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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Barbos, you seem to be very upset! :eek:
Do not worry, study Chinese.
Finland will have a new neighbour at the eastern border - within 10 - 15 years.
That will not be Ukraine. It will be China.

Barbos, you still have plenty of time to study the language of your new master. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
THE GATEWAY TO SIVERSK: The First Columns Came at Us. Unique Footage and Commentary. Part 1 (of 2)

[English subs]

"What do you do when a Russian tank rolls up and fires directly at your trench?
The infantry of Battalion K-2 provides the answer—turn it into a pile of rusty, burning scrap metal with an anti-tank missile, leaving a long-lasting stench of smoke and a clear message to the occupiers: it's better not to approach our trenches.
This video is about such moments—about the courage and steadfastness of the guys defending our positions in the frontline trenches. It highlights the coordination and mutual support between artillery, drone strike teams, aerial surveillance, and other units, as well as the responsibility of the commanders leading them.

In April 2024, the enemy intensified its attacks in the direction of Siversk, where Battalion K-2 is holding the line. The battles in this area are still ongoing, and our warriors continue to repel the enemy's onslaughts."

THE GATEWAY TO SIVERSK: Trench Battles. The Steel Infantry of Battalion K-2 Destroys the Enemy in the Trenches.
Battalion K-2 of the 54th Mechanized Brigade - Part 2 of 2

[English subs]
April began with relentless assaults on the warriors of Battalion K-2. In the first episode, we showed how our defenders crushed Russian columns, burned tanks, and finished off infantry approaching the frontlines. However, the enemy disregards its losses and continues to send waves of infantry and equipment. Eventually, some enemy groups managed to break through to our defenders' trenches, engaging them in close combat. The coordinated work of the mechanized unit is always a symphony. The incredible work of anti-tank system operators neutralized a portion of the enemy’s firepower even before it reached our lines. Guns and mortars skillfully targeted areas where the enemy was concentrated, while night bombers operated during the day, destroying bunkers from the sky with anti-tank mines. Yet, the main force in this battle was the fearless infantry of Battalion K-2, who annihilated the enemy in close-quarters combat.

This video is published as part of the documentation and coverage of combat actions in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

TERRA Unit: Bakhmut Flank. Destroying Russian Occupiers with FPV Drones and Bomb Drops.

English subs

"Day 618 of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. The TERRA unit continues to engage in combat on the Bakhmut flank as part of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade. Today was both productive and challenging. By dropping bombs from drones, we managed to eliminate several enemy infantrymen on the front line of defense. Those who survived decided to retreat. Using FPV kamikaze drones, we struck enemy fortifications and a BMP, setting a personal record for flight range. The enemy artillery attempted to counter, with several close hits. The shockwave shattered the vehicle’s window.
P.S.: The window has already been replaced."

00:00 - Intro.
00:25 - Important: Fundraising for FPV drones.
01:05 - Arrival at the position.
01:27 - Preparing the FPV drone for combat, cumulative warhead.
02:53 - Dropping two bombs on enemy infantry - 2 KIA.
05:34 - Preparing the FPV drone with a fragmentation warhead.
06:20 - Striking an enemy shelter with an FPV kamikaze drone, fragmentation warhead.
10:06 - Striking an enemy BMP with an FPV drone equipped with a cumulative warhead.
14:13 - Dropping bombs on enemy infantry - 1 wounded.
15:56 - Explosion at the position.
17:26 - Debriefing, returning to base.

I read five or six books on the run up to WWII and the war. I read a book on The Battle Of Stalingrad. When I first read the WWII casualty estimates the Russian losses were staggering. Given the losses and devastation I would have thought Russia would have compassion and empathy for others. Instead it was enslavement and control by Stalin as Putin does today. The Iron Curtain . A wall keeping East Germans inside.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It was your fucking Hitler who inflicted war on Russia. And it is him who was using the same rethorics you are using about liberating Russia from Russia. You disgust me.
Hitler and Stalin agreed through the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement on how to share Poland.
17 days after that Hitler attacked Poland, Stalin attacked it also. Then came Katyn and other Stalin's "clean-ups".

I recommend a library card.

