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Immigrants being dropped off? PUT THEM TO WORK, Dumb-Dumb!

What should be done about all the new immigrant arrivals in major U.S. cities?

  • Put them to work, or let employers hire them.

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Keep shipping them around from one city to another.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crack down on independent contractors.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Raise the minimum wage to $20/hour

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Pass more labor laws to crack down on employers.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Lock up all employers who hire an "illegal" immigrant.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Shut down all the sweatshops.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Call a general strike. Shut down major industries.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elect Donald Trump.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Re-elect Joe Biden to continue the present policies.

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
Oh, it’s more than a few thousand “new residents”, it’s a whole lot more.
If it's the asylum program we're talking about, the number of successful asylum cases varies considerably from year to year, but it is always in the tens of thousands.

Please answer my previous question. I don't see the point in making vague accusations then refusing to defend them with anything other than an emoji.
If it's the asylum program we're talking about, the number of successful asylum cases varies considerably from year to year, but it is always in the tens of thousands.

So you want to significantly increase the tax burden on the wealthy for a few thousand asylum seekers? What about the rest of the “new residents”, the hundreds of thousands of non asylum seekers, you know, the “migrants”, the “immigrants” etc.

Not sure you’ve thought this through fella.
If it's the asylum program we're talking about, the number of successful asylum cases varies considerably from year to year, but it is always in the tens of thousands.

So you want to significantly increase the tax burden on the wealthy for a few thousand asylum seekers? What about the rest of the “new residents”, the hundreds of thousands of non asylum seekers, you know, the “migrants”, the “immigrants” etc.

Not sure you’ve thought this through fella.
Oh no, funding the government properly is a general preoccupation of mine. The immigration "problem" is just one of many problems that wouldn't be problems if the US wasn't obsessed with keeping its entire education, healthcare, policing, and housing systems on perpetually desperate shoestring budgets while letting its most prosperous citizens loophole their way out of getting taxed at all.
Leviticus 19: 33-34

“‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt."
Are you trying to say asylum seekers are immigrants?
Are you trying to say you actually know the difference? I mean, I'm sure you can say some bullshit catchprase that white nationalist would like - but you are not a worthless cunt like that.

You are smarter than that. You can articulate legally the difference between an asylum seeker and an immigrant. You can provide an opinion for or against. Because obviously, you are not a cunt, as is expressly portrayed. You are willing to provide you own definition.

Simply put; it is obvious you aren't an equivocating cunt and that you are able to provide your own opinion any time you like. So, mate, what is the difference between a refugee and an immigrant in your opinion?
Less than 2 weeks ago, I underwent an unexpected quintuple bypass surgery at the Mayo Clinic. The lead surgeon was from Uruguay, assisted by doctors from Argentina, Bangladesh and the US. I had nurses from West Africa, Poland, South Korea and the US.

As a nation, we gain from welcoming immigrants of all skills from wherever they hail.
I hope you are doing OK now.
Maybe the multinational corporations that spent our tax money fucking up the countries those people are fleeing can chip in to deal with them?

Interesting idea, go on.
I think it is the pragmatism that American foreign policy (both economic and political) as well as the American illegal drug habit (including the failed drug war) is in large part complicit with the immigration problems the US is dealing with regarding immigration from south of the border, much like how helping the Mujahidin inadvertently domino'd a path that led to 9/11. Paying the piper and all. We meddled in these countries (with unanimous right-wing / conservative approval) to stomp out communism and "stop" the drug trade... and are now upset regarding the consequences of those actions... kind of like people being upset that China "stole" all of our jobs.

The long-term solution is an economic and aid trade pact with Mexico, Central America, South America to help develop the economies, but the right-wing is so self-centered and cheap and deluded, they just think spending any money on it is a waste and that they believe we can be against something enough that the economic, political, and violence related realities will just stop mattering enough that these people will stop coming. Right-wing policy on immigration from south of the border is as ridiculous and naïve as "Just say no."
Show me a company with a staff of monolingual English speakers, and I'll show you a company that only does local business.

And in certain parts of the country, those that do local business do it in Spanish. I lived in southern New Mexico and El Paso for years. The best places to eat were often the little "hole in the wall" Mexican restaurants where you placed your order in Spanish.

Nowadays, I work for a tech company based in San Francisco, and the level of diversity would absolutely terrify some of the people in the lily-white town where I grew up. Of course there's plenty of Asian Americans (with names like Tan, Lau, Nguyen, Chu, etc.), most of the managers in my department are women, and when I went through the interview process for my upcoming job, only one of the people I talked to was a white, straight male.

