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Immigrant Concentration Camps

I've met some of these undocumented immigrants that some of you demonize. Most of them are wonderful, hard working people.

I am sure many are, as individuals. That is not the issue though. The issue is a) they broke the law to get here and b) if we let them slide, that invites many more to do likewise.

Had we enforced our immigration laws for the last few decades, we would not have hundreds of thousands of people thinking they can easily illegally migrate as well.
The numbers are unsustainable and something needs to be done. Pointing that out is not "xenophobia".
Yes, I guess I should have been aware of your intolerance for nuance and understanding the point of context.

If you ask Americans is it okay to separate illegal immigrant families verses is it okay to separate families seeking asylum, you'll likely get a very different set of percentages against the two policies. This is why Trump and the White House are continuing to rail on illegal immigration at the border and the overcrowding... when in fact, the US system is getting full of asylum seekers.

You have it backwards. This is why the illegals are now calling themsleves 'asylum seekers' ... when in fact, they have no legitimate grounds for asylum and are just old garden variety illegal immigrants.
Especially if they felt that their internment was only temporary and they would end up with a freer, safer and better life.

Exactly. They are hoping that their ploy to illegally immigrate into US will be successful in the end.
Having plenty of anchor babies outweighs the discomfort of being detained in a center.

By the way, these US centers are far more comfortable than some of the European camps.
‘Better to Drown’: A Greek Refugee Camp’s Epidemic of Misery
I can't feel for most of these mass migrants either. Despite the photos with children, vast majority of these mass migrants are young men travelling alone. The common MO is this: a family in say Afghanistan or Pakistan sells their land to pay 1000s of dollars to smugglers to send one of their sons to Europe. The son is then supposed to send money back home so the family can enjoy significant return on their investment.
Yes, I guess I should have been aware of your intolerance for nuance and understanding the point of context.

If you ask Americans is it okay to separate illegal immigrant families verses is it okay to separate families seeking asylum, you'll likely get a very different set of percentages against the two policies. This is why Trump and the White House are continuing to rail on illegal immigration at the border and the overcrowding... when in fact, the US system is getting full of asylum seekers.

You have it backwards. This is why the illegals are now calling themsleves 'asylum seekers' ... when in fact, they have no legitimate grounds for asylum and are just old garden variety illegal immigrants.
Do you have any statistics about the fraction of these asylum seekers who are not garden variety migrants to share so that we can take your observation as serious description of the situation?
Especially if they felt that their internment was only temporary and they would end up with a freer, safer and better life.

Exactly. They are hoping that their ploy to illegally immigrate into US will be successful in the end.
Having plenty of anchor babies outweighs the discomfort of being detained in a center.
Projection is not analysis - it is narcissism. You have no idea what fraction of these migrants are true asylum seekers. You have no idea what their motives really are. Seriously, wtf is your problem that you feel the need to vomit these vile views forth?
Do you have any statistics about the fraction of these asylum seekers who are not garden variety migrants to share so that we can take your observation as serious description of the situation?
Do you? The burden of proof should be on those who claim that these are legitimate asylum seekers.

By the way, during the caravan last October there was a lot of media attention. Many mass migrants in these caravans were interviewed. They all complained of poverty and lack of jobs. I.e. they are economic migrants, not asylum seekers.
[ You have no idea what fraction of these migrants are true asylum seekers.
Do you?

You have no idea what their motives really are. Seriously, wtf is your problem that you feel the need to vomit these vile views forth?
A lot of migrants in the caravans were interviewed and complained of lack of jobs. Furthermore the increase in number of "asylum seekers" in highly suspect given that there wasn't a major political change in these countries. Much more likely is that they saw how successful bogus "asylum" claims have been in Europe and they decided to try to fool American idiots as well. And unfortunately there are enough American idiots like you for the tactic to be successful.
Do you have any statistics about the fraction of these asylum seekers who are not garden variety migrants to share so that we can take your observation as serious description of the situation?
Do you? The burden of proof should be on those who claim that these are legitimate asylum seekers.
I will take that as an admission you have no data whatsoever.

Requests for asylum should be responsibly and fairly investigated. Those seeking asylum should be treated with human dignity and not disparaged with ignorant and bigoted remarks.

