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Immigrant Concentration Camps

I agree with your sentiment here, but this is not a problem that started with the current administration. Obama also separated immigrant children from their parents, and used the same former Japanese internment camps that Trump is now using to house them. It's great that this is now getting covered, and perhaps it takes an outwardly fascist-friendly President to make people see the parallels rather than a smooth-talking liberal one, but the difference between their immigration policies where this matter is concerned is minor at best. Conservatives like to use this as a way of excusing Trump; what we should be doing is using it to condemn both Trump and Obama.

In order to be tried for illegal immigration, children must be separated form their parents. This was put in place by the Dems.
No, it was the result of a lawsuit and a judge made that decision.
Did you see the recent tweet that got tons of backlash? A woman posted a tweet that went something like this, "I love taking care of my husband and cleaning up after him!"


A lot of people who are anti-women bigots were complaining and screaming about this. The woman who tweeted was not forced by her husband to do anything. She enjoys it. Yet, deviate from the leftists mindset of how a woman should act and you get screamed at. Pretty sick stuff.

This thread is about the inhumane treatment of immigrants and the right wing pretense of emergency to justify their abuses. It's not here to be your fucking hobby horse to derail off into other branches of right wing authoritarian disease.

But, the only group resembling Nazi's these days are the leftists. Michael Knowles was attacked at one of his speeches by students who threw a glitter-filled liquid on him. Why did they do this? Because he said "Men are not women." Wow, what a non-controversial 100% factual biological statement to make and they attack him. It is quite ironic to me that the left tells the right that they are against science while the left doesn't understand basic biology.
Did you see the recent tweet that got tons of backlash? A woman posted a tweet that went something like this, "I love taking care of my husband and cleaning up after him!"


A lot of people who are anti-women bigots were complaining and screaming about this. The woman who tweeted was not forced by her husband to do anything. She enjoys it. Yet, deviate from the leftists mindset of how a woman should act and you get screamed at. Pretty sick stuff.

This thread is about the inhumane treatment of immigrants and the right wing pretense of emergency to justify their abuses. It's not here to be your fucking hobby horse to derail off into other branches of right wing authoritarian disease.

But, the only group resembling Nazi's these days are the leftists. Michael Knowles was attacked at one of his speeches by students who threw a glitter-filled liquid on him. Why did they do this? Because he said "Men are not women." Wow, what a non-controversial 100% factual biological statement to make and they attack him. It is quite ironic to me that the left tells the right that they are against science while the left doesn't understand basic biology.

I'm not going to tell you again. Take your derail bullshit elsewhere.
Here's an odd take. Why does being born in the country entitle you to more empathy from your fellow citizens than those immigrants who may be harder working and better people? Its a strange sort of birth right if you think about it. What if we exchanged some of our home grown for immigrants? That would piss off both the left and right equally, ya?

Do you think that US citizens never emigrate or something ?
Here's an odd take. Why does being born in the country entitle you to more empathy from your fellow citizens than those immigrants who may be harder working and better people? Its a strange sort of birth right if you think about it. What if we exchanged some of our home grown for immigrants? That would piss off both the left and right equally, ya?

Do you think that US citizens never emigrate or something ?

There are 1.5 million Americans living in Mexico
But, the only group resembling Nazi's these days are the leftists.

Do you suffer from a learning or comprehension disability? The Daily Stormer is a neo nazi website. Here is one of their publishers:


And seeing as you think posting random youtube clips support arguments, what does this group remind you of:

You missed the point. ‘Half-Life’ noted doing this to illegals. This treatment is happening to people who have committed zero crimes at all.

The two are equivalent in my book dude
Yes, I guess I should have been aware of your intolerance for nuance and understanding the point of context.

If you ask Americans is it okay to separate illegal immigrant families verses is it okay to separate families seeking asylum, you'll likely get a very different set of percentages against the two policies. This is why Trump and the White House are continuing to rail on illegal immigration at the border and the overcrowding... when in fact, the US system is getting full of asylum seekers.
 List of concentration and internment camps now includes "Undocumented Migrants at the Mexico–United States Border" alongside Guantanamo Bay and WWII Japanese-American internment camps.


Why don't you look at the comments and see how many people are calling her an idiot?
They say it's an insult to the Jews who were in ACTUAL concentration camps.
 List of concentration and internment camps now includes "Undocumented Migrants at the Mexico–United States Border" alongside Guantanamo Bay and WWII Japanese-American internment camps.


Why don't you look at the comments and see how many people are calling her an idiot?
They say it's an insult to the Jews who were in ACTUAL concentration camps.

Do you ever express your own original thought?
 List of concentration and internment camps now includes "Undocumented Migrants at the Mexico–United States Border" alongside Guantanamo Bay and WWII Japanese-American internment camps.


Why don't you look at the comments and see how many people are calling her an idiot?
They say it's an insult to the Jews who were in ACTUAL concentration camps.

Do you ever express your own original thought?

Yes, they aren't concentration camps. If they were, word would spread to the migrants and they wouldn't come here. Who in their right mind voluntarily goes to a concentration camp?
Do you ever express your own original thought?

Yes, they aren't concentration camps. If they were, word would spread to the migrants and they wouldn't come here. Who in their right mind voluntarily goes to a concentration camp?
Someone who felt that they were better off inside such a camp rather than outside of it. Especially if they felt that their internment was only temporary and they would end up with a freer, safer and better life.
Right, concentration camps. We are overwhelmed by upwards of 100,000 unweducated and non English speaking refugees.
More like fakefugees. I.e. economic migrants using claims of being "refugees" in order to scam their way into US.

Many requiring health care. Children . Pregnant women traveling alone.
There is one reason and one reason only a woman would do undergo such a grueling journey while pregnant - she is hoping to give birth to an anchor baby. I think all pregnant women should be held outside the US territory to avoid that. We have way too many anchor babies as it is!

On CNN today there are Africans making their wat to South America and into Mexico.
Hardly surprising. If you make it easy for mass migrants to make up bogus asylum claims to get into US, that encourages more to do likewise.

Again on CNN interviewing refugees. The belief is common that once you get across the border especialy with children you are homer free. It is that perception more than anyone else that drives the migration. As much as I despise Trump it is not really his fault.
And they are mostly right, unfortunately. It is very difficult to deport illegals these days, esp. if they settle in a sanctuary city.

It is the fault of Congress for decades of kicking the can down the road. It is he fault of liberals who out of fear of being labeled racist refuse to condemn the migration and call it what it is. Illegal immigration. They managed to change the narrative to 'undocumented immigrants' in an attempt to legitimize illegal immigration.
And now increasingly it's just "immigrant" as if there was no difference between legal and illegal migration.
The US didn't have an "overwhelming" problem, yet... now we do.
Central American invasion started under Obama. Had something been done about it then, this could have been avoided.

You mean other than help invest in Central America and make real progress in dealing with the American drug habit that drives the cartels in their countries?

That too, but also enforce our borders and don't let any illegals in and deport all illegals known to the government instead of giving them perks and benefits.
If illegal immigration is the current problem, why is everyone heading to the border and applying for "asylum"?
It's a tactic to skirt the immigration laws. The illegals in America saw how successful this tactic has been in Europe with millions of bogus "asylum seekers" flooding the continent.

I find it funny that you talk about the horrors of human trafficking and then rail on caravans, which actually is safer for the people.
The point is that they should stay home instead of trying to migrate illegally.
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