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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

sooner than ukrainians hang Elensky and his criminal gang.
Who on earth is this “Elensky”

I think he took the “Z” out of Zelensky because recall “Z” was the symbol the Russians used from the early days of the invasion. So he probably doesn’t want Zelensky to have Putin’s private war symbol in his name. :rolleyes: Interesting, though, how “Z” is basically half a swastika. :unsure:
Ukraine has crossed into Russia and Russian bases have been attacked.
There were no russian bases in the region nazi forces are currently claiming to occupy.
Stop calling Ukrainians Nazis. It is demonstrably false.

It also makes the posts unreadable and unable to parse what he could have possibly meant.
He spends so much effort packing insults as densely as possible that he has lost any meaning.
It becomes “What?” Salad.
Good thing he doesn't drink.
Arbos (see what I did there?) is obviously freaking out, and the reason he is freaking out is obvious: the entire war has been a gargantuan debacle for Russia and it will take them decades to recover from this fuck-up, if they ever do.
Arbos (see what I did there?) is obviously freaking out, and the reason he is freaking out is obvious: the entire war has been a gargantuan debacle for Russia and it will take them decades to recover from this fuck-up, if they ever do.
I have put him on Gnore. The noise to signal ratio is so high that it's pointless to sift through so much gatbage on the offchance he might one day say something.
Sooner or later more Russians are gong to question Putin and the war openly.
Not sooner than ukrainians hang Elensky and his criminal gang.
He will be lucky if he ends up rotting in prison as Saakashvili (assuming he does not run away to Argentina/Florida)
Drones. Pay attention.

Do you get western media like CNN and the BBC?

WWII was fought in the China, Pacific, North Africa, Sicily, Italy up through Europe.

The Axis Powers were Italy, Germany, and Japan.

The western Allies were Canada, USA, Brts, Australia, New Zealand. Free French and other escapees from Nazi controlled areas. There were Polish pilots in the RAF.

A total of 145 experienced and battle-hardened Polish airmen fought in the Battle of Britain - 79 airmen in various RAF squadrons, 32 in No. 302 (Polish) Fighter Squadron and 34 in No. 303 (Polish) Fighter Squadron. On 13 August Hermann Göring launched the Luftwaffe's all-out air assault on Britain.

The war in Russia was a small part of the entire war.
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Occasional fuckups like WW2 ukro-nazi clapping in Canakistan Parliament and nazi insignia on pretty much every ukro-soldier your media interviewed does not teach you anything.
Dude, your use of juvenile name-calling makes your message completely unintelligible.
Ukroclappingcanakistan WHAT?

It doesn’t even send a message any more. It’s doesn’t grok at all.
I grok, you grok, together we grok in fullness.
Occasional fuckups like WW2 ukro-nazi clapping in Canakistan Parliament and nazi insignia on pretty much every ukro-soldier your media interviewed does not teach you anything.
Dude, your use of juvenile name-calling makes your message completely unintelligible.
Ukroclappingcanakistan WHAT?

It doesn’t even send a message any more. It’s doesn’t grok at all.
Some brains have an emotional operating system for the entire life of the human. Guys mature out of this at 30 and gals at 25 on average. Some brains, such as Trumpo's never get through this developmental phase. That's medical fact. That's not to say we all become rational Spaak like people, only that we now have a choice about our behavior and aren't flying on impulse like most children.
So, long awaited retaliation for nazi helmets invasion into Kursk Oblast has now happened.
And according to Zelehitler himself it has been the largest strike so far. And I could be wrong but nazi-propaganda did not even bother to report the usual 99% success rate in intercepting everything. Could be that Nazi Air Defence has finally been eliminated. And F-16s are not ready for the role. I suspect they can't find idiots in the west who would fly them, despite Lindsey Graham promises.
Keep telling yourself this shit. I know the authorities are watching your posts. I won’t let them know of the secret codes in them. ;)
So you deny that Russia conducted a strike all over Nazi controlled Ukraine?
I deny it. There is no such thing as Nazi controlled Ukraine. Well, maybe the Russian controlled parts.
Meanwhile Prime Minister of Lithuania, conducted WW2 ukro-nazi salute and supported islamic terrorists in pretty much one sentence. What a cunt!
Frankly, until you start providing links, I'm just going to say anything you post is bullshit.
It used to be against forum rules to chronically label people Nazis.
But if they are acting like Nazis, which the Russians are, then it should be allowed. Quacking like a duck, etc. etc.
Comparing what Putin is doing to what Nazis did in Russia is an historical comparison, fair game.

Maybe 15 years ago a progressive radio show host was routinely calling conservatives Nazis, and he got suspended for it.

It is all about context.

Barbos is probably frustrated and grasping at straws to maintain his image of Putin and Russia..
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What is NAFO?​

The North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO, French: Organisation des Fella de l'Atlantique nord, OFAN, a play on NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an Internet meme and social media movement dedicated to countering Russian propaganda and disinformation about the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The 30th convoy - delivered all together more than 400 trucks.

What is the 69th Sniffing Brigade?​

We are a charity fund from Estonia that has been working since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
To date, we have helped deliver over €7 million in aid.
By communicating directly with the units, we know exactly what types of vehicles they need. We rebuild these vehicles to ensure they are equipped with jammers, night vision cameras, new mud tires, and other necessary upgrades to withstand the frontline conditions.

About the newest campaign: In 8 days: 1.056.000 USD

Through the page above you find other funds that are also coordinated by NAFO. We are many, so even 5$ helps a lot - as we are so many. :)
sooner than ukrainians hang Elensky and his criminal gang.
Who on earth is this “Elensky”

I think he took the “Z” out of Zelensky because recall “Z” was the symbol the Russians used from the early days of the invasion. So he probably doesn’t want Zelensky to have Putin’s private war symbol in his name. :rolleyes: Interesting, though, how “Z” is basically half a swastika. :unsure:
So half Nazi and half Russian equals full blown assholes?

INSIDE RUSSIA (video blogger):

An explosion occurred at Omsk oil refinery owned by Gazprom Neft.
According to the local news sources, one of the oil refining installations ABT—11 caught fire. The fire area is spreading.
According to some local residents, the explosion at the refinery was heard several kilometres away, and was so forceful that "houses began to shake".
Omsk refinery is the largest in Russia. It provides a tenth of the total gasoline production in the country. Its capacity is more than 20 million metric tons of oil per year, and the number of employees exceeds 3.5 thousand.
This is yet another proof that Russia is feverish.

Russia's Largest Oil Refinery Exploded! | Gas Shortages Are Expected​

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