I also recommend these (500? videos):
I read five or six books on the run up to WWII and the war. I read a book on The Battle Of Stalingrad. When I first read the WWII casualty estimates the Russian losses were staggering. Given the losses and devastation I would have thought Russia would have compassion and empathy for others. Instead it was enslavement and control by Stalin as Putin does today. The Iron Curtain . A wall keeping East Germans inside.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It was your fucking Hitler who inflicted war on Russia. And it is him who was using the same rethorics you are using about liberating Russia from Russia. You disgust me.
At this point your best defense is to claim diminished mental capacity.

You know little of Russian history and of geopolitics that led to WII and the Cold War and finally to Putin and Ukraine.

Before the war Stalin had military exchanges with the Nazis. Stalin was stupid. The Nazi considered Russians inferior. If I remember right in Mien Kemph Hitler laid out his plan to depopulate part of Russia for German expansion. The Volkswagen or 'peoples car' was to be cheap transportation on an envisi0ned highway system in the new empire.

As Germans massed on then border Allied intelligence warned Stalin but he dismissed it.

A question is without a non aggression pact with Russia would Hitler have started the war.

While looking for something else I found translations online of Nazi documentation on somethings about meetings between Molotov and Ribbentrop. Hitler played Stalin like a fiddle.

Hitler was a master politician, albeit an evil genius. He expertly manipulated Stalin, and Russians suffered for Stalin's greed and incompetence. Putin is the same combination of greed and incompetence we have seen in Russia since the revolution.

You can try and dismiss inconvenient facts by calling us all Nazis. The invasion of Ukaine is a cpllosall failure. It is a Nazi like brutality.
TERRA Unit: Bakhmut Flank. Destroying Russian Occupiers with FPV Drones and Bomb Drops.

English subs

"Day 618 of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. The TERRA unit continues to engage in combat on the Bakhmut flank as part of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade. Today was both productive and challenging. By dropping bombs from drones, we managed to eliminate several enemy infantrymen on the front line of defense. Those who survived decided to retreat. Using FPV kamikaze drones, we struck enemy fortifications and a BMP, setting a personal record for flight range. The enemy artillery attempted to counter, with several close hits. The shockwave shattered the vehicle’s window.
P.S.: The window has already been replaced."

00:00 - Intro.
00:25 - Important: Fundraising for FPV drones.
01:05 - Arrival at the position.
01:27 - Preparing the FPV drone for combat, cumulative warhead.
02:53 - Dropping two bombs on enemy infantry - 2 KIA.
05:34 - Preparing the FPV drone with a fragmentation warhead.
06:20 - Striking an enemy shelter with an FPV kamikaze drone, fragmentation warhead.
10:06 - Striking an enemy BMP with an FPV drone equipped with a cumulative warhead.
14:13 - Dropping bombs on enemy infantry - 1 wounded.
15:56 - Explosion at the position.
17:26 - Debriefing, returning to base.

If you want to see more different battle descriptions, go to the text section below the video and click on "more."
There you'll find red 'buttons'. Each of them represents a separate video.

Ukrainian videos often have English subtitles. You can find them under the 'gear' icon in the bottom right corner of the video.

If you want/need to translate any text, use the ChatGPT program. There is a free version available, and there are many videos on YouTube showing how to use ChatGPT. It is a very versatile AI tool, and translation is just a small part of what it can do.

If you stand for Putin and the horror inflicted on Ukraine then I am against you and who you are as a person.
You inflicted horrors on Ukraine, You!
You (the West) installed Nazi Regime in Kiev which started terroir campaign on russian regions. You ordered them to fight instead of accepting neutral status Russia offered them in exchange for leaving Eastern Ukraine.
You are the bad guys! You are the war criminals! You are the scum of the Earth
So if they’d just have surrendered their country there’d be peace? Hmmmm. OK. But frankly, Russia needs to leave Vladivostok if they want peace with China.
That was not the offer, The offer was neutrality in exchange for Eastern Ukraine.
Maybe... and then in 5 years... when Russia invades again? Russia takes everything. Russia's word is shit which is what made that offer shit. You have such an imbecilic view of the world.

