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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I must be missing something.

With drones and satellite surveillance how can Russia or Ukraine mass or move troops and vehicles troops without being detected?
I must be missing something.

With drones and satellite surveillance how can Russia or Ukraine mass or move troops and vehicles troops without being detected?

An interesting question!
I am also curious about this. I understand why FPV drones can be ineffective:


But the loitering drones, high up in the sky, should always see what's happening on the ground. They may not have enough of these as they do not come cheap.

This can be a better site for answering that question

I must be missing something.

With drones and satellite surveillance how can Russia or Ukraine mass or move troops and vehicles troops without being detected?
They can't.

But while Ukraine mostly has pretty good communications, command and control systems in place, so that the detected troops and vehicles can be notified to the people who need to know, Russian command and control is a shitty mess.

Particularly in Kursk, where "elite" Russian troops are fighting alongside conscripts who they disdain, with a totally different command structure, and police forces trying to act as soldiers (but with yet another totally different command structure) and whose chains of command couldn't pass the information along in a timely fashion, even if they were given it at all.

Russian military forces have always been poor at reacting to the unexpected. They take forever to build new procedures and structures to handle the unknown, not least because senior commanders allow their subordinates zero initiative. So when something new happens - like the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk - they spend weeks ineffectively running around with their hair on fire.

And somewhere between Moscow and Kursk, there's a motorcycle dispatch rider drunk in a ditch, with a satchel addressed to the border guards on the Ukraine-Kursk frontier, warning them that Ukraine might be massing forces across the border for a possible attack. He might deliver it one day, when he runs out of vodka.
Drone war (English subs)

00:00-00:19 Intro
00:20-01:14 An enemy infantryman pretended to be dead
01:15-01:55 What is the pilot's priority target with an FPV drone?
01:56-02:33 Why is a tank actually a difficult target?
02:34-05:02 How did a civilian profession help?
05:03-07:19 How to stop an assault using only drones?
07:20-09:12 Who can master FPV better?
09:13-12:27 Hunting for the most valuable target
12:28-14:07 How FPV units learn from each other
14:08-15:51 On the motivation to continue fighting

Well, one thing a war of attrition and western timidity brings is the time and necessity to innovate.

Palyanytsia (bread that looks like Pac-Man) was used as a shibboleth to identify Russian soldiers pretending to be Ukrainian as it is very similar to the Russian word for strawberry.
Listen to the pretty girl explain it:

Apologies to Henry if you've posted something on this already. I'm not much for lengthy videos.
Yanukovych's final flailings to try to save his presidency after the shit had already hit the fan didn't work. Not because of a NATO conspiracy, but because the mob of angry Ukranians outside parliament demanded (understandably) he be removed from office. Why? Probably (obviously) because he showed himself to be corrupt and blatantly compromised by Russia and also had just ordered live rounds and letal force to be used against his own citizens resulting in more than one hundred dead citizens. I am not at all surprised that the protesters were unimpressed and unsatisfied with the promise of new elections by the end of the year. Especially considering that they couldn't be sure that Yanukovych wouldn't be running in those elections too.
Not surprising for any politician. Perhaps if NATO was not there, there would not have been any mobs. That is 'mobocracy', like it happened in Bangladesh recently. The mobs are still out because the power has not been given to Khaleda Zia. In Bangladesh also, perhaps there would not have been any mobs, if it was not for Pakistan and the clerics.
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Who were these unidentified bosses in NATO and where is your evidence that they had plans for Ukraine, and that these plans required the removal of Yanukovich?
And why do you discount the agency of the Ukrainian people to determine they didn’t want s corrupt Russian sycophant as a leader?
I would not know that, but such things happen with great planning.
If they wanted something, then the right path was through the Parliament, not mobs.
It was not a wise decision. Well, the result is there for all to see. Russia acted fast in occupying Crimea.
Not surprising for any politician. Perhaps if NATO was not there, there would not have been any mobs. That is 'mobocracy', like it happened in Bangladesh recently. The mobs are still out because the power has not been given to Khaleda Zia. In Bangladesh also, perhaps there would not have been any mobs, if it was not for Pakistan and the clerics.
Perhaps if you had evidence of NATO meddling you would reference it and not continue to post these evidence-free fantasies.
Russians as "guests" of "Azov": They wanted to make money but ended up in the forests of Kreminna.
(English subs)

"It's even better here than in a Russian prison."

In the new video, Russian convicts who chose war over peacefully serving out their prison sentences.

During combat operations in the Kreminna direction, fighters from the 12th Special Purpose Brigade "Azov" captured two soldiers of the Russian armed forces.

It turned out that the soldiers were prisoners, recruited into the Russian army from maximum security colonies. Promises of amnesty and money attracted them to go to war against Ukraine.

Watch the video for the full story of two Russian convicts who found it better at the "reception" of the 12th Brigade "Azov" than in the Russian army uniform or prison garb.

00:00-00:19 Intro
00:20-01:52 How did they end up in Ukraine?
01:53-03:28 The state of affairs in the Russian army
03:29-04:51 "We are escorting them according to the Geneva Convention"
04:52-08:09 Motivation of convicts to go to war
08:10-08:53 "It's even worse in Russian prisons"

Financial aid for Azov / Donations for Azov:


There is some kind of association that collects money for POWs. Or not for them, but when the UA soldiers comes with a POW, the soldier(s) gets a reward of 300 USD per POW from that association. The prisoners are then given work, if there is something - all according to Geneva Conventions. Some of them are asked if some reporter can interview them and so on. There are about 700 such interviews on YouTube.

