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Images that make you laugh

so this was actually posted by a creationist on Facebook. I thought it was a joke at first. It’s not. He’s deadly serious. :banghead:

“Rarely” implies sometimes. Interesting…
Death by untreatable toxin, or death by injected radio-nuclide (I'm thinking of that guy Russia killed with polonium.) The victim might be alive but doomed.

Likewise, death by a radiation dose in the 1,000-5,000 rem range. (Both are a bit foggy as obviously we have nothing but observational data.) You're alive, conscious but the docs can't save you. (Or at least couldn't with the tech of the time. This is fatal by killing the bone marrow--treatable with transplant assuming a suitable donor can be located; and it is fatal by messing up the digestive system. However, it's possible for people to live entirely by IV feeding, I wonder if they might be able to be saved by removing the dying digestive system.)

Go above this range and you're not going to be talking to the homicide detectives.
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