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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

US is trying to subjugate Russia
I'll have a pint of whatever you're drinking.
No shit. This guy is as far off the rails as babs, if not more so.
I do have to wonder if the Modi goobermint has gone down the Trump rabbit hole, selling lies like candy.

How is the Russia oligarchy system working out for Russia?
Swimmingly. If you're an oligarch, haven't done anything to raise Pootey's fears, and don't go near a lot of windows...

Apparently many Russia Oligarchs have settled in London.
Lots of tall buildings with high wndows in London. They could easily become unsettled, if they were to do or say anything Putin disapproved of.
That is nuts. The US was drooling over the prospects of a more “western “ Russia.
Did they do anything to save Gorbachev? Did the help when Gorbachev asked for money? They just watched in amusement from the balcony. And as a result, Putin is here.

I know this post is a bit old, but I just read it. This is total unadulterated bullshit. You literally know nothing about the history of that time, or are just deliberately misrepresenting it.
Regarding Russian versus American style imperialism. The first order of business when I become president of Russia, would be denouncing recognition of Texas and New Mexico as part of US. USA Russia will never accept illegal annexation of Crimea Texas/New Mexico from Ukraine Mexico.
Texas/New Mexico is a part of Mexico.
I could probably get on board with that.
They should have “talked”, right?

Ponder this: the USA has never attempted to subjugate its neighbors.
They were aliens there. They should not have been there.
And now, US is trying to subjugate Russia, cost to Ukraine is immaterial.

Subjugate Russia? Preventing Russia's imperialist land grab at Ukraine is subjugating Russia? What have you been smoking?
Whatever it is I think I want some - at least now and then.
Preventing Russia's imperialist land grab at Ukraine is subjugating Russia?
It is in reply to NATO manoeuvres.
Now I'm sure I want some of whatever you're smoking.
I’m guessing Aupy would take a dim view of it if the US was to respond to Russian “maneuvers” 90 miles from our shores by grabbing Kaliningrad and killing all the Russians there. Right, @aupmanyav?

Because Modi wouldn’t shrug and say “it’s in response to Russian maneuvers”, which is the line he fed to Aupy.
We shall see how many Russian Navy ships break down during this visit to the Florida area. During the beginning of hurricane season at that.
India's official stance at the Swiss conclave:
"Our clear and consistent approach that enduring peace can be achieved only through dialogue and diplomacy."
Why? Why “ask” imperialist warmongers and expansionists about the “right thing” to do?
Who is the expansionist? I see NATO as the expansionist.
Which maneuvers were those? Please be specific.
NATO expansion in CIS countries, Scandinavia, and Central Asian Security and Cooperation Forum.
NATO is ringing Russia like China is ringing India. (and sure, it increases our anxiety).
Whatever it is I think I want some - at least now and then.
You know, our favorite is 'Bhang', marijuana drink. Smoke Ganja, Charas. I have never used them. I am a respected old middle-class person, one of the eldest in our extended family. :)
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We shall see how many Russian Navy ships break down during this visit to the Florida area. During the beginning of hurricane season at that.
They are already there. A Submarine and a surface ship. Cuban President has already visited it. If things go well, you will have russian UAVs harassing floridians soon. And if things go extremely well, you will have russian nukes in Cuba.
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Regarding Russian versus American style imperialism. The first order of business when I become president of Russia, would be denouncing recognition of Texas and New Mexico as part of US. USA Russia will never accept illegal annexation of Crimea Texas/New Mexico from Ukraine Mexico.
Texas/New Mexico is a part of Mexico.
I could probably get on board with that.
Don't expect gringos staying in Mexico. They will deported to places near you.
That is nuts. The US was drooling over the prospects of a more “western “ Russia.
Did they do anything to save Gorbachev? Did the help when Gorbachev asked for money? They just watched in amusement from the balcony. And as a result, Putin is here.

I know this post is a bit old, but I just read it. This is total unadulterated bullshit. You literally know nothing about the history of that time, or are just deliberately misrepresenting it.
So you know the history, right?
Russia's GDP is a little bit more than Half of Japan's GDP. And a little more than half of California's GDP. I am down here in Texas. Texas GDP - $2.15 Trillion USD. Almost as much as Russia's GDP..

WB disagrees, as well as reality.
GDP and PPP are two differant things.

Your PPP rate (from self reported data, btw) just means a certain predetermined set of goods and services are a little cheaper to purchase than they are in Japan.

Considering the crappy quality of goods produced in Russia, the best response is "duh".
Well, food is better (now). Weapons are definitely better (and way cheaper). Cars are worse and more expensive mainly becasue of tariffs . Electronics is the same and a bit more expensive than in US, we don't make it.
Health care itself is probably the same, but it's not as fancy as in US, and it's free. Houses as you can see from Cheburek american videos on average are not as big and fancy. But soundproofing is excellent and no need to worry about hurricane insurance.
But if you want american style house, you can buy it too, is a lot cheaper too. You can buy apartment in skyscraper too, same thing as in US, do difference.
Also you don't need a car in Russia, especially in Moscow. I just went to google maps and measured distance between my apartment and small grocery shop doors - 82 meters straight line, walking - 98 meters. Another one - 110 meters. Third one 350 meters. And bigger walmart like but smaller is 435 meters. People don't drive to groceries once a week. They go there few times a day sometimes, normally once a day.

Internet is $4/month 100mbit.

One thing which is annoyingly bad in Russia is ..... shoes. I mean you can buy normal shoes if you know where to find them, especially in big cities - normal brand name shoes. In smaller towns, chances to find them is exactly zero. Virtually everything is utter crap which uses paper in them sometimes. I would literally go and burn all of these shops. That's what I am going to do when I become President of Russia, even before making Texas Mexico again. To be fair I saw the same shoes in US too , but they were sold along normal and even brand name ones. I am talking about Walmart/Target. Normal shoe stores were not selling that crap. I remember a video of a canadian who emigrated to Russia who was showing his life in Russia and he went to one of these shoe stores. He clearly bought one of that crap made of paper. Yes it feels fine for a week. Then you need to buy new ones.
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GDP and PPP are two differant things.
I did not say they were same. They are two completely different things.
And I was not talking about any of them. I was talking about PPP GDP and nominal GDP.
Nominal GDP is BS and World Bank is not using it for that reason.
Only western propaganda degenerates use Nominal GDP.
That's why you are in deep shit. And you ARE in deep shit.

Speaking of GDP.
Pentagon needs to pay their soldiers more so they don't resort to stealing money from their russian (with ukrainian last name :D ) girlfriends in .... Russia.
A (former) NATO general says situation is hopeless in Ukraine.
This is a first US/NATO officer with a rank of general who started to "peddle" russian "propaganda" :D
Normally it's all colonels who are pro-russian. I suppose they forgot to pay the general to keep his mouth shut so he joined a colonel's crowd.
It's worse than I thought. Scorch marks and speedboats

The New Atlas isn't a news agency. It's one guy, a nobody, Brian Berletic, reporting from his mom's basement. He's also a conspiracy theorist.

Please make more of an effort

This reminds me of the hunt for the ISIS recruitment network, and it turned out to be nothing but a bunch of European teenagers being edgy in their rooms posting videos on social media

It's pathetic that you use this kind of drivel to back up your claims
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