By the way, during the caravan last October there was a lot of media attention. Many mass migrants in these caravans were interviewed. They all complained of poverty and lack of jobs. I.e. they are economic migrants, not asylum seekers.
And many complained also of running away from violence. For some reason, you seem unable to grasp the simple concept that people have multiple reasons for their actions.
[ You have no idea what fraction of these migrants are true asylum seekers.
Do you?
I am not making claims of fact - you are.

A lot of migrants in the caravans were interviewed and complained of lack of jobs.
See above.

Furthermore the increase in number of "asylum seekers" in highly suspect given that there wasn't a major political change in these countries.
From I read, they are fleeing murder and violence, regardless of the political circumstance. So, as usual, you are missing the point.
Much more likely is that they saw how successful bogus "asylum" claims have been in Europe and they decided to try to fool American idiots as well. And unfortunately there are enough American idiots like you for the tactic to be successful.
Yeah, all those children and teenagers are crafty little devils.
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Wouldn't a better example of a "shithole country" be countries where Muslims throw gays off rooftops and behead women for not wearing hijab?

Yes, I very surely trust your good faith argument which is a reflection of how much you truly care about gays and women's rights.

Did you see the recent tweet that got tons of backlash? A woman posted a tweet that went something like this, "I love taking care of my husband and cleaning up after him!"


A lot of people who are anti-women bigots were complaining and screaming about this. The woman who tweeted was not forced by her husband to do anything. She enjoys it. Yet, deviate from the leftists mindset of how a woman should act and you get screamed at. Pretty sick stuff.

[ You have no idea what fraction of these migrants are true asylum seekers.
Do you?

You have no idea what their motives really are. Seriously, wtf is your problem that you feel the need to vomit these vile views forth?
A lot of migrants in the caravans were interviewed and complained of lack of jobs. Furthermore the increase in number of "asylum seekers" in highly suspect given that there wasn't a major political change in these countries. Much more likely is that they saw how successful bogus "asylum" claims have been in Europe and they decided to try to fool American idiots as well. And unfortunately there are enough American idiots like you for the tactic to be successful.

I'm absolutely sure you would not have minded a little time in a concentration camp while your asylum claim was reviewed, right?
I'm absolutely sure you would not have minded a little time in a concentration camp while your asylum claim was reviewed, right?

- these are not concentration camps
- people seeking better jobs are not legitimate asylum seekers

You guys are worrying over nothing. Right-wing circles are laughing about how much the left is fear mongering about this. Obama was the one who started these centers and no one said anything until Trump continued in Obama's footsteps. This is only a temporary situation anyway until the crisis gets under control.

No one sees any leftists at the border offering to house the immigrants.

You guys are worrying over nothing. [...] This is only a temporary situation anyway until the crisis gets under control.

You really don't know ANYTHING about the history of concentration camps, do you?

That's EXACTLY what everyone who has established such camps has ALWAYS said. Ever since the very first concentration camps were set up during the Boer War.

As I said elsewhere:
To me it seems like an accurate description of what these facilities are. They are central sites intended for the temporary but indefinite detaining of non-criminals, established to prevent those persons from dispersing around the nation, so that their activities can be supervised by the authorities. That's what a concentration camp IS.

Detainees are placed in concentration camps on the basis of ethnicity, point of origin, or other group characteristics, rather than as the result of (or pending) individual legal proceedings to establish their guilt for a specific charge (or multiple charges).

The first concentration camps were established by the British Imperial government in South Africa, to house the Boer families who were suspected of giving shelter and comfort to guerrilla forces. They were not intended to be particularly unpleasant, much less deadly; But neglect and disinterest turned them into hell holes.

The Nazis adopted a similar approach a few decades later, but later developed the concept to include deliberate death camps, as well as camps used to supply slave labour to the nation and her industries.

As a result, the association between concentration camps and Naziism is well established in popular culture - but the Nazi camps were only the most extreme variant on a well established theme. And even the Nazis started out with simple detention camps for persons deemed inferior to, or politically dangerous to, the Nazi ideal. Whch is exactly what the current US government is worried about - THEY are in our country, making things worse for, (or at least threatening to make things worse for) US. THEY are rounded up and put in camps, because WE are scared of what THEY will do if allowed to roam free. Not what they will do as individuals; But what they, as a group, will do to our national identity, to our precious self-image.

That's what concentration camps ARE; And that's what the US (and for that matter Australia) has set up. It's an unfortunately common 'solution' when governments stop treating certain groups as though they were real people.

