ukraine's people decided to end conflict with Russia when they elected Elensky. That was his promise, he lied.
Nobody in Russia cared about Ukraine in EU. We only told them no NATO and no nazi and you can have your stupid EU.
Ukraine 's people decided to choose European freedoms over Russian authoritarianism.
Ukraine's people decided to end conflict with Russia when they elected Elensky. That was his promise, he lied.
Nobody in Russia cared about Ukraine in EU. We only told them no NATO and no nazi and you can have your stupid EU.
Don't fret my lad! Yes, Zelensky ran on ending the conflict with Russia. It's getting better for Ukraine recently. Utin offered to trade land for peace. Ukranians are taking Russian land to trade for Ukranian land. That's a win-win solution to me!
Ukraine 's people decided to choose European freedoms over Russian authoritarianism.
Ukraine's people decided to end conflict with Russia when they elected Elensky. That was his promise, he lied.
Nobody in Russia cared about Ukraine in EU. We only told them no NATO and no nazi and you can have your stupid EU.
Don't fret my lad! Yes, Zelensky ran on ending the conflict with Russia. It's getting better for Ukraine recently. Utin offered to trade land for peace. Ukranians are taking Russian land to trade for Ukranian land. That's a win-win solution to me!
Yeah, sure, dream on.
Drone war (English subs)

00:00-00:19 Intro
00:20-01:14 An enemy infantryman pretended to be dead
01:15-01:55 What is the pilot's priority target with an FPV drone?
01:56-02:33 Why is a tank actually a difficult target?
02:34-05:02 How did a civilian profession help?
05:03-07:19 How to stop an assault using only drones?
07:20-09:12 Who can master FPV better?
09:13-12:27 Hunting for the most valuable target
12:28-14:07 How FPV units learn from each other
14:08-15:51 On the motivation to continue fighting

Henry, thanks for adding this. Can you please do it for all of your videos?
None of us has time to watch an hour of your videos every day, so please add your synopsis to your posts so we can see what is in it for discussion.

Goal is that posts should include enough specific content that people can participate in discussion without having to leave the site.

Yes, when there is a timetable I put it there, but mostly there is not. I try to think about how to do this.
Survived 2 enemy bullets and 5 grenades:
Azov fighter "Woody" on his toughest assault and motivation to fight

During assault operations, comrade "Woody" came under enemy fire and sustained 2 bullet wounds.
The next few minutes were critical for the fighter's survival. The occupiers threw 5 hand grenades at him and kept trying to finish him off. His comrades already thought he was dead.

But despite severe wounds and constant enemy fire, "Woody" made it back to his trenches, where his comrades evacuated him.
What is it like to endure 2 bullets and 5 grenades?

In the new video, the story of comrade "Woody," a squad leader of the 12th Special Purpose Brigade "Azov." The fighter recalls the events of that extremely difficult assault and shares his emotions from the experience.

00:00-00:30 Intro
00:31-04:13 Joining the ranks of "Azov"
04:14-06:46 How was your first combat mission?
06:47-13:42 How did you survive the toughest assault?
13:43-16:13 Where to find the motivation to fight?

Who were these unidentified bosses in NATO and where is your evidence that they had plans for Ukraine, and that these plans required the removal of Yanukovich?
And why do you discount the agency of the Ukrainian people to determine they didn’t want s corrupt Russian sycophant as a leader?
I would not know that, but such things happen with great planning.
Or they happen without planning. It is clear to me you conflate your beliefs with fact.

aupmanyav said:
If they wanted something, then the right path was through the Parliament, not mobs.
It was not a wise decision. Well, the result is there for all to see. Russia acted fast in occupying Crimea.
Yes, the Ukrainian people underestimated the desperation and vileness of Mr Putin.
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At 19:36 of this video:

"On this video we may see a portable Ukrainian jet drone. It's a new development of the Ukrainian drone industry. Yes Ukraine has many drone-types and Ukraine produces even more drones compared to the Russian Federation.
This drone is called "Pananitsa" (spelling?)
Here's the flight of it. It has an undercarriage but it's not lifted together with the drone. It is used just to accelerate using some sort of runway. The drone flies into the skies. It doesn't need the landing gear to land somewhere, because it's a kamikaze-drone.
I guess that the 3D printer is used to make the body of the drone. And here we see a small jet engine. Those drones are limited in the range because the consumption of the jet engines is very high, but Ukraine has already launched those drones to strike the Russian infrastructure in Crimea. It means that the range in general is pretty much acceptable."


Yes, the Ukrainian people underestimated the desperation and vileness of Mr Putin.
What vileness? Countries do this. Remember Vietnam and Iraq among others.
I do not think Putin is desperate. He has other weapons in his stores. That is what worries me.
I do not think NATO will react. They will say Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
Of course, there will be stricter sanctions and probably India will have to stop oil import from Russia.
"On this video we may see a portable Ukrainian jet drone. It's a new development of the Ukrainian drone industry.
It has an undercarriage but it's not lifted together with the drone. It is used just to accelerate using some sort of runway. The drone flies into the skies. It doesn't need the landing gear to land somewhere, because it's a kamikaze-drone.
That is a nice idea. We too have a fledgling drone industry. They should try it.
Yes, the Ukrainian people underestimated the desperation and vileness of Mr Putin.
What vileness? Countries do this. Remember Vietnam and Iraq among others.
Countries can and do engage in vile actions.
I do not think Putin is desperate. He has other weapons in his stores. That is what worries me.
I do not think NATO will react. They will say Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
Of course, there will be stricter sanctions and probably India will have to stop oil import from Russia.
As long as there is a war in Ukraine, Ukraine will not be allowed to become a member of NATO. Which is probably one of the reasons Putin invaded Ukraine, along with his delusional rhetoric about Ukraine being a historic part of Russia, and his need to get his citizens to focus on something other than his corrupt and rotten rule.
Now that Putin's forces are getting their asses kicked on a routine basis, and that Ukraine has demonstrated that Putin cannot protect his own territory, Putin is getting more desperate. NATO does not have to react - the European Union can react. And the US can aid its allies without invoking NATO.
Barbos, have you actually read any books on history including Russia? Other than ones with content controlled by the Russian government.

By the way, where are the best places in Moscow to get a pizza or a taco? After Ukraine takes over Russia I may take a trip.

You keep sounding like the stereotypical Soviet Russian who can't help spouting propaganda and shouting anti west bluster. A cranky old Russian who has nothing left but old stale propaganda. And an unhinged dictator to idolize.
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