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Images that make you laugh

r/TheFarSide - Never hold back jerky from the dog.
I loved the movie, but I didn't think it was that scary.

View attachment 46716
Reminds me of Starship Troopers.

Why in the world would anything like this pose a threat to a modern army? Why were they using guns on a horde-attack army??
Because, as everyone knows, the monsters are just as immune to modern weapons as they are to guns. To win, our scientists have to discover the monsters' secret weakness. Which is...


... the song "Puberty Love".


I loved the movie, but I didn't think it was that scary.

View attachment 46716
Reminds me of Starship Troopers.

Why in the world would anything like this pose a threat to a modern army? Why were they using guns on a horde-attack army??
Because, as everyone knows, the monsters are just as immune to modern weapons as they are to guns. To win, our scientists have to discover the monsters' secret weakness. Which is...
If they're immune to modern weapons why do nukes work? Off the top of my head I'm coming up with three.

Besides, claymores and cluster bombs aren't exactly high tech. I also think something like a 30mm autocannon would be devastating. Bugs don't know to disperse (and they wouldn't be much of a threat dispersed anyway) and if you group up like they do area attacks will be devastating.
Something's fishy about this; I am only posting for the halibut. It's okay, I don't Raelly believe in Cod.

did you order something online fish.jpg

Looks like someone's being fed a line.
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