In reality Ukraine gave Russia such a better offer. Leave Ukraine and nobody in the world finds out how shitty the Russian military really is. Now that China knows that Russia can't even defend her own borders from a country 1/10 the size of Russia China knows Russia is easy pickings.
China, by the way, have the same offer to Taiwan. They are offering to continue the status quo where things stay the same.
Russia didn't want the status quo. The status quo was Ukraine was a democracy and the Ukranian people got to choose who was in charge. But Putin absolutely hates democracy because if the Russian people ever figured out that that they didn't have to get fucked in the ass by corrupt oligarchs they might send Putin packing. So Putin coopted the Ukranian president and it didn't work then he got pissy that his plan backfired so he showed his true colors again and decided that violence was the answer.
US does not wants that. They understand that the time is on China's side and US need to start war with China ASAP.
What a stupid take on world politics. US war with China is the stupidest idea ever. Nobody in the US wants that ...ever. And frankly, nobody in China wants that either. WTF are you smoking? China and the US are far too economically linked right now for either one of them to benefit in any way by a war. The only person who could possibly benefit from China and the US to getting in a war right now is Putin. Which explains how this fucking nutzo idea found its way into your brain. The propaganda you suckle is ridiculously bad.
Unfortunately, US neocon's plan to subjugate Russia with the help of Ukrainian Nazis went haywire.
What fucking plan? How would that ever be a plan? How could that possibly ever work? This is almost as stupid and idea as your last one. It only saves itself from the same level of stupidity by being so fucking vague that nobody could even guess what you are talking about.
Fucking ukro-government critters themselves are now saying that Putin offered them a great deal in 2022.
There was never a good deal from Putin. All of his "deals" amount to unconditional surrender when you understand the details and their implications and Zelenskyy isn't as stupid as you wish he was. Sure there are some dipshits everywhere who are suckered into believing all kinds of stupid shit. Just look at Trump's cult. Even if these "critters" as you call them actually exist as you say they do it doesn't make them good, smart, or right. They are just more dipshits.
Your government media are lying to you! Unprovoked invasion my ass!
Yes. Exactly. It was an unprovoked Russian invasion. If I believed in superstitions, I would suggest that invoking your ass in this way is foolish. As this foolishness could quite easily come back to bite you personally in the ass.
You have been provoking it since the 90s. You were not even hiding it.
Putin has been and still is remarkably soft on the Western shenanigans throughout of his reign. Speaking of criticism.
Another recent thing I disagree is war on Google and other western media. He has no reason to be worried about influence of western garbage in Russia.
I am sure that Putin has no fear that YOU will learn anything when exposed to facts, but some Russians are more astute than you and it is them that Putin fears.
Russia is remarkably pro-western in principle, way more so than Nazi Ukraine, way more even probably Poland. You think these nazis want to be in EU? You are mistaken, all they want is your help to exterminate russians and build their Ukro-Reich. Of course, Washington eggheads know that, but they think they can deal with nazis later, the same way they thought they could deal with afghanistan freedom fighters later.
WTF are you talking about? What stupidity is this? You have been challenged countless times to show anyway in which the Ukranian government has behaved in any way like the German Nazi government and the best you come back with is... a street name?? Meanwhile Russia employs imperialism, and the genocide of minorities, AS WE SPEAK and you ignore them even though they are actually the two quintessential traits of the German Nazi government that everyone in the world identifies as the Bad parts of Nazism.
You screwed the pooch. You could have enticed Russia and kept Russia off your incoming War with China.
Instead you pushed Russia towards China, freaked out Global South, destroyed EU economy.
Good job, Washington assholes!
LOL. You are so wrapped up in your delusions you don't even know what you are talking about anymore. Putin fucked up and his fanbois are too butthurt or stupid to acknowledge it. Reminds me of Elon Musk. It's no surprise that it was just revealed that Musk is also involved with Russian dirty money.
One more hint:

Many video bloggers have lists of daily short videos under the "more"-button.
As an example: ATP Geopolitics released just a video and in the info under the video, you will find the daily short videos. According to the (crazy) rules of YouTube it is forbidden to show any explosions, wounded or dead soldiers, anyone swearing, etc. etc.
That is why video bloggers show only still photos from certain videos.


As you can see, there are tons of daily videos - every day.

Here is his latest video-blog:
WTF are you talking about? What stupidity is this?
I believe it’s standard issue stupidity. Pootey (or Modi) puts words in their mouth, and they obediently regurgitate them.
There are some ignorant audiences, and some stupid ones who eat that shit up.