The "Make America Great Again" crowd doesn't want that. "Wait...your boss is a woman? And she's black?" Yes. She's awesome. And a few months from now my boss will be a black immigrant. To my mind, this is what makes America great. Not Lumpy's dream of sending migrants who show up on these shores into camps where they can work for half as much as everyone else, but welcoming people who may not have names like "Smith" or "Jones" but have worth that can enrich our society.
So what's the difference between your perceived utopia and the tower of babel? If no national walls exist and no one speaks the same language or culture, how does anyone accomplish anything? And if you finally agree only 1 language be spoken for practicality, which language would you choose to be chosen? And if you said Engish I would call you a hypocrite.

The formation of nation states were what brought civilization from hunter gatherer to to an agrarian economy. Had that not occurred San Francisco would not even exist.
The formation of nation states were what brought civilization from hunter gatherer to to an agrarian economy. Had that not occurred San Francisco would not even exist.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard this morning. You've got your history way screwed up - agragrian economies predate "nation-states" by 11,000 years - and you are also valorizing some ancient empires that you don't seem to know any facts about, as Judah was certainly was not monolingual, neither was Greece or Rome or any of the ancient empires you could name. People do need to learn languages to communicate, but there's no reason at all why there needs to be only one language.
Show me a company with a staff of monolingual English speakers, and I'll show you a company that only does local business.

And in certain parts of the country, those that do local business do it in Spanish. I lived in southern New Mexico and El Paso for years. The best places to eat were often the little "hole in the wall" Mexican restaurants where you placed your order in Spanish.

Nowadays, I work for a tech company based in San Francisco, and the level of diversity would absolutely terrify some of the people in the lily-white town where I grew up. Of course there's plenty of Asian Americans (with names like Tan, Lau, Nguyen, Chu, etc.), most of the managers in my department are women, and when I went through the interview process for my upcoming job, only one of the people I talked to was a white, straight male.

The "Make America Great Again" crowd doesn't want that. "Wait...your boss is a woman? And she's black?" Yes. She's awesome. And a few months from now my boss will be a black immigrant. To my mind, this is what makes America great. Not Lumpy's dream of sending migrants who show up on these shores into camps where they can work for half as much as everyone else, but welcoming people who may not have names like "Smith" or "Jones" but have worth that can enrich our society.
So what's the difference between your perceived utopia and the tower of babel?
That is a bizarre statement to make because in The Tower of Babel, man was achieving such incredible things, god feared the success would be too great, so he fucked things up.
If no national walls exist and no one speaks the same language or culture, how does anyone accomplish anything? And if you finally agree only 1 language be spoken for practicality, which language would you choose to be chosen? And if you said Engish I would call you a hypocrite.
How many immigrants have come to this nation, picked our food, built our railroads, done the dirty jobs? Well over a hundred of million? All speaking different languages, whether of Slavic, Scandinavian, Germanic, Hispanic origin. You are wailing on about nothing that wasn't wailed upon 100 years ago. Immigration has strengthened our nation. At no point had it not strengthened it. In fact, despite the increase in immigration to the US right now, the actual percent of people in the US that are immigrants is just about now reaching levels it was at historically in the early 20th century. The main difference with immigration in the US today is there are a number of alt-right websites dedicated to whining about immigration.

Distracting from the real issue of wealth theft.
Show me a company with a staff of monolingual English speakers, and I'll show you a company that only does local business.

And in certain parts of the country, those that do local business do it in Spanish. I lived in southern New Mexico and El Paso for years. The best places to eat were often the little "hole in the wall" Mexican restaurants where you placed your order in Spanish.

Nowadays, I work for a tech company based in San Francisco, and the level of diversity would absolutely terrify some of the people in the lily-white town where I grew up. Of course there's plenty of Asian Americans (with names like Tan, Lau, Nguyen, Chu, etc.), most of the managers in my department are women, and when I went through the interview process for my upcoming job, only one of the people I talked to was a white, straight male.

The "Make America Great Again" crowd doesn't want that. "Wait...your boss is a woman? And she's black?" Yes. She's awesome. And a few months from now my boss will be a black immigrant. To my mind, this is what makes America great. Not Lumpy's dream of sending migrants who show up on these shores into camps where they can work for half as much as everyone else, but welcoming people who may not have names like "Smith" or "Jones" but have worth that can enrich our society.
So what's the difference between your perceived utopia and the tower of babel?
That is a bizarre statement to make because in The Tower of Babel, man was achieving such incredible things, god feared the success would be too great, so he fucked things up.

In a way, that's what I alluded to earlier. Chinese Exclusion Acts, Tulsa Massacre, Muslim bans, hysteria about a border "invasion," etc. It's fear. White Replacement... whatever you want to call it. They're worried about immigrants/POC finding success and taking away things that the white patriarchy thinks "belong" to only them, so when they feel threatened, they fuck things up.
1.9 million people with little English, education, and skills. Wherever they end up they will be wards of the state. Unaccompanied kids, single parents.

