• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Images that make you laugh



Sure, you and your fellow rightists used anonymous death threats to get women to withdraw accusations of sexual harassment and child molestation against Donald Trump, but here's a woman with a violent fantasy that's not directed at any one person in particular, which is definitely worse!

You're so oppressed!

You're the most oppressed snowflake in the history of fragile snowflakes!

It's a fucking joke. Why do we have to read in all this extra bullshit?

eta: sure, you could say the woman is being a bit over the top with the phrasing "all of them". I mean, why blame me? I didn't make the stupid app and I wouldn't use it.
Gratuitous hatred toward easy targets. Aren't you impressive.

You haven't noticed the anti Trump, anti Republican Party bias in this and other threads? Democratic Party and their supporters like to throw shit but hate receiving it.
The difference is the Trump ones are funny. The anti Clinton stuff isn't funny. 'Oh look, funny pics of Hillary looking stupid!'. How fucking hilarious!

The Bill Clinton image with the caption, 'did someone say binders full of women?' now that is actual comedy. The problem with right wingers is they have no idea what good comedy is and think it stops at degrading photos.

I will say that Clinton trick or treater was clever too.
Gratuitous hatred toward easy targets. Aren't you impressive.

You haven't noticed the anti Trump, anti Republican Party bias in this and other threads? Democratic Party and their supporters like to throw shit but hate receiving it.

Dear angelo, a good rule of thumb for a "funny pictures" thread is to ignore comments by the hypersensitive. There'll always be some ninny who'll take offense at anything. The responses you got show how insufferably hypocritical the uptight citizens brigade is - it's okay when they do it. So, this is for you.


Gratuitous hatred toward easy targets. Aren't you impressive.

You haven't noticed the anti Trump, anti Republican Party bias in this and other threads? Democratic Party and their supporters like to throw shit but hate receiving it.

You haven't noticed the power Trump holds as POTUS? You haven't noticed what he's been doing with it? You haven't noticed the right wing authoritarian disease that infects your country almost as bad as it does ours?

You haven't noticed that Hillary is irrelevant to all this? Like, out of the picture? She's a convenient target for impotent, contrived rage of idiots and nothing more.

Trump and the rest of the depraved right wing, however, would gleefully trample your human rights if it serves their delusion. The hatred for them is warranted. We should be running those fuckers into the ground before they completely dismantle our rights and democratic protections.

But ideologically addled morons would rather get their masturbatory gratification through knee-jerk hatred of a woman who is completely out of the fucking picture. Weak.

That this guy got himself elected says it all about her and the Democratic, left leaning Party doesn't it. Typically, lefties will not tolerate any other opposing view of their ideology.
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