Here, it just stands out as a neon flashing “HELP!” sign from a desperate autocrat trying to survive his own idiotic decisions of course. But unsurprisingly, babs, like Aupy, is 100% oblivious to the transparency of their attempted deception.
Those are fascinating battle videos. I didn't realize how technically versed one needs to be to operate those things successfully. Training seems to be the key and Ukraine is doing a lot of drone training.

Interesting article regarding the potential for Putin’s downfall. Many in Russia are desperate; the economy may be growing, but it isn’t serving people’s needs. In Donetsk and Luhansk, people are sick of the war and revolt is a serious potential. The army can only take so much crap from incompetent and corrupt leaders. The rank and file could turn on their leaders.

Still, we’ve seen articles like this before, so I remain skeptical that anything will actually happen. But it does point to a basic strategy for Ukraine. Kill as many Russians as they can. Delay every advance Russia makes. The longer they hold out, the more likely Russians will tire of this. Surprise attacks are great. But they need to strike deeply into Russia. Disrupt their supply chains.
Those are fascinating battle videos. I didn't realize how technically versed one needs to be to operate those things successfully. Training seems to be the key and Ukraine is doing a lot of drone training.
:) Don't let me begin - there is so much in this field to write about...
- The Mother of Drones in Ukraine is a woman. (I need to translate the article I wrote in Finnish some 2 years ago - it is long.)
- The Minister of Defense of Ukraine was an idiot who gave the order to stop paying those who were developing drones.
- You remember the 39 km long line of Russian vehicles along the road in 2012. The drone guys drove in the forest at night with ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicle). They attacked the cars carrying fuel - at first, the Russians did not know what hit them, but the Ukrainians had a very limited number of drones. They aimed to have the tanks etc. standing there without fuel for a long time so that they could come there every night and destroy the colon - with whatever little they had.
I will write about this all when I get more time.
Putin is getting more desperate.
Desperate people do desperate things.
Interesting article regarding the potential for Putin’s downfall.
Yeah, that is always possible in countries not having mature democracies. The military kindly gave 45 minutes to Sheikh Hasina to get out.
Ukraine have about 200 companies that are developing different kind of drones. A year ago Ukraine made contracts with 30 of them and I believe that there are many more today. Ukraine produces about one million drones/year.
Ukraine is a very high-tech country. I thought you would have understood that already.
:) Is that why Modi went there? We could give Ukraine what we earn from Russia.
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Professor Gerdes tells what happened the last 24 hours:

Massive Russian Missile Attack in Ukraine​

- 1140 Russian Casualties in last 24 hours,
- Ukrainians in subways to hide from missiles,
- Kyiv's hydroelectric power plant targeted, (not)
- Zelensky: 100 missiles and 100 Shahed drones,
- Russia hit 15 Ukrainian Oblasts,
- Air raid alert in over 10 hours,
- UAV crashed in Poland,
- Massive Russian missile attack

Desperate people do desperate things.
Maybe I'm misreading the situation but I see no desperation in Russian Hitler. He seems as calm and in self control as ever. And he should be. He has millions of brainwashed cannon fodder between him and the Ukrainians. Some of that cannon fodder is getting ticked off a bit about having to relocate but even they have been so emasculated over the years that there isn't much fight in them. They don't know what that would be. They act like mindless zombies, just like their Hitler.
Still, we’ve seen articles like this before, so I remain skeptical that anything will actually happen. But it does point to a basic strategy for Ukraine. Kill as many Russians as they can. Delay every advance Russia makes. The longer they hold out, the more likely Russians will tire of this. Surprise attacks are great. But they need to strike deeply into Russia. Disrupt their supply chains.
The situation for Ukraine has changed since Kursk. They should keep up the pressure, move solidly into this and other areas, use drones, kill Russian military like there is no tomorrow, destroy civilian infrastructure and military targets. They can always vamoose.
Combat etc. videos in English:




Here is one example:

Ukraine Subterranean Warfare - My Experience​

00:00 Intro
00:48 FPV’s Came, Tunnels Stayed
01:16 Other Wars
02:00 Ukraine Tunnel Warfare
02:50 Russians Using Tunnels
04:15 Concealment, Ambushes, Movement
05:16 Middle East
06:26 Pro’s and Con’s
07:54 Tunnels Never Lose

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