Immigrants tend to fare better than the average citizen. The fact that they made it here weeds out a lot of the ones we wouldn't want.
The 1.9 million people entering the US includes US citizens returning to the US. For example, my wife and I went to Canada for a day. We speak English, have a home and one of us is still in the labor force gainfully employed. The 1.9 million includes one of the heart surgeons who worked on me 12 days ago. He speaks English, has a home and is gainfully employed.

So your response appears to me to based on extreme ignorance, fear and a bit of bigotry. Just what one sees from many theists.
Yup. I haven't counted but I would say I have entered the US a couple of dozen times and my wife almost as many.
1.9 million people with little English, education, and skills. Wherever they end up they will be wards of the state. Unaccompanied kids, single parents.

Immigrants tend to fare better than the average citizen. The fact that they made it here weeds out a lot of the ones we wouldn't want.
Can you show us the ass you pulled this out of?
Good news!! Freight trains carrying hundreds of healthcare workers,/engineers/"asylum seekers" are on their way!

New video shows hundreds of migrants cheering and waving the Venezuelan flag atop a US-bound cargo train - a continuation of scenes over the weekend when more than 5,000 were seen boarding another freighter to get into the country. Standing atop a train that has no seats for passengers and is only meant for cargo, the asylum seekers likely spent hours - or even days - clutching onto whatever they can, as railroad officials on the ground continue to turn a blind eye to the practice.

Daily Mail
Good news!! Freight trains carrying hundreds of healthcare workers,/engineers/"asylum seekers" are on their way!

New video shows hundreds of migrants cheering and waving the Venezuelan flag atop a US-bound cargo train - a continuation of scenes over the weekend when more than 5,000 were seen boarding another freighter to get into the country. Standing atop a train that has no seats for passengers and is only meant for cargo, the asylum seekers likely spent hours - or even days - clutching onto whatever they can, as railroad officials on the ground continue to turn a blind eye to the practice.

Daily Mail
What happened to rich states like Texas and Florida buying them bus tickets?

This is kinda what Loren was referring to in post #93.
The people on that train are tough, resilient, and determined.
People like them Made America Great!
Good news!! Freight trains carrying hundreds of healthcare workers,/engineers/"asylum seekers" are on their way!

New video shows hundreds of migrants cheering and waving the Venezuelan flag atop a US-bound cargo train - a continuation of scenes over the weekend when more than 5,000 were seen boarding another freighter to get into the country. Standing atop a train that has no seats for passengers and is only meant for cargo, the asylum seekers likely spent hours - or even days - clutching onto whatever they can, as railroad officials on the ground continue to turn a blind eye to the practice.

Daily Mail
What happened to rich states like Texas and Florida buying them bus tickets?

This is kinda what Loren was referring to in post #93.
The people on that train are tough, resilient, and determined.
People like them Made America Great!
Yes, this will be a welcome relief! All those doctors, nurses and teachers on their way to relieve our current shortfalls! 🥳
Good news!! Freight trains carrying hundreds of healthcare workers,/engineers/"asylum seekers" are on their way!

New video shows hundreds of migrants cheering and waving the Venezuelan flag atop a US-bound cargo train - a continuation of scenes over the weekend when more than 5,000 were seen boarding another freighter to get into the country. Standing atop a train that has no seats for passengers and is only meant for cargo, the asylum seekers likely spent hours - or even days - clutching onto whatever they can, as railroad officials on the ground continue to turn a blind eye to the practice.

Daily Mail
What happened to rich states like Texas and Florida buying them bus tickets?

This is kinda what Loren was referring to in post #93.
The people on that train are tough, resilient, and determined.
People like them Made America Great!
Yes, this will be a welcome relief! All those doctors, nurses and teachers on their way to relieve our current shortfalls! 🥳
No one made such a claim, so why present such an idiotic straw man?
Good news!! Freight trains carrying hundreds of healthcare workers,/engineers/"asylum seekers" are on their way!

New video shows hundreds of migrants cheering and waving the Venezuelan flag atop a US-bound cargo train - a continuation of scenes over the weekend when more than 5,000 were seen boarding another freighter to get into the country. Standing atop a train that has no seats for passengers and is only meant for cargo, the asylum seekers likely spent hours - or even days - clutching onto whatever they can, as railroad officials on the ground continue to turn a blind eye to the practice.

Daily Mail
What happened to rich states like Texas and Florida buying them bus tickets?

This is kinda what Loren was referring to in post #93.
The people on that train are tough, resilient, and determined.
People like them Made America Great!

Others (Fox News, Daily Mail, NY Post) just Make America Whine Again.
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