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Images that make you laugh

My first thought is that it's an abbreviation because the field only has six characters.

But nah, it's probably what we think it is.
So, yeah, bought gas during my business trip.
I'm guessing the PRODUCT information is entered locally?
View attachment 5957

I'll have to take a picture of the can of mousse my wife bought at the dollar store. I can't imagine how the obvious typos got past quality control.

Oh, and for several weeks, one of the local Wendy's had carmel (sic) on their outside sign for caramel.
This is fake, but so many people believe it and spread it without thinking. so I decided to post it on my family facebook. I figure that the more Obama haters in my friends list spread it, the more they and their ideological ilk will be exposed to images of men kissing.

I believe in exposure therapy. :D

This is fake, but so many people believe it and spread it without thinking. so I decided to post it on my family facebook. I figure that the more Obama haters in my friends list spread it, the more they and their ideological ilk will be exposed to images of men kissing.

I believe in exposure therapy. :D

View attachment 5979

Heh. :D

Honestly, I've been unfriending a lot of conservative friends and relatives. The rhetoric from righties has become so racist of late that I simply cannot tolerate talking to them anymore.
This is fake, but so many people believe it and spread it without thinking. so I decided to post it on my family facebook. I figure that the more Obama haters in my friends list spread it, the more they and their ideological ilk will be exposed to images of men kissing.

I believe in exposure therapy. :D

View attachment 5979

Heh. :D

Honestly, I've been unfriending a lot of conservative friends and relatives. The rhetoric from righties has become so racist of late that I simply cannot tolerate talking to them anymore.

I don't blame you. My conservative friends and relatives just unfollow my posts. lol I suspect some of them check out my posts anyway. A few have unfriended me. I keep posting things like "FYI, God supports Bernie Sanders" and "Enough of socialism for corporations and the wealthy only!" :D

- - - Updated - - -

lol True. And it's turned out that he might be one of the best.
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