The question of POWs:
- Russia has a problem with POWs as they can phone their relatives through those reporters (two brothers). After that the whole family + neighbours hear the truth about war and how they are treated by the UA. There are about 700+ or maybe already a thousand such interviews on YouTube. Anyone could watch those videos - and that is not nice for Moscow when people, especially soldiers understand that they are not in war with fascists but just normal people.

Moscow does not want these exchanged POWs to be freed as they can tell anyone that they understand the lies of Moscow.
That is why Moscow is not very interested in exchanging POWs.

When I lived in Russia, I was also working in a prison - as a teacher. Long story.
Well, one thing a war of attrition and western timidity brings is the time and necessity to innovate.

Palyanytsia (bread that looks like Pac-Man) was used as a shibboleth to identify Russian soldiers pretending to be Ukrainian as it is very similar to the Russian word for strawberry.
Listen to the pretty girl explain it:

Apologies to Henry if you've posted something on this already. I'm not much for lengthy videos.

No apologies needed. :) I have not posted about this. And even if I had, repetition is good for some of us. I think you know who I mean. ;)
That Yanukovych had to be removed was a necessary NATO plan.
At the time of EU talks between EU and Ukraine, lithuanian President at the time was used a lot as an intermediary. Some former commie cunt she was. Anyway, at one time I remember Yanukovich said to her I am paraphrasing "I am gonna to lose next elections if I sign this shit you are offering" And she said "not our problem" implying that it is really their plan.
Where do you come up with this shit???
This is not shit. That's what was reported at the time (more than 10 years ago).
Shit is what you post.
You are making accusations that they are being successfully targeted and taking heavy losses. That would easily concede they are still there.
Of course they are there, Elensky keep sending them there to die and stay there dead.
Meanwhile, Utin keeps sending Russians into Ukraine to die.
And according to western Propaganda they die in millions!
So why do you care then? these are stupid evil orcs, slaves, russish shwines as that good guy in SS helmet say.

I care about any young person thrown into war by old fuckers looking to settle ancient scores. I'm against war. Countries should young people to foreign lands as tourists or athletes. Not as soldiers to kill, rape and loot. Russians should be in Russia. Ukrainians should be in Ukraine.
...and old men who want young men to fight wars for them should be in jail.
Yes, BoJo and Biden should be in prison
The trouble I see here is that Ukraine can quit this incursion easily if Russia just leaves. Russia, or I should say Putin, can't. Russia has invested too much into this illegal effort to step back
West invested way more than Russia. Your scum politico-media complex has talked about weak Russia and great Ukraine so much that they can't just accept defeat, that would simply expose them as fucking liars among their own public. Plus US Deep State regime has elections.
Despite shit you consume in the West, Russia has no reason to leave "Ukraine"
Russia is winning, Ukraine is losing badly. And this whole Kursk adventure is a testament to that. Clown "Hitler" felt that he had to do some crazy shit because he was losing everywhere. Real Hitler did the same at the end of the WW2.
Russians as "guests" of "Azov": They wanted to make money but ended up in the forests of Kreminna.
(English subs)

"It's even better here than in a Russian prison."

In the new video, Russian convicts who chose war over peacefully serving out their prison sentences.

During combat operations in the Kreminna direction, fighters from the 12th Special Purpose Brigade "Azov" captured two soldiers of the Russian armed forces.

It turned out that the soldiers were prisoners, recruited into the Russian army from maximum security colonies. Promises of amnesty and money attracted them to go to war against Ukraine.

Watch the video for the full story of two Russian convicts who found it better at the "reception" of the 12th Brigade "Azov" than in the Russian army uniform or prison garb.

00:00-00:19 Intro
00:20-01:52 How did they end up in Ukraine?
01:53-03:28 The state of affairs in the Russian army
03:29-04:51 "We are escorting them according to the Geneva Convention"
04:52-08:09 Motivation of convicts to go to war
08:10-08:53 "It's even worse in Russian prisons"

Financial aid for Azov / Donations for Azov:


There is some kind of association that collects money for POWs. Or not for them, but when the UA soldiers comes with a POW, the soldier(s) gets a reward of 300 USD per POW from that association. The prisoners are then given work, if there is something - all according to Geneva Conventions. Some of them are asked if some reporter can interview them and so on. There are about 700 such interviews on YouTube.

The question of POWs:
- Russia has a problem with POWs as they can phone their relatives through those reporters (two brothers). After that the whole family + neighbours hear the truth about war and how they are treated by the UA. There are about 700+ or maybe already a thousand such interviews on YouTube. Anyone could watch those videos - and that is not nice for Moscow when people, especially soldiers understand that they are not in war with fascists but just normal people.

Moscow does not want these exchanged POWs to be freed as they can tell anyone that they understand the lies of Moscow.
That is why Moscow is not very interested in exchanging POWs.

When I lived in Russia, I was also working in a prison - as a teacher. Long story.

Three more POWs tell their stories:
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