You are either a person; Or you are an 'illegal', a 'queue jumper', an 'enemy of the state', a 'traitor', a 'Jew', or a 'communist'. Once you have established who isn't really a person, rounding up the sub-humans and putting them in camps is the obvious solution. You wouldn't do that to people; Even criminals deserve due process before being locked up. But when you lock up unpersons, that's perfectly fine, reasonable, even patriotic and noble.

It's a very easy mindset to get into. The VAST majority of Nazis considered themselves decent, honest, god-fearing, and patriotic. They weren't monsters - the scariest thing about them was that they weren't monsters. They were just regular Joes (or Johanns), trying to earn an honest crust, and intent on keeping society orderly, clean, and decent.

That this desperate defence of national identity and self-image, as strong, morally upstanding, virtuous paragons of all that is best in humanity, leads in fact to being reviled as evil sadists, is a tragedy not only for the victims, but also for the perpetrators.

It's not yet too late for America. But the edge of the precipice is perilously close, so it's a good idea to take off the blinkers, and watch where you are heading.

Pretending that your concentration camps are not real concentration camps, is a bad, bad, bad idea.
You missed the point. ‘Half-Life’ noted doing this to illegals. This treatment is happening to people who have committed zero crimes at all.

The two are equivalent in my book dude
Yes, I guess I should have been aware of your intolerance for nuance and understanding the point of context.

If you ask Americans is it okay to separate illegal immigrant families verses is it okay to separate families seeking asylum, you'll likely get a very different set of percentages against the two policies. This is why Trump and the White House are continuing to rail on illegal immigration at the border and the overcrowding... when in fact, the US system is getting full of asylum seekers.

No. This is not gonna boil down to another debate about legalism. It happened in the run-up to the Iraq war: do you remember? Every liberal including myself was fuming about how Bush had the gall to go to war with Iraq without UN approval, as if the UN approving an unprovoked act of aggression against another nation would have made it acceptable. The "nuance" of that distinction is a red herring that actually prevents people from appreciating the full weight of what happened, and set the stage for a complacent populace (and media) to allow the slaughter of thousands of innocent people. And here we are again. Let's ask ourselves about nuance here, shall we? The illegal entry of non-citizens into America is a misdemeanor. It's not even a felony. The American response to acts of illegal immigration has always been a calculated overreaction designed to provoke fear and to punish, not to detain people humanely until they receive due process. No misdemeanor justifies the forcible separation of children from their families and extended internment in camps. When the law says otherwise, the law is wrong.
I'm absolutely sure you would not have minded a little time in a concentration camp while your asylum claim was reviewed, right?

- these are not concentration camps
You are confusing death camps with concentration camps. As bilby demonstrates post #221 from Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!, these are concentration camps.
- people seeking better jobs are not legitimate asylum seekers
If that is their only motivation, you are correct. But you persist in imputing a single motive on all of these people without any evidence to support your claim.
Yes, I guess I should have been aware of your intolerance for nuance and understanding the point of context.

If you ask Americans is it okay to separate illegal immigrant families verses is it okay to separate families seeking asylum, you'll likely get a very different set of percentages against the two policies. This is why Trump and the White House are continuing to rail on illegal immigration at the border and the overcrowding... when in fact, the US system is getting full of asylum seekers.

No. This is not gonna boil down to another debate about legalism. It happened in the run-up to the Iraq war: do you remember? Every liberal including myself was fuming about how Bush had the gall to go to war with Iraq without UN approval, as if the UN approving an unprovoked act of aggression against another nation would have made it acceptable.
What?! What liberal was upset about the Iraqi invasion because of the lack of UN approval? People were against an Iraqi invasion as it was a preemptive use of force against a nation that wasn't harming America under a cloak of being part of a 9/11 military response.
The "nuance" of that distinction is a red herring that actually prevents people from appreciating the full weight of what happened, and set the stage for a complacent populace (and media) to allow the slaughter of thousands of innocent people.
Goodness you have fallen off the rails here, with a strawman and then nonsensical rantings.
And here we are again. Let's ask ourselves about nuance here, shall we? The illegal entry of non-citizens into America is a misdemeanor. It's not even a felony. The American response to acts of illegal immigration has always been a calculated overreaction designed to provoke fear and to punish, not to detain people humanely until they receive due process. No misdemeanor justifies the forcible separation of children from their families and extended internment in camps. When the law says otherwise, the law is wrong.
I suppose I must be wasting my time because you clearly aren't reading anything I am writing.
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