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When the Nazis first invaded Russia, many people did welcome them as conquering hero's, that only lasted a very short time as the Nazi's soon showed their true colours.

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When the Nazis first invaded Russia, many people did welcome them as conquering hero's, that only lasted a very short time as the Nazi's soon showed their true colours.
C.mon guys. You can preview your posts before you post them. If they don't work in the preview, they don't work. Cancel the damn post.

hat doesn't work for me. You'll have to live with my editing after posting.

By the way, does anybody know why the first letter of my responses gets kicked down to the line below? Irritating.

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A thirty year life expectancy doesn't mean that nobody lives past thirty. It probably means there were lots of deaths in the first couple of years. If you reached twenty years old, there was probably an excellent chance of reaching sixty.
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[Comment not appropriate to humor thread]
A thirty year life expectancy doesn't mean that nobody lives past thirty. It probably means there were lots of deaths in the first couple of years. If you reached twenty years old, there was probably an excellent chance of reaching sixty.
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[This comment is not appropriate to the humour thread either.]
It is true that life expectancy has risen chiefly on account of a huge drop in the infant mortality rate, but I doubt that many cave dwellers lived long enough to see their 45th or 50th birthday anniversary. In addition to infectuous diseases affecting people regardless of age being more prevalent and more likely to be fatal at the time, I don't fancy their survival chances ten or fifteen years after they have passed their peak of physical strength and fitness. Arthritis alone can be a real bitch today. When you subsist by hunting and gathering it's a significant handicap in the survival stakes. Trachoma is another one. Easy to treat now, it used to invariably lead to blindness then.
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