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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

While I do not like the Chinese political system, the Chinese people get a lot of credit for in a shirt period transformed China from a backwards poor failed state to a modern global economy. They are industrious, hard working, and creative.
And russians are as lazy as USians and europeans. So why are you trying to destroy Russia?
In reality, of course, chinese economic success couldn't have been replicated in Russia even if we wanted.
China had an advantage of low start, they had large population and favorable economic terms with the west.
Russia never had that. So China outcompeting everyone, not just stupid and lazy Russians.
Having said that, Russia is still better in certain hard areas where China is still far behind, despite all their achievements.
Basically Russia is way behind in electronics (all kinds) and cars. And russians keep asking for chinese help with cars and they correctly point out that russian market is too small to have competitive auto-industry. Economy of scale can not be utilized within such a small market as Russia. And yes, we are lazy compared to chinese.
And if by some miracle Ukraine were able to keep them then there would have been shitload of dead New Yorkers
And I do mean Miracle. Nukes are not like grenades. You can't push a button and launch them. You can't even take warhead/bomb and smuggle it into New York and then explode it without codes from Moscow.
You can't even disassemble them without destroying most of the hardware in them. At best you will be able to get a little bit of plutonium and that's it. You need codes from Moscow and you need people who are trained to operate these nukes, Ukraine had none of that. To maintain these nukes you had to send them to ..... Russia, yes, to Russia. Ukraine had/has no nuclear facilities they are all father in the East around Ural region. There is zero chance for Ukraine to have these nukes to last 30 years without maintenance. People in these silos had nothing to do with Ukraine, their loyalty was 100% to Moscow, their dachas were there too. There were no banderites near these nukes at all. You had to have absolutely clean genealogy and perfect russian to serve in strategic nuclear forces.
Ukraine did manage to take hold of a bunch of Tu-160s and ended up scraping them becasue they had no expertise to maintain them and Russia refused to buy them. So instead of giving them to Russia they let them rot. It's such an ukrainian thing to do. I don't know why we had tolerated them for so long, they are walking stereotypes of themselves. Russia should have taken most of the complex military hardware, along with Crimea and Eastern Ukraine in 1990. It never was theirs.
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Well Barbos,

Russia has vast natural resources and the largest land area in the world.

Yet has a GDP about equal to our state of California. Why is that?

For one, immigration. Not as high as Asians, Russian science and engineering immigrants have a presence on the west cost. I worked with a few. The Russian brain drain has been going on for a long time.

While of course it is partly myth, but the USA remains the and of opportunity for immigrants.

Why would an educated capable person go to a restrictive Russia where your business can be subject to the whims of Putin?

Apprentice a Russia EV being introduced uses lead acid bateries, about 20 years behnd the rest of the world.

Russians are not lazy per se, more a culutral lack of independence fostered by Stalinsm through Putin.
Thinking always gas to factor in political correctness. One can not publicaly be opposed to Putin. It stifles creative thinking and imnovation.

Putin is hosting an economc summit in Russia. It will not materialy do anythmnand Sausi Arabia has no manufacturng worth noting, South Sfrca remains in political instability. Chin uses Putin as paocal tool.

China if it sets up manufacturng in Rusiia will end domnating the Russia economy. It us hw ey an to dveloe an ecommc block.

The alliance that initially comprised Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa has expanded rapidly to embrace Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Turkey, Azerbaijan and Malaysia have formally applied to become members, and a few others have expressed interest in joining.

Russia remainssisolated. Puin's apparent allies are not wetern liberal demcrcoes supprng wht we call hum,an rights. The Soviets tried it and failed. With Putin it is more of the same.

The west did invest in Russia, but it was too corrupt and polcally risky. Boeing used to haver a design cener in Russia.

Puti is personalyoncessed wit creting what he thinks is mnodern Russian enpire, and he will use the Russian people to get it regrdless of suffeng. Wioth a free press and free speech Russdia woud be a differnt place. I(t is why China does not allow it, a threat to CCP power.

You are welcome to your glorious leader Putin and his Russia. Jus keep in in yiur biders. Putin can waer a crown and paarde arod Russia all he wants.
Yet has a GDP about equal to our state of California. Why is that?
Russia's GDP is about 2x of California.
Russia has vast natural resources and the largest land area in the world.
How is that relevant to GDP? Russia is not Saudi Arabia from the 70s.
Part of the GDP which is due to raw materials is relatively small now.
Putin can crown himself Putin The 1st, wear a crown, carry a scepter, and wear royal robes fro all I care

Leave countries like Moldova and Ukraine free to choose their own destinies.
Putin can crown himself Putin The 1st, wear a crown, carry a scepter, and wear royal robes fro all I care

Leave countries like Moldova and Ukraine free to choose their own destinies.
You mean leave them to your meddling?
They are not countries. Countries normally have at least some independence.
You and Putin can continue to justify the Ukraine war by blaming others, and continue to explain away why people and states are shunning Russia and going to the EU and NATO.

If a lot of people do not like you and do not want to associate with you, maybe it is because they just do not like you and who you are?

There are not many states left in Europe open to exploitation and control by Russia, they mostly decided to go with NATO and EU.

That leaves states like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iran who are de facto dictatorships.

Ukraine and Moldova reject alignment with Russia because of what Russia represents and what Russia does.

If Russia wants collaboration it has to make the collaboration attractive on its own merits, not coercion by subterfuge and force.

Russia has to learn to compete globally in a free market as China has done.

Even before the war Russian culture was isolated from the west due to Putin;s control.
In reality, however, the Soviet Union was always a sham. It was just a reconstituted version of the old Russian Empire, with Russians treated as the real masters and serfs within its boundaries. So revanchists like barbos feel entitled to ownership not just of the nuclear weapons, but the actual occupied territories of the former Russo-Soviet empire.
Had to fix that one for you.
Mikhail Rogachev, 64, was found by the security service after committing suicide by jumping from a tenth floor window. Of course he left a suicide note. It's kind of interesting that he was openly opposed to Putin and his fellow Nazis. It's so surprising. What a coincidence!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Mikhail Rogachev, 64, was found by the security service after committing suicide by jumping from a tenth floor window. Of course he left a suicide note. It's kind of interesting that he was openly opposed to Putin and his fellow Nazis. It's so surprising. What a coincidence!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Very strange.

No one is shooting themselves in the head or over dosing with a drug. Jumping out or falling out a window, or jumping from a roof.

Maybe Hercule Poirot is ab viable to look at it.
Mikhail Rogachev, 64, was found by the security service after committing suicide by jumping from a tenth floor window. Of course he left a suicide note. It's kind of interesting that he was openly opposed to Putin and his fellow Nazis. It's so surprising. What a coincidence!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
He was not opposed to anything and he had a cancer.
UN Secretary General António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres has landed in Kazan (Russia) to take part in BRICS meeting.
Did someone say Russia was isolated?
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UN Secretary General António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres has landed in Kazan (Russia) to take part in BRICS meeting.
Did someone say Russia was isolated?
That would be part of his job, perhaps to address the war.

Russia is socially and politically and economically isolated from a major part of the world.

Putin is showing desperation by having a public collaboration with Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Ethiopia and the rest..

I gave always thought the UN should move to a place like Moscow or Saudi Arabia, maybe that is what he will talk to Putin about.

Interesting it is not being held in Moscow, perhaps because of all toise drones from Palatin

Modi calls for peace in Ukraine as he meets Putin at BRICS summit​

Russia showcases growing BRICS clout
Modi tells Putin: we want peace in Ukraine
Xi discusses Ukraine with Putin - Kremlin says
BRICS partners pressing Putin for peace in Ukraine
BRICS summit coincides with IMF and World Bank meetings

The UN leader is there to try and talk sense to an o0ut of control Putin and his militarism.

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The group started in 2006, and Brazil, Russia, India and China convened for the first BRIC summit in 2009. South Africa joined a year later.2 hours

Brazil and India have economies, bit I do not see how BRICS materially improve the lives of Russians in any significant way. It odes not slow the Russian declne in poulation and the atendent loss in economic capacity.

BRICS is an atenpt to replace the westrn alliance economc power, I doubt that wil happen.

A serious disruption in the current global conference order would impact China. If anything in the long run Russia will become economically dominatedd by China.

China wants to replace the dollar as the global currency, not the Russian rubble. China wants to dominate global economics and politics, Russia is not part of their plan.

China is playing Putin much like Hitler played Stalin.

BRCS is a way fr China to posture against the USA.
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That would be part of his job, perhaps to address the war.
BRICS Meeting is not about war.
BRICS is an atenpt to replace the westrn alliance economc power, I doubt that wil happen.
Not really. It's about getting rid of constant meddling by neocon Regime in US.
China wants to replace the dollar as the global currency, not the Russian rubble
BS. China/India/Brazil explicitly said that they don't want to get rid of dollar.
It is obvious, China intends to economically dominate Russia.

They will do to Russia what Russia wants to do the Baltics.

Russia will learn to speak Chines and take Chinese culture in stead of Russian. schools will be taught in Chinese.
It is obvious, China intends to economically dominate Russia.

They will do to Russia what Russia wants to do the Baltics.

Russia will learn to speak Chines and take Chinese culture in stead of Russian. schools will be taught in Chinese.
You are talking BS.

Meanwhile, Clown Regime in Kiev is mad at Guterres.
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BS? China is thinking 100 years ahead. Russia's population is around 144 million and is declining and China has around 1.5 billion people.

China will just move in to Russia. Just like Putin is trying to do to Ukraine, but Russia will not be able to fight back.

China is working to a plan, dominating global economics and replacing the dollar with the Yuan.

China tried to coerce Australia to trade in the Yuan.

Do you really think China takes Russia seriously? Why would it.

In the long run the war weakens Russia. China will wait until the time is right.

Putin is just as stupid as Stalin. China is using Putin to antagonize the USA and cares nothing about Russia. Nobody really cares